The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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SCHOLZ (Robert), ‚Ein unruhiges Jahrhundert. Lebensmittelunruhen, Massenstreiks und Arbeitslosenkrawalle<br />

in Berlin 1914-1923’, in Manfred Gailus, Pöbelexzesse und Volkstutmulte in Berlin. Zur Sozialgeschichte der<br />

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SELIGMANN (Michael), Aufstand der Räte. Die erste bayerische Räterepublik vom 7. April 1919, 2 Vols.<br />

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SIJES (A.B.), De februari-staking 25-26 februari 1941, ‘s-Gravenhage 1954. Rijksinstituut voor<br />

Oorlogsdocumentatie. Monographie No. 5. A historical study of the February strikes by <strong>Dutch</strong> workers against<br />

the deportation of the Jews. <strong>The</strong> MLL Front and Sijes actively participated in this strike. Precis in English.<br />

SPAHR (Michael P.), Vrijheidsbezinning in tijden van dictatuur. Nederlandse anarchisten en de Tweede<br />

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STUTJE (Jan Willem) De man die weg wees. Leven en werk van Paul de Groot 1899-1986. On De Groot, CPN<br />

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TAIBO II (Paco Ignacio), Arcángeles, Doce historias de revolucionarios herejes del siglo XX. Contains a<br />

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THEISSEN (Rolf), Peter WALTER & Johanna WILHELMS, Der anarcho-syndikalistische Widerstand an<br />

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THORPE (Wayne), <strong>The</strong> Workers themselves. Revolutionary Syndicalism and Industrial Labour 1913-1923<br />

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THORPE (Wayne) & Marcel VAN DER LINDEN (eds.), Revolutionary Syndicalism. An International<br />

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VEER (Paul van’t), De Atjeh- oorlog On the bloody Atjeh (Ace) colonial conflict (Utrecht: Scheffers, 1999).<br />

VERRIPS (Ger Dwars), Duivels en dromend. De geschiedenis van de CPN 1938-1991. Book based on hitherto<br />

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WEBER (Hermann), Die Wandlung des deutschen Kommunismus. Die Stalinisierung der KPD in der Weimarer<br />

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