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Borough of Ramsey<br />

2006 Reorganization Meeting<br />

January 1, 2006<br />

Mayor Muti welcomed everyone to the 98 th Reorganization Meeting. The pledge of allegiance was led by<br />

the Ramsey Volunteer Fire Department. Reverend Dr. Carol Brighton, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of<br />

the Redeemer, gave the invocation.<br />

The oaths of office were administered to newly elected Councilmen Andrew Siemsen and Bruce Vozeh<br />

By Peter A. Scandariato, Esq. Mayor Muti presented the new councilmen with their badges and<br />

business cards.<br />

Mayor Muti officially called the meeting to order.<br />

ROLL CALL:<br />

Present: Mayor Muti, Councilmembers Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh,<br />

Borough Administrator Nicholas Saros, Borough Attorney Per Scandariato, and Borough Clerk<br />

Meredith Bendian.<br />

Absent: None<br />

Mayor read the Open Public Meetings Law notice. Mayor welcomed members of the Board of Education<br />

and thanked them for attending this meeting.<br />

Resolution Number One: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

It Resolved that the By-Laws of the Borough Council of the Borough of Ramsey, New Jersey,<br />

dated 1984, and as subsequently amended, be and are hereby adopted as the By-Laws for the year 2006.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Mayor opened the nominations for Council President. Councilman Bisaillon nominated Christopher<br />

Botta, seconded by Councilman Nalbandian. Mayor asked if there were any other nominations.<br />

Councilman Bisaillon moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Heller, Carried. Mayor<br />

instructed the clerk to cast one ballot for Councilman Botta for Council President. Councilman Botta is<br />

declared and elected as Council President.<br />

Remarks By Newly Elected Council Members<br />

Councilman Siemsen thanked the voters for electing him and stated that he looked forward to serving the<br />

community. Councilman Siemsen thanked his wife, Michelle, for her support along with their two<br />

children, Amanda and Jonathan, as well as his parents. Councilman Siemsen stated that he grew up in<br />

this town. His background is in city planning and commercial relocations. There is very little land<br />

available for ratables and we must protect residential properties. The only means of developing our tax<br />

base will be through redevelopment of commercial properties. We must have pro-residential zoning. We<br />

must continue to strive to support our employees and volunteers. My thanks to all the volunteers. In<br />

particular, I am looking forward to working with our senior citizens; they are a valued resource. Creating<br />

a bridge between our seniors and young people is something I will strive to accomplish. Many American

lives have been sacrificed for the right to vote and I am happy to live in a country where we have that<br />

right. I am confident that we will come up with decisions that are in the best interest of Ramsey.<br />

Councilman Vozeh thanked everyone for being here and expressed his appreciation to the voters, friends,<br />

mother, and his wife and children. It comes with a responsibility which we do not take lightly. Former<br />

President Ronald Regan once said the nine most terrifying words in the English language were, “I am<br />

from the government and I am here to help”. In Ramsey, we need to work hard to make sure that quote<br />

does not ring true locally. We need to insure professional relationships and respect for all citizens.<br />

We need to have an open door coupled with an open mind and consider all the ramifications before we<br />

make a decision. We are public servants but we also have a need to function through a process and a<br />

systematic approach. Our role needs planning and process. While we need to strive to resolve issues as<br />

quickly as possible, we need to review the ramifications to all citizens. It doesn’t mean that no one is<br />

listening or no one cares, it is better to not shoot from the hip. I will be chairing the Finance and<br />

Administration and we will be looking at the health benefits options. This is a major issue. If a health<br />

benefit plan can be found that reduces costs and provide greater employee benefits, we are all for it.<br />

I believe we need an independent review of our options. It is a duty to make tough decisions. We need<br />

to be cognizant of the delicate balance between cost savings and level of service. Debate is healthy and<br />

we must remember not to polarize the town. I would like to thank my father who passed away a little<br />

more than a year ago, but it was his shining example and dedication to community service that guided me<br />

and put me here before you. Thank you for your trust.<br />

I<br />

Council President Botta thanked his colleagues and indicated that he hopes to be able to live up to the<br />

standards which are required for the new year. He looks forward to working with the newly elected<br />

councilmembers. The business of government isn’t always pretty, but we do the best we can and we want<br />

to push the agenda forward. He wished everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year.<br />

Councilman Bisaillon joined the Mayor to present a plaque to Jack Roche who is retiring as president of<br />

the Board of Public Wroks. Mayor stated that there have been a number of challenges over the past 10<br />

years and expressed his appreciation to Jack for his dedication and service to the Board.<br />

Mayor announced that Bill Buckley, Chairman of the Board of Adjustment, is also retiring after 33 years<br />

of service to the Board. Mr. Buckley was unable to attend today.<br />

Council President Botta announced that outgoing Councilmembers Mario Ratto and Julie O’Brien were<br />

not here today but we do have plaques for them and thanked them for their service to the Borough.<br />

Mayor Muti opened the nominations for Class III member of the Planning Boarding. Councilman<br />

Nalbandian nominated Andrew Siemsen, seconded by Bisaillon. Nominations closed. Carried.<br />

Mayor instructed the clerk to cast one ballot for the unanimous election of Andrew Siemsen as the<br />

Class III member of the Planning Board.<br />


Resolution Number Two – Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the regular meeting of the Borough Council of the Borough of Ramsey for the<br />

Year 2006 be the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:30 p.m. or at the conclusion of the<br />

Agenda Work Session should it conclude prior to 8:30p.m. in the Council Chambers at Borough Hall.<br />

Agenda Work Sessions will precede the Council Meetings at 7:30 p.m. with the exception of the Work<br />

Session that is scheduled for the Council Meeting that follows the Monthly Work Session will begin at<br />

8:00 p.m. The regular Monthly Work Session will be held at 7:30 p.m. on the fourth Monday of each<br />

month. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers unless otherwise announced. The Mayor and<br />

Council will hold its first meeting of 2007 on Monday, January 1, 2007 at 1:00 p.m. at the Municipal<br />

Building for the purpose of reorganizing and conducting other business that may come before it and<br />

formal action may be taken on such matters.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Three: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Fire Department Officers be approved for the<br />

Year 2006:<br />

Line Officers:<br />

Chief Thomas Lanning<br />

Assistant Chief Michael Scalione<br />

Deputy Chief James Dougherty<br />

Captain Carl Held<br />

Captain James Kennedy<br />

Lieutenant Steve Forbes<br />

Lieutenant Pierre Gauthier<br />

Lieutenant John Davis<br />

Lieutenant Randy Sterbinsky<br />

Lieutenant Gary Paul<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

President Kenny Bell<br />

Vice President Joe Lehr<br />

Treasurer Jane Zuroff<br />

Recording Secretary Miryam Fonken<br />

Financial Secretary Garry Tonnon<br />

Trustees<br />

Donald Heidt<br />

Jason Klein<br />

John Pasichnyk<br />

George Rough<br />

Randall Sterbinsky<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Mayor asked the officers to come forward for the oath of office.<br />


Resolution Number Four: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Rescue Squad Officers be approved for the<br />

Year 2006:<br />

Line Officers:<br />

Chief Michael Burns<br />

Deputy Chief Jonathan Krehel<br />

Captain Joseph Manfredonia<br />

1 st Lieutenant Richard Muser<br />

2 nd Lieutenant Kelly Blayer<br />

3 rd Lieutenant Kathryn Tuttle<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

President Erik Endress<br />

Vice President Carol Brady<br />

Secretary Kelly Vriesma<br />

Treasurer Kimberly Milstone<br />

Trustee Brian Phillips<br />

Trustee Kevin Tarzian<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

Members came forward for the oath of office.<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Five: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following list of Ramsey Volunteer Ambulance Corps Officers be installed for the<br />

Year 2006:<br />

Line Officers:<br />

Administrative Officers:<br />

Trustees:<br />

Chief Steven Ahlstedt<br />

1st Lieutenant Jan Notte<br />

2nd Lieutenant Peter Gonzalves<br />

3rd Lieutenant Brian Behrmann<br />

President Jane DePiero<br />

Vice President William Lara<br />

Corresponding Secretary Colleen Gubala<br />

Treasurer Clayton Bridges<br />

Annette Young<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

Members came forward for the oath of office.<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Communications From The Mayor<br />

Honorable Members Of The Council, I Hereby Make The Following Appointments:<br />

Beautification Committee<br />

Mark Madsen<br />

Alice Fjotland<br />

Marianne Kaplan<br />

Beverly O’Hearn<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Bisaillon<br />

Board of Education Liaison: Councilman Botta<br />

Citizens’ Budget Advisory Task Force<br />

Pamela Bonan<br />

Christopher Brady<br />

Stephen Daffron<br />

Ken Graves<br />

Steven Mendelsohn<br />

Albert Radom<br />

Peter Ruel<br />

Robert Timmes<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Vozeh<br />

Liaison To New Jersey Motion Picture & Television Commission<br />

Dean Cartier<br />

Public Advocate<br />

Harris Recht, Esq.<br />

Ramsey Historian<br />

Thomas A. Dater<br />

Ramsey Centennial Committee<br />

John L. Scerbo, Chairman<br />

Mayor Richard Muti<br />

Rev. Msgr. Lawerence W. Cull. St. Paul’s Roman Catholic Church<br />

Nancy Boone, Ramsey Historical Association<br />

Thomas Larsen, Knights of Columbus, Ramsey Council #3962<br />

Ron Kase, Ramsey Historical Association<br />

Joseph Barnes<br />

Jayne Barry<br />

Joan Baxer<br />

Philip Mones<br />

Debra Nalbandian<br />

Lynn Novak<br />


Wendy Bloom<br />

Heather Brogowski<br />

Anita Cannata-Nowell<br />

Joe Carey<br />

JoAnn Carroll<br />

Dean Cartier, Jr.<br />

Robert Cella<br />

Becky Cella<br />

Edie Kielch D’Andrea<br />

Thomas Dater<br />

Peter DelVecchio<br />

Rich Eichen<br />

Harriet Fillmore<br />

Susan Flood<br />

Elaine Y. Fry<br />

Jackie Gersht<br />

Judith Grief<br />

Doris Griffin<br />

Joan Hamilton<br />

Alden Hansel<br />

Kristen Illes<br />

Christine Illes<br />

Michelle Kaczorowski<br />

Jim Keeney<br />

Joan Keeney<br />

Norm Kopack<br />

Ernie Larrat<br />

Michael Lonier<br />

Carol Loxton<br />

Jan Mansley<br />

Richard Mathieson<br />

Lisa McGrath<br />

Mary McLaughlin<br />

Anne O’Loughlin<br />

Dan Perino<br />

Diane Perino<br />

Peter Reganato<br />

Ken Reilly<br />

Christopher Rotella<br />

Rob Rottingen<br />

Mary Rottingen<br />

Donna Schifano<br />

Jeremy Schreiber<br />

Lauren Schreiber<br />

Margery Simpson<br />

Gene Sobeck<br />

Jan Taylor<br />

Lois Terrace<br />

Claudia Tirello<br />

Carol Watson<br />

Ann Webersinn<br />

Kathy Wild<br />

Susie Wilson<br />

Carol Krzeminski<br />

Marilyn Taylor<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Heller<br />

Ramsey Alliance Against Drug And Alcohol Abuse<br />

Mary McLaughlin, Coordinator<br />

Susie Wilson, Coordinator<br />

Mayor Richard Muti<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator<br />

Sgt. Francis Alcaro<br />

D.A.R.E. Officer Tim Shoemaker<br />

Karen Barbato<br />


Lucille Bell<br />

Liza Brienza<br />

Martha Carey<br />

Rebecca Cella<br />

Robert Cella<br />

Mary Connolly<br />

Patti dePiero<br />

Elizabeth Forsyth<br />

Joan Hamilton<br />

Chris Haskell<br />

David Lindstrom<br />

Susan Lindstrom<br />

Chrisanne Moger<br />

Trish Montini<br />

Susan Schou<br />

Dr. Roy Montessano, Superintendent of Schools<br />

Anthony Kemps, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent of Schools<br />

Susan Shou<br />

Eileen Smith<br />

Karin Vohs<br />

Roni Wildoner<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Nalbandian<br />

Ramsey Day Committee<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator<br />

Michele Stecyna<br />

Council Liasion: Councilman Bisaillon<br />

Ramsey Representative – Community Development Committee<br />

Douglas Rennie<br />

Recycling Committee<br />

Henry Schumacher, Chairman<br />

Stanley Rutkowski,Vice Chairman<br />

John Jordan<br />

Harvey Ranzi<br />

Alex Stecyna<br />

Recycling Coordinator: Rev. Richard Creadick<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Bisaillon<br />


Technology Task Force<br />

Raegan Greenshields, Chairperson<br />

Walter Aumiller<br />

Steven Boston<br />

George Bumiller<br />

Philip Lambert<br />

Peter Malvasi<br />

Joseph Morales<br />

Phil Schwartz<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Bisaillon<br />

Veterans’ Affairs Committee<br />

Fred Swallow<br />

Anthony Galasso<br />

Mayor administered the oath to the foregoing appointees.<br />

Environmental Commission (Three-Year Term)<br />

Nancy Sperling 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Patrick Nerney 1/06 12/31/07<br />

(Filling unexpired term of A. Siemsen)<br />

Deirdre Dillon 1/06 12/31/08<br />

(Planning Board Rep.)<br />

Angela Strollo 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Thomas Thompson 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Alternate No. 1 (2-years)<br />

Kyra Faison-Gardner 1/06 12/31/07<br />

Alternate No. 2 (1-year)<br />

Chris Rotella 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Siemsen<br />

Mayor administered the oath to Deirdre Dillon.<br />


Name Term Expires<br />

Mayor Richard Muti 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Peter Malvasi (Mayor’s Alternate) 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Fred Waring (Supt. of Schools Alternate) 1/06 12/31/06<br />


Russell Johnson (1 year term) 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Michael Lonier (4 year term) 1/06 12/31/09<br />

Stephen Adams (2 year term) 1/06 12/31/07<br />

Marie O’Neil (3 year term) 1/06 12/31/06<br />

(Filling unexpired term of Michael Lonier)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Nalbandian<br />

Mayor administered the oath to those who were present.<br />

Planning Board<br />

Name Term Expiration<br />

Richard Creadick Class II 1/06 12/31/06<br />

(1-year term)<br />

Councilman Andrew Siemsen Class III 1/06 12/31/06<br />

(1-year term)<br />

William Jones Class IV 1/06 12/31/09<br />

(4-year term)<br />

John Scerbo Class IV 1/06 12/31/09<br />

(4- year term)<br />

Deirdre Dillon Class IV 1/06 12/31/08<br />

(Environmental Liaison-3-year term)<br />

Alternate No. 1<br />

Steve Scheffers 1/05 12/31/06<br />

(2-year term)<br />

(Filling unexpired term of D. Dillon)<br />

Alternate No. 2<br />

Shawn Kirk 1/06 12/31/07<br />

(2- year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Siemsen<br />

Mayor administered the oath to those who were present.<br />


Recreation Commission<br />

(Five-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Joseph Palmer 1/06 12/31/10<br />

William Patterson 1/06 12/31/10<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Vozeh<br />

Mayor administered the oath to William Patterson.<br />

Remarks from Council Members Who Have Not Spoken<br />

Councilman Bisaillon expressed his appreciation to all who were in attendance and especially to Jack<br />

Roche for his years of service to the Water Board, as well as Bill Buckley. My best wishes for his speedy<br />

recovery. The Borough employees work for all the citizens of this town and I want to thank them for their<br />

dedication. Volunteers do an outstanding job and I want to express my appreciation for the countless<br />

hours they spend serving us. I would like to thank my wife and my family. None of us could do this<br />

without the support of our families. A number of our employees are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and<br />

I would ask that you say Thank You when you see them returning. Stephen McNicholas from the Police<br />

Department is returning and we are glad he is back.<br />

Councilman Heller welcomed the new councilmembers. They are truly decent professionals. Jack Roche<br />

and Bill Buckley deserve our thanks. I will miss Jack’s professionalism. Joe and Julie tried to do what<br />

they believed to be in the best interests of the public. Being a councilmember is a unique opportunity. I<br />

wish you all a Happy New Year.<br />

Councilman Nalbandian wished everyone a happy and healthy 2006. Congratulations to Andrew and<br />

Bruce. I look forward to working with them. Congratulations to Chris Botta on being elected Council<br />

President. My thanks to Jack Roche and Bill Buckley for their years of service. It has been quite a<br />

learning experience. My thanks to the Borough Administrator, Borough Clerk and Deputy Borough<br />

Clerk. I truly enjoy working with all of the Borough employees. Meredith is our shining star who<br />

replaced Nancy Ecke-Hohmann. Cathy LaFleur was promoted to Deputy Court Administrator. Our tax<br />

collector, Hope Kotlarich, also retired this past year. It has been a privilege to be a member of the<br />

Planning Board, chaired by Dr. Rudy Iorio. I am also the liaison to the Library. I would like to thank my<br />

wife, Debbie, for her support. There are some late nights and long hours and I have a very supportive<br />

family. The police chief’s son was deployed to Iraq and I wish him a safe return. God bless all of you<br />

and your families during 2006.<br />

State of the Borough Message by Mayor Richard Muti (attached to this set of minutes).<br />

Mayor Muti presented his annual Mayor’s Awards to the following:<br />

Steve Adams – for special Olympics, O.E.M. and trustee of the Library;<br />

Eileen Wimberger (not at meeting) – raising funds for inner-city school children and<br />

finding homes for refugees;<br />

Susan Flood – fund raising for flood and tsunami victims;<br />

Helen Ahlstedt – management of the bus for senior citizens;<br />

Mary & Don McLaughlin – outstanding community residents for over 40 years;<br />


William Lanning – Volunteer Fire Department;<br />

Rich Strangfeld – Volunteer Fire Department;<br />

Lee Fisher – 48 years as a volunteer Fire Department member;<br />

Seelig Lewitz – (not at this meeting) extraordinary service to the community;<br />

Ramsey Woman’s Club – extraordinary service to the Borough;<br />

Tom Dater – for extraordinary service to the community.<br />

At this point, there was a five minute intermission in the meeting.<br />

The following Appointments All Require Council Confirmation<br />

Board Of Adjustment (Four-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Howard Cantor 1/06 12/31/08<br />

(Filling unexpired term of<br />

William Buckley)<br />

Alternate No. 2<br />

Vanessa Jachzel 1/06 12/31/07<br />

(2-year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Siemsen<br />

Resolution Number Six: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the above captioned appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Board Of Health<br />

(Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

James A. Rogers 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Dr. John Pantazopoulos 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Joan Waring 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Alternate No. 1<br />

Denise Chetaitis 1/06 12/31/07<br />

(2-year term)<br />

Alternate No. 2 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Marilyn Taylor<br />

(2-year term)<br />

(Filling unexpired term of Denise Chetaitis)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Botta<br />


Resolution Number Seven: Introduced by Botta, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the above captioned appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Board Of Public Works<br />

(Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Glen Popolo 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Steven Burgio 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Bisaillon<br />

Resolution Number Eight: Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Botta<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments are hereby confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Design Review Board<br />

(Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Nancy Boone 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Councilman Nalbandian 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Alternate No. 1<br />

Bonnie Waterman 1/06 12/31/06<br />

(Filling unexpired term of Steve Scheffers)<br />

Alternate No. 2<br />

Dana Autenrieth 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Liaisons And Professional Support: Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator; Richard Mathieson,<br />

Finance Officer; Harold Reed, Borough Engineer; Robert Connell, Construction Code Official<br />

Resolution Number Nine: Introduced by Bisaillon, seconded by Siemsen<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Vozeh, Siemsen NAYS: None<br />


Fine Arts Council<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Peter DelVecchio<br />

(1-year term) 1/06 12/31/06<br />

Penny McCulloch 1/06 12/31/08<br />

(3-year term)<br />

VACANCY 1/06 12/31/08<br />

(3-year term)<br />

Michael Mandel 1/06 12/31/07<br />

(2-year term)<br />

VACANCY 1/06 12/31/06<br />

(1-year term)<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Botta<br />

Resolution Number Ten – Introduced by Botta, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Pool Commission<br />

(Three-Year Term)<br />

Name Term Expires<br />

Peter Truax 1/06 12/31/08<br />

David Jones 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Donna Jordan 1/06 12/31/08<br />

Council Liaison: Councilman Heller<br />

Resolution Number Eleven: Introduced by Heller, seconded by Vozeh<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments hereby be confirmed:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Resolution Number Twelve: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the following newspapers be designated as the official legal newspapers for<br />

the Borough of Ramsey for the year 2006:<br />

The Ridgewood News<br />

The Bergen Record<br />

The Star Ledger<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Thirteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that Frederick J. Tomkins, CPA, RMA of Donohue, Gironda & Doria be appointed<br />

as the Auditor of the Borough of Ramsey for the year 2006:<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Fourteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

WHEREAS, the Borough of Ramsey requires professional services, and<br />

WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the expenditures for such professional services will exceed the<br />

sum of $17,500.00 in said calendar year, and<br />

WHEREAS, it is contemplated that the 2006 budget will contain the necessary appropriations<br />

estimated to be reasonable required for each of such professional services;<br />

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ramsey<br />

that the following appointments be made and are hereby made for the year 2006:<br />

Appraisal Systems, Tax Appraisers<br />

Dean Boorman and Associates, Planning Consultants<br />

Capital Alternatives, Grant Consultants<br />

Crew Engineers, Inc., Consulting Engineers<br />

Jeffrey Doolittle, L.S., Borough Surveyor<br />

Peter Kirch, L.S. Borough Surveyor for Tax Map Updates<br />

Hatch Mott MacDonald, Infrastructure and Environment<br />

Paulus, Sokolowski & Sartor, Inc., Consulting Engineers<br />

Frederick J. Tomkins, CPA, RMA, Donohue, Gironda & Doria<br />

PMK Industries Inc., Engineers<br />

Dewberry-Goodkind, Inc., Engineers<br />

Schoor DePalma, Engineers & Consultants<br />

Peter A. Scandariato, Esq, Borough Attorney<br />


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the aforesaid appointments were made without competitive<br />

bidding under the provisions of N.J.S.A 40A:11-5 which exempts from competitive bidding “professional<br />

services” rendered by persons authorized by law to practice a recognized professional and whose practice<br />

is regulated by law;<br />

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be published in a newspaper<br />

within ten (10) days of its passage as required by law.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

ABSTAIN: Nalbandian (Schoor DePalma only)<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Fifteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the interest will be charged at the rate of eight percent per annum on all<br />

delinquent taxes and six percent per annum on all delinquent assessments except that the rate will be one<br />

thousandth of one percent per annum of the taxes for any current quarter if the taxes for any current<br />

quarter if the taxes are paid during the first ten days of the same current quarter.<br />

Be It Further Resolved that the interest be charged by the Tax Collector in accordance with the<br />

provisions of Section 54:4-67 of the New Jersey Revised Status that effective immediately, the rate of<br />

interest to be charged on delinquent tax or assessment payments shall be 8 percent per annum of the first<br />

$1,500.00 of delinquency, and 18 percent per annum on any amount in excess of $1,500.00 to be<br />

calculated from the date the tax was payable until the date of actual payment.<br />

Be It Further Resolved if the Office of the Tax Collector is closed on the 10 th of February, May,<br />

August or November; then the rate of one thousandth of one percent per annum above described shall be<br />

extended to include the first business day thereafter.<br />

Be It Further Resolved that the interest rate shall revert to the rate of eight percent per annum for<br />

the first day of any current quarter unless the taxes of the same quarter are paid during the first 10 days of<br />

the same quarter or as otherwise provided in this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Sixteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the Tax Assessor be and is hereby authorized to defend County Board of<br />

Taxation and State Tax Court Appeals and to retain experts in connection therewith with the approval of<br />

the governing body; and<br />

Be It Further Resolved that any stipulations of settlement in connection with such matters or any<br />

reduction in tax assessments including non-litigation matters may be subject to the review, approval and<br />

authorization by the governing body.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Resolution Number Seventeen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Whereas, 40A:4-19 Local Budget Act provides that (where any contracts, commitments or<br />

payments are to be made prior to the final adoption of the 2006 budget) temporary appropriations be made<br />

for the purposes and amounts required in the manner and time therein provided;<br />

Whereas, the date of this resolution is within the first 30 days of 2006, and<br />

Whereas, the total appropriations in the 2005 budget, less appropriations made for capital<br />

improvement fund, debt service and relief of the poor (public assistance) are as follows:<br />

General $17,841,997.13<br />

Water-Sewer Utility $4,841,000.00<br />

Pool Utility $267,500.00<br />

Whereas, 26.25 percent of the total appropriations of the 2005 Budget, less appropriations for<br />

capital improvement fund, debt service and relief of the poor (public assistance), in the said 2006 Budget<br />

is as follows:<br />

General $4,683,519.00<br />

Water-Sewer Utility $1,270,762.50<br />

Pool Utility $70,218.75<br />

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Borough Council of the Borough of Ramsey,<br />

County of Bergen that the following temporary appropriations be made and that a certified copy of this<br />

resolution be transmitted to the Chief Financial Officer for his records.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Eighteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Treasurer and the other Borough Officials required to sign<br />

Borough checks be and they are hereby authorized to sign such checks for the payment of the following<br />

remaining expenses: Insurance, Payroll, School Tax, County Tax, Trust Account Checks, Refunds,<br />

Postage and<br />


Be It Further Resolved that such persons may sign and disburse such checks prior to governing<br />

body approval of the subject voucher covering such items provided the voucher is properly completed by<br />

the claimant, and<br />

Be It Further Resolved that all vouchers covering such payments shall be presented to the<br />

governing body for formal approval at the next ensuing meeting of the governing body.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Nineteen: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Whereas, by directive of the County Board of Taxation, under Rule 18:12A-16 (C), any and all tax<br />

appeals and stipulations for increase and decrease shall be submitted to the County Board of Taxation by<br />

the local Tax Collector and/or Tax Assessor on behalf of the Borough of Ramsey for the year 2006 and<br />

are hereby authorized by this governing body for disposition by the County Board of Taxation.<br />

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Ramsey, County of<br />

Bergen and State of New Jersey, that this resolution as heretofore stated shall be approved by this<br />

governing body, and<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Clerk be instructed to submit a certified copy of this resolution to<br />

the Borough Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, and Bergen County Board of Taxation.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the Borough Administrator be and he is hereby authorized to purchase goods,<br />

equipment, materials and services through the State Purchasing programs during the year 2006:<br />

AYES; Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-One: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that in addition to all interest charges, a six percent penalty shall be charged to a<br />

taxpayer with a tax delinquency in excess of $10,000.00 who fails to pay the delinquency prior to the end<br />

of the calendar year, and that such six percent penalty shall be computed on the amount of the<br />

delinquency.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />


Resolution Number Twenty-Two: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the Collector of Taxes for the Borough of Ramsey be and is hereby authorized<br />

to conduct the annual sale of delinquent taxes for the calendar years 2005-2006 in accordance with<br />

N.J.S.A. 54:5-19.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Three: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Borough Administrator<br />

Borough Clerk<br />

Deputy Borough Clerk<br />

Borough Attorney<br />

Municipal Court Judge<br />

Court Administrator<br />

Deputy Court Administrator<br />

Prosecutor<br />

Public Defender<br />

Assistant Prosecutors<br />

Assistant Public Defenders<br />

Tax Collector<br />

Chief Financial Officer<br />

Treasurer<br />

Tax Assessor<br />

Tax Search Officer<br />

Assessment Search Officer<br />

Assistant Assessment Search Officer<br />

Borough Atlas Search Officer<br />

Assistant Borough Atlas Search Officer<br />

Borough Engineer<br />

Superintendent of Public Works<br />

Temporary Housing Officer<br />

Zoning Officer<br />

Recycling Coordinator<br />

Fire Sub-Code Official<br />

Fire Official<br />

Electrical Sub-Code Official /Inspector<br />

Plumbing Field Inspector<br />

Electrical Sub-Code Official/Inspector<br />

Construction Code Official<br />

Nicholas C. Saros<br />

Meredith Bendian<br />

Sherry Richards<br />

Peter A. Scandariato, Esq.<br />

Vincent N. Marino<br />

Mary J. Pasichnyk<br />

Catherine LaFleur<br />

Christopher E. Martin, Esq.<br />

Robert C. Welch Jr. Esq.<br />

Patrick Nerney, Esq.<br />

Daniel McNerney, Esq.<br />

Steven H. Scheffers, Esq.<br />

Kathleen Lawn<br />

Richard Mathieson<br />

Richard Mathieson<br />

Angela Mattiace<br />

Kathy Vetter<br />

Ann Davaris<br />

Richard Mammone<br />

Sally Wiegand<br />

Richard Mammone<br />

Harold Reed<br />

William H. Horton, Jr.<br />

Richard Mammone<br />

Richard Mammone<br />

Richard Creadick<br />

Robert Connell<br />

Frank Agatielli<br />

Brian Vanore<br />

James Zaconie<br />

Brian Venore<br />

Robert Connell<br />


Special Officers/Matrons<br />

School Marshals<br />

Substitutes<br />

Debbie Bonkowski<br />

Tina Lanning<br />

Gail Lawson<br />

Gina Leonard<br />

Pam Malon<br />

Cynthia Palmadesso<br />

Gladys Terry<br />

Joan Walker<br />

James Bollenbacher<br />

Lawrence Borst<br />

Rita Bowerfind<br />

Elizabeth Checklick<br />

Dave Getlin<br />

Nancy Guiliano<br />

Joann Godwin<br />

Francine Griesco<br />

Dennis Johnston<br />

Andrew Kelly<br />

L. Lanning<br />

Eileen Malstein<br />

Elizabeth Mariani<br />

Beatrice Masquelier<br />

Charles O’Rourke<br />

Patrick Passaro<br />

Ignazio Stravato<br />

Tara Sutherland<br />

C. Thompson<br />

George Tice<br />

Richard Tully<br />

Peggy Warnet<br />

Cheryl White<br />

John Wisneski<br />

H. Ahlstedt<br />

B. Alberse<br />

G. Johnson<br />

A. Nicholson<br />

C. Olb<br />

M. Pearson<br />

D. Spence<br />

Be It Resolved that the above appointments be and are hereby confirmed for the year 2006.<br />

AYES; Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Mayor administered the oath of office to those appointees who were present.<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Four: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that Harry D. Norton, Jr., Esq. of Norton, Arpert, Sheehy and Higgins, P.C.; 1<br />

Garret Mountain Plaza West, West Paterson, NJ 07424-3396 be and he is hereby appointed as Special<br />

Counsel for the Borough of Ramsey at a rate of $100.00 per hour.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Five: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2006.<br />

Richard Silvia as Fire Inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following terms and<br />

conditions:<br />

1. Silvia shall be responsible for approximately 190 life-hazard inspections (and any<br />

re-inspections that are necessary) and approximately 335 non-life hazard fire<br />

inspections (and any re-inspections that are necessary) under the direction of the<br />

Fire Official of the Borough of Ramsey. He shall also perform any other duties<br />

falling within the job description of Fire Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official<br />

without additional compensation.<br />

2. Silvia shall be paid $24,000.00 plus any union increment for<br />

2006 for such inspections and other duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment. It is expressly understood that this<br />

is a part-time position not subject to any employee benefits, and<br />

Silvia waives any claims to benefits of any kind. Silvia shall<br />

work an average of three (3) 7-hour days per week.<br />

3. Silvia will be called upon to participate in one meeting per month with senior<br />

officers of the Ramsey Fire Department to help coordinate activities between the<br />

Fire Department and the Fire Prevention Bureau. There shall be no extra<br />

compensation for such meetings.<br />

4. This appointment is contingent on Silvia’s written acceptance of the above terms<br />

and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Vozeh, Siemsen<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Resolution Number Twenty-Six: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2006.<br />

Bruce Greenwood as Fire Inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following terms and<br />

conditions:<br />

1. Greenwood shall be responsible for approximately 150 non-life hazard fire inspections<br />

(and any re-inspections that are necessary) under the direction of the Fire Official of<br />

the Borough of Ramsey. He shall also perform any other duties falling within the job<br />

description of Fire Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official.<br />

2. Greenwood shall be paid $4,634.24 plus any union increment for<br />

2006 for such inspections and other duties in the usual bi-weekly<br />

method of payment. Any increase in the number of inspections<br />

assigned to Greenwood by the Fire Official shall result in a pro<br />

rata increase of decrease in Greenwood’s compensation as Fire<br />

Inspector, except that there shall be no change in compensation if<br />

the number of inspections assigned falls within the range of 140 to<br />

160. The pro rata amount shall be $30.09 per inspection.<br />

3. This appointment is contingent on Greenwood’s written acceptance of the above terms<br />

and conditions within ten days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Seven: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2006.<br />

Yuri Metelow as Fire Inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following terms<br />

and conditions:<br />

1. Metelow shall be responsible for all smoke alarm and<br />

carbon monoxide alarm inspections (and any reinspections<br />

that are necessary) in the Borough of Ramsey<br />

under the direction of and as assigned by the Fire Official of the Borough of<br />

Ramsey. He shall also perform any other duties falling within the job<br />

description of Fire Inspector as assigned by the Fire Official.<br />

2. Metelow shall be paid $4,634.24 plus any union increment<br />

for 2006 for such inspections and duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment.<br />


3. This appointment is contingent on Metelow’s written<br />

acceptance of the above terms and conditions within ten<br />

days of the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Resolution: Number Twenty-Eight: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Bisaillon<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointment is hereby confirmed for the year 2006:<br />

Tanis LaManna as Fire Inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau under the following terms<br />

and conditions:<br />

1. LaManna shall be responsible for approximately 150 non-life<br />

hazard fire inspections (and any re-inspections that are<br />

necessary) under the direction of the Fire Official of the<br />

Borough of Ramsey. She shall also perform any other duties<br />

falling within the job description of Fire Inspector as assigned<br />

by the Fire Official.<br />

2. LaManna shall be paid $4,634.24 plus any union increment for<br />

2006 for such inspections and other duties in the usual biweekly<br />

method of payment. Any increase or decrease in the<br />

number of inspections assigned to LaManna by the Fire Official<br />

shall result in a pro rata increase of decrease in LaManna’s<br />

compensation as Fire Inspector, except that there shall be no<br />

change in compensation if the number of inspections assigned<br />

falls within the range of 140 to 160. The pro rata amount shall<br />

be $30.90 per inspection.<br />

3. This appointment is contingent on LaManna’s written<br />

acceptance of the above terms and conditions within ten days of<br />

the enactment of this resolution.<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Resolution Number Twenty-Nine: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the following appointments be made and confirmed for the year 2006.<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Dir.<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir.<br />

22<br />

Michael Adams<br />

Bruce Greenwood

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir.<br />

Glen Karpovich<br />

Office of Emergency Management, Deputy Dir. Sgt. Angelo LaManna<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh NAYS: None<br />

Mayor administered the oath of office to those who were present.<br />

Resolution Number Thirty: Introduced by Nalbandian, seconded by Heller<br />

Be It Resolved that the following members of the Office of Emergency Management Local<br />

Emergency Planning Committee be appointed for 2006:<br />

Mayor Richard Muti, Chief Executive<br />

Councilman Arthur M. Nalbandian, Public Safety Chairman<br />

Michael Adams, OEM & OCT Coordinator, LEPC Chairman, CERT Team Leader,<br />

Citizens Corps Director<br />

Bruce Greenwood, OEM Deputy Coordinator, RTK & ICS Officer<br />

Glen Karpovich, OEM Deputy Coordinator, EOC Officer<br />

Sgt. Angelo LaManna, OEM Deputy Coordinator, Public Safety Liaison<br />

Wayne Lemme, OEM RADEF Officer<br />

Louis Janicek, OEM RACES Officer<br />

Michael Greenshields, OEM Shelter Management& Mitigation Officer<br />

Nicholas C. Saros, Borough Administrator<br />

Peter A. Scandariato, Esq., Borough Attorney<br />

Meredith Bendian, Borough Clerk<br />

Chief Bryan Gurney, Ramsey Police Department<br />

Fire Chief Thomas Lanning, RFD<br />

Chief Steven Ahlstedt, Ramsey Ambulance Corps<br />

Chief Mike Burns, Ramsey Rescue Squad<br />

William Horton, Public Works Superintendent<br />

Leo Egan, Sanitarian, Board of Health<br />

Sgt. Francis Alcaro, RPD, Youth and Senior Citizen Liaison<br />

Dr. Roy Montesano, Superintendent of Schools<br />

Eleanor Harmon, City Editor, Home and Store News<br />

Mona Bookman, Disaster Chairman, American Red Cross<br />

Michelle Damiani, Liaison, Rockland Electric<br />

James Keeney, OEM Government Liaison<br />

Claudia Monteith, OEM Bio-Terrorism Consultant<br />

Ralph Venturini, CERT Team Program Manager<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

Mayor administered the oath to those who were present.<br />

NAYS: None<br />


Resolution Number Thirty-One: Introduced by Vozeh, seconded by Nalbandian<br />

Be It Resolved that the following financial institutions be designated as the official depositories<br />

for the Borough of Ramsey for its fund for the year 2006:<br />

Commerce Bank<br />

Hudson United Bank<br />

State Of New Jersey Management Fund<br />

World Savings Bank<br />

Bank of America<br />

Valley National Bank<br />

The Trust Company Of New Jersey<br />

Bank Of New York<br />

Interchange Bank<br />

Washington Mutual<br />

North Fork Bank<br />

AYES: Bisaillon, Botta, Heller, Nalbandian, Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

NAYS: None<br />

Council Committee Responsibilities<br />

Council Members<br />

Committee Chairman Members<br />

Finance and Administration Vozeh Botta, Nalbandian<br />

Public Safety Nalbandian Heller, Bisaillon<br />

Health, Education & Social Services Botta Siemsen , Vozeh<br />

Building and Zoning Siemsen Nalbandian, Bisaillon<br />

Public & Governmental Relations Heller Siemsen, Vozeh<br />

Utilities, Building and Grounds Bisaillon Botta, Heller<br />

Joint Committee with Ramsey Botta Nalbandian, Vozeh<br />

Board of Education<br />


Council Liaison Responsibilities<br />

Finance & Administration<br />

Citizens Budget Advisory Task Force<br />

Recreation Commission<br />

Pool Commission<br />

Library Board<br />

School Board<br />

Public Safety<br />

Office of Emergency Management<br />

Drug Alliance<br />

Traffic Safety Committee<br />

Health, Education & Social Services<br />

Board of Health<br />

Environmental<br />

Fine Arts<br />

Ramsey Responds<br />

Building And Zoning<br />

Design Review Board<br />

Shade Tree<br />

Board of Adjustment<br />

Public & Governmental Relations<br />

Civic Organizations<br />

Ramsey Senior Citizens<br />

& Ramsey Senior Center, Inc.<br />

Youth Guidance<br />

Utilities, Buildings & Grounds<br />

Recycling<br />

Beautification<br />

Board of Public Works (Water Board)<br />

Council Members<br />

Vozeh<br />

Vozeh<br />

Vozeh<br />

Heller<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Botta<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Botta<br />

Botta<br />

Siemsen<br />

Botta<br />

Botta<br />

Siemsen<br />

Nalbandian<br />

Siemsen<br />

Siemsen<br />

Heller<br />

Heller<br />

Heller<br />

Heller<br />

Bisaillon<br />

Bisaillon<br />

Bisaillon<br />

Bisaillon<br />

Other Liaison Responsibilities<br />

Ramsey Centennial Committee<br />

Ramsey Day Committee<br />

Technology/ Web Design Task Force<br />

Heller<br />

Bisaillon<br />

Bisaillon<br />


Public Comment - None<br />

Closing Remarks From Mayor Richard Muti<br />

Mayor thanked Sherry Richards, and Meredith Bendian for an outstanding job at her first Reorganization<br />

Meeting.<br />

Motion To Adjourn<br />

Motion by Heller, seconded by Bisaillon, to adjourn the meeting. Carried.<br />

/ad<br />

Meredith Bendian<br />

Borough Clerk<br />


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