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The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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DRECHSLER (Hanno), Die SAPD. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung am Ende der<br />

Weimarer Republik (Reprint: Erlangen, 1971). <strong>Left</strong> socialism in <strong>German</strong>y in the 1930s. Relations with Rote<br />

Kämpfer and the Leninbund are dealt with very succinctly.<br />

DROZ (Jacques) et al., Histoire générale du socialisme, Vols. 2 and 3 (Paris: PUF, 1973-74).<br />

FAY (Victor), La Révolution d’Octobre et le mouvement ouvrier européen (Paris: EDI, 1967).<br />

FAYET (Jean-François), Karl Radek (1885-1939). Biographie politique, Université de Genève, 1999 (Bern:<br />

Peter Lang, 2004).<br />

FERNANDEZ (Neil), Capitalism and Class Struggle in the USSR: A Marxist <strong>The</strong>ory (Ashgate: Aldershot,<br />

1997).<br />

FISCHER (Ruth), Stalin and <strong>German</strong> communism (Cambridge (Ma.),1948).<br />

FITTKO (Lisa), Solidarität unerwünscht. Meine Flucht durch Europa. Erinnerungen 1933-1940 [Mémoires of<br />

Lisa Eckstein (1909-2005) – the wife of Hans Fittko, a former council communist in Leipzig, still living in the<br />

USA ; give information on their escape from <strong>German</strong>y, and the Exile to Prag, then to France, where they were in<br />

touch with Walter Benjamin before he died.] (Vienna: Carl Hanser Verlag, 1992).<br />

FLECHTHEIM (Ossip K.), Le Parti communiste allemand. Postface by Hermann Weber (Paris: Maspéro,1972).<br />

FRANK (Pierre), Histoire de l’Internationale communiste 1919-1943, 2 Vols. (Paris: La Brèche,1979).<br />

GALESLOOT (Hansje) & Susan LEGÊNE, Partij in het verzet. De CPN in de Tweede Wereldoorlog<br />

(Amsterdam: Pegasus, 1986).<br />

GELDER (H.A. Enno van), Histoire des Pays-Bas (Paris: Armand Colin, 1949).<br />

GERD-HOFSCHEN (Heinz) & Almut SCHWERD (eds.), Zeitzeugen berichten: Die Bremer Arbeiterbewegung<br />

in den fünfziger Jahren. With a contribution of Albert FLACHMANN: ‚Linkssozialistische und anarchistische<br />

Gruppen in der Nachkriegszeit’, pp. 133-146. Bremer Vorträge zur Politischen Bildung, Vol. 2; Verlag<br />

Arbeiterbewegung und Gesellschaftswissenschaft, 1989. [Albert Flachmann (1904-1998), a typesetter from<br />

Bremen, had been member of the KAP/AAU, then after 1931 of the Rote Kämpfer. Interned in a lager in 1933,<br />

under arrest in 1937-38. After the war he became social worker in Bremen, and militant of the local KPD in<br />

1945-47. Contribution in Neues Beginnen. He remained until his death in contact with anarchist and council<br />

communist circles. He wrote in 1990 a contribution on Pannekoek: “Remembrance on Anton Pannekoek”, in<br />

Anton Pannekoek/Paul Mattick, Marxistischer Anti-Leninismus (Freiburg: Ça ira Verlag, 1991)].<br />

GEYER (Curt), Der Radikalismus in der deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, ein soziologischer Versuch (Jena, 1923).<br />

Written by a left USPD, then VKPD member until 1921, Paul Levi’s friend, hostile to the KAPD.<br />

GOTTRAUX (Philippe), Socialisme ou Barbarie. A political and intellectual engagement in France of the postwar<br />

period (Lausanne: Éditions Payot, 1997).<br />

GRUBER (Helmut), International communism in the era of Lenin. A documentary history (New York: Anchor<br />

books, 1972).<br />

GRUCHMANN (Lothar), ed., Deutschland-Berichte der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (SOPADE),<br />

1934-1940 (Frankfurt/Main,1980).<br />

HARMSEN (Ger), Blauwe en rode jeugd. Een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis [Ontstaan, ontwikkeling en<br />

teruggang] van de Nederlandse jeugdbeweging tussen 1853 en 1940. <strong>The</strong>se (Assen: Van Gorcum & Comp.,<br />

1961).<br />

HARMSEN (Ger), ‘Voorspel, ontstaan en verloop van het schisma in het Nederlandse communisme. De<br />

geschiedenis van de CPH-CC (de Wijnkoop partij) 1926-1930’, in Mededelingenblad van de sociaal-historische<br />

studiekring, 1966, No. 23, pp. 3-38. On the Wijnkoop split from the CPH, 1926-30.<br />


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