The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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and the workers, who had all been armed, fought with desperate energy. <strong>The</strong> government had mobilised tens of<br />

thousands of soldiers, of whom the majority came from Central Asia and so were more easily swayed by official<br />

propaganda joined by members of the Bolshevik Party, including those of the Workers’ Opposition. 530 Behind<br />

them were the Chekists, who shot the numerous deserters and fired on troops who went over to the Kronstadt<br />

insurgents. Tukhatchevsky’s 531 troops finally defeated the insurgents; tens of thousands of sailors and workers<br />

were shot; the survivors were sent to prison or to the camps where they perished. 532<br />

<strong>The</strong> programme of the Kronstadt insurgents was not sufficiently clear to grasp the attention of left communists.<br />

It certainly rejected any idea of the Constituent Assembly and any return to the past; it simply supported in a<br />

confused way a dictatorship of the councils without parties of any sort, and not a dictatorship exercised by a<br />

single party. However, this idea of a ‘dictatorship of the class’, as opposed to the ‘dictatorship of the party’ was<br />

to be developed at the end of 1921 by the <strong>Dutch</strong> and <strong>German</strong> left communists, above all by the KAPD. By<br />

contrast, the call for a ‘third revolution’ by the ‘Kronstadters’ remained very vague and offered no perspective.<br />

<strong>The</strong> idea, besides, of “giving the peasants complete freedom of action on their land” but “without using any<br />

wage labour” could only arouse the hostility of Gorter and the KAPD. 533 <strong>The</strong> latter was hostile to all concessions<br />

to the peasantry, which they identified with the Kulaks.<br />

In fact, at first the KAPD supported the official thesis of a plot against Soviet Russia. Claiming that the French<br />

boats were in Reval to support the insurrection in Russia – which was false – they declared: “<strong>The</strong> counterrevolutionary<br />

Russian emigrants are returning to Russia, and Count Wrangel is preparing in Hungary with the<br />

aim of providing military support”. 534 <strong>The</strong> action of the insurgents was defined as anti-communist and counterrevolutionary:<br />

“<strong>The</strong> exact knowledge of Russian conditions permits the counterrevolutionaries to provoke an insurrection,<br />

which in its first phase was of the same kind as a third revolution. During the struggle through the demand for<br />

the Constituent Assembly appears clearly the imprint of an uprising directed against communism.”<br />

Nevertheless the organ of the KAP clearly shows the context: hunger and “discontent with the dictatorship of the<br />

party and the Soviet bureaucracy’. 535<br />

It took the detailed account of the delegates of the KAPD in Moscow, and in particular of Arthur Goldstein 536 –<br />

assisted by Adolf Dethmann –, who represented the party on the Executive of the Komintern, to change the<br />

(the differences in translation are underlined by us.) If there is a distinction to make between “executing” and “crushing the<br />

mutineers by armed force”, it is a quite light distinction, which does not remove anything of Trotsky’s responsibility to<br />

crush the uprising of Kronstadt. It is well known that the result was the immediate shooting of insurgents, or in the ‘best<br />

case’ the death in the concentration camps. Later Trotsky tried to evacuate his own responsibility, when he was recalled in<br />

the thirties to have been one of the main agents of the bloody repression. By an obvious lie, Trotsky affirmed in 1938 that he<br />

“had not taken the smallest personal role in the pacification (sic) of the uprise of Kronstadt or in the repression which<br />

followed it”. [Quoted by <strong>The</strong> New International, August 1938, p. 249-250.] At that time, Trotsky was involved in alliance<br />

policy with the Spanish anarchists, and the recall of this unglorious past was not welcomed by him.<br />

530 Alexandra Kollontai declared that the members of the Opposition would be the first to volunteer to crush the Kronstadt<br />

revolt [cf. P. Avrich, op. cit., p. 175].<br />

531 In 1939, the stalinian regime accused Tukhachevsky of being responsible for the Kronstadt insurrection!<br />

532 It is highly significant that the insurgents who had imprisoned a small minority of communists who were hostile to the<br />

uprising, used no violence against them. All violence was excluded in the insurgents’ camp: “[Kronstadt does not want] to<br />

imitate Petrograd, for it considers a similar act, even carried out in a fit of desperate hatred, is the most shameful and<br />

cowardly from all points of view. History has not yet seen such proceedings” [Izvestia, 7 th March 1921].<br />

533 Resolution from the ship “Petropavlovsk”, 28 th February 1921; quoted by Avrich, op. cit., pp. 75-76. It is certain that the<br />

weight of the small peasants was felt by the sailors, because two thirds were of peasant origin in 1921. But this social<br />

composition was not very different from that of the Kronstadt sailors in 1918.<br />

534 KAZ [Berlin], No. 177.<br />

535 KAZ [Berlin], No. 179, ‚Die Offensive gegen Russland beginnt!’.<br />

536 Goldstein, soon replaced by B. Reichenbach (1888-1975) [pseudonym: Johannes Seemann], was in contact with the<br />

Russian Workers’ Opposition in Moscow. It was he who brought Kollontai’s manuscript of the Workers’ Opposition to the<br />

west via a special KAPD courrier. It was immediately translated into <strong>German</strong> and <strong>Dutch</strong> and produced by the KAPD and<br />


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