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The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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Gorter’s analyses were remarkable. <strong>The</strong> pamphlet was written in October 1914, just as Lenin was writing his<br />

major texts against the war, and went in entirely the same direction. Not only did they define the war as<br />

imperialist, they also proclaimed, with the collapse of the 2 nd International, the need for a new International,<br />

through an uncompromising struggle against the kautskyist centre. <strong>The</strong> content diverged from the bolshevik<br />

analysis only by its slogans. Lenin’s leitmotiv – the need to ‘transform the imperialist war into a civil war’ – is<br />

nowhere mentioned. Gorter insisted above all on the necessary recovery of the class struggle in the form of<br />

“mass action”. Alongside slogans – defended by both Lenin and Luxemburg – such as the refusal “to make any<br />

compromises or alliances with any bourgeois party whatever”, or the rejection “even in the case of war, of any<br />

credits for militarism and imperialism”, we can find the germ of future positions of the <strong>Dutch</strong>-<strong>German</strong><br />

<strong>Communist</strong> <strong>Left</strong>. Like Rosa Luxemburg, Gorter rejected national liberation struggles (except for Indonesia!),<br />

and he also advocated fighting the bourgeoisie “other than with the usual means of union and parliamentary<br />

struggle”.<br />

Gorter’s pamphlet demonstrated his complete political and theoretical agreement with Pannekoek’s analyses. In<br />

October 1914, the latter had proclaimed the death of the 2 nd International, riddled with opportunism and<br />

reformism: “<strong>The</strong> 2 nd International is dead; it has been ingloriously consumed in the world-wide fire. But this<br />

death is no accident. It only means that the International was dead inside”. 298<br />

<strong>The</strong> burning question for the <strong>Dutch</strong> Marxists was thus, as it was for Lenin and Luxemburg, how to evaluate the<br />

period, and to call into question the tactics used by the 2 nd International, in order to start again on a more solid<br />

basis.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nature of the war<br />

Like all Marxists of the time, Gorter analysed the world conflict in the framework of the evolution of capitalism.<br />

This evolution meant capital’s establishment world-wide, in its constant search for new markets. Nonetheless,<br />

the economic element in Gorter’s pamphlet was very sketchy; it was more a description of the stages of capitalist<br />

expansion into the colonies and semi-colonies than a real theoretical explanation of the imperialist phenomenon.<br />

In some ways, Gorter was closer to Lenin than to Luxemburg. 299 Gorter’s analyses were close to those of<br />

Luxemburg above all on the political level, declaring vigorously that every state is imperialist and that there can<br />

be no such thing as national liberation, contrary to Lenin during World War I 300 : “All states have an imperialist<br />

policy and want to extend their territory”. 301 <strong>The</strong> world proletarian struggle cannot thus be directed against each<br />

bourgeoisie taken nationally.<br />

Unlike Liebknecht, who declared that ‘the main enemy is at home’, Gorter insisted that there is no ‘main’<br />

enemy, an enemy number one and number two; on the contrary, what mattered was the struggle against all<br />

imperialisms, since the workers’ struggle was no longer situated on a national, but on a world terrain: “<strong>The</strong><br />

national imperialism threatens the proletariat as much as the imperialism of other nations. Consequently, for the<br />

298 Pannekoek, ‘De ineenstorting van de Internationale’, in: De Nieuwe Tijd, Oct. 1914, pp. 677-688.<br />

299 Like Lenin, Gorter defined imperialism phenomenologically. It was not, as Rosa Luxemburg insisted, a result of the<br />

saturation of the world market, but of the control of the world economy by the trusts, the banks and the financial and<br />

industrial monopolies. On the level of economic theory, the <strong>Dutch</strong> <strong>Left</strong> always set itself apart from Luxemburg’s analyses.<br />

In 1913, Pannekoek was one of the harshest critics of Luxemburg’s book <strong>The</strong> Accumulation of Capital, which was<br />

published that same year.<br />

300 In his critique of the Junius pamphlet, Lenin’s response (written in July 1916) to the question of whether or not all<br />

‘national liberation struggles’ were necessarily absorbed into the conflicts between the great imperialist powers, was<br />

evasive: “Every war is a continuation of politics by other means. <strong>The</strong> national liberation politics of the colonies will<br />

inevitably be continued by national wars of the colonies against imperialism. Such wars may lead to an imperialist war<br />

between the present ‘Great’ imperialist Powers or they may not; that depends on many circumstances.” [Lenin, Collected<br />

Works, op. cit., pp. 305-319.]<br />

301 Translated from the Italian edition: L’imperialismo, la guerra mondiale e la socialdemocrazia (Milano: Società editrice<br />

Avanti!, 1920), p. 10.<br />


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