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contacts<br />

We’ve endeavoured to cover<br />

everything you need to know about<br />

the design and application<br />

of the Drive Less See More and<br />

Go Lakes Travel branding but<br />

should you need any further advice<br />

or guidance you can contact:<br />

BRAND<br />

<strong>GUIDELINES</strong><br />

Gemma Procter<br />

gprocter@cumbriatourism.org<br />

To find out more about the project<br />

visit www.golakestravel.co.uk<br />

or scan this:

Contents<br />

welcome 04 BRAND<br />

The Drive Less See More branding<br />

is based around a strong simple<br />

message. These guidelines have<br />

been constructed with this ethos to<br />

help you promote this message in<br />

a bold consistent fashion.<br />

10 go lakes travel brand<br />

18 colour palette<br />

22 FONTs<br />

26 Photography<br />

38 layout<br />

44 Examples<br />

02 Welcome DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

03 Contents www.golakestravel.co.uk

MASTER<br />

Below is the master version of the Drive Less See More<br />

branding. The core of the brand is the message and<br />

in order to maintain its integrity this should always be set<br />

within a block of colour. This section of the guidelines will<br />

take you through the application of the logo.<br />

Do not alter the proportions of the logo as this<br />

can affect the legibility and therefore the impact<br />

of the message.<br />


minimum size<br />

exclusion zone<br />

colours<br />

04 The BranD DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

05 The Brand www.golakestravel.co.uk

Exclusion<br />

zone<br />

To ensure that the brand is in no way obstructed when<br />

reproduced we have included an exclusion zone.<br />

This is an invisible boundary line that should not be<br />

crossed by other objects in the layout.<br />

Do not place other logos etc within the exclusion zone.<br />


SIZE<br />

In order to preserve the integrity of the branding there is a<br />

minimum size at which it can be displayed. This ensures that<br />

the smallest line of the type, the strapline, is still legible.<br />

For extreme cases there is a smaller version which omits the<br />

strapline, though this should only be used as a last resort.<br />

Do not reproduce the brand below the dimensions<br />

set out below.<br />

40mm<br />

20mm<br />

20mm<br />

40mm<br />

06 The Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

07 The Brand<br />


COLOUR<br />


The branding is available in five different colour<br />

combinations. The branding is designed to work with<br />

a wide variety of brands and so this flexibility<br />

will allow you to find a colour that works for you.<br />

Do not alter the colour of the logo as this can affect<br />

the legibility and therefore the impact of the message.<br />

Grey<br />

Wherever possible the logo should appear in one of its bold<br />

colourful forms but there may be exceptions where a<br />

document is printed in a single colour, such as a fax where<br />

the greyscale version below may be used.<br />

Do not invert this logo (black type on a white square).<br />

08 The Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

09 The Brand<br />


MASTER<br />

The Go Lakes Travel branding represents the project<br />

partners. This brand accompanies the Drive Less See More<br />

branding as a supporting logo. As such this has<br />

a different job to do in communicating the involvement<br />

of the partners without taking the focus away from<br />

the Drive Less See More brand.<br />

Do not alter the proportions of the logo as this<br />

will affect the integrity and consistency of the brand.<br />

support<br />

BRAND<br />

representing<br />

funding<br />

All versions of the Go Lakes Travel brand may be<br />

reversed out of an image or block of colour.<br />

When doing this always ensure that the colour provides<br />

enough contrast to make the type legible.<br />

When placing over an image make sure the<br />

background is strong enough to hold the type.<br />

& partners<br />

10 Support Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

11 Support Brand www.golakestravel.co.uk

Exclusion<br />

zone<br />

The branding is available in five different colour<br />

combinations. The branding is designed to work with<br />

a wide variety of brands and so this flexibility<br />

will allow you to find a colour that works for you.<br />

This measurement applies to all versions of the brand.<br />

wording<br />

The wording which accompanies the Go Lakes Travel<br />

branding details the funding and partners involved in the<br />

project. There are two variations on the layout to help<br />

accommodate it within your artwork; landscape as detailed<br />

below and portrait which is detailed on the following page.<br />

Do not replace the accompanying type in the logo file<br />

with your own version.<br />

12 Support Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

13 Support Brand www.golakestravel.co.uk


SIZE<br />

In order to preserve the integrity of the branding there<br />

is a minimum size at which it can be displayed.<br />

This ensures that the supporting line of the type,<br />

is still legible.<br />

Do not reproduce the brand below the dimensions<br />

set out below.<br />

XXs<br />

For extreme cases there is a smaller version of the<br />

branding which includes a proportionately larger strapline.<br />

This should only be used as a last resort.<br />

Do not reproduce the brand below the dimensions<br />

set out below.<br />

120mm<br />

100mm<br />

Funded by the Department for Transport.<br />

Delivered in partnership by Cumbria County Council,<br />

Lake District National Park Authority and Cumbria Tourism<br />

Funded by the Department for Transport. Delivered in partnership by<br />

Cumbria County Council, Lake District National Park Authority and Cumbria Tourism<br />

66mm<br />

40mm<br />

Funded by the Department for Transport. Delivered in partnership by<br />

Cumbria County Council, Lake District National Park Authority and Cumbria Tourism<br />

Funded by the Department for Transport.<br />

Delivered in partnership by Cumbria<br />

County Council, Lake District National<br />

Park Authority and Cumbria Tourism<br />

14 Support Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

15 Support Brand<br />


Colours<br />

When reproduced in colour the Go Lakes Travel brand<br />

only appears in the two greens as detailed below.<br />

It can, however, be reversed out in a solid white in order<br />

to make it more flexible.<br />

Do not reproduce the Go Lakes Travel brand in any<br />

other colour combinations.<br />

Grey<br />

Wherever possible the logo should appear in either full<br />

colour as shown previously or in white reversed out<br />

of a colour/image. However, there may be exceptions<br />

where a document is printed in a single colour, such<br />

as a fax where the greyscale version below may be used.<br />

Versions with the funding<br />

message should always have<br />

solid black text.<br />

PMS368<br />

C60M0Y100K0<br />

R114G191B68<br />

PMS357<br />

C80M0Y100K56<br />

R0G98B37<br />

16 Support Brand DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

17 Support Brand<br />


eak it<br />

down<br />

The colour palette used in the Drive Less See More<br />

branding is designed to be bright, friendly and fun!<br />

Along with the bold font it is a key part of giving the<br />

brand plenty of standout.<br />

These colours are intended to be bold,<br />

please don’t tint them.<br />

Colour<br />

Palette<br />

Daffodil<br />

PMS130<br />

C0M30Y100K0<br />

R253G185B19<br />

Evergreen<br />

PMS355<br />

C100M0Y100K0<br />

R0G166B81<br />

Sky<br />

PMS355<br />

C90M10Y0K0<br />

R0G165B229<br />

Wildflower<br />

PMS1925<br />

C0M100Y50K0<br />

R237G20B91<br />

Daffodil tarn ALE sky<br />

wildflower evergreen damson sunset<br />

lake DAWN moss bracken<br />

Tarn<br />

PMS3262<br />

C70M0Y30K0<br />

R39G189B90<br />

Bracken<br />

PMS179<br />

C0M80Y100K0<br />

R241G90B34<br />

Sunset<br />

PMSRhodamine Red<br />

C0M90Y0K0<br />

R238G61B150<br />

Lake<br />

PMSReflex Blue<br />

C100M75Y0K0<br />

R0G84B166<br />

Moss<br />

PMS382<br />

C30M0Y100K0<br />

R191G215B48<br />

Dawn<br />

PMS485<br />

C0M100Y100K0<br />

R237G28B36<br />

Ale<br />

PMSOrange021<br />

C0M50Y100K0<br />

R247G148B29<br />

Damson<br />

PMS2603<br />

C30M100Y0K0<br />

R180G30B142<br />

18 Colour Palette DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 19 Colour Palette www.golakestravel.co.uk

combos<br />

The colours in the palette are both individually very strong<br />

and have been designed to work in pairs for the brand itself,<br />

however, within the palette there are some other good<br />

combinations that also work very well. The graphic below<br />

shows off some of the complementary and contrasting<br />

pairings you can achieve.<br />

Try to avoid classic combinations such as purple and<br />

yellow or blue and orange!<br />

working<br />

with<br />

imagery<br />

When bringing the logo in to sit on an image, select one<br />

which will contrast well with the backdrop and tie<br />

in with the image. In the example below the brand picks<br />

up on the model’s clothing whilst contrasting well<br />

with the background.<br />

Look for high contrasts where the brand sits<br />

to ensure it stands out.<br />

20 Colour Palette DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 21 Colour Palette www.golakestravel.co.uk

INTRO<br />

Intro is the logotype and headline font used with the<br />

Drive Less See More brand. Its bold, impactful, modern<br />

form is perfect for getting the message across.<br />

You can download this font for free from fontfabric.com<br />

Do not use for text type.<br />

FONTS<br />

INTRO and<br />


NEUE<br />

abcdefghijklmn<br />

opqrstuvwxyz<br />

01234567890<br />

for display<br />

purposes<br />

only<br />

22 FONTS DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 23 Fonts www.golakestravel.co.uk


NEUE<br />

We have selected Helvetica as a complementary font<br />

for use in body copy. It’s a highly legible and flexible font<br />

due to the wide range of styles available as detailed<br />

over the next two pages.<br />

Helvetica Neue is widely available from type libraries<br />

such as fontshop.com<br />

Do not use for headline type.<br />

The most common weights used are 55 roman for regular<br />

body copy and 75 bold for highlights etc though it is<br />

advisable to go up a weight when reversing the copy out of<br />

a block of colour or even up two weights when on an image.<br />

25 Ultra Light<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

65 Medium<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

26 Ultra Light Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

66 Medium Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

35 Thin<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

75 Bold<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

36 Thin Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

76 Bold Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

45 Light<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

85 Heavy<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

46 Light Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

86 Heavy Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

55 Roman<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

95 Black<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

56 Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

96 Black Italic<br />


abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />

0123456789<br />

24 Fonts DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 25 Fonts www.golakestravel.co.uk

overview<br />

To bring the campaign to life a photoshoot was<br />

commissioned to showcase the variety of transport<br />

in the area. This is free to use on related projects<br />

in conjunction with the Drive Less See More and<br />

Go Lakes Travel brands.<br />

Images can be downloaded from<br />

www.golakestravel.co.uk<br />

PHOTOS<br />

ELECTRIC bikes<br />

walking<br />

buses boats<br />

26 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 27 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

KeY Shots<br />

The following images are show a selection of the<br />

key shots for the campaign, covering the various<br />

modes of transport.<br />

28 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 29 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

30 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 31 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

32 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 33 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

34 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 35 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

36 Photography DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 37 Photography www.golakestravel.co.uk

Brand<br />

When used on posters etc the brand can form a tab using<br />

an extended margin on either the top or bottom of the box<br />

depending on whether the brand is hanging from the top or<br />

sitting off the bottom of the page.<br />

Always use the provided guides to position the brand.<br />

Never bleed to the side of the page.<br />

layout<br />

Top of box should be<br />

cropped to 3mm of bleed*<br />

First marker indicates<br />

edge of page<br />

Position &<br />

composition<br />

Second marker<br />

indicates regular edge of<br />

branding square<br />

*The supplied file has more than<br />

3mm of bleed to account for the<br />

file being scaled, always work<br />

from the markers and only add<br />

the necessary bleed.<br />

The same theory as above<br />

can be applied to the<br />

bottom of the branding box<br />

to allow it to sit at the foot<br />

of the layout.<br />

38 Layout DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

39 Layout www.golakestravel.co.uk

position<br />

Working with the composition of your image the brand<br />

can sit in either of the four corners of your layout.<br />

The order of preference is for top left, top right, bottom left<br />

or bottom right of a layout. Below the top left position<br />

creates tension in the layout with the focus of the image<br />

being the biker.<br />

Always place the brand within the right or<br />

left margin of your layout.<br />

On this image the main focus is to the bottom of the layout,<br />

leaving space for the logo in the top right. In this instance<br />

the golakestravel brand works better tucked away in the<br />

opposite corner.<br />

Avoid placing the brand over the main<br />

content of the image.<br />

40 Layout DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 41 Layout www.golakestravel.co.uk

Position<br />

The Go Lakes Travel branding should always sit at the foot<br />

of the page and where possible, should be reversed<br />

out of the background so as not to pull focus from the<br />

campaign branding.<br />

If appearing on a leaflet the two brands can be split with<br />

Drive Less on the cover and golakestravel on the back.<br />

When both brands sit along the bottom of the layout then<br />

the golakestravel brand should sit in the opposite<br />

corner to the Drive Less See More brand, as shown below.<br />

The Go Lakes Travel branding is very bold but care<br />

should be taken to make sure that when reversed out<br />

the accompanying text is easy to read.<br />

42 Layout DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 43 Layout www.golakestravel.co.uk

Poster<br />


Posters<br />

leaflets ADVERTS<br />

44 Examples DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines<br />

45 Examples www.golakestravel.co.uk

Electric bike<br />

network poster<br />

Leaflet<br />

46 Examples DRIVE LESS SEE MORE brand guidelines 47 Examples www.golakestravel.co.uk

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