Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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Oxford University Press, (;rm/ ClttreI/don ,"l'lll'tI, ()'\jm'd 11\': 6nl' Oxford ."t\lr:w Yor/; Athens Auckland Bangkok Bagot;" Buenos Aires Calrutta Cajle Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florena Hong Kong Istanlml Karachi Kuala Lurnjmr Madrid Alelbourrw i.'v[exico Cit~l' !V[umbai Nairobi Paris Sao Paulo Singapore Taijlei Tohyo Toronto WOJ'S(lW and associated cmnpanit!s in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade rnark of Oxford University Press This book is © COjlyright under the Berne Convention The moral rights of the author }uwe been asserted All rights resemed, No jwrt of this jmblir:ation Jlwy bi! rf'jJTOdHced, stored in ~, retrieval system, or transmitted, in, any.form 01- by rin)' 'means, without the jlrirrr permission in writing of Oxford Univrrsity Prpss. Enquiries (QJ1(erninl-; rejJroductioll should be sent /0 thr' Rights Dejlartment, Oxford University Press, at the address above, This booh is sold subject to thl! condition that it shallllot, by way of trade aT otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hiri!d out or otlumoise circulated without the publisher's jJriOT ronsent in any form (!f hinding or w1Ier other than that in which it is published and withoHt a similar wndition including this condition being imposed on tht snb,Wjw'rll jmrchasa. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IT is a pleasure to acknowledge the debt that lowe to the friends whom I have consulted in the many and various difficulties which beset a translator of such a long text as the Sira on which there is no commentary worthy of the name. My thanks are especially due to myoid friend Professor A. A. Affifi of Alexandria, Professor A. Kh. Kioani of Damascus Dr. Abdullah al-Tayib of Khartoum, Dr. M. A. Azzam of Cairo, and Professor A. K. S. Lambton of London. Particularly I would thank Dr. W. Arafat for his self-sacrificing labour in reading the whole of my translation in manuscript, and for bringing its shortcomings to my notice. If, with reference to this book of mine, I am ever able to solace myself with the words kafa'i-mar'a faljlan an tu'adda ma'tiyibiih, it will be in great measure due to his ready help and eagle eye. Last, but not least, I gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the School of Oriental and Mrican Studies in meeting the'cost of production. Without this help it would have been impossible to publish the book. I hope that in the years to come it will stand as a modest tribute to the School's great interest in Oriental studies and also help to further co-operation and friendliness between my country and the Islamic world. First j)1lblished in 1955 Reissllwl in Pakistan] 967 Thirteenth Irnjm:ssion 1998 ISBN 0 19 636033 1 Pn'nled in Pakistan at Mueid Padwges, Karachi. Published by Ameena Saiyid, Oxford Uni1!ersil)' Press 5-Bangalore Town, Shame Faisal PO Box]3033, Karachi-75350, Pak.istan.

CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS INTRODUCTION The Author The Sira The Editor Ibn Hisham A Fragment of the Lost Book of Mus~ b. 'Uqba V xii! xiii xiv xli xliii PART I THE GENEALOGY OF MUHAMMAD; TRADITIONS FROM THE PRE-ISLAMIC ERA; MUHAMMAD'S CHILDHOOD AND EARLY MANHOOD Genealogy The soothsayers Shiqq and Sali!:> Abu Karib's expedition to Yathr~b His sons J:Iassan and .Amr Lakhni'a Dhu'Shanatir Dhfl Nuwas Christianity in Naj'ran 'Abdullah b. al-Thamir and the Christian martyrs Abyssinian domination of the Yaman Abraha's abortive attack on Mecca Persian domination of the Yaman The descendants of Nizar b. Ma'add Origin of idolatry among the Arabs Arab taboos The descendants of Muo;lar The digging of Zarnzam Kinana and Khuza'a expel Jurhum and occupy the Ka'ba The bali' in the J ahiliya Quraysh predominate in Mecca Internal· dissensions The wells of Mecca 'Abdu'l-Muttalib vows to sacrifice his son 'Abdullah father of the prophet Amina mother of the prophet His birth and fostennother His mother's death Death of 'Abdu'l-Munalib and elegies thereon Abu Talib becomes Muhammad'. guardian The monk Ba!:>irii 3 4 6 IZ 13 14 14 16 18 21 3 0 34 35 4° 4 0 45, 62 46 49 52 56 65 66 68 69 69 73 73 79 79




The Author<br />

The Sira<br />

The Editor Ibn Hisham<br />

A Fragment <strong>of</strong> the Lost Book <strong>of</strong> Mus~ b. 'Uqba<br />

V<br />

xii!<br />

xiii<br />

xiv<br />

xli<br />

xliii<br />

PART I<br />




Genealogy<br />

The soothsayers Shiqq and Sali!:><br />

Abu Karib's expedition to Yathr~b<br />

His sons J:Iassan and .Amr<br />

Lakhni'a Dhu'Shanatir<br />

Dhfl Nuwas<br />

Christianity in Naj'ran<br />

'Abdullah b. al-Thamir and the Christian martyrs<br />

Abyssinian domination <strong>of</strong> the Yaman<br />

Abraha's abortive attack on Mecca<br />

Persian domination <strong>of</strong> the Yaman<br />

The descendants <strong>of</strong> Nizar b. Ma'add<br />

Origin <strong>of</strong> idolatry among the Arabs<br />

Arab taboos<br />

The descendants <strong>of</strong> Muo;lar<br />

The digging <strong>of</strong> Zarnzam<br />

Kinana and Khuza'a expel Jurhum and occupy the Ka'ba<br />

The bali' in the J ahiliya<br />

Quraysh predominate in Mecca<br />

Internal· dissensions<br />

The wells <strong>of</strong> Mecca<br />

'Abdu'l-Muttalib vows to sacrifice his son<br />

'Abdullah father <strong>of</strong> the prophet<br />

Amina mother <strong>of</strong> the prophet<br />

His birth and fostennother<br />

His mother's death<br />

Death <strong>of</strong> 'Abdu'l-Munalib and elegies thereon<br />

Abu Talib becomes <strong>Muhammad</strong>'. guardian<br />

The monk Ba!:>irii<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

IZ<br />

13<br />

14<br />

14<br />

16<br />

18<br />

21<br />

3 0<br />

34<br />

35<br />

4°<br />

4 0<br />

45, 62<br />

46<br />

49<br />

52<br />

56<br />

65<br />

66<br />

68<br />

69<br />

69<br />

73<br />

73<br />

79<br />


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