Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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780 The LIfe of Muhammad 842. 1.I. gave the names of those slaves who came. 843. The word yuqbisu is not from 1.1. 844. Others say I. J:Iubab. 845. Another tradition is 'had we shared our salt with', &c. 846. Zayd b. Aslam from his father said that 'AqiI b. Abu Bakr went in to his wife Fatima d. Shayba b. Rabfa on the day of I:Iunayn with his sword dripping with blood. She said, 'I see that you have been fighting, and what plunder have you got from the polytheists?' He said 'Take this needle to make your clothes with' and handed it to her. Then he heard the apostle's crier ordering men to return anything they had taken even to a needle and thread; so he came back and said 'I'm afraid you have lost your needle' and took it and threw it into the common stock. 847. NUi?ayr b. al-J:Iarith b. Kalada, and it may be that his name was al­ J:Iarith also. 848. His name was'Adiy b. Qays. 849. Yunus al-Na:Q.wi quoted me the verse with the word 'l\lirdas' in place of 'my father'. [This is T .'s reading. Another reading of 1. 1. is 'my father and my grandfather'.] 850. A traditionist told me that 'Abbas b. Mirdas came to the apostle who said to him, 'So you are the one who said: My spoil and that of 'Ubayd my horse Is shared by al-Aqra and ·Uyayna.' Abu Bakr said, 'Between 'Uyayna and al-Aqra'.' The apostle said, 'It's the same thing.' Abu Bakr said, 'I testify that you are as God said, "We have not taught him poetry and that is not fitting for him" , (Sura 36. 69). A traditionist in whom I have confidence from al-Zuhri-'Ubaydullah b. 'Abdullah b. 'Utba-Ibn 'Abbas-said: Tbe apostle accepted the homage of Quraysh and others and gave them on the day of al-Ji'rana some of the spoil of J:!unayn, thus: B. Umayya: Abu Sufyan b. J:Iarb; Taliq b. Sufyan; and Khiilid b. Asid. B. 'Abdu'I-Oar: Shayba b. 'Uthman b. Abu Tal!)a; Abu Sanabil b. Ba'kak b. al-J:Iarith b. 'Umayla b. al-Sabbaq; 'Ikrima b. 'Amir b. Hashim. B. Makhzum: Zuhayr b. Abu Umayya b. al-Mughira; al-J:Iarith b. Hisham b. al-Mughira and Khiilid his brother; Hisham b. al-Walid b. al-Mughira; Sufyan b. 'Abdu'I-Asad b. 'Abdullah b. 'Amr; and al-Sa'ib b. 'Nidh b. 'Abdullah b. 'Amr. B. 'Adiy b. Kab: MU\i' b. al-Aswad b. J:Iaritha b. Nac;1la, and Abu Iahm b. Hudhayfa b. Ghiinim. B. Juma!) b. 'Amr: $afwan b. Umayya b. Khalaf; U!)ay!)a b. Umayya his brother, and 'Umayr b. Wahb b. Khalaf. B. Sahm: 'Adiy b. Qays b. J:Iudhiifa. B. 'Amir b. Lu'ayy: J:Iuwaytib b. 'Abdu'I-'Uzza and Hisham b. 'Amr b. Rabi'a b. al-J:Iarith b. J:Iubayyib. From mixed tribes: Ibn Hishiim's Notes B. Bakr b. 'Abdu Manat b. Kinana: Naufal b. Mu'awiya b. 'Urwa b. $akhr b. Razn b. Yamar b. Nufatha b. 'Adiy b. ai-Oil. B. Qays of the B. 'Amir b. $a'!?a'a clan of the sub-division B. Kilab b. Rabi'a b. 'Amir b. $a~a'a: 'Alqama b. 'Ulath" b. 'Auf b. al-A!)wa~ b. Iafar b. Kilab and Labid b. Rabi'a b. Malik b. la'far b. Kilab. B. 'Amir b. Rabi'a: Khalid b. Haudha b. Rabi'a b. 'Amr b. 'Amir b. Rabi'a b.

The Life of Muhammad and addressed the people in these words: 'God make hungry the liver of a man who is hungry on a dirham a day! The apostle has allowed me a dirham every day and I have no need of anyone.' 853- The apostle arrived in Medina on 24th Dhu'l-Qa'da according to what 'Amr aI-Madani alleged. 854. Another version is AI-Ma'mur (the one under orders). The words 'Tell me plainly' are not from Ibn Isl).aq. An authority on poetry quoted me the lines thus: Who will give Bujayr a message from me: Do you accept what I ·said at the mountain foot? You have drunk with al-Ma'miin a full cup And he has added a second draught of the same. You have gone against true guidance and followed him. Woe to you, to what has he led you? To a religion your parents knew naught of And your brother has naught to do with. If you don't accept what I say I shall not grieve Nor say if you stumble God help you! He sent this to Bujayr, and when he received it he did not like to hide it from the apostle so he recited it to him. When he heard the words 'AI­ Ma'mun has given you a full cup' he said, 'That is true and he is the liar! I am al-Ma'mun'; and when he heard the words 'A religion your parents knew naught of' he said, 'Certainly, his father and mother did not follow it.' 855. Or al-Ma'miir. 856. Ka

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

and addressed the people in these words: 'God make hungry the liver <strong>of</strong> a<br />

man who is hungry on a dirham a day! The apostle has allowed me a dirham<br />

every day and I have no need <strong>of</strong> anyone.'<br />

853- The apostle arrived in Medina on 24th Dhu'l-Qa'da according to what<br />

'Amr aI-Madani alleged.<br />

854. Another version is AI-Ma'mur (the one under orders). The words<br />

'Tell me plainly' are not from Ibn Isl).aq. An authority on poetry quoted me<br />

the lines thus:<br />

Who will give Bujayr a message from me:<br />

Do you accept what I ·said at the mountain foot?<br />

You have drunk with al-Ma'miin a full cup<br />

And he has added a second draught <strong>of</strong> the same.<br />

You have gone against true guidance and followed him.<br />

Woe to you, to what has he led you?<br />

To a religion your parents knew naught <strong>of</strong><br />

And your brother has naught to do with.<br />

If you don't accept what I say I shall not grieve<br />

Nor say if you stumble God help you!<br />

He sent this to Bujayr, and when he received it he did not like to hide it<br />

from the apostle so he recited it to him. When he heard the words 'AI­<br />

Ma'mun has given you a full cup' he said, 'That is true and he is the liar!<br />

I am al-Ma'mun'; and when he heard the words 'A religion your parents<br />

knew naught <strong>of</strong>' he said, 'Certainly, his father and mother did not follow it.'<br />

855. Or al-Ma'miir.<br />

856. Ka

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