Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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20 The Life of Muhammad Could there be after I;Iimyar's tribes were destroyed one mom by calamity's stroke, A thousaod thousaod with spearmen (glittering) like the sky before rain. Their cry deafened the chargers aod they put to flight the warriors with their pungent smell. .' Witches as the saod in number the very sap of trees dned at thelt approach. 'Amr b. Ma'di Karib a1-Zubaydi said concerning a dispute which he had with Qays b. Makshul) a1-Murlidi when he heard that he had threatened him, aod bringing to memory the lost glory of I;Iimyar: Do you threaten me as though you were Dhu Ru'ayn Or Dhu Nuwlis in the days of their prime? Many a man before you was prosperous With a kingdom firmly rooted among men. Ancient as the days of 'Ad Exceeding fierce, overcoming tyrants, Yet his people perished And he became a waoderer among men (3 2 ). 25 HOW ABRAHA SEIZED POWER IN THE Y AMAN AND KILLED ARYAT' Aryli\ held sway in the Yamao for some years aod then Abraha the Abyssinian (T. who was in his army) disputed his authority, and the Abyssiniao s split into two parties each claiming supporters. When war was about to begin, Abraha sent to Aryli\ asking hhn to avert the daoger of internecine war aod inviting hhn to settle the dispute by personal combat, the winner to be the sole commaoder ofthe army. Aryal agreed aod Abraha went forth to meet him. He was a short fat man holding the Christiao faith; aod Aryal advaoced against him spear in hand; he was ~ big, tall, haodsome man. Abraha had a young mao called 'Atawda at hiS back to defend hhn against attack from the rear. Arylil raised his spear striking at Abraha's skull aod hit him on the forehead splitting his eyebrow. nose, 29 eye, and mouth. It was for this reason that he was called ai-Ashram (split-face). Thereupon 'Atawda coming ?ut from behind Abraha att.a~ked Aryli\ and killed hhn, and Arylil's armyJomed Abraha, aod the AbysslnIaos in the Yamao accepted him as their chief. (T. Then 'Atawdacried: "Atawda you see, of an evil company; parentless in nobility', meaning that Abraha's slave had killed Aryli\. AI-Ashram asked what he waoted, :or though ~e had killed himblood-money must be paid. He asked and obtamed from him I A slightly longer aCCOWlt is given in Au. i. 86. The Life of Muhammad 21 the right ofprimae noelis in Yamao.) Abraha paid blood-money for killing Arya\. (T. All this happened without the knowledge of the Negus.) Wh~n t~e news of this affair reached the Negus he was filled with rage and said: Has he attacked my amir aod killed him without aoy order from me I' Then he swore ao oath that he would not leave Abraha alone until he had trodden his land aod cut off his forelock. So Abraha shaved his head and filled a leather bag with the earth.ofth. Yarnan aod sent it to the Negus with the following letter: '0 King, Arylil was only thy slave and I too am thy slave. We disputed about your orders; everyone must obey you; but I. ,,:as stronger, firmer, aod more skilful in managing the affairs of the AbysslnIans. Now when I was told of the king's oath I shaved the whole of my head aod I send it to you with a bag ofthe dust of my laod that you may,Put It beneath your feet and thus keep your oath concerning me.' When thiS message reached the Negus he was reconciled to him aod wrote to hi~ th~t he was to stay in the Yarnan until further orders; so Abraha rema,,;ed m the Yaman. (T. When Abraha perceived that the Negus was T.933 reconcIled and had made him viceregent of the Yamao, he sent to Abu :wurra b. Dh? Yazan and took away from him his wife Rayl)ana d. Alqama b. Mahk b. Zayd b. Kahlan. Abu Murra who is Dhu Jadan had a son by her-Ma'di ~arib. Afterwards she bore to Abraha a son Masriiq aod a daughter Basbasa. Abu Murra took to flight. His slave 'Atawda went on exercising his right in Yarnan until a man of Himyar of Khath"am attacked aod killed him; and when the news reached Abraha who was a lenient noble character, a Christian of temperate habits h~ told the people that it was high time that they had an official with d~e self-control a~d tha: had he known that 'Atawda would have chosen such a reward for hiS serv~ces he would not have allowed him to choose his reward. Further no bloodwlt would be exacted and he would not take any action against them for killing 'Atawda.) THE HISTORY OF THE ELEPHANT AND THE STORY OF THE INTERCALATORS Then Abraha b~ilt the cathedral' in San'a', such a church as could not be seen elsewhere m any part of the world at that time. He wrote to the Ne.gus saying: '! have built a church for you, 0 King, such as has not been budt for any kmg before you. I shall not rest until I have diverted the A.'abs' pilgrimage to it.' When the Arabs were talking about this letter of hIS, one of the calendar intercaIators was enraged. He was of the B. Fuqaym b. 'Adiy b. 'Amir b. Tha'laba b. a1-I;Iarith b. Mlilik b. Kinana b. Khuzayma b. Mudrika b. lIyas b. Mu

31 22 The Life of Muhammad would make one of the holy months profane, and make one of the profane 30 months holy to balance the calendar. It was about this that God sent down: 'Postponement (of a sacred month) is but added infidelity by which those who disbelieve are misled. They make it (the month) profahe one year and make it sacred the next year, that they may make up the number of the months which God has made sacred (33)." The first to iqlpose this system of intercalation on the Arabs was al-Qalkmmaswh~ was l;ludhayfa b. 'Abd b. Fuqaym b. 'Adiy b. 'Amir b. Tha'laba b. al-l;liirith b. Malik b. Kiniina b. Kbuzayma; his son 'Abbiid followed him; then his descendants Qala', Umayya, 'Auf, and Abu Thumiirna Juniida b. 'Auf who was the last of them, for he was overtaken by Islam. When the Arabs had finished pilgrimage, it used to be their practice to gather round him and he would declare the four sacred months Rajab, Dhu'I-Qa'da, Dhu'I-l;lijja, and al-Mu\larram. If he wanted to free a period he would free al-Mu\larram and they would declare it free and ban l?afar in its place so as to make up the number of the four sacred months. When they wanted to return from Mecca,' he got up and said: '0 God, I hsve made one of the l?afars free for them, the first $afar,'and I have postponed the other till next year.' ' About this 'Umayr b. Qays Jadhlu'I-Ti'iin, one of the B. Fir.. b. Ghsnm b. Tha'laba b. Malik b. Kiniina, boasting of this determining of the months, improvised: . Ma'add knows that my people are the most honourable of men and hsve noble ancestors. Who has escaped us when we seek vengeance and whom have we not made to champ the bitI Are we not Ma'add's calendar-makers, making profane months sacred? (34)· The Kiniinite went forth until he came to the cathedral and defiled it(35). Then he returned to his own country. Hearing ofthe matter Abraha made inquiries and learned that the outrage had been committed by an Arab who came from the temple in Mecca where the Arabs went on pilgrimage, and that he had done this in anger at his threat to divert the Arabs' pilgrimage to the cathedral, showing thereby that it was unworthy of reverence. Abraha was enraged and swore that he would go to this templ~ and destroy it. (T. With Abraha there were some Arabs who had come to seek his bounty, among them Muhammad b. Khuza'r b. Kbuziiba al-Dh~. wiini, al-Sulami, with a number of his tribesmen including a brother of hIS called Qays. While they were with him a feast of Abraha occurred and he sent to invite them to the feast. Now he used to eat an animal's testicles, 1 sUra 9.~7. S If. by tIiia time II. sacred month was due, raiding Ilnd blood-revenge would be taboo; hence the need to declare the month profane. The Life of Muhammad 23 so when the in~itation Was brought they said, 'By God, if we eat this the Arabs wl1l hold It agamst us aslo~g as we live." !hereupon Muhammad got up and went to Abraha and Said, 0 Kmg, thIS IS a festival of ours in which we eat only the loins and shoulders.' Abraha replied that he would send them what they liked, because his sole purpose in inviting them was to s~ow that he honoured them. Then he crowned Muhammad and made him amir, of ,Mu

31<br />

22 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

would make one <strong>of</strong> the holy months pr<strong>of</strong>ane, and make one <strong>of</strong> the pr<strong>of</strong>ane<br />

30 months holy to balance the calendar. It was about this that God sent<br />

down: 'Postponement (<strong>of</strong> a sacred month) is but added infidelity by which<br />

those who disbelieve are misled. They make it (the month) pr<strong>of</strong>ahe one<br />

year and make it sacred the next year, that they may make up the number <strong>of</strong><br />

the months which God has made sacred (33)."<br />

The first to iqlpose this system <strong>of</strong> intercalation on the Arabs was<br />

al-Qalkmmaswh~ was l;ludhayfa b. 'Abd b. Fuqaym b. 'Adiy b. 'Amir<br />

b. Tha'laba b. al-l;liirith b. Malik b. Kiniina b. Kbuzayma; his son 'Abbiid<br />

followed him; then his descendants Qala', Umayya, 'Auf, and Abu<br />

Thumiirna Juniida b. 'Auf who was the last <strong>of</strong> them, for he was overtaken<br />

by Islam. When the Arabs had finished pilgrimage, it used to be their<br />

practice to gather round him and he would declare the four sacred months<br />

Rajab, Dhu'I-Qa'da, Dhu'I-l;lijja, and al-Mu\larram. If he wanted to free<br />

a period he would free al-Mu\larram and they would declare it free and ban<br />

l?afar in its place so as to make up the number <strong>of</strong> the four sacred months.<br />

When they wanted to return from Mecca,' he got up and said: '0 God,<br />

I hsve made one <strong>of</strong> the l?afars free for them, the first $afar,'and I have<br />

postponed the other till next year.' '<br />

About this 'Umayr b. Qays Jadhlu'I-Ti'iin, one <strong>of</strong> the B. Fir.. b.<br />

Ghsnm b. Tha'laba b. Malik b. Kiniina, boasting <strong>of</strong> this determining <strong>of</strong><br />

the months, improvised: .<br />

Ma'add knows that my people are the most honourable <strong>of</strong> men and<br />

hsve noble ancestors.<br />

Who has escaped us when we seek vengeance and whom have we not<br />

made to champ the bitI<br />

Are we not Ma'add's calendar-makers, making pr<strong>of</strong>ane months sacred?<br />

(34)·<br />

The Kiniinite went forth until he came to the cathedral and defiled<br />

it(35). Then he returned to his own country. Hearing <strong>of</strong>the matter Abraha<br />

made inquiries and learned that the outrage had been committed by an<br />

Arab who came from the temple in Mecca where the Arabs went on<br />

pilgrimage, and that he had done this in anger at his threat to divert the<br />

Arabs' pilgrimage to the cathedral, showing thereby that it was unworthy<br />

<strong>of</strong> reverence.<br />

Abraha was enraged and swore that he would go to this templ~ and<br />

destroy it. (T. With Abraha there were some Arabs who had come to seek<br />

his bounty, among them <strong>Muhammad</strong> b. Khuza'r b. Kbuziiba al-Dh~.<br />

wiini, al-Sulami, with a number <strong>of</strong> his tribesmen including a brother <strong>of</strong> hIS<br />

called Qays. While they were with him a feast <strong>of</strong> Abraha occurred and<br />

he sent to invite them to the feast. Now he used to eat an animal's testicles,<br />

1 sUra 9.~7.<br />

S If. by tIiia time II. sacred month was due, raiding Ilnd blood-revenge would be taboo;<br />

hence the need to declare the month pr<strong>of</strong>ane.<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> 23<br />

so when the in~itation Was brought they said, 'By God, if we eat this the<br />

Arabs wl1l hold It agamst us aslo~g as we live." !hereupon <strong>Muhammad</strong> got<br />

up and went to Abraha and Said, 0 Kmg, thIS IS a festival <strong>of</strong> ours in which<br />

we eat only the loins and shoulders.' Abraha replied that he would send<br />

them what they liked, because his sole purpose in inviting them was to<br />

s~ow that he honoured them. Then he crowned <strong>Muhammad</strong> and made<br />

him amir, <strong>of</strong> ,Mu

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