Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library


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and relati<strong>on</strong>s. Stick these young (labor activists] in the business schools and<br />

they'll see "we're all friends" and we're all doing the same things. And it went<br />

<strong>on</strong> like that fo r years. And then Elaine Bernard came al<strong>on</strong>g and took it over.<br />

And, since, it's become a center fo r radical internati<strong>on</strong>al labor activists. And it's<br />

because all these ideas are just there, barely below the surface and when you<br />

puncture the surface it all just comes out. It's all so natural and obvious that it<br />

takes massive effort to beat it down. By now [the Harvard program] is completely<br />

different and has big effects throughout the world. And that can be<br />

d<strong>on</strong>e in all kinds of places, but those are modes of peaceful change. And in just<br />

Elaine's own lifetime they have led to very big changes.<br />

The change has g<strong>on</strong>e in both directi<strong>on</strong>s. On the <strong>on</strong>e hand, you can't crush<br />

Homestead the way you could 100 years ago, while, <strong>on</strong> the mher hand, the<br />

c<strong>on</strong>sciousness that led to Homestead is g<strong>on</strong>e. So it's not just progress, but<br />

rebuilding that c<strong>on</strong>sciousness is the kind of peaceful activicy that can be carried<br />

our and is in many respects a lor easier than fighting the Nati<strong>on</strong>al Guard.<br />

A final questi<strong>on</strong> because I think we're running out of time. I have been<br />

working <strong>on</strong> Alexander Berkman; book, Now and Then: an ABC of<br />

An;]rchism because A K PreJJ ha.l jmt rf'published it as Wh;][ Is A n;]rch ism?<br />

In reading his letters in the 1920s when he was working <strong>on</strong> the book and<br />

he was finding it very difficult, <strong>on</strong>e of the things that he was trying to come 231<br />

to grips with in the hook is "Why haven't people come to this idea? This idea,<br />

which to me is just comm<strong>on</strong> sense ... this natural instinct to solidarity and<br />

support? I've seen Russia and I've seen totalitarianism in acti<strong>on</strong>. Why<br />

haven't anarchist ideas had a greater impact in the world?" Now that was<br />

nearly 80 years ago and the questi<strong>on</strong> we're all still focing is we at least<br />

believe, as Emma Goldman says, "<strong>Anarchism</strong> is the <strong>on</strong>ly belief that shows<br />

men and women their true selves and who they can be. " But we see that,<br />

and we know that instinctively, yet it has still had such a miniscule impact.<br />

Is that true?<br />

I do not think it's true that it's had a minuscule impact. A lot of the progressive<br />

social change of the past century isn't anarchist. Progressive taxati<strong>on</strong>s,<br />

Social Securicy isn't anarchist, but it's a reflecti<strong>on</strong> of attitudes and understandings<br />

which, if they go a little bit further, do reflect anarchist commitments.<br />

They are based <strong>on</strong> the idea that there really should be solidaricy, community,<br />

mutual support, mutual aid and so forth-opportunities for creative acti<strong>on</strong>.<br />

They are all based <strong>on</strong> these. They are subdued, channeled and modified so they<br />

never take real libertarian forms, bur they are there and they lead to social<br />

change.<br />

Why hasn't it g<strong>on</strong>e fu rther? Well a large part of it is violence. Take for example<br />

Berkman's experience in Russia. He entered into a violent, totalitarian state.<br />

Up until the Bolshevik takeover-coup, revoluti<strong>on</strong>, whatever YOll want to call

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