The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom

The German-Dutch Communist Left - Libcom


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theses on tactics were adopted, despite the presence of left communists such as Bordiga and Sylvia Pankhurst. In<br />

reality, the KPD’s programme of 18 th December which, with the programme of the Russian CP, had been at the<br />

basis of the Komintern’s foundation, was abandoned. In recommending work in the trades unions, the KPD’s<br />

merger with the USPD, and the CPGB’s entry into the Labour Party, the Komintern rejected the <strong>Left</strong>’s theses in<br />

favour of those of the Right. <strong>The</strong>re was a serious danger that mass parties would be formed from parties that had<br />

only just left the 2 nd International, and were barely purged of their opportunist majorities. <strong>The</strong> Komintern was<br />

being seduced by the mirage of numbers. Had not Zinoviev answered Wijnkoop (who was playing the radical to<br />

earn forgiveness for his pro-Entente policy during the war) that “[the Congress] should listen to the [USPD]<br />

delegates who represent 800,000 members and speak to the masses, rather than to the advice of Wijnkoop,<br />

whose party only has 1,500 members after 15 years of activity?” 470 <strong>The</strong> way was open to the formation of<br />

enormous parties: like the 400,000 strong party created in December 1920 by the merger of Levi’s party with the<br />

left wing of the USPD; or the formation of Šmeral’s Czechoslovak <strong>Communist</strong> Party in May 1921, a particularly<br />

opportunist party whose 350,000 members regrouped the majority of the country’s workers. 471<br />

<strong>The</strong> Komintern was certainly aware of the ‘danger’. It recognised the “threat of invasion by undecided and<br />

hesitant groups that have not yet been able to break with the ideology of the 2 nd International”. Many communist<br />

parties still contained “opportunist and reformist elements”. As early as 1919, a high price had been paid for the<br />

merger of Hungarian communists and socialists. 472 <strong>The</strong> Komintern’s ‘21 Conditions’ for membership were<br />

drawn up against precisely this danger. Although they had been directed against the right-wing and centrist<br />

elements, they were just as valid for the left communist current. Point 9 obliged the communist parties to work<br />

within the unions. Point 11 – like Bukharin’s <strong>The</strong>ses on parliamentarism – implied a duty to get deputies elected<br />

to parliament. As for the 21 st Point, drawn up by Bordiga, it could exclude the right, but also the left, should the<br />

latter reject Points 9 and 11. Point 12, demanding “an iron discipline close to military discipline”, and directed<br />

against anti-centralist elements, was a serious threat to the communist parties’ lefts, which were far from being<br />

federalists in the same way as Rühle. Wijnkoop, a member of the commission for conditions of admission to the<br />

Congress, made skilful use of these same conditions to eliminate the left from the CPH a year later.<br />

But the Komintern did not want to eliminate the left; it considered that the danger from the right was much<br />

greater, and that ‘left wing radicalism’ was in the end a benign disorder. As Lenin wrote: “the error represented<br />

by left doctrinarism in the communist movement is at present a thousand times less dangerous and less serious<br />

than the error represented by right doctrinarism...”. 473<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Dutch</strong>-<strong>German</strong> current was not, therefore, kept away from the 2 nd Congress. <strong>The</strong> KAPD sent two official<br />

delegates, Jan Appel and Franz Jung – with Willy Klahre from the KAPD. Due to the difficulty to arrive to<br />

Russia by other middles, they embarked in Cuxhaven as stowaways in the fishing boat “Senator Schröder”, and<br />

hijacked it, with the help of the sailor of Cuxhaven Hermann Knüfken, from the KAPD, and the help of the crew.<br />

As they passed the northern tip of Heligoland, they arrested the captain and his officers at gunpoint and locked<br />

them up in the forward cabin. <strong>The</strong> journey began on the 20 th April and ended on 1 st May at Alexandrovsk, the<br />

seaport of Murmansk. <strong>The</strong>y were received as comrades, and thereafter travelled on the railway, built during the<br />

war, to Petrograd. In Petrograd, they met briefly Lenin, who gave to the hijackers the nickname of “comrades<br />

pirates”.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y presented the views of their current during the Congress, and formally committed themselves, following<br />

the Komintern’s open letter to the KAPD 474 , to the exclusion from the party of both the ‘national-bolsheviks’ and<br />

470 Der II. Kongresses der Kommunistischen Internationale. Protokoll der Verhandlungen vom 19. Juli in Petrograd und<br />

vom 23. Juli bis 7. August1920 in Moskau (Hamburg: Verlag der Kommunistischen Internationale, 1921), p. 133. [Reprint:<br />

Erlangen: Karl Liebknecht Verlag, 1970.]<br />

471 With the entry of Südeten <strong>German</strong> communists, the Czech CP had 400,000 members, in a population of 12 million.<br />

Bohumir Šmeral had been a ‘social-patriot’ in 1914.<br />

472 “Requirements of membership in the <strong>Communist</strong> International ”.<br />

473 Lenin, ‘<strong>Left</strong>-wing Communism, an Infantile Disorder’ (Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1973), p. 108.<br />

474 “Open letter to the members of the KAPD (2 nd June 1920)”, translated in: Broué, op. cit., p. 224-242. Apart from the<br />

exclusion of Rühle and the ‘national-Bolsheviks’, the Komintern’s Executive demanded the acceptance of the 2 nd Congress’<br />


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