The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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(<strong>The</strong>se latter two texts have been translated by Denis Authier: La Gauche communiste en Allemagne (1918-<br />

1921) (Paris: Payot, 1976).<br />

In <strong>German</strong><br />

Organisation und Taktik der Proletarischen Revolution, Frankfurt/Main, 1969, collection of texts by Gorter and<br />

Pannekoek published by H.M. Bock.<br />

‚Die Ursachen des Nationalismus im Proletariat’, extract from Der Imperialismus, der Weltkrieg und die Sozial-<br />

Demokratie, Amsterdam, 1915.<br />

Die Russische Revolution, extract of Die Weltrevolution, Amsterdam, 1918.<br />

Offener Brief an den Genossen Lenin, 1920. Web: <br />

Die Klassenkampf-Organisation des Proletariats, Berlin, 1921.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Scandinavian group ‘Kommunismen’ re-issued in full in 1972 Gorter’s text published in 1923 in<br />

Proletarier: die Kommunistische Arbeiter-Internationale, 1923.<br />

Never re-issued but fundamental:<br />

Die Moskauer Intemationale (Berlin: KAPD, 1921).<br />

Die Notwendigkeit der Wiedervereinigung der Kommunistischen Arbeiter-Parteien Deutschlands, Berlin-<br />

Mariendorf, 1923.<br />

Der Weg des Dr Levi, der Weg der VKPD (Berlin: KAPD Verlag, 1921). Gorter could be one co-author<br />

(Chap. 3).<br />

In <strong>Dutch</strong><br />

Full bibliography available at the Letterkundig Museum en Documentatiecentrum in <strong>The</strong> Hague.<br />

Verzamelde werken,Vol.I-VIII, Bussum/Amsterdam: Van Dishoeck/Querido, 1948-52 (literary works), edited by<br />

Jenne Clinge Doorenbos and Garmt Stuiveling.<br />

[For the complete bibliography of his political works, see the (fundamental) book by Herman DE LIAGRE<br />

BÖHL: Herman Gorter, zijn politieke aktiviteiten van 1909 tot 1920 in de opkomende kommunistische beweging<br />

in Nederland (Nijmegen: SUN, 1973), pp. 291-309. He mentions articles and pamphlets in <strong>German</strong>, English, and<br />

<strong>Dutch</strong>.]<br />

Anton Pannekoek<br />

Political texts by Pannekoek were published in <strong>Dutch</strong>, <strong>German</strong>, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish,<br />

Russian, Danish, Norwegian, Rumanian, Ukrainian, Finnish, Esperanto and Serbian, and probably in many other<br />

languages.<br />

[Bibliography: C. Malandrino’s book, Scienza e socialismo, op. cit., pp. 276-309.]<br />

In Russian and Ukrainian<br />

Religija i socialism (translated by I. P-n), St Petersburg: ‘Amiran’, 1906.<br />

Etika i socialism (translated by P. Gurevich), St Petersburg: ‘Mir’, 1907.<br />

Komunizm i demokratija, Kyiv-Viden (Kiev), 1920. (Translation of Bolschewismus und Demokratie,<br />

Neumünster, 1919.)<br />


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