Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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The Life of Muhammad men are sorcerers,' and repeated the accusation twice. Rifa'a said, 'God be gracious to him who treats us well today.' Then he handed the apostle the letter which he had \vritten to him, saying, 'Take it, 0 apostle; it was written long since but its violation is recent.' The apostle told a young man to read it openly, and when he had done so he asked what had happened, and they told him. Three times he said, 'What am I to do about the slain?' Rifa'a answered, 'You know best, 0 apostle. \Ve do not regard as wrong what you think is right or the converse.' Abu Zayd b. 'AmI' said, 'Give us back those who are alive and those who are dead I dISregard.' The apostle said that Abu Zayd was right and told 'Ali to ride 979 with them. 'Ali objected that Zayd would not obey him, whereupon the apostle told him to take his sword and gave it to him. 'Ali then said that he had no beast to ride, so they (T. the apostle) mounted him on a beast belonging to Thalaba b. 'AmI' called al-MikJ:1al and they went off, when 10 a messenger from Zayd b. !:laritha came on a camel of Abu Wabr called al-Shamir. They made him dismount and he asked 'Ali how he stood. He said that they knew their property and they took it. They went on and fell in with the army in Fayfa'ul-FaJ:1latayn and took their property which thev held even to the smallest pad from a woman's saddle. When they had fini~hed their task Abu Ii'al said: There's many a woman who scolds unkindly, \Vho but for us would be feeding her captor's fire Pushed about with her t\\'o daughters among the captives \Vith no hope of an easy release. Had she been entrusted to 'Vl? and Aus Circumstances would have prevented her release. Had she seen our camels in l\1il?r She would have dreaded a repetition of the journey. \Ve came to the waters of Yathrib in anger (After four nights, search for water is painful) With every hardened warrior like a wolf Dour on the saddle of his swift camel. May every force l in Yathrib be a ransom For Abu Sulayman when they meet breast to breast The day you see the experienced warrior humbled, His head turning as he flees away (9 0 4). Zayd b. I.\aritha also raided al-Taraf in the region of Nakhl on the road to Iraq. ZAYD B. ~IARITHA'S RAID ON n. FAZARA AND TIlE DEATH OF UMM QIRFA Zayd also raided Wadi'l-Qura, where he met B. Fazara and some of his companions were killed; he himself was carried wounded from the field. I A.Dh. in Bronnle's text has jibs with the explanation 'rascal'. The Life of 1'vIuhammad 665 Ward b. 'AmI' b. Madash, one of B. Sa'd b. Hudhayl, was killed by one of B. Badr (whose name was Sad b. Hudhaym~T. and I.H.). When Zayd came he swore that he would use no ablution l until he raided B. Fazara; and when he recovered from his wounds the apostle sent him against them with a force. He fought cr. he met) them in Wadi'l-Qura and killed some of them. Qays b. al-Musal.'}.'ar al-Yamuri killed Mas'ada b. !:lakama b. Malik b. !:ludhayfa b. Badr, and Umm Qirfa Fatima d. Rabi'a b. Badr was taken prisoner. She was a very old woman', wife of Malik. Her daughter and 'Abdullah b. Masada were also taken. Zayd ordered Qays b. al-MusaJ:1J:1ar to kill Umm Qirfa and he killed her cruelly (To by putting a rope to her two legs and to two camels and driving them until they rent her in two). Then they brought Umm Qirfa's daughter and Mas'ada's son to the apostle. The daughter of Umm Qirfa belonged to Salama b. 'AmI' b. al-Akwa' who had taken her. She held a position of honour among her people, and the Arabs used to say, 'Had you been more pO\verful than Umm Qirfa you could have done no more.' Salama asked the apostle to let him have her and he gave her to him and he presented her to his uncle !:lazn b. Abu Wahb and she bare him 'Abdu'l-Rahman b. I:Iazn. . Qays b. al-MusaJ:1J:1ar said about the killing of Masada: I tried as his mother's son would to get revenge for \Vard. As long as I live I will avenge Ward. \Vhen I sa\v him I attacked him on my steed, That doughty warrior of the family of Badr. I impaled him on my lance of Qa'eJahi make \Vhich seemed to flash like a fire in an open space. 'ABDULLAH B. RAWAI;IA'S RAID TO KILL AL-YUSAYR B. RIZii.:VI 'Abdullah h. raided Khaybar twice; on one occasion he killed al-Yusayr b. Rizam (905). l\OW al-Yusayr cr. the Jew) \\"as in Khaybar collecting Ghatafan to attack the apostle. The latter sent 'Abdullah b. 981 RawaQa with a number of his companiDns, among whom were 'Abdullah b. Unays, an ally of B. Salima. \Vhen they came to him the)' spoke to him cr. and made him promises) and treated him \ycll, saying that if he \vould come to the 3postlc he would give him an appointment and honour him. They kept on at him until he \\Tnt with them with a number of Jews. 'Abdullah b. Unays mounted him on his beast cr. and he rode behind him) until when he was in al-Oarqara, about six miles from Khaybar, a1-Yusayr changed his mind ahout going to tIle apostle. 'Abdullah I i.e. abstain frolll sexual intercourse. The Semites, like other ancient rcopks, tahoned intercourse during war. Cf. I Sam. 21. 5, 6 and lZubvnson Smith Ndi"ioll D/ til{, .)',:mitu 454 et passim. ' "'. •

982 666 The Life of Muhammad The Life of Muhammad 667 perceived his intention as he was preparing to draw his sword, so he rushed at him and struck him with his sword cutting off his leg. AI­ Yusayr hit him with a stick of shauba! wood \vhich he had in his hand and wounded his head (T. and God killed Yusayr). All the apostle's companions fell upon their Jewish companions and killed them except onc man who escaped on his feet (T. his beast). When 'Abdullah b. Unays came to the apostle he spat on his wound and it did not suppurate or cause him pain. On the second occasion 'Abdullah b. 'Auk raided Khaybar and killed Rafi' b. Abu'l-Huqayq. 'ABDULLAH B. UNAYS'S RAID TO KILL KHALID B. SUFY.:\X B. NUBAYI;I The apostle sent him against Khalid, who was in Nakhla or 'Urana collecting men to attack the apostle, and he killed him. Muhammad b. Jafar b. al-Zubayr told me that 'Abdullah b. Unays said: The apostle called me and said that he had heard that Ibn Sufyan b. l'o.'ubayJ.> al-Hudhali was collecting a force to attack him, and that he was in Nakhla or 'Urana and that I was to go and kill him. I asked him to describe him so that I might know him, and he said, 'If you see him he will remind you of Satan. A sure sign is that when you see him you will feel a shudder.' I went out girding on my sword until I came on him with a number of women in a howdah seeking a halting-place for them. It was the time for afternoon prayer, and \vhen I saw him I felt a shuddering as the apostle had said. I advanced towards him fearing that something would prevent my praying, so I prayed as I walked towards him bowing my head. When I came to him he asked who I \\'as and I answered, 'An Arab who has heard of you and your gathering a force against this fellow and has come to you.' He said, 'Yes, I am doing so.' I walked a short distance with him and ",ihen my chance came I struck him with my sword and killed him, and went off leaving his women bending over him. \Vhen I came to the apostle he saw me and said, 'The aim is accomplished.' I said, II have killed him, a Apostle,' and he said, 'You are right.' Then he took me into his house and gave me a stick telling me to keep it by me. When I went out with it the people asked me what I was doing with a stick. I told them that the apostle had given it to me and told me to keep it, and they said, 'Why don't you go back to the apostle and ask him why?' So I did so, and he said, 'It is a sign between you and me on the resurrection day. There are few men who will be carrying sticks then.' So 'Abdullah b. Unays fastened it to his sword and it remained with him until his death, when he ordered that it should be put in his winding sheet and it was buried with him (906). To return to the expeditions: The raid of Zayd b. !:Iaritha and Jafar b. Abu Talib and 'Abdullah b. RawaJ.>a to Mu'ta in Syria in which all were killed; and the raid of Kab b. 'Umayr al-Ghifari to Dhatu Atlah in Syria in which he and all his companions were killed; and the r~ici of 'Uyayna b. !:Ii.n on B. al-'Anbar of B. Tamim. THE RAID OF 'UYAYNA B. I;II$N ON B. AL-(A~BAR OF B. TAMIM The apostle sent him to raid them, and he killed some and captured others. ' b. 'Umar b. Qatada told me that 'A.'isha said to the apostle that she must free a slave of the sons of Isma'il, and he said, 'The captives of B. al-tAnbar arc coming now. \Ve will give you one \vhom you can set free.' When they were brought to the apostle a deputation from B. Tamim rode with them until they reached the apostle. Among them were Rabi'a b. Rufay'; Sabara b. 'Amr; al-Qa'qa' b. Mabad; Wardan b. Muhriz' Qays b. '; Malik b. 'Amr; al-Aqra b. !:Iabis; and Firas b. H~bis: They spoke to the apostle on their behalf and he liberated som~ and accepted ransom for others. Among the B. al-'Anbar who were killed that day were 'Abdullah and two brothers of his, sons of Wahb; Shaddad b. Firas; and Hanzala b. Darim. Among the women who were captured were Asma' 'd. l\1alik' Ka's d. Ariy; Najwa d. Nahd; Jumay'a d. Qays; and 'Amra d. Matar. ' Salma d. 'Allab said about that day: . 'Adiy b. Jundab had a serious fall From which it was hard to rise. Enemies surrounded them on every side And their glory and prosperity disappeared (907). GHALIB B. ABDULLAH'S RAID ON THE LAND OF B. MURRA The raid of Ghalib b. 'Abdullah al-Kalbi, the Kalb of Layth, was on the country of B. Murra in \vhich he slew l\lirdas b. Nahik, an allv of theirs from al-!:Iurqa of Juhayna. Usama b. Zayd and 2 man of the A;sar killed him (908). Usama b. Zayd said: 'When I and a man of the Ansar ~vertook him an(~ attacked him \vith our \veapons he pronounced tile shahiida, but we dId.not stay our hands and killed him. \Vhen we came to the apostle \ve told hIm what had happened and he said, "\Vho \vill absolve vou Usama, from ignoring the confession offaith?" I told him that the man"had ~ronounced t?C \vords merely to escape death; but he repeated his queshon and contmued to do so until I wished that I had not been a Muslim heretofore and had only become one that day and that I had not killed the man. I asked him to forgive me and promised that I would never kill a man who pronounced the shahiida. He said, "You \\Till say it after me 1 Usama?" and I said that I would.' ' I i.e. after the prophet's death.

982<br />

666 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> 667<br />

perceived his intention as he was preparing to draw his sword, so he<br />

rushed at him and struck him with his sword cutting <strong>of</strong>f his leg. AI­<br />

Yusayr hit him with a stick <strong>of</strong> shauba! wood \vhich he had in his hand and<br />

wounded his head (T. and God killed Yusayr). All the apostle's companions<br />

fell upon their Jewish companions and killed them except onc<br />

man who escaped on his feet (T. his beast). When 'Abdullah b. Unays<br />

came to the apostle he spat on his wound and it did not suppurate or<br />

cause him pain.<br />

On the second occasion 'Abdullah b. 'Auk raided Khaybar and killed<br />

Rafi' b. Abu'l-Huqayq.<br />


SUFY.:\X B.<br />

NUBAYI;I<br />

The apostle sent him against Khalid, who was in Nakhla or 'Urana<br />

collecting men to attack the apostle, and he killed him.<br />

<strong>Muhammad</strong> b. Jafar b. al-Zubayr told me that 'Abdullah b. Unays<br />

said: The apostle called me and said that he had heard that Ibn Sufyan<br />

b. l'o.'ubayJ.> al-Hudhali was collecting a force to attack him, and that he<br />

was in Nakhla or 'Urana and that I was to go and kill him. I asked him<br />

to describe him so that I might know him, and he said, 'If you see him he<br />

will remind you <strong>of</strong> Satan. A sure sign is that when you see him you will<br />

feel a shudder.' I went out girding on my sword until I came on him with<br />

a number <strong>of</strong> women in a howdah seeking a halting-place for them. It<br />

was the time for afternoon prayer, and \vhen I saw him I felt a shuddering<br />

as the apostle had said. I advanced towards him fearing that something<br />

would prevent my praying, so I prayed as I walked towards him bowing<br />

my head. When I came to him he asked who I \\'as and I answered, 'An<br />

Arab who has heard <strong>of</strong> you and your gathering a force against this fellow<br />

and has come to you.' He said, 'Yes, I am doing so.' I walked a short<br />

distance with him and ",ihen my chance came I struck him with my sword<br />

and killed him, and went <strong>of</strong>f leaving his women bending over him. \Vhen<br />

I came to the apostle he saw me and said, 'The aim is accomplished.'<br />

I said, II have killed him, a Apostle,' and he said, 'You are right.'<br />

Then he took me into his house and gave me a stick telling me to keep<br />

it by me. When I went out with it the people asked me what I was doing<br />

with a stick. I told them that the apostle had given it to me and told me to<br />

keep it, and they said, 'Why don't you go back to the apostle and ask him<br />

why?' So I did so, and he said, 'It is a sign between you and me on the<br />

resurrection day. There are few men who will be carrying sticks then.'<br />

So 'Abdullah b. Unays fastened it to his sword and it remained with him<br />

until his death, when he ordered that it should be put in his winding<br />

sheet and it was buried with him (906).<br />

To return to the expeditions: The raid <strong>of</strong> Zayd b. !:Iaritha and Jafar<br />

b. Abu Talib and 'Abdullah b. RawaJ.>a to Mu'ta in Syria in which all<br />

were killed; and the raid <strong>of</strong> Kab b. 'Umayr al-Ghifari to Dhatu Atlah in<br />

Syria in which he and all his companions were killed; and the r~ici <strong>of</strong><br />

'Uyayna b. !:Ii.n on B. al-'Anbar <strong>of</strong> B. Tamim.<br />


TAMIM<br />

The apostle sent him to raid them, and he killed some and captured others.<br />

' b. 'Umar b. Qatada told me that 'A.'isha said to the apostle that she<br />

must free a slave <strong>of</strong> the sons <strong>of</strong> Isma'il, and he said, 'The captives <strong>of</strong> B.<br />

al-tAnbar arc coming now. \Ve will give you one \vhom you can set free.'<br />

When they were brought to the apostle a deputation from B. Tamim<br />

rode with them until they reached the apostle. Among them were Rabi'a<br />

b. Rufay'; Sabara b. 'Amr; al-Qa'qa' b. Mabad; Wardan b. Muhriz'<br />

Qays b. '; Malik b. 'Amr; al-Aqra b. !:Iabis; and Firas b. H~bis:<br />

They spoke to the apostle on their behalf and he liberated som~ and<br />

accepted ransom for others.<br />

Among the B. al-'Anbar who were killed that day were 'Abdullah and<br />

two brothers <strong>of</strong> his, sons <strong>of</strong> Wahb; Shaddad b. Firas; and Hanzala b.<br />

Darim. Among the women who were captured were Asma' 'd. l\1alik'<br />

Ka's d. Ariy; Najwa d. Nahd; Jumay'a d. Qays; and 'Amra d. Matar. '<br />

Salma d. 'Allab said about that day: .<br />

'Adiy b. Jundab had a serious fall<br />

From which it was hard to rise.<br />

Enemies surrounded them on every side<br />

And their glory and prosperity disappeared (907).<br />

GHALIB B.<br />


B. MURRA<br />

The raid <strong>of</strong> Ghalib b. 'Abdullah al-Kalbi, the Kalb <strong>of</strong> Layth, was on the<br />

country <strong>of</strong> B. Murra in \vhich he slew l\lirdas b. Nahik, an allv <strong>of</strong> theirs<br />

from al-!:Iurqa <strong>of</strong> Juhayna. Usama b. Zayd and 2 man <strong>of</strong> the A;sar killed<br />

him (908). Usama b. Zayd said: 'When I and a man <strong>of</strong> the Ansar ~vertook<br />

him an(~ attacked him \vith our \veapons he pronounced tile shahiida,<br />

but we dId.not stay our hands and killed him. \Vhen we came to the apostle<br />

\ve told hIm what had happened and he said, "\Vho \vill absolve vou<br />

Usama, from ignoring the confession <strong>of</strong>faith?" I told him that the man"had<br />

~ronounced t?C \vords merely to escape death; but he repeated his queshon<br />

and contmued to do so until I wished that I had not been a Muslim<br />

heret<strong>of</strong>ore and had only become one that day and that I had not killed the<br />

man. I asked him to forgive me and promised that I would never kill a<br />

man who pronounced the shahiida. He said, "You \\Till say it after me 1<br />

Usama?" and I said that I would.'<br />

'<br />

I<br />

i.e. after the prophet's death.

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