The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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<strong>The</strong> Saxon tendency<br />

On this anti-party and anarchist, not to say “pedagogic”, current, see:<br />

FRANCK (Sebastian), Soziologie der Freiheit. Otto Rühles Auffassung vom Sozialismus, Ulm, 1951. Translated<br />

into French under the title: ‘La conception du socialisme chez Rühle‘, in Cahiers du communisme de conseils,<br />

No. 2, Marseilles, Jan. 1969. Written by a follower of Rühle: Henry Jacoby.<br />

HERMANN (Friedrich-Georg)‚ ‘Otto Rühle als politischer <strong>The</strong>oritiker’, IWK, Berlin, Heft 17, Dec.1972; Heft<br />

18, April 1973. A complete study of Rühle’s conception of the revolution.<br />

MATTICK (Paul), ‘Otto Rühle and the <strong>German</strong> Workers’ Movement’, 1945, in Anti-Bolshevik Communism,<br />

Merlin Press, 1978. Also in French: ‘Otto Rühle et le mouvement ouvrier allemand’ (Paris: Cahiers Spartacus,<br />

No. 63, Oct.-Nov. 1975).<br />

Gorter and the Essen tendency<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is hardly anything on the Essen current, which was dominated by Gorter’s strongly idealist tendency:<br />

BRANDT CORSTIUS (J. C.), Herman Gorter. Een bijdrage tot de kennis van zijn leven en werk (a contribution<br />

to the understanding of hts life and work) (Utrecht, 1934).<br />

CORNELISSEN (Igor), ‘Herman Gorter en de KAP’, in Vrij Nederland, 28 Nov. 1964.<br />

CORNELISSEN (Igor), ‘Frits Kief’, Vrij Nederland, 7 August 1976.<br />

CORNELISSEN (Igor), Van Zwolle tot Brest-Litowsk. Ontstuim herninneringen. Elements on Frits Kief<br />

(Amsterdam, 1983).<br />

DOORENBOS (Jenne Clinge), Wisselend getij. Dichterlijke en politieke activiteit in Herman Gorter leven<br />

(Amsterdam, 1964).<br />

KIEF (Frits), ‘Herman Gorter en het socialisme’, in Nieuw Vlaams Tijdschrift, 1960, pp. 460-475.<br />

STUIVELING (Garmt), Acht over Gorter. Several studies on Gorter’s literary and political work (Amsterdam:<br />

Querido, 1978).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Pannekoek Tendency<br />

BOEKELMAN (Mark), Development of the social and political Thought of Anton Pannekoek 1873-1960 (from<br />

social democracy to council communism), Doctoral <strong>The</strong>sis, Toronto University (Canada), 1980.<br />

BRENDEL (Cajo), Anton Pannekoek theoretikus van het socialisme (Pannekoek theoretician of Socialism). An<br />

important political biography by one of the representatives of <strong>Dutch</strong> (and international) council communism<br />

today (Nijmegen: SUN, 1970).<br />

BRENDEL (Cajo), Anton Pannekoek, Denker der Revolution (Freiburg: Çà Ira Verlag, 2001). <strong>German</strong><br />

translation of the <strong>Dutch</strong> text, uptodated.<br />

GERBER (John), Anton Pannekoek and the socialism of workers’ self-emancipation, 1873-1960. Abridged ed.<br />

of the Gerber’s doctorate thesis, University of Wisconsin, 1984 (Dordrecht/Boston: Kluwer Academic<br />

Publishers; Amsterdam: IISG, 1989).<br />

GERBER (John), ‘Anton Pannekoek and the Quest For an Emancipatory socialism’, in New Politics, A Journal<br />

of Socialist Thought, Vol. II, No. 5, New York, Summer 1988.<br />


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