Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library


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Africa. Furthermore, Jacks<strong>on</strong> makes little attempt ro disguise his antipathy<br />

rowards the forces of popular revolmi<strong>on</strong> in Spain, or their goals.<br />

It is no criticism of Jacks<strong>on</strong>'s study that his point of view and sympathies<br />

are expressed with such clarity. On the c<strong>on</strong>trary, rhe value of this work as an<br />

interpretati<strong>on</strong> of historical events is enhanced by the fact that the author's<br />

commitments are made so clear and explicit. Bur I think it can be shown that<br />

Jacks<strong>on</strong>'s account of the popular revoluti<strong>on</strong> that rook place in Spain is misleading<br />

and in part quire unfair, and thar the fa ilure of objectivity it reveals is<br />

highly significant in thar it is characteristic of the attitude taken by liberal (and<br />

Communist) intellectuals towards revoluti<strong>on</strong>ary movements rhar are largely<br />

sp<strong>on</strong>taneous and <strong>on</strong>ly loosely organized, while rooted in deeply felt needs and<br />

ideals of dispossessed masses. It is a c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong> of scholarship that rhe use of<br />

such terms as those of the preceding phrase dem<strong>on</strong>strates naivete and muddleheaded<br />

sentimentality. The c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>, however, is supp<strong>on</strong>ed by ideological<br />

c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong> rather than history or investigati<strong>on</strong> of the phenomena of social life.<br />

This c<strong>on</strong>victi<strong>on</strong> is, I think, belied by such events as the revoluti<strong>on</strong> that swept<br />

over much of Spain in the summer of 1936.<br />

The circumstances of Spain in the 1930s are not duplicated elsewhere in<br />

the underdeveloped world today, to be sure. Nevertheless, the limited informati<strong>on</strong><br />

that we have about popular movements in Asia, specifically, suggests<br />

certain similar features that deserve mllch more serious and sympathetic srudy<br />

than (hey have so far received. 56 Inadequate informati<strong>on</strong> makes i( hazardous<br />

to try to develop any sllch parallel, but I think it is quite possible to note l<strong>on</strong>gstanding<br />

tendencies in the resp<strong>on</strong>se of liberal as well as Communist intellectuals<br />

to such mass movements.<br />

A5 I have already remarked, the Spanish Civil War is not <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong>e of the<br />

critical events of modern hisrory bur <strong>on</strong>e of the most intensively studied as well.<br />

Yet there are surprising gaps. During the m<strong>on</strong>ths following the Franco insurrecti<strong>on</strong><br />

in July 1936, a social revoluti<strong>on</strong> of unprecedented scope rook place<br />

throughout much of Spain. It had no "revoluti<strong>on</strong>ary vanguard" and appears to<br />

have been largely sp<strong>on</strong>taneous, involving masses of urban and rural laborers in<br />

a radical transformati<strong>on</strong> of social and ec<strong>on</strong>omic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s that persisted. with<br />

remarkable success, until it was crushed by fo rce. This predominantly anarchist<br />

revoluti<strong>on</strong> and the massive social transformati<strong>on</strong> to which it gave rise are treat<br />

ed, in recent historical studies. as a kind of aberrati<strong>on</strong>, a nuisance that stood in<br />

the way of successful prosecuti<strong>on</strong> of the war to save the bourgeois regime from<br />

the Franco rebelli<strong>on</strong>. Many historians would probably agree with Eric<br />

Hobsbawm57 that the failure of social revoluti<strong>on</strong> in Spain "was due to the anarchists,"<br />

that anarchism was "a disaster," a kind of "moral gymnastics" with no<br />

"c<strong>on</strong>crete results," at best "a profoundly moving specracle for the student of<br />

popular religi<strong>on</strong>." The most extensive histOrical study of the anarchist revolu<br />

ri<strong>on</strong>58 is relatively inaccessible, and neither its author, now living in southern<br />

France, nor the many refugees who will never write memoirs bur who might<br />


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