Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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The Life of Muhammad 45 2 . I assed the apostle who called me food. As I went off lookmg f~r:~e:ld him that I was taking the dates to and asked me what I had. We. th m to him So I poured d ncIe he told me to g,ve e . my father an my u . t fill them Then he called for a garthem into his hands but theyhd 1d nOd th th~ dates upon it so that they ment which was la1? out for ~m afd th re: en to summon the diggers to were scattered on It. Then e to e t d the dates went on increasd h th came they began to ea an h lunch, an w en ey h d they were still falling from t e iog until they turned away from t em an ends of the garment.' Id Worked with the apostle at the h thority I was to : e w . Id b On t e same au f 11 f ttened and I thought lt wou e trench. Now I had a little ewe not u I Y a I told my wife to grind some d h' t d s it for the apast e, so d a goo t mg 0 res f d I killed the sheep and we roaste barley and make some bre~dh or us, and the apostle was about to leave the . f h tI When mg t came an . I lt or t e apos e. k t it all day and go home in the evenmgtrench-for we used to wor a dutton for him and that I should told him that we had prepared br~ad an ~was only he that I wanted; but like him to come wIth me to m~ DUSCh t an invitation for all to come to when I said this he ordered a cnerlto 5 DUd t Him we return!'I However, I .d 'To God we be ong an 0 d th my house. sal, d hen he had sat down we produce e he and the other men cam~ an w h of God over it. Then he ate h bl d ·t and mvoke d t e name ·1 fQod and e esse 1 1 had finished another lot came untl as did all the others. As soon as one ot 673 the diggers turned from it. I F- . _ .d. I was working with a pick in the I was told that Salman a - 'arJs'h sa1 . bl The apostle who was near at h k gave me mue trou c. d d trench were a roc w how difficult the place was. He roppe hand saw me hackmg and sa k h . k f am my hand and gave such a . h t h and too t e plC r d d down mto t e rcnc h h . k This happened a seconan blow that lightning sh~wed ben~at t ~:'~ father or mother, what is the a third time. I said: a you, care: kat ike~' He said: 'Did you f h· I· ht b neath your plC as yousr. meaning 0 t IS 19 e th t God has opened up to me h S 1man ? Thc first means a , , 0 really see t at, a . . d th est. and the third the cast. ne h conci Syna an e w , h h the Yarnan; t e se that Abu Hurayra used to say w en t esc whom I do not suspect told me. f 'u and 'Uthman and after, cd In the !tme 0 mar h countries were conquer. God Oll have not conquered and to. t e 'Conquer where you wlll, by ,y. h keys God had not glven resurrection day you will not conquer

454 The Life of Muhammad The Life of Muhammad at them from above and below until the believers imagined vain things, 1 and disaffection was rife among the disaffected to the point that Mu'attib b. so that they dashed through it and carried them into th between the trench and Sal'. 'Ali with some Musli Qusyahr brother of B. 'Amr b. 'Auf said, 'Muhammad used to promise us that we should eat the treasures of Chosroes and Caesar and today not one of us can feel s.fe in going to the privy!' (698). It reached such a point that Aus b. Qani, one of B. I;Iaritha b. al-l;Iarith, said to the apostle, 'Our houses are exposed to the enemy'-this he said before a large gathering of his people~'so let us go out and return to our home, for it is outside Medina.' The apostle and the polytheists remained twenty days and more, nearly a month, without fighting except for some shooting with arrows, and the siege. When conditions pressed hard upon the people the apostle-according to what 'A~im b. 'Umar b. Qatada and one whom I do not suspect told me from Muhammad b. Muslim b. 'Ubaydullah b. Shihab al-Zuhri-sent to 'Uyayna b. l;Ii~n b. l;Iudhayfa b. Badr and to al-l;Iarith b. 'Auf b. Abu l;Iaritha al-Murri who were leaders of Ghatafan and offered them a third of the dates of Medina on condition that they would go back with their followers and leave him and his men, so peace was made between them so far as the writing of a document. It was not signed and was not a definite peace, merely peace negotiations (To and they did so). When the apostle wanted to act he sent to the two Sa'ds and told them of it and asked their advice. They said: 'Is it a thing you want us to do, or something God has ordered you to do which we must carry out? or is it something you are doing for us?' He said: 'It is something I am doing for your sake. By God, I would not do it were it not that I have seen the Arabs have shot at you from one bow, and gathered against you from every side and I want to break their offensive against you! Sa'd b. Mu'adh said: 'We and these people were polytheists and idolaters, not serving God nor knowing him, and they never hoped to eat a single date (To of ours) except as guests or by purchase. Now, after God has honoured and guided us to Islam and made us famous by you, are we to give them our property? \Ve certainly will not. We will give them nothing but the sword until God decide between us.' The apostle said: 'You shall have it so.' Sad took the paper and erased what was written, saying, 'Let them do their worst against us!' The siege continued without any actual fighting, but some horsemen of Quraysh, among whom were 'Amr b. 'Abdu Wudd b. Abu Qays (699) brother of B. 'Amir b. Lu'ayy; 'Ikrima b. Abu JahI; Hubayra b. Abu Wahb, both of Makhzum; Oirar b. al-Khanab the poet, b. Mirdas brother of B. Mu~arib b. Fihr donned their armour and went forth on horseback to the stations of B. Kinana, saying, 'Prepare for fighting and then you will know who are true knights today.' They galloped forward until they stopped at the trench. When they saw it they exclaimed, 'This is a device which the Arabs have never employed!' (700). Then they made for a narrow part of the trench and beat their horses I The language is borrowed from Sura 33. 10. f55 e swampy ground ~:~ ~::~~~::~:170~:d~::;~;~et~:!~~~~a~=~~~:S~~~;~h:%d~~ fought at Badr until he was disabled by wounds and . hA~d~ Wudd had Ul,lud. At the battle of the Trench he came a 't so e .. ~ot bee~ at mark to show his rank and when he and h' u ,;eanng a dlstmgUIshmg ~~ed anyone to fight'him. 'Ali accepted :~ec~~:~,;;:~ :~o:~:i~ ~~ ~hal: r, you SWore by God that if any man of Quraysh off: d 1m. alternatives you would accept one of th ~"Y " ere ~ou two repI· Ie, d 'Th en I invite you to God and H' em, I' es I dId , he saId . 'Al- 1 h IS apost e and to lsI 'H 'd t at he had no use for them. 'Ali went on 'Then I 11 am. e sar m~un,~ ~e replied, '0 son of my brother, I'do not w.:;: too~l;~ut? ~= sal, ut want to kIll you.' This so enraged 'Am h h ..1 horse and hamstrung it and (T. or) beat its face' then ~: a~~':c~~to~~~:s 678 and they fought, t~e one circling round the othe:. 'Ali killed him and h 1, cavalry fled, bur~tIng he~dlong in flight across the trench. t elr rWhen Amr Issued hIS challenge to single combat 'Ali tId' armour and asked th -- h' '. go up c a In I.S.N. ii. . d . e l-',op et s permISSIOn to fight him but he told h' 61 to SIt own, for It was

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

45 2 . I assed the apostle who called me<br />

food. As I went <strong>of</strong>f lookmg f~r:~e:ld him that I was taking the dates to<br />

and asked me what I had. We. th m to him So I poured<br />

d ncIe he told me to g,ve e .<br />

my father an my u . t fill them Then he called for a garthem<br />

into his hands but theyhd 1d nOd th th~ dates upon it so that they<br />

ment which was la1? out for ~m afd th re: en<br />

to summon the diggers to<br />

were scattered on It. Then e to e t d the dates went on increasd<br />

h th came they began to ea an h<br />

lunch, an w en ey h d they were still falling from t e<br />

iog until they turned away from t em an<br />

ends <strong>of</strong> the garment.' Id Worked with the apostle at the<br />

h thority I was to : e w . Id b<br />

On t e same au f 11 f ttened and I thought lt wou e<br />

trench. Now I had a little ewe not u I Y a I told my wife to grind some<br />

d<br />

h' t d s it for the apast e, so d<br />

a goo t mg 0 res f d I killed the sheep and we roaste<br />

barley and make some bre~dh or us, and the apostle was about to leave the<br />

. f h tI When mg t came an . I<br />

lt or t e apos e. k t it all day and go home in the evenmgtrench-for<br />

we used to wor a dutton for him and that I should<br />

told him that we had prepared br~ad an ~was only he that I wanted; but<br />

like him to come wIth me to m~ DUSCh t an invitation for all to come to<br />

when I said this he ordered a cnerlto 5 DUd t Him we return!'I However,<br />

I .d 'To God we be ong an 0 d th<br />

my house. sal, d hen he had sat down we produce e<br />

he and the other men cam~ an w h <strong>of</strong> God over it. Then he ate<br />

h bl d ·t and mvoke d t e name ·1<br />

fQod and e esse 1 1 had finished another lot came untl<br />

as did all the others. As soon as one ot<br />

673 the diggers turned from it. I F- . _ .d. I was working with a pick in the<br />

I was told that Salman a - 'arJs'h sa1 . bl The apostle who was near at<br />

h k gave me mue trou c. d d<br />

trench were a roc w how difficult the place was. He roppe<br />

hand saw me hackmg and sa k h . k f am my hand and gave such a<br />

. h t h and too t e plC r d d<br />

down mto t e rcnc h h . k This happened a seconan<br />

blow that lightning sh~wed ben~at t ~:'~ father or mother, what is the<br />

a third time. I said: a you, care: kat ike~' He said: 'Did you<br />

f h· I· ht b neath your plC as yousr.<br />

meaning 0 t IS 19 e th t God has opened up to me<br />

h S 1man ? Thc first means a , , 0<br />

really see t at, a . . d th est. and the third the cast. ne<br />

h conci Syna an e w , h h<br />

the Yarnan; t e se that Abu Hurayra used to say w en t esc<br />

whom I do not suspect told me. f 'u and 'Uthman and after,<br />

cd In the !tme 0 mar h<br />

countries were conquer. God Oll have not conquered and to. t e<br />

'Conquer where you wlll, by ,y. h keys God had not glven<br />

resurrection day you will not conquer

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