Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation

Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation Considering a Cadre Augmented Army - RAND Corporation


-88- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre

-89- A Budgetary Analysis of Cadre 8. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have seen that a cadre augmented force can save billions of dollars annually without significantly increasing military risk. Although the magnitude of this result is sensitive to some of the underlying assumptions, over a wide range of assumptions, the cost savings are still very large. In the base case examined in Chapter Two, the CadreMix force reduced average long-run costs by $11 billion annually. Figure 8.1 summarizes how the average long-run cost savings from the CadreMix force vary over a wide range of parameters. The key sensitivities identified below are similar for the other cadre augmented forces examined in this paper and for peacetime cost savings. 103 Figure 8.1—Average Long-Run Annual Cost Savings from CadreMix Force over a Range of Assumptions 104 The cost savings from a cadre augmented force are relatively insensitive to the assumed frequency of war and cadre peacetime cost. The key assumptions in determining ____________ 103 The peacetime savings will be slightly higher for each set of parameters but the general trend will be the same. 104 The cells are colored to depict the attractiveness of a cadre augmented force. Green signifies a cadre augmented force is very attractive (large cost savings), yellow and orange signify that a cadre force is less attractive but still reduces cost, red signifies that a cadre augmented force increases cost relative to the baseline non-cadre force.

-88- A Budgetary Analysis of <strong>Cadre</strong>

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