Landscape – Great Idea! X-LArch III - Department für Raum ...

Landscape – Great Idea! X-LArch III - Department für Raum ...

Landscape – Great Idea! X-LArch III - Department für Raum ...


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32<br />

A Fertile Wilderness: The CPR’s<br />

Ready-Made Farms, 1909-1919<br />

Elsa Lam<br />

Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture,<br />

Planning and Preservation, 2960 Broadway, New York,<br />

NY, 10027 USA (e-mail: ehl2106@columbia.edu)<br />

Abstract<br />

This paper examines the Canadian Pacific Railway’s<br />

ready-made farm program, a key component in the<br />

creation of a new landscape image for the Canadian<br />

Prairie West. From 1909 to 1919, the program built<br />

and sold full, turn-key farms to novice British settlers.<br />

These farms set into place standardized structures<br />

and land allocations, comprising barns, houses,<br />

sheds, fences, and even ploughed fields. Depicted<br />

as emblematic of the Prairie landscape, completed<br />

farms became part of CPR promotional imagery and<br />

literature for audiences of potential immigrants. This<br />

paper traces the active construction and promotion<br />

of a series of utopian rural communities, rooted in<br />

nineteenth-century landscape and agrarian ideals.<br />

Keywords<br />

Colonial settlements, transportation landscapes,<br />

historical landscapes, landscape meanings, landscape<br />

utopias<br />

Introduction<br />

Over the course of the nineteenth century, the received<br />

view of the Canadian Prairies <strong>–</strong> the grasslands of present-day<br />

Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba <strong>–</strong> underwent<br />

a dramatic shift. At the beginning of the century, the<br />

Prairies were viewed as a deserted, terrifying wasteland.<br />

By the end of the century, a romantic view of the Canadian<br />

West was popularized that saw the same landscapes<br />

as an untouched, ‘fertile wilderness’ for both agricultural<br />

production and social renewal. This paper explores one<br />

manifestation of this dramatic shift in the perception and<br />

development of a landscape - the ready-made farm colonies<br />

created by the nation’s first transcontinental railway.<br />

As described by explorers, surveyors, and fur-traders<br />

from the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, Western<br />

Canada was a hostile wilderness <strong>–</strong> to the North, a furtrading<br />

hinterland, to the South, a barren and windswept<br />

waste. This tone shifted when Canada annexed the<br />

Hudson’s Bay territories in 1869. As both the federal government<br />

and railway sought to make the region a centre<br />

of growth in the 1880s, official geographical and scientific<br />

reports were adjusted to meet expectations for its agricultural<br />

potential [1]. <strong>Landscape</strong>s beyond the treeline, once<br />

viewed as a “sterile, dreary waste” would before the end<br />

of the century be described in leading scientific accounts<br />

as presenting a rich soil, which with “a mere scratching<br />

[would] supply a household with food” (Keating 1823:<br />

238; Macoun 1882: 263-4).<br />

The construction of a transcontinental railway became<br />

a key imperative and symbol for the settlement of the<br />

newly promising Prairie landscapes. Although driven<br />

by profits rather than patriotism, the Canadian Pacific<br />

Railway Company, contracted to the task, became a<br />

touchstone of nation-building <strong>–</strong> a notion encapsulated in<br />

the company’s 1919 motto: “Ask the Canadian Pacific<br />

about Canada.” This position was reinforced by the<br />

railway’s dissemination of images and information on the<br />

Northwest, a principal aim of which was securing bone<br />

fide settlers to generate rail traffic. Beyond sponsoring<br />

artists, commissioning photographers, and publishing a<br />

wide variety of marketing materials, the railway company<br />

actively developed landscapes across the Prairies to this<br />

end. The Development <strong>Department</strong>’s initiatives <strong>–</strong> which<br />

included building demonstration farms and constructing<br />

irrigation infrastructure - culminated in the ready-made<br />

farm colonies.<br />

The colonies were comprised of anywhere from 5 to<br />

122 pre-built farms, each equipped with a house, barn,<br />

implement shed, and fencing, as well as fifty acres of<br />

ready-ploughed and sowed land, to be paid off over ten<br />

to twenty years [2]. Although commercial colonization<br />

companies had earlier offered pre-built tenant farms, the<br />

CPR’s program surpassed its short-lived predecessors in<br />

ambition and scale. Rather than producing patchwork development<br />

on conventional agricultural land, it aimed to<br />

establish stable, high-density farming communities in the<br />

Alberta dry belt, initially aiming to establish thousands of<br />

hand-selected farmers on ready-made farms in irrigated<br />

lands (Mills 1991: 56).<br />

Reserved for British Settlers<br />

The first notable feature of the ready-made colonies was<br />

their intended audience: married British settlers, with a<br />

moderate amount of capital and, preferably, previous<br />

agricultural experience [3]. In 1909, the CPR launched<br />

its 24-farm Nightingale Colony with an aggressive<br />

advertising campaign in British newspapers. “In order to<br />

save the settler the inconvenience of having to build his<br />

house, fence, and prepare his land in his first year while<br />

he would rather be attending to his crops, the Canadian<br />

Pacific Railway has prepared a number of Ready-Made<br />

Farms,” proclaimed a 1910 ad in the Manchester Guardian,<br />

noting in bold type, “They are reserved for British<br />

Settlers” [Fig. 1]. This was consonant with a longstanding<br />

Eastern Canadian vision of the West as an extension of<br />

the Empire (cf. Owram 1980, Berger 1970) and com-

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