Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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'S7 liZ THE PRESCRIPTION OF PRAYER The apostle was ordered to pray and so he prayed. $iilil;> b. Kaisan from 'Urwa b. al-Zubayr from 'A.'isha told me that she said, 'When prayer was first laid on the apostle it was with two prostratio... for every prayer: then God raised it to four prostrations at home while on a journey the former ordinance of two prostrations held.' A learned person told me that when prayer was laid on the apostle Gabriel came to him while he was on the heights of Mecca and dug a hole for him with his heel in the side ofthe valley from which a fountain gushed forth The Life of Muhammad saken him, and did not hate him. God said, 'By the morning and the night when it is still, thy Lord hath not forsaken nor hated thee," meaning that He has not left you and forsaken you, nor hated you after havmg loved you. 'And verily, the latter end is better for you than the beginning," i.e. What I have for you when you return to Me is better than the honour which I have given you in the world. 'And your Lord will give you and will satisfy you,' i.e. of victory in this world and reward in the next. 'Did he not find you an orphan and give you refuge, going astray and guided you, found you poorand made you rich I' God thus to!? him of ho~ He had begun to honour him in his earthly life, and .of Hi~ kmdness to hIm as an orphan poor and wandering astray, and of H,S dehvenng him from all that by His compassion ('49). 'Do not oppress the orphan and do not repel the beggar.' That is, do not be a tyrant or proud or harsh or mean towards the weakest of God's creatures. 'Speak of the kindness of thy Lord,' i.e. tell about the kindness of God in giving you prophecy, mention it and call men ,to it. . So the apostle began to mention secretly God s kmdness to hIm and to his servants in the matter of prophecy to everyone among his people whom he could trust. and Gabriel performed the ritual ablution as the apostle watched him. ' This was in order to show him how to purify himself before p~ayer. Then the apostle performed the ritual ablution as he had seen Gab~el d.o it. Then Gabriel said a prayer with him while the apostle prayed WIth h,s prayer. Then Gabriel left him. The apostle carne to Khadija ~d ~erformed the ritual for her as Gabriel had done for hIm, and she copIed hIm. Then he prayed with her as Gabriel had prayed with him, and she prayed his prayer. . 'Utba b. Muslim freedman of B. Taym from Nafi' b. Jubayr b. Mul'lm (who was prolific in relating tradition) from I. 'Abbas told me: 'When prayer was laid upon the apostle Gabriel came to him and,Prayed the noon prayer when the sun declined. Then he prayed the evemng prayer when I SUra 93. 2 Sura 93. The Life of Muhammad "3 his shadow equalled his own length. Then he prayed the sunset prayer when the sun set. Then he prayed the last night prayer when the twilight had dIsappeared. Then he prayed with him the morning prayer when the dawn rose. Then he came to him and prayed the noon prayer on the morrow when his shadow equalled his height. Then he prayed the evening prayer when h,s shadow equalled the height of both of them. Then he prayed the sunset prayer When the sun set at the time it had the day before. Then he prayed with him the last night prayer when the first third of the night had passed. Then he prayed the dawn prayer when it was clear but the sun was not shining. Then he said, "0 Muhammad, prayer is in what is between your prayer today and your prayer yesterday.'''' (T. T. II6. Yiinus b. Bukayr said that Muhammad b. Isl;>aq told him that Yal;>ya b. Abii'I-Ash'ath al-Kindi of the people of Kufa said that Isma'n b. Iyas b. 'Mif from his father from his grandfather said, 'When I was a merchant I came to aI-'Abbas during the days of pilgrimage; and while we were together a man came out to pray and stood facing the Ka'ba; then a woman came out and stood praying with him; then a young man came out aad stood praying with him. I said to 'Abbas, "What is their religion 1 It is some thing new to me." He said, "This is Muhammad b. Abdullah who alleges that God has sent him with it and that the treasures of Chosrhoes and Caesar will be opened to him. The woman is his wife Khadija who believes in him, and this young man is his nephew 'AlI who believes in him." 'Afif said, "Would that I could have believed that day and been a third!" " (T. Ibn I;Iamid said that Salama b. al-Faya b. al-Ash'ath from Isma'il b. Iyas b. 'Afif al-Kindi, 'Afif being the brother of al-Ash'ath b. Qays al-Kindi by the same mother and the son of his undefrom his father, from his grandfather 'Afiif: 'AI-Abbas b. 'Abdu'I-Muttalib was a friend of mine who used to go often to the Yarnan to buy aro~atics and sell them during the fairs. While I was with him in Mina there came a man in the prime of life and performed the full rites of ablution and then stood up and prayed. Then a woman came out and did her ablutions and stood up and prayed. Then out came a youth just approaching manhood, did his ablutions, then stood up and prayed by his side. When I asked al-'Abbas what was going on, he said that it was his nephew Muhammad b. 'Abdullah b. 'Abdu'I-MU!lalib who alleges3 that Allah has sent him as an apostle; the other is my brother's son 'Ali b.1\hii Tiilib who has followed him in his religion; the third is his wife Khadija d. I SU.hayli takes the author to task for saying what he should not. Traditionists are agreed that thIS bel?ngs to the morrow of the prophet's night journey (v.i.) some five years l~~er. OpmlOns dIffer as to whether this occurred eighteen months or a year before "the hiJra, b~.1t that would have been long after the beginning of revelation. :: ThiS may ~e ~ne of t~e tradi.tions which I.I. was accused of producing or recording in n 4080 , support .of the ,Ahds. It IS certamly open to criticism. See Introduction, pp.xxii f. J A hit at a1- Abbas.

II4 The Life of Muhammad Khuwaylid who also follows him in his religion.' 'Mif said after he had become a Muslim and Islam was firmly established in his heart, "Would that I had been a fourth I" '1 'ALl B. ABU TALIB THE FIRST MALE TO ACCEPT ISLAM 'Ali was the first maIe to believe in the apostle of God, to pray with him 159 and to believe in his divine message, when he was a boy of ten. God favoured him in that he was brought up in the care of the apostle before Islam began. 'Abdullah b. Abu Naji\I on the authority of Mujahid b. Jabr Abu.'l­ I;lajjaj told me that God showed His favour and goodwill towards hIm when a grievous famine overtook Quraysh. Now Abu Tahb had a large family, and the prophet approached his ~nck, AI-'Abbas, who :vas one of the richest of B. Hashim, suggestmg that m vIew of hIS large famIly and the famine which affected everyone, they should go together and offer to relieve him of the burden of some of his family. Al-'Abbii,s agreed"and so they went to Abu Talib offering to relieve him from his responsibility ~f two boys until conditions improved. Abu Talib said, 'Do what you hke ,so long as you leave me 'Aqil' (150). So the apo'stle took 'Ali and kept hIm with him and AI-'Abbas took Ja'far. 'Ali continued to be with the apostle until God sent him forth as a prophet. 'Ali followed him, believed him, and declared his truth, while Jafar remained with AI-'Abbas until he became a Mllslim and was independent of him. A traditionist mentioned that when the time of prayer came the apostle used to go out to the glens of Mecca accompanied by 'Ali, who went unbeknown to his father, and his uncles and the rest of his people. There they used to pray the ritual prayers, and return at nightfall. This went on as long as God intended that it should, until one day Abu Talib came upon them while t\ley were praying, and said to the apostle, '0 nephew, .w~at is this religion which I see you practising?' He replied, '0 uncle, thiS IS the religion of God, His angels, His apostles, and the religion of O':f father 160 Abraham.' Or, as he said, 'God has sent me as an apostle to mankmd, and Y OU my uncle most deserve that I should teach you the truth and call you , , 1 ' to guidance, and you are the most wort,hy to resp~nd and he p .~e, or words to that effect. His uncle replied, I cannot gIve up the rehglOn of my fathers which. they followed, but by God you shal.1 never meet .with anything to distress you so long as I live.' They mentlOn that he saId :0 'Ali, 4My boy, what is this religion of yours?' He answered, II heheve l.n God and in the apostle of God, and I declare that what he has brought IS true, and I pray to God with him a~d follow hi~.' They all~ge tha: h~ said, 'He wOll!d not call you to anythmg but what IS good so suck to hIm. Zayd the ftee4man of the apostle was the first male to accept Islam after I See Introduction, pp. uti f. The Life of Muhammad I 15 'Ali ('5')' Then Abu Bakr b. Abu Qu\Iiifa whose name was 'Aliq became ,6, a Muslim. His father's name was 'Uthman b. 'Amir b. 'Amr b. Ka'b b. Sa'd b. Taym b. Murra b. Ka'b b. Lu'ayy b. Ghalib b. Fihr. When he became a Muslim, he showed his faith openly and called others to God and his apostle. He was a man whose society was desired, well liked and of easy manners. He knew more about the genealogy of Quraysh than anyone else and of their faults and merits. He was a merchant of high character and kindliness. His people used to come to him to discuss many matters with him because of his wide knowledge, his experience in commerce, and his sociable nature. He began to call to God and to Islam all whom he trusted of those who came to him and sat with him (152). [I.K. iii, 24. The following day 'Ali b. Abu Talib came as the two of them were praying and asked, 'What is this, MuhammadI' He replied, 'It is God's religion which He has chosen for Himself and sent His apostles with it. I call you to God, the One without an associate, to worship Him and to disavow al-Lat and al-'Uzza.'

'S7<br />

liZ<br />


The apostle was ordered to pray and so he prayed. $iilil;> b. Kaisan from<br />

'Urwa b. al-Zubayr from 'A.'isha told me that she said, 'When prayer was<br />

first laid on the apostle it was with two prostratio... for every prayer: then<br />

God raised it to four prostrations at home while on a journey the former<br />

ordinance <strong>of</strong> two prostrations held.'<br />

A learned person told me that when prayer was laid on the apostle<br />

Gabriel came to him while he was on the heights <strong>of</strong> Mecca and dug a hole<br />

for him with his heel in the side <strong>of</strong>the valley from which a fountain gushed<br />

forth<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

saken him, and did not hate him. God said, 'By the morning and the night<br />

when it is still, thy Lord hath not forsaken nor hated thee," meaning that<br />

He has not left you and forsaken you, nor hated you after havmg loved<br />

you. 'And verily, the latter end is better for you than the beginning," i.e.<br />

What I have for you when you return to Me is better than the honour<br />

which I have given you in the world. 'And your Lord will give you and<br />

will satisfy you,' i.e. <strong>of</strong> victory in this world and reward in the next. 'Did<br />

he not find you an orphan and give you refuge, going astray and guided<br />

you, found you poorand made you rich I' God thus to!? him <strong>of</strong> ho~ He<br />

had begun to honour him in his earthly life, and .<strong>of</strong> Hi~ kmdness to hIm as<br />

an orphan poor and wandering astray, and <strong>of</strong> H,S dehvenng him from all<br />

that by His compassion ('49).<br />

'Do not oppress the orphan and do not repel the beggar.' That is, do not<br />

be a tyrant or proud or harsh or mean towards the weakest <strong>of</strong> God's<br />

creatures.<br />

'Speak <strong>of</strong> the kindness <strong>of</strong> thy Lord,' i.e. tell about the kindness <strong>of</strong> God<br />

in giving you prophecy, mention it and call men ,to it. .<br />

So the apostle began to mention secretly God s kmdness to hIm and to<br />

his servants in the matter <strong>of</strong> prophecy to everyone among his people whom<br />

he could trust.<br />

and Gabriel performed the ritual ablution as the apostle watched<br />

him. ' This was in order to show him how to purify himself before p~ayer.<br />

Then the apostle performed the ritual ablution as he had seen Gab~el d.o<br />

it. Then Gabriel said a prayer with him while the apostle prayed WIth h,s<br />

prayer. Then Gabriel left him. The apostle carne to Khadija ~d ~erformed<br />

the ritual for her as Gabriel had done for hIm, and she copIed hIm.<br />

Then he prayed with her as Gabriel had prayed with him, and she prayed<br />

his prayer. .<br />

'Utba b. Muslim freedman <strong>of</strong> B. Taym from Nafi' b. Jubayr b. Mul'lm<br />

(who was prolific in relating tradition) from I. 'Abbas told me: 'When<br />

prayer was laid upon the apostle Gabriel came to him and,Prayed the noon<br />

prayer when the sun declined. Then he prayed the evemng prayer when<br />

I SUra 93. 2 Sura 93.<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> "3<br />

his shadow equalled his own length. Then he prayed the sunset prayer<br />

when the sun set. Then he prayed the last night prayer when the twilight<br />

had dIsappeared. Then he prayed with him the morning prayer when the<br />

dawn rose. Then he came to him and prayed the noon prayer on the<br />

morrow when his shadow equalled his height. Then he prayed the evening<br />

prayer when h,s shadow equalled the height <strong>of</strong> both <strong>of</strong> them. Then he<br />

prayed the sunset prayer When the sun set at the time it had the day<br />

before. Then he prayed with him the last night prayer when the first third<br />

<strong>of</strong> the night had passed. Then he prayed the dawn prayer when it was clear<br />

but the sun was not shining. Then he said, "0 <strong>Muhammad</strong>, prayer is in<br />

what is between your prayer today and your prayer yesterday.'''' (T. T. II6.<br />

Yiinus b. Bukayr said that <strong>Muhammad</strong> b. Isl;>aq told him that Yal;>ya b.<br />

Abii'I-Ash'ath al-Kindi <strong>of</strong> the people <strong>of</strong> Kufa said that Isma'n b. Iyas b.<br />

'Mif from his father from his grandfather said, 'When I was a merchant<br />

I came to aI-'Abbas during the days <strong>of</strong> pilgrimage; and while we were<br />

together a man came out to pray and stood facing the Ka'ba; then a<br />

woman came out and stood praying with him; then a young man came out<br />

aad stood praying with him. I said to 'Abbas, "What is their religion 1 It<br />

is some thing new to me." He said, "This is <strong>Muhammad</strong> b. Abdullah who<br />

alleges that God has sent him with it and that the treasures <strong>of</strong> Chosrhoes<br />

and Caesar will be opened to him. The woman is his wife Khadija who<br />

believes in him, and this young man is his nephew 'AlI who believes in him."<br />

'Afif said, "Would that I could have believed that day and been a third!" "<br />

(T. Ibn I;Iamid said that Salama b. al-Faya b.<br />

al-Ash'ath from Isma'il b. Iyas b. 'Afif al-Kindi, 'Afif being the brother <strong>of</strong><br />

al-Ash'ath b. Qays al-Kindi by the same mother and the son <strong>of</strong> his undefrom<br />

his father, from his grandfather 'Afiif: 'AI-Abbas b. 'Abdu'I-Muttalib<br />

was a friend <strong>of</strong> mine who used to go <strong>of</strong>ten to the Yarnan to buy aro~atics<br />

and sell them during the fairs. While I was with him in Mina there<br />

came a man in the prime <strong>of</strong> life and performed the full rites <strong>of</strong> ablution<br />

and then stood up and prayed. Then a woman came out and did her<br />

ablutions and stood up and prayed. Then out came a youth just approaching<br />

manhood, did his ablutions, then stood up and prayed by his side.<br />

When I asked al-'Abbas what was going on, he said that it was his nephew<br />

<strong>Muhammad</strong> b. 'Abdullah b. 'Abdu'I-MU!lalib who alleges3 that Allah<br />

has sent him as an apostle; the other is my brother's son 'Ali b.1\hii Tiilib<br />

who has followed him in his religion; the third is his wife Khadija d.<br />

I SU.hayli takes the author to task for saying what he should not. Traditionists are agreed<br />

that thIS bel?ngs to the morrow <strong>of</strong> the prophet's night journey (v.i.) some five years<br />

l~~er. OpmlOns dIffer as to whether this occurred eighteen months or a year before "the<br />

hiJra, b~.1t that would have been long after the beginning <strong>of</strong> revelation.<br />

:: ThiS may ~e ~ne <strong>of</strong> t~e tradi.tions which I.I. was accused <strong>of</strong> producing or recording in<br />

n 4080 ,<br />

support .<strong>of</strong> the ,Ahds. It IS certamly open to criticism. See Introduction, pp.xxii f.<br />

J A hit at a1- Abbas.

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