Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library


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Medicine cites the case of a Swedish water filtrati<strong>on</strong> system that Cuba had purchased<br />

[0 produce vaccines, barred because some parts are produced by an<br />

American-owned company, so life-saving vaccines can be denied to bring<br />

"democracy" to the survivors.] 0<br />

The successes in "killing people" and making them suffer are important. In<br />

the real world, Castro's Cuba was a c<strong>on</strong>cern not because of a military threat,<br />

human rights abuses, or dictatorship. Rather, for reas<strong>on</strong>s deeply rooted in<br />

American history. In the ] 820s, as the takeover the c<strong>on</strong>tinent was proceeding<br />

apace, Cuba was regarded by the political and ec<strong>on</strong>omic leadership as the next<br />

prize to be w<strong>on</strong>. That is "an object of transcendent importance to the commercial<br />

and political interests of our Uni<strong>on</strong>," the author of the M<strong>on</strong>roe<br />

Docnine, John Quincy Adams, advised, agreeing with Jeffers<strong>on</strong> and others<br />

that Spain should keep sovereignty until the British deterrent faded, and Cuba<br />

would fall into US hands by "the laws of political...gravitati<strong>on</strong>," a "ripe fmit"<br />

for harvest, as it did a century ago. By mid-twentieth century, the ripe fruit was<br />

highly valued by US agricultural and gambling interests, am<strong>on</strong>g mhers.<br />

Castro's robbery of this US possessi<strong>on</strong> was not taken likely. Worse still, there<br />

was a danger of a "domino effect" of development in terms that might be<br />

meaningful [0 suffering people elsewhere-the most successful health services<br />

in Latin America, for example. It was feared that Cuba might be <strong>on</strong>e of those<br />

"rotten apples" that "spoil the barrel," a "virus" that might "infect" others, in<br />

200<br />

the terminology favored by planners, who care nothing about crimes, but a lot<br />

about dem<strong>on</strong>strati<strong>on</strong> effects.<br />

But respectable people do not dwell <strong>on</strong> such matters or even the elementary<br />

facts about the campaign to restore the ripe fruit to its rightful owner since<br />

1959, including its current phase. Few Americans were exposed to the subversive<br />

material in the October 1994 medical journals, or even the fact that in (he<br />

same m<strong>on</strong>th, the UN General Assembly passed a resoluti<strong>on</strong> calling for an end<br />

to the illegal embargo by a vote of 101 to 2, the US able to rely <strong>on</strong>ly <strong>on</strong> Israel,<br />

now aband<strong>on</strong>ed even by Albania, Romania, and Paraguay, which had briefly<br />

joined Washing[On in its crusade for democracy in earlier years.<br />

The standard s[Ory is that Eastern Europe, liberated at last, can now join<br />

the wealthy societies of the West. Perhaps, bur (hen <strong>on</strong>e w<strong>on</strong>ders why that hadn't<br />

happened during the preceding half millennium, as much of Eastern<br />

Europe steadily declined relative to the West, well into (his century, becoming<br />

its original "Third World." A different prospect that might be imagined is that<br />

the status quo ante will be more or less restored: parts of the Communist<br />

empire that had bel<strong>on</strong>ged to the indusnial West- western Poland, the Czech<br />

Republic, some others-will gradually rejoin it, while others reven [0 something<br />

like their earlier status as service areas for the rich indusnial world,<br />

which, of course, did not get that way merely because of its unique vinue. As<br />

Winst<strong>on</strong> Churchill observed in a paper submitted to his Cabinet colleagues in<br />

January 1914,

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