Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library

Chomsky on Anarchism.pdf - Zine Library


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cians whose task is w produce plans, and w lay out the c<strong>on</strong>sequences of decisi<strong>on</strong>s,<br />

to explain to the people who have to make the decisi<strong>on</strong>s that if YOll<br />

decide this, you're going w likely get this c<strong>on</strong>sequence, because that's what<br />

your programming model shows, and so <strong>on</strong>. Blit the point is that those planning<br />

systems are themselves industries, and they will have their workers' councils<br />

and they will be part of the whole council system, and the distincti<strong>on</strong> is<br />

that these planning systems do nO( make decisi<strong>on</strong>s. They produce plans in<br />

exactly the same way that auwmakers produce autos. The plans are then available<br />

for the workers' councils and council assemblies, in the same way that<br />

auws are available to ride in. Now of course what this does require is an<br />

informed and educated working class. But that's precisely what we are capable<br />

of achieving in advanced industrial societies.<br />

How for does the success of libertarian socialism or anarchism really depend<br />

<strong>on</strong> a f<strong>on</strong>damental change in the nature of man, both in his motivati<strong>on</strong>, his<br />

altruism, and also in his knowledge and sophisticati<strong>on</strong>'<br />

I think it not <strong>on</strong>ly depends <strong>on</strong> it but in fact the whole purpose of libertarian<br />

socialism is that it will c<strong>on</strong>tribute w it. It will c<strong>on</strong>tribute w a spiritual<br />

rransformari<strong>on</strong>-prc:isdy rhar kinn of grar rramformari<strong>on</strong> in rh way<br />

humans c<strong>on</strong>ceive of themselves and their ability to act, to decide, to create, to<br />

produce, to enquire-precisely that spiritual transformati<strong>on</strong> that social<br />

thinkers from the left-Marxist traditi<strong>on</strong>s, from Luxemburg say, through anarcho-syndicalists,<br />

have always emphasized. So <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong>e hand it requires that<br />

spiritual transformati<strong>on</strong>. On the other hand, its purpose is to create instituti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

which will c<strong>on</strong>tribute to that transformati<strong>on</strong> in the nature of work, the<br />

nature of creative activity, simply in social b<strong>on</strong>ds am<strong>on</strong>g people, and through<br />

this interacti<strong>on</strong> of creating instituti<strong>on</strong>s which permit new aspects of human<br />

nature to flourish. And then the building of still further libertarian instituti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

to which these liberated human beings can c<strong>on</strong>tribute: this is the evoluti<strong>on</strong> of<br />

socialism as I understand it.<br />

147<br />

And finally, Prof'ssor <str<strong>on</strong>g>Chomsky</str<strong>on</strong>g>. what do you think of the chances of societies<br />

al<strong>on</strong>g these lines coming into being in the major industrial countries in the<br />

West in the next quarter of a century or so?<br />

I d<strong>on</strong>'t think I'm wise enough, or informed enough, to make predicti<strong>on</strong>s<br />

and I think predicti<strong>on</strong>s about such poorly-understood matters probably generally<br />

reflect pers<strong>on</strong>ality more than judgment. Bur I think this much at least<br />

we can say: there are obvious tendencies in industrial capitalism towards c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong><br />

of power in narrow ec<strong>on</strong>omic empires and in what is increasingly<br />

becoming a totalitarian state. These are tendencies that have been going <strong>on</strong> for<br />

a l<strong>on</strong>g time, and I d<strong>on</strong>'t see anything stopping them really. I think those tendencies<br />

will c<strong>on</strong>tinue; they're part of the stagnati<strong>on</strong> and decline of capitalist<br />


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