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The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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workers had been liquidated. A totalitarian state had been born with a bureaucratic caste at its head; the USSR<br />

was a plaything of the big imperialist powers. <strong>The</strong> conclusion was an unambiguous appeal to internationalism:<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Third Front sees no reason to change its position with the new phase of imperialist war. It does not take<br />

sides with ether of the two fronts in the imperialist war. It remains independent in the definition of its conduct: to<br />

conform to its own class aim and undertake its own struggle. <strong>The</strong> <strong>German</strong>-Russian war is a subdivision of the<br />

second imperialist war.” 1166<br />

Of the nine members of the Central Committee, two voted against: Dolleman and Van ’t Hart (Max Perthus),<br />

supporters of the trotskyist position of ‘unconditional defence’ of the USSR. <strong>The</strong> arrest of Perthus on 15 th August<br />

reduced the number of partisans of this position in the leadership. Dolleman (1894-1942) based himself on the<br />

youth periodical Het Kompas which published the minority position; the issue was not distributed. 1167 In order to<br />

avoid a split that now appeared inevitable, on 15 th October 1941 Sneevliet – supported by Stan Poppe and Ab<br />

Menist – prohibited discussion on the defence of the USSR. 1168 This ban was lifted at the end of the year. <strong>The</strong><br />

majority around Sneevliet was strengthened by the support of Vereeken’s ‘Against the current’ (Contre le<br />

Courant) group in Belgium, with whom a common manifesto against the war had been drawn up in<br />

December. 1169<br />

Against the trotskyist current of Dolleman, a partisan of the defence of the USSR ‘arms in hand’, the council<br />

communist current, around Stan Poppe, asserted itself more and more. 1170 Supported by Sneevliet, the latter<br />

undertook to settle accounts with trotskyist ideology. In an article he denounced Trotsky’s positions as “dubious<br />

and unreal”. Socialism was not the violence of the stalinist state, “state socialism”, but the power of the workers’<br />

councils. <strong>The</strong> USSR was imperialist. 1171<br />

In another article, Poppe identified with the communist positions of Gorter, citing his book Open letter to<br />

comrade Lenin. He took up the book’s principal theses:<br />

– “in Western Europe the role of the masses would be greater than the role of the leaders”;<br />

– “the union organisations had to be replaced by the factory organisations”;<br />

– “parliamentarism would have to be rejected and fought against.” 1172<br />

This evolution was shown in practice through an appeal by the MLL Front to desert the unions and form factory<br />

committees. <strong>The</strong> break with the old union policy was a break with the old policies of the RSAP. After the<br />

‘normalisation’ of the NVV socialist union by the <strong>German</strong> authorities in July 1940, the MLL Front had incited<br />

its members to work inside it. <strong>The</strong> NVV had become a cover for Mussert’s NSB. <strong>The</strong> propaganda in July 1941 in<br />

1166 Spartacus, No. 12, beginning of August, 1941.<br />

1167 Subsequently, the youth movement of the MLL Front was dissolved. <strong>The</strong> young militants were individually integrated<br />

into the Front.<br />

1168 Wim Bot, op. cit., pp. 62-63. After the vote, Dolleman sent a letter of resignation to the Central Committee, protesting<br />

against the rejection of the “freedom of democratic discussion”.<br />

1169 <strong>The</strong> ‘Manifesto’ appeared in Tegen den stroom of Jan. 2, 1941, organ of the Vereeken group. Vereeken secretly moved<br />

to Amsterdam where he drew up, with Sneevliet, the appeal “to the workers of every country”. It called for the<br />

transformation of all the wars into a civil war. It concluded with a call for “the new international of the proletariat” and to<br />

“mass action under the leadership of the proletarian strike committees”. For a year, on the word of a young Belgian<br />

trotskyist, Sneevliet thought that Vereeken defended British imperialism. Through contacts and an exchange of letters, he<br />

was convinced of the contrary. <strong>The</strong> international contacts of the MLL Front went through the Vereeken group, which was<br />

closely linked to the Comité communiste international (CCI) or International <strong>Communist</strong> Committee (ICC) of Pierre Frank<br />

(1906-1984) and Raymond Molinier (1904-1994).<br />

1170 Cf. Wim Bot, op. cit., pp. 67-68.<br />

1171 ‘Verdediging van de Sovjet-Unie?’ (Defence of the Soviet Union?), in: Tijdsproblemen, No. 2, Feb. 1942.<br />

1172 Cf. Wim Bot, op. cit., p. 70. Poppe showed that the struggle in the factories could only be political and transform itself<br />

into a struggle for power: “In this period we are no longer talking about committees, but directly of councils”.<br />


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