Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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1 2 9 88 Th~ Lif~ of.Muhammad to throw them away afterwards so that neither they nor anyone else could make use of them.I The Arabs caIled these clothes 'the cast-off'. They imposed all these restrictions on the Arabs, who accepted them and halted at 'Arafat, hastened from it and circumambulated the house naked. The men at least went naked ';'hile the women laid aside all their clothes except a shift wide open back or front. An Arab woman who was going round the house thus said: Todav some or all of it can be see ll , But ~hat can be seen I do not make common property! Those who went round in the clothes in which they came from outside threw them away so that neither they nor anyone else could make use of them. An Arab mentioning some clothes which he had discarded and could not get again and yet \vanted, said: It's grief enough that I should return to her As though she were a tabooed cast-off in front of the pilgrims. i.e. she could not be touched. This state of affairs lasted until God sent Muhammad and revealed to him \\Then He gave him the laws of His religion and the customs of the pilgrimage: 'Then hasten onward from the place whence men hasten onwards, and ask pardon of God, for God is forgiving, merciful.'2. The words are addressed to Quraysh and 'men' refer to the Arabs. So In the rule of the ~ajj he hastened them up to 'Arafat and ordered them to halt there and to hasten thence. In reference to their prohibition of food and clothes at the temple such as had been brought from outside the sacred territory God revealed to hIm: '0 Sons of Adam, wear your clothes at every mosqlie and eat and ~lrink and be not prodigal, for He loves not the prodigal. Say, Who has forbIdden the clothes which God has brought forth for HIs servants and the good thmgs which He has provided? Say, They on the day of resurrection will be only -for those who in this life believed. Thus do we explain the signs for people who have knov,rledge.'3 Thus God set aside the restrictions of the I.Iu~s and the innovations of Quraysh against men's interests when He sent HIS apostle with Islam. 'Abdullah b. Abll Bakr b. Muhammad b. 'Amr b. I:Jazm from ·Uthman b. Abu Sulayman b. Jubayr b. Mu!,im from his uncle Naii' b. Jubayr from his father Jubayr b. Mufim said: 'I saw God's apostle be~ore reve~atlon came to him and 10 he was halting on his beast in 'Arafat wah men In the midst of his tribe until he quitted it with them-a special grace from God to him.' J The survival of the idea of contagious 'holiness' which on the one hand proh~bited the introduction of profane food into the sanctuary, and when it could not prevent the mtrodu~tion of profane clothes, forbade their I;Ise for purposes after they had c?m e In contact with taboo, would seem to indicate an antlqUlty far greater than that aSCribed to these practices here. ;l, Siira 2. J95. 3 Sura 7, 29· The Life of Muhammad 89 ['Uthman b. Saj from Muhammad b. Is~aq from aI-KaIbi from Abu ~ali~, freedman .of Umm Hani from Ibn 'Abbas: The I:Jums were Quraysh, Kmana, Khuza a, al-Aus and al-Khazraj, Jutham, B. Rab!'a b. 'Amir b. ~a'sa'a. Azd Shanu'a, Judham, Zubayd, B. Dhak';an of B. Salim, 'Amr al-Lat, Thaqif, Gha!aflin, Ghauth, 'Adwan, 'Allaf, and Qu

13° 131 The Life of Nluhammad REPORTS OF ARAB SOOTHSAYERS, JEWISH RABBIS, AND CHRISTIAN MONKS Jewish rabbis, Christian monks, and Arab soothsayers had spoken about the apostle of God before his mission when his time dre\v nea.r. .As to t~e rabbis and monks, it \vas about his description and the deSCrIptIOn of hlS time which they found in their scriptures and what their prop~~ts had enjoined upon them. As to the Arab soothsayers they had been VIS lted by satans from the jinn \vith reports which they had secretly overheard before they were prevented from hearing by being pelted \vith stars. rvIale and female soothsayers continued to let fall mentIOn of some of these matters to which the Arabs paid no attention until God sent him and these things which had been mentioned happened and they recognized them. When the prophet's mission came the satans were ptevented from listening and they could not occupy the seats in whi:h they used to si~. and steal the heavenly tidings for they were pelted WIth stars, and the Jl~n knew ~hat that \vas due to an order \vhich God had commanded concermng mankmd. God said to His prophet l\luhammad \"hen He sent him as he ,vas telling him about the jinn ,vhen they \\-'ere prevented from listening and knew what they knew and did not deny \yhat they saw; 'Say, It has been revealed to me that a number ofthe jinn listened and said "\Ve have heard a \vonde.rful Quran which guides to the right path, and \\'e believe in it and we wlIl not associate anyone with our Lord and that He (exalted be the glory of our Lord) hath not chosen a wife or a son. A foolish ~~e among us used to speak lies against God, and \ve had thought mcn ~nd JIl1~ would .~ot speak a lie against God and that when men took refuge \\llth the.J1I1n, they increased them in revolt, tt cnding with the words: "\Ve used to Sit on places therein to listen; he who listens now finds a flame waiting for him. \,Ve do not know whether evil is intended against those that arc on earth or \vhcther their lord wishes to guide them in the right path".' I vVhen the jinn heard the Quran they knew that they had been prevented from listening before that so that revelation should not be mingled with news from heaven so that men \vould be confused \vith the tidings which came from God about it when the proof came and doubt was removed; so ~hey believed ~nd acknowledged the truth. Then 'They returned to ~helr people warnmg them, saying, 0 our people we have he~rd a .b~ok WhlCh was revealed after Moses confirming what went before lt, gUldmg to the truth and to the upright path." . In reference to the saying of the jinn, 'that men took refuge WIth them and they increased them in revolt', Arabs of the Quraysh and others w~en they were journeying and stopped at the bottom o~ a vale to pass .~ mght therein used to say, 'I take refuge in the lord of thiS valley of the Jlnn tonight from the evil that is therein' (135)· I Sura 72. I ff. " Sura 46. 28. The Life of Muhammad 9' Ya'qub b. 'Utba b. al-Mughira b. al-Akhnas told me that he was informed that the first Arabs to be afraid of falling stars when they were pelted \vith them were this clan of Thaqif, and that they came to one of their tribesmen called 'Arnr b. Umayya, one of B.

13°<br />

131<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> Nluhammad<br />



Jewish rabbis, Christian monks, and Arab soothsayers had spoken about<br />

the apostle <strong>of</strong> God before his mission when his time dre\v nea.r. .As to t~e<br />

rabbis and monks, it \vas about his description and the deSCrIptIOn <strong>of</strong> hlS<br />

time which they found in their scriptures and what their prop~~ts had<br />

enjoined upon them. As to the Arab soothsayers they had been VIS lted by<br />

satans from the jinn \vith reports which they had secretly overheard before<br />

they were prevented from hearing by being pelted \vith stars. rvIale and<br />

female soothsayers continued to let fall mentIOn <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> these matters<br />

to which the Arabs paid no attention until God sent him and these things<br />

which had been mentioned happened and they recognized them. When<br />

the prophet's mission came the satans were ptevented from listening and<br />

they could not occupy the seats in whi:h they used to si~. and steal the<br />

heavenly tidings for they were pelted WIth stars, and the Jl~n knew ~hat<br />

that \vas due to an order \vhich God had commanded concermng mankmd.<br />

God said to His prophet l\luhammad \"hen He sent him as he ,vas telling<br />

him about the jinn ,vhen they \\-'ere prevented from listening and knew<br />

what they knew and did not deny \yhat they saw; 'Say, It has been revealed<br />

to me that a number <strong>of</strong>the jinn listened and said "\Ve have heard a \vonde.rful<br />

Quran which guides to the right path, and \\'e believe in it and we wlIl<br />

not associate anyone with our Lord and that He (exalted be the glory <strong>of</strong><br />

our Lord) hath not chosen a wife or a son. A foolish ~~e among us used to<br />

speak lies against God, and \ve had thought mcn ~nd JIl1~ would .~ot speak<br />

a lie against God and that when men took refuge \\llth the.J1I1n, they<br />

increased them in revolt, tt cnding with the words: "\Ve used to Sit on places<br />

therein to listen; he who listens now finds a flame waiting for him. \,Ve do<br />

not know whether evil is intended against those that arc on earth or \vhcther<br />

their lord wishes to guide them in the right path".' I vVhen the jinn heard<br />

the Quran they knew that they had been prevented from listening before<br />

that so that revelation should not be mingled with news from heaven so<br />

that men \vould be confused \vith the tidings which came from God about<br />

it when the pro<strong>of</strong> came and doubt was removed; so ~hey believed ~nd<br />

acknowledged the truth. Then 'They returned to ~helr people warnmg<br />

them, saying, 0 our people we have he~rd a .b~ok WhlCh was revealed after<br />

Moses confirming what went before lt, gUldmg to the truth and to the<br />

upright path." .<br />

In reference to the saying <strong>of</strong> the jinn, 'that men took refuge WIth them<br />

and they increased them in revolt', Arabs <strong>of</strong> the Quraysh and others w~en<br />

they were journeying and stopped at the bottom o~ a vale to pass .~ mght<br />

therein used to say, 'I take refuge in the lord <strong>of</strong> thiS valley <strong>of</strong> the Jlnn tonight<br />

from the evil that is therein' (135)·<br />

I Sura 72. I ff. " Sura 46. 28.<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> 9'<br />

Ya'qub b. 'Utba b. al-Mughira b. al-Akhnas told me that he was informed<br />

that the first Arabs to be afraid <strong>of</strong> falling stars when they were<br />

pelted \vith them were this clan <strong>of</strong> Thaqif, and that they came to one <strong>of</strong><br />

their tribesmen called 'Arnr b. Umayya, one <strong>of</strong> B.

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