Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library


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power lies elsewhere and offer themselves as its "bought priesthood," serving<br />

the real masters either as managers or apologists, who "beat the people with the<br />

people's stick" in the state capitalist democracies.<br />

That must be <strong>on</strong>e of the few predicti<strong>on</strong>s of the social sciences ro have come<br />

true so dramatically. It deserves a place of h<strong>on</strong>or in the famolls can<strong>on</strong> for that<br />

reas<strong>on</strong> al<strong>on</strong>e, though we will wait a l<strong>on</strong>g time for that.<br />

206<br />

"TOUGH LOVE"<br />

There is, I think, an eerie similarity between the present period and the days<br />

when c<strong>on</strong>temporary ideology-what is now called "neoliberalism" or "ec<strong>on</strong>omic<br />

rari<strong>on</strong>alism"-was being fashi<strong>on</strong>ed by Ricardo, Malthus, and mhers.<br />

Their task was to dem<strong>on</strong>strate to people that they have no rights, c<strong>on</strong>trary to<br />

what they foolishly believe. Indeed, that is proven by "science." The grave<br />

intellectual error of pre-capitalist culture was the belief that people have a place<br />

in the society and a right to it, perhaps a rotten place, but at least something.<br />

The new science dem<strong>on</strong>strated that the c<strong>on</strong>cept of a "right to live" was a simple<br />

fallacy. It had to be patiently explained to misguided people that they have<br />

no rights, orher than the right to try their luck in the market. A pers<strong>on</strong> lacking<br />

independent wealth who cannot survive in the labor market "has no claim<br />

of right to the smallest porti<strong>on</strong> of food, and, in fact, has no business ro be<br />

where he is," Malthus proclaimed in influential work. It is a "great evil" and<br />

violati<strong>on</strong> of "narural liberty" to mislead the poor into believing rhat rhey have<br />

fu rther rights, Ricardo held, outraged at this assault against the principles of<br />

ec<strong>on</strong>omic science and elementary rati<strong>on</strong>ality, and the moral principles that are<br />

no less exalted. The message is simple. Yo u have a free choice: the labor market,<br />

the workhouse pris<strong>on</strong>, death, or go somewhere else-as was possible when<br />

vast spaces were opening thanks to the exterminati<strong>on</strong> and expulsi<strong>on</strong> of indigenous<br />

populati<strong>on</strong>s, not exactly by market principles.<br />

The founders of the science were surpassed by n<strong>on</strong>e in their devoti<strong>on</strong> to the<br />

"happiness of the people," and even advocated some extensi<strong>on</strong> of the franchise<br />

to this end: "not indeed, universally to all people, bur to that part of them<br />

which cannot be supposed to have any interest in overturning the right of<br />

property," Ricardo explained. adding that still heavier restricti<strong>on</strong>s would be<br />

appropriate if it were shown that "limiting the elective franchise to the very<br />

narrowest bounds" would guarantee more "security for a good choice of representatives."<br />

There is an ample record of similar thoughts to the present day}7<br />

It is useful to remember what happened when rhe laws of ec<strong>on</strong>omic rati<strong>on</strong>alism<br />

were formulated and imposed-in the familiar dual manner: market discipline<br />

for the weak, bur the minisnati<strong>on</strong>s of the nanny state, when needed, to<br />

protect the wealthy and privileged. By the 1830s, the victory of the new ideology<br />

was substantial, and it was established more fully a few years later. There<br />

was a slight problem, however. People couldn't seem to get it into their heads<br />

that they had no intrinsic rights. Being foolish and ignorant, they found it hard

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