The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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AAB: Algemeene Arbeiders Bond (General Workers’ Union ; Netherlands, 1922-23)<br />

AAUD: Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (General Workers’ Union of <strong>German</strong>y)<br />

AAUD-E: Allgemeine Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands – Einheitsorganisation (General Workers’ Union of<br />

<strong>German</strong>y – Unitary Organisation)<br />

ABA: Arbejder-bevaegelsens Bibliotek og Arkiv (Library and Archives of the Workers’ Movement,<br />

Copenhagen)<br />

ACP: Antiparliamentary <strong>Communist</strong> Federation (Great Britain)<br />

ADGB: Allgemeine Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (<strong>German</strong> Social Democratic union)<br />

AGWA: Archiv für die Geschichte des Widerstandes und der Arbeit, review for social history, Bochum<br />

ANDB: Algemeene Nederlandsche Diamantbewerkersbond (Diamond workers’ union association)<br />

ARP: Anti-Revolutionaire Partij (Anti-Revolutionary Party, <strong>Dutch</strong> Calvinist party)<br />

BAS: Bond van Anarcho-Socialisten (League of Anarcho-Socialists)<br />

BCP: Bulgarian <strong>Communist</strong> Party<br />

BvCS: Bond van Christen-Socialisten (League of Christian Socialists; 1907-1921)<br />

BKP: Balgarskii Komunisticheskii Partii (CP, Bulgaria)<br />

BKSP: Bond van Kommunistische Strijd- en Propagandaclubs (CPH split, 1924-27)<br />

BRKP: Balgarskii Rabotnitcheskii Komunistitcheskii Partii (KAP, Bulgaria)<br />

BRAC: Bond van Religieuse Anarcho-<strong>Communist</strong>en (<strong>Dutch</strong> Christian Anarchists)<br />

BRS: Bond van Revolutionaire Socialisten (League of Revolutionary Socialists; 1935-40)<br />

BSP: British Socialist Party<br />

BWN: Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland<br />

BWSA: Biografisch woordenboek van het socialisme en de arbeidersbeweging in Nederland<br />

BWSDP: Bulgarian Workers' Socialist-Democratic Party<br />

CCI: Comité communiste internationaliste (French trotskyist group, World War II)<br />

CCP: Chinese <strong>Communist</strong> Party<br />

CI: <strong>Communist</strong> International<br />

CIRA: Centre international de recherches sur l’anarchisme, Lausanne<br />

CNT (Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (National Labour Confederation – Spain)<br />

CPH: <strong>Communist</strong>ische Partij Holland (<strong>The</strong> <strong>Communist</strong> Party of Holland; became CPN in December 1935)<br />

CPH-CC: <strong>Communist</strong>ische Partij Holland-Centraal Comité (1926–June 30): Wijnkoop’s split party<br />

CPGB: <strong>Communist</strong> Party of Great Britain<br />

CPN: <strong>Communist</strong>ische Partij Nederland (<strong>Dutch</strong> <strong>Communist</strong> Party)<br />

CPO: <strong>Communist</strong>ische Partij Oppositie (<strong>Communist</strong> Party-Opposition)<br />

CR: <strong>Communist</strong>es-Révolutionnaires (France, 1943-46)<br />

CRM: Comité van Revolutionaire Marxisten (Committee of Revolutionary Marxists; 1942-45)<br />


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