5114.1 Policy Students Disruptive Students/Inappropriate Behavior ...

5114.1 Policy Students Disruptive Students/Inappropriate Behavior ...

5114.1 Policy Students Disruptive Students/Inappropriate Behavior ...


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<strong>5114.1</strong> <strong>Policy</strong><br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

The Ramsey Board of Education expects students to conduct themselves with civility and respect, and will not<br />

tolerate acts of inappropriate behavior by disruptive students. It is the belief of the Board that positive<br />

approaches to educating students as to appropriate behavior are usually more effective. However, the Board<br />

recognizes that it is sometimes necessary to penalize students for violations of school regulations as a means of<br />

ensuring student safety and order.<br />

<strong>Students</strong> attending the Ramsey Public Schools are required to conform to reasonable standards of socially<br />

acceptable behavior; respect the person, property and rights of others; obey constituted authority; and respond to<br />

those who hold that authority.<br />

Further provisions shall be made to recognize, in an age/grade-level appropriate fashion, those students, whose<br />

academic success, good conduct and self-discipline is reflective of the above noted standards.<br />

The Superintendent or designee is therefore directed to develop rules that will facilitate the implementation of<br />

this policy.<br />

Ramsey Board of Education <strong>Policy</strong> Reference:<br />

5131.51 <strong>Students</strong>/Weapons and Dangerous<br />

Instruments<br />

5131.52 Paging Devices, Cellular Phones<br />

Two-Way-Radios<br />

5131.5 <strong>Students</strong>/Vandalism/Violence<br />

5131.6 <strong>Students</strong>/Drugs, Alcohol, and Controlled<br />

Dangerous Substances<br />

5131.4 <strong>Students</strong>/Activism<br />

5113 <strong>Students</strong>/Attendance and Excuses<br />

High School<br />

5113.1 <strong>Students</strong>/Attendance and Excuses<br />

Smith/Elementary<br />

5131.1 <strong>Students</strong>/Bus Conduct<br />

5145.4 <strong>Students</strong>/Sexual Harassment<br />

6162.1 Instruction/Use of Technology<br />

6162.2 Instruction/Computer/Network Usage<br />

Legal Reference: N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15 Prohibition of Harassment<br />

Intimidation or Bullying<br />

N.J.A.C. 6A16-1.4 Student Code of Conduct<br />

<strong>Policy</strong> Adopted by the<br />

Board of Education: November 28, 1989<br />

Revised: February 24, 1998<br />

Revised: February 26, 2008<br />

Revised: October 20, 2009<br />


Ramsey, New Jersey

<strong>5114.1</strong> (a) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion Definition<br />

A disruptive student is one who has difficulty establishing positive relationships with peers and adult authority<br />

figures. The disruptive student exhibits inappropriate behavior which is in defiance of school rules and<br />

regulations, negatively impacts the learning environment and/or jeopardizes the safety and well being of<br />

himself/herself as well as others.<br />

Identification<br />

This policy shall apply to student behavior while at school; at co-curricular and extra-curricular programs; on<br />

school grounds; during school hours when off school grounds; at school-related functions on or off campus; and<br />

in transit to or from school or any school related function. <strong>Inappropriate</strong> behavior shall include, but not be<br />

limited to:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

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<br />

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<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Continued and willful disobedience<br />

Open defiance of the authority of any teacher or person having authority over a student<br />

Lying, cheating<br />

Trespassing or unauthorized presence in areas restricted from student use<br />

Actions that constitute a continuing danger to the physical well being of other pupils<br />

Fighting or physical assault upon another pupil, a teacher or any school employee, or inciting others to<br />

engage in a physical assault upon another pupil, teacher, or school employee<br />

Hazing, harassment, or intimidation of students in a sexual, verbal, or physical manner<br />

Use of profanity, abusive language or threatening and provocative language<br />

Unsolicited or unwanted touching<br />

Intimate contact<br />

Indecent exposure<br />

Throwing of food, paper, pens or other objects<br />

Taking or attempting to take school or personal property from lockers, classrooms, school offices, or any<br />

other area of school facilities and vehicles; or personal property from another pupil, whether by force or fear<br />

Willfully causing, or attempting to cause, substantial damage to school facility/property<br />

Tampering with, damaging, defacing, or destroying a school facility or personal property<br />

Turning in a false fire alarm or emergency call<br />

Taking part in any unauthorized occupancy of a District facility or trespassing on a District property and<br />

refusing to leave promptly when directed to do so by a person in authority<br />

Inciting others to take part in an unauthorized occupancy/trespassing

<strong>5114.1</strong> (b) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

Identification cont.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Absence and lateness<br />

Truancy and class cutting; leaving school property without permission<br />

Inciting other students to truancy<br />

<strong>Inappropriate</strong> use of electronic devices e.g. cell phones, beepers, cameras, PDA, lasers<br />

Participating in activities relating to the sale, purchase, or distribution of gambling paraphernalia or lottery<br />

related materials<br />

Use of unsafe or illegal articles or drug paraphernalia<br />

Use of any tobacco product in school buildings or on school grounds<br />

Use, possession or sale of a controlled dangerous substance<br />

Use, possession or sale of alcohol<br />

Sale, use, possession of, or distribution of explosives, firecrackers, smoke bombs or similar materials<br />

Arson<br />

Possession of weapons e.g. knives, blades, firearms or other articles that present a danger<br />

Forgery of signatures and/or tampering with documents of parents, guardians, teachers or persons in loco<br />

parentis<br />

<strong>Inappropriate</strong> usage of software, hardware or computer networks<br />

Any pupil who commits an assault as defined by N.J.S.A. 2C:12-1* upon a Board member, teacher,<br />

administrator, or other employee of the Board of Education shall be suspended from school immediately<br />

according to procedural due process, and expulsion proceedings shall begin no later than 21 calendar days from<br />

the date of the pupil’s suspension.<br />

*Simple Assault - A person is guilty of assault if he/she:<br />

1. Attempts to cause or purposely, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily<br />

injury to another; or<br />

2. Negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or<br />

3. Attempts by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious<br />

bodily injury.<br />

Simple assault is a disorderly person’s offense unless committed in a fight or scuffle entered into by mutual<br />

consent, in which case it is a petty disorderly person’s offense.<br />

Any student who aids, urges, or abets any other student to commit any of the offenses prohibited by school<br />

regulations shall be subject to the same penalties as the offending student.

<strong>5114.1</strong> (c) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion Reporting<br />

Any school employee, pupil or volunteer who has witnessed a disruptive student/inappropriate behavior must<br />

report the incident, either verbally or in writing (including via e-mail) to a building administrator immediately<br />

following the incident.<br />

The Ramsey Board of Education will not tolerate any act of reprisal or retaliation against any person who<br />

reports an act of inappropriate behavior. The building administrator shall determine the consequence and<br />

appropriate remedial action for a person who engages in reprisal or retaliation, after consideration of the nature<br />

and circumstances of the act.<br />

Any person who falsely accuses someone of a violation of this policy/rule shall, after review, face disciplinary<br />

action by the district and/or local law enforcement authorities.<br />

Staff Responsibilities<br />

Grade level appropriate discussions and training shall take place which specifies appropriate behavior and<br />

expectations for students. Staff members are encouraged to become trained in skills and strategies for<br />

developing student self-discipline and to apply best practices for positive behavioral interventions. Staff<br />

members who observe or become aware of an act of inappropriate behavior are to take immediate, appropriate<br />

steps to intervene unless intervention would be a threat to the staff members’ or students’ safety. The incident<br />

must immediately be reported to the building administrator/designee.<br />

Investigation<br />

Strategies<br />

A. Upon learning about an incident of disruptive/inappropriate behavior<br />

The building administrator/designee shall thoroughly and discreetly investigate the incident in a<br />

timely fashion.<br />

B. This investigation may include but not be limited to:<br />

a. Interviews with students, school staff and parents<br />

b. A review of school academic records/discipline records<br />

c. If deemed appropriate, communication with law enforcement and<br />

identification of parent and/or family issues<br />

d. The principal/designee will communicate allegations,<br />

investigation findings and consequences to the parent (s) of the offending<br />

student (s) as is pertinent to their respective child while adhering to rules of<br />

confidentiality and privacy.

<strong>5114.1</strong> (d) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

Procedures<br />

A. Grades K-5 Level Procedures<br />

The investigation may include but not be limited to the following steps:<br />

a. The principal/designee will meet with appropriate personnel for the purpose<br />

of developing an investigation action plan. Appropriate personnel may<br />

include but not be limited to: teachers; Child Study Team members; school<br />

nurse; members of law enforcement; aides and/or other building support<br />

personnel.<br />

b. The action plan shall include the interviewing of the alleged offending<br />

student (s).<br />

c. Parties identified through the investigation to be witnesses or to have<br />

knowledge of the reported behavior (s) shall be interviewed within<br />

investigation timelines.<br />

d. Once the investigation is completed, the principal/designee in charge of the<br />

investigation shall determine what consequence (s) and intervention (s) will be<br />

applied. These measures will be consistent with the District policy.<br />

e. Parents of the offended student (s) may be contacted and apprised of the incident and<br />

status of the investigation as is pertinent to their respective child while adhering to<br />

rules of confidentiality and privacy.<br />

f. Parents of the offending student (s) may be contacted and apprised of the incident,<br />

status of the investigation, and related consequences as is pertinent to their respective<br />

child while adhering to rules of confidentiality and privacy.<br />

Procedures<br />

B. Grades 6-12 Level Procedures<br />

The investigation may include but not be limited to the following steps:<br />

a. The principal/designee will develop an investigation action plan which may<br />

include input from appropriate personnel. Appropriate personnel may<br />

include but not be limited to: teachers; Child Study Team members;<br />

guidance counselors, school nurse; members of law enforcement; aides<br />

and/or other building support personnel.<br />

b. The action plan shall include the interviewing of the alleged offending<br />

student (s).<br />

c. Parties identified through the investigation to be witnesses or to have<br />

knowledge of the reported behavior (s) shall be interviewed within<br />

investigation timelines.<br />

d. Once the investigation is completed, the principal/designee in charge of the<br />

investigation shall determine what consequence (s) and interventions (s) will be<br />

applied. These measures will be consistent with District policy.

<strong>5114.1</strong> (e) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

Procedures cont.<br />

e. Parents of the offended student (s) may be contacted and apprised of the incident and<br />

status of the investigation as is pertinent to their respective child while adhering to<br />

rules of confidentiality and privacy.<br />

f. Parents of the offending student (s) may be contacted and apprised of the incident,<br />

status of the investigation, and related consequences as is pertinent to their respective<br />

child while adhering to rules of confidentiality and privacy.<br />

Factors for Determining Consequences and Intervention<br />

A. Factors for determining consequences and/or remedial actions shall include but<br />

not be limited to:<br />

a. Age, developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved<br />

b. Degrees of harm<br />

c. Surrounding circumstances<br />

d. Nature and severity of the behavior<br />

e. Incidences of past or continuing patterns of behavior<br />

f. Relationships between the parties involved<br />

g. Context in which the alleged incidents occurred<br />

B. Factors for determining remedial measures shall include but not be limited to:<br />

a. Life skill deficiencies<br />

b. Social relationships<br />

c. Strengths<br />

d. Talents<br />

e. Interests<br />

f. Hobbies<br />

g. Extra curricular activities<br />

h. Classroom participation<br />

i. Academic performance<br />

j. School culture<br />

k. School climate<br />

l. Student-staff relationships<br />

m. Staff classroom management<br />

n. Staff ability to prevent and manage inflammatory situations<br />

o. Social-emotional and behavioral supports<br />

p. Social relationships<br />

q. Community activities<br />

r. Neighborhood situations<br />

s. Family relationships/influences/situations

<strong>5114.1</strong> (f) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

Consequences and Remediation<br />

Consequences for a disruptive student (s)/inappropriate behavior shall depend upon the results of the<br />

investigation and shall be progressive in nature should a student violate this policy repeated times.<br />

A. Consequences shall include but not be limited to:<br />

a. Reprimand/admonishment<br />

b. Temporary/permanent removal from the classroom, activity etc.<br />

c. Removal of privileges<br />

d. Detentions (s)/in-school suspension assigned by administration<br />

e. Out of school suspension<br />

f. Referral/reporting to law enforcement<br />

g. Legal action<br />

h. Expulsion<br />

B. Remedial actions shall include but not be limited to:<br />

a. Counseling of student by in-school professionals or other recommended outside<br />

agencies<br />

b. Family counseling<br />

c. Parent conferences<br />

d. Mediation<br />

e. Peer support groups<br />

f. Corrective actions such as separation of students<br />

g. Development of a student safety plan<br />

h. Participation in Intervention and Referral Services<br />

i. <strong>Behavior</strong>al assessment as a function of the Child Study Team<br />

j. <strong>Behavior</strong>al management plan with closely monitored benchmarks<br />

k. Assignment of leadership responsibilities<br />

l. School culture change<br />

m. School climate improvement<br />

n. Modifications of schedules<br />

o. Adjustment in hallway traffic<br />

p. Increased use of monitors during unstructured time<br />

q. Professional development for staff<br />

r. <strong>Policy</strong> and procedure revisions

<strong>5114.1</strong> (g) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

<strong>Disruptive</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/<strong>Inappropriate</strong> <strong>Behavior</strong>/Discipline/Suspension/Expulsion<br />

Consequences and Remediation cont.<br />

Parents are key partners in setting expectations for students and changing inappropriate behaviors. Therefore,<br />

the investigating principal/designee may share with each student’s parent(s) findings, consequences and<br />

intervention plans pertinent to their respective child while adhering to rules of confidentiality and privacy. The<br />

principal/designee shall keep a record of both his/her findings and remedial actions on file for future reference.<br />

Disabled <strong>Students</strong><br />

Classified students are subject to the same disciplinary procedures as non-disabled students and may be<br />

disciplined in accordance with their IEP.<br />

Staff shall comply with all appropriate state and federal regulations and Ramsey Board of Education policy in<br />

dealing with discipline and/or suspension of all students with disabilities.<br />

Implementation<br />

The Superintendent shall ensure that this policy and associated rules are applied consistently and uniformly and<br />

that all disciplinary sanctions are carried out with necessary due process.<br />

The Ramsey Board of Education shall review this policy/rules on a regular basis. This policy and related rules<br />

will be explained to students and made available in written form to students, parents and staff via handouts, a<br />

student handbook, discussion and posting on the Ramsey School District Web site.<br />

Ramsey Board of Education <strong>Policy</strong> Reference:<br />

5131.53 <strong>Students</strong>/Weapons and Dangerous<br />

Instruments<br />

5131.54 Paging Devices, Cellular Phones<br />

Two-Way-Radios<br />

5131.7 <strong>Students</strong>/Vandalism/Violence<br />

5131.8 <strong>Students</strong>/Drugs, Alcohol, and Controlled<br />

Dangerous Substances<br />

5131.5 <strong>Students</strong>/Activism<br />

5114 <strong>Students</strong>/Attendance and Excuses<br />

High School<br />

<strong>5114.1</strong> <strong>Students</strong>/Attendance and Excuses<br />

Smith/Elementary<br />

5131.1 <strong>Students</strong>/Bus Conduct<br />

5145.5 <strong>Students</strong>/Sexual Harassment<br />

5131.55 Instruction/Use of Technology<br />

5131.56 Instruction/Computer/Network Usage

<strong>5114.1</strong> (h) Rule<br />

<strong>Students</strong><br />

Legal Reference:<br />

N.J.S.A. 18A:37-15 Prohibition of Harassment<br />

Intimidation or Bullying<br />

N.J.A.C. 6A16-1.4 Student Code of Conduct<br />

Rule Adopted by the<br />

Board of Education: April 26, 1990<br />

Revised: February 24, 1998<br />

Revised: April 21, 2005<br />

Revised: February 26,2008<br />

Revised: October 20, 2009<br />


Ramsey, New Jersey

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