The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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<strong>The</strong>re is a good choice of texts, translated, introduced and commented on by Serge Bricianer, Pannekoek et les<br />

conseils ouvriers (Paris: EDI, 1969).<br />

<strong>The</strong> following have also been republished:<br />

‘Situation et signification de l’œuvre philosophique de Josef Dietzgen’, Leiden, 1902, in J. Dietzgen, L’essence<br />

du travail intellectuel humain (Paris: Champ libre, 1973).<br />

Lutte de classe et nation, Reichenberg, 1912, in: Josef Strasser et Anton Pannekoek: Nation et lutte de classe,<br />

(Paris : 10/18, 1977).<br />

La théorie de l’écroulement du capitalisme, 1934, in: D. Authier & J. Barrot, op. cit.<br />

‘Le syndicalisme’; ‘Les conseils ouvriers’; ‘Au sujet du parti communisme’ (1936) in: La contre-revolution<br />

bureaucratique (Paris: 10/18, 1973).<br />

‘Le développement de la révolution mondiale et la tactique du communisme’ (1920), in: Invariance, No. 1, July-<br />

Sept. 1969.<br />

Lénine philosophe (1938, in <strong>German</strong>), in: Cahiers Spartacus, 1970, with a foreword by Mattick and remarks by<br />

Korsch. (Web: )<br />

Les conseils ouvriers (1946) (Paris: Bélibaste, 1974).<br />

Letters from Pannekoek to Chaulieu [Castoriadis], 1952, in: Cahiers du communisme de conseils, No. 8,<br />

Marseilles, May 1971.<br />

Correspondance 1953-54, Pierre Chaulieu-Anton Pannekoek, with introduction and commentaries by Henri<br />

Simon, ‘Echanges et mouvement’, Paris, Sept. 2001.<br />

In <strong>Dutch</strong><br />

See the collection of (anonymous) texts published in the P.I.C. during the thirties:<br />

A. Pannekoek: Partij, raden, revolutie, published, with very informative and well-informed notes, by Jaap<br />

Kloosterman (Amsterdam: Van Gennep, 1970).<br />

Philosophical works were also re-issued in <strong>Dutch</strong>: Darwinisme en marxisme (1909); Dietzgen’s werk (1909);<br />

twee natuur-onderzoekers (1917); in: Serie herdrukken, by the Radencommunisme Groep, No. 1, Beverwijk,<br />

1980.<br />

Het ontstaan van de mens (1944) (Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Wereld-Biblioteek, 1957).<br />

In <strong>German</strong><br />

A number of texts have been republished but for the most part are hard to find:<br />

Neubestimmung des Marxismus, 1 (Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, 1974), with an introduction by Cajo Brendel,<br />

and a quite complete bibliography, pp. 105-115 of Pannekoek’s works.<br />

Die Linke in der Sozial-demokratie, Jahrbuch 3, 1974. Collection of articles from before the First World War,<br />

presented by Hans Manfred Bock. <strong>The</strong>re is a copious bibliography of articles, books and pamphlets from before<br />

1914, pp. 158-167.<br />

‚Die Zusammenbruchstheorie des Kapitalismus’, in: Zusammenbruchstheorie des Kapitalismus oder<br />

revolutionäres Subjekt (Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, 1973). Introduction by Paul Mattick.<br />

Organisation und Taktik der Proletarischer Revolution, already quoted collection with: ‚Marxistische <strong>The</strong>orie<br />

und revolutionäre Taktik’; ‚Kautsky über die neue Taktik’ (1912); ‚der Imperalismus und die Aufgabe des<br />

Proletariats’ (1916); ‚Weltrevolution und kommunistische Taktik’ (1920).<br />


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