Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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60 The Life of JIIluhammad A fourth lies in a grave by the Ka'ba To the east of the sacred buildings. 'Abdu Manaf brought them up virtuously Safe from the reproof of all men. Yea there are none like Mughira's children Among the living or the dead. 'Abdu Manaf's name was al-Mughira. Hashim was the first of his sons to die at Ghazza in Syria, followed by 'Abdu Shams in Mecca, then al-Mullalib in Radman in the Yaman, and lastly Naufal in Salman in Iraq. It was said to Matriid-at least they assert so-'Your lines are very good, but if you had done more justice to the theme they would have been still better.' 'Give me a night or two,' he replied, and after a few days he produced the following: o eye, weep copiously, pour down thy tears, Weep over Mughira's sons, that noble breed of Ka'b, o eye, cease not to weep thy gathering tears, Bewail my heartfelt sorrow in life's misfortunes. Weep over all those generous trustworthy men, Lavish in gifts, munificent, bounteous, Pure in soul, of high intent, Firm in disposition, resolute in grave affairs, Strong in emergency, no churls, not relying on others, Quick to decide, lavish in generosity. If Katb's line is reckoned, a hawk, The very heart and summit of their glory, Weep for generosity and Mut;alib the generous, Release the fountain of thy tears, Gone from us in Radman today as a foreigner, My heart grieves for him among the dead. Woe to you, weep if you can weep, For 'Abdu Shams on the east of the Ka'ba, For Hashim in the grave in the midst of the desert Where the wind of Ghazza blows o'er his bones. Above all for my friend Naufal Who found in Salman a desert grave. Never have I kno~n their like, Arab or foreigner, When their white camels bore them along. Now their camps know them no more Who used to be the glory of our troops. Has time annihilated them or were their swords blunt, Or is every living thing food for the Fates? .Since their death I have come to be satisfied With mere smiles and friendly greetings. Weep for the father of the women with dishevelled hair The Life of Muhammad Who weep for him with faces unveiled as camels doomed to die.' They mourn the noblest man who ever walked, Bewailing him with floods of tears. They mourn a man generous and liberal, Rejecting injustice, who settled the greatest matters. They weep for

The Life of Muhammad THE DIGGING OF ZAMZAM While Abdu'l-Munalib was sleeping in the bijoY,1 he \vas ordered in a vision to dig Zamzam. Yazid b. Abu l;labib al-Mieri from Marthad b. 'Abdullah al-Yazani from 'Abdullah b. Zurayr al-Ghafiqi told me that he heard 'Ali b. Abu Talib telling the story of Zamzam. He said that 'Abdu'I-MUl!alib said: 'I was sleeping in the bijr when a supernatural visitant came and said, "Dig 'fiba lJ • I said "And what is Tiba?"; then he left me. I went to bed again the next day and slept, and he came to me and said "Dig Barra ll ; when I asked what Barra was he left me. The next day he came and said "Dig al-Ma

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />


While Abdu'l-Munalib was sleeping in the bijoY,1 he \vas ordered in a vision<br />

to dig Zamzam. Yazid b. Abu l;labib al-Mieri from Marthad b. 'Abdullah<br />

al-Yazani from 'Abdullah b. Zurayr al-Ghafiqi told me that he heard 'Ali<br />

b. Abu Talib telling the story <strong>of</strong> Zamzam. He said that 'Abdu'I-MUl!alib<br />

said: 'I was sleeping in the bijr when a supernatural visitant came and said,<br />

"Dig 'fiba lJ • I said "And what is Tiba?"; then he left me. I went to bed<br />

again the next day and slept, and he came to me and said "Dig Barra ll ;<br />

when I asked what Barra was he left me. The next day he came and said<br />

"Dig al-Ma

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