Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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400 The LIfe of ]\!Iuhammad God says: 'Rejoicing in the favour and bounty of God and that God does not waste the wages of the believers' because they have seen the fulfilment of the promise and the great reward. Ismii'il b. Umayya told me from Abu'l-Zubayr from Ibn 'Abbas: The apostle said when your brethren \vere slain at U1)ud, 'God has put their spirits in the crops of green birds which come down to the rivers of the Garden; they eat of its fruits and come home to where there are golden 605 candlesticks in the shadow of the throne; and \vhen they experience the goodly drink and food and their beautiful resting-place they say: Would that our brethren knew what God has done with us that they might not dislike fighting and shrink from war!' And God says 'I will tell them of you' so He sent down to His apostle these verses 'And do not think,' &c. AI-I:larith b. al-Fue,layLtold me from Mal,1mud b. Labid al-An~ari from Ibn 'Abbas: The martyrs are at Bariq, a river at the gate of the Garden, in a green tent, their provision from the Garden coming out to them morning and evening. One whom I do not suspect told me from 'Abdullah b.-Mas·iid that he was asked about these verses 'Do not think', &c., and he said, V\,re asked about them arid \ve were told that when your brethren \vere slain at UI;lUd God put their spirits in the crops of green birds whjch come down to the rivers of the Garden and eat of its fruits and come home to \vhere there are golden candlesticks in the shade of the throne and God takes one look at them and says,-'O My servants, "Vhat do you wish that I should give you more?' And they say, '0 our Lord, there is nothing beyond the Garden which T'hou hast given us from \vhich we eat \vhen we please.' After the question has been put three times they say the same, adding, 'except that we should like our spirits to return to our bodies and then return to the earth and fight for Thee until we are killed again.' One of our companions told me from 'Abdullah b. Muhammad b. 'Aqil from Jiibir b. 'Abdullah: The apostle said to me, 'I will give yOll good news, Jabir. God has restored to life your father who was killed at Ul,1ud.' Then He asked him what he would like Him to do for him and he said that he would like to retum to the world and fight for Him and be killed a second time. 606 'Amr b. 'Ubayd told me from al-Basan that the apostle swore that there was no believer who had parted from the world and wanted to return to it for a single hour even if he could possess it with all it has except the martyr who \vould like to return and fight for God and be killed a second time. Then God said, 'Those ·who responded to God and His apostle after harm had befallen them,' i.e. wounds. They arc the believers who went with the apostle on the morrow of UJ:1ud to I;Iamra'u'I-Asad in spite of the pain of their wounds, 'for those of them who do well and are pious there is a great reward; those to whom men said: The men (of Mecca) have gathered against you so fear them, and that but increased their faith and The Life ofMuhammad 4 01 they said, AlIah is sufficient for us and a fine one in whom to trust.' The men who said that were a number of 'Abdu'I-Qays to whom Abu Sufyiin spoke. They said: 'Abu Sufyan and his company are certainly coming back t~ you.' God says, 'So they returned with God's grace ahd favour. Harm did not, befall them and they followed God's pleasure and God is of great bounty In that He turned away their enemy so that they did not meet him. 'It is only the devil,' i.e. those men and what Satan put into their mouths, ',:ho would make men fear his adherents,' i.e. frighten you by means of hIS adherents. 'But fear them not and fear Me if you are believers. L:t no; those w~o vie i~ ru~~ing to disbelief grieve you,' i.e. the hypo~ cnte.s, t?ey can In no WIse Injure God. God wills not to assign them a portlOn m the next world where they will have a painful punishment, Those who buy infidelity with faith will in no wise injure God: they will have a pamful pumshment. Let not those who disbelieve think that the respite W ~ give th~m is good for them. We give them a respite only that they may Increase m trespass. Theirs is an ignominious punishment. It is not God's purpose to leave the believers as you are till He shall separate the evil from the good,' i.e. the hypocrites. 'And it is not God's purpose to let you know the unseen,' i.e. what He wills to try you with that you may take heed of what comes to you. 'But God chooses whom He will of His messengers,' i.e. He lets him know that 'So believe in God and His messengers and if you believe and are pious,' i.e. return and repent 'then you will have a great reward.' THE NAMES OF THE MUSLIMS WHO WERE MARTYRED 607 AT UI;lUD The Muslims who were martyred at Ul,1ud in the company of the apostle were as follows: Emigrants from Quraysh: of the B. Hashim: Hamza whom Wahshi the slave ofJubayr b. Mut'im killed. Of B. Umayya b. 'Abdu Shams: ;Abdullah b. Jal,1sh, an ally from B. Asad b. Khuzayma. Of B. 'Abdul'l-Dar: Mu~'ab b. 'Umayr whom Ibn Qami'a al-Laythi killed. Of B. Makhzum b. Yaqa?a: Shammas b. 'Uthman. Total4. Of the An~ar: of B. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal: 'Amr b. lIfu'adh; al-Barith b. Anas b: Rafi'; and 'Umara b. Ziyad b. al-Sakan (625); Salama b. Thiibit b. Waqsh and 'Amr his brother ('A~im b. 'Umar b. Qatada asserted to me that their father Thabit was killed that day); and Rifa'a b. Waqsh; and Busayl b. Jabir Abu Budhayfa who was al-Yaman (the YIuslims killed him unwittingly andJ::Iudhayfa forewent his blood-wit incumbent on the slayer); and :;>ayfi and BaMb sons of Qani; and 'Abbad b. Sah]; and aI­ Barith b. Aus b. Mu'adh. Total12. Of the men of Ratij:' Iyas b. Aus b. 'Auk b. 'Amr b. 'Abdu'I-A'lam b. B 4080 lOne of the forts in Medina. Dd

402 The Life of Muhammad Za'ura' b. Jusham b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal; and 'Vbayd b. al-Tayyihan (626); and Habib b. Yazid b. Taym. 3· Or' B. Zafar: Yazid b. I:Iatib b. Vmayya b. Rafi'. r. __ Of B. 'Amr b. 'Auf of the subdivision B. Du~aY'a. b. Zayd: .Abu S~fy~ b. al-Hiirith b. Qays b. Zayd; !:Ian?ala b. Abu Anur b. $ay£1 b. _Nu man b. M'-lik b. Ama, the man washed by the angels whom Shaddad b. al­ 608 Aswad b. Sha'ub al-Laythi killed (627). 2. Of B. 'Vbayd b. Zayd: Vnays b. Qatada. I. , Of B Thalaba b. 'Amr b. 'Auf: Abu !:Iayya, brother to Sa d b. Khaythama by his mother (628); and 'Abdullah b. Jubayr b. al-Nu'man who commanded the archers. 2. _ Of B. al-Salm b. Imru'ul-Qays b. Malik b. al-Aus: Khaytbarna Abu Sa'd b. Khaythama. I. Of their allies from B. al-'Ajlm: 'Abdullah b. Salama. ~. Of B. Mu'awiya b. Malik: Subay' b. !:Iatib b. al-!:Ianth b. Qays b. Haysha (629)' I. ., Of B. ai-Najjar, of the clan of B. Sawad b. Malik b. Ghanm:, A~ b. Qays and his son Qays (630); and Thabit b. 'Amr b. Zayd; and Amir b. Makhlad. 4· - . , b 'Amr b Of B. Mabdhiil: Abu Hubayra b. al-!:Ianth b. Alqama " . Thaqf b. Malik b. Mabdhiil; and 'Amr b. Mutarrif b.. 'Alqama b. Amr. 2. Of B. 'Amr b. Malik: Aus. b. Thablt b. al-Mundhlr (631). I. _ Of B. 'Adiy b. ai-Najjar: Anas b. aI-Na b. Zayd b. !:Iaram who were buried together; Khallad b. 'Amr b. al-Jamu\>, &c.; and Abu Ayman a client of 'Amr b. aI-Jamu\>. 4. Of B. Sawad b. Ghanm: Sulaym b. 'Amr b. !:Iadida and his client 'Antara; and Sahl b. Qays b. Abu Ka'b b. al-Qayn. 3. Of B. Zurayq b. 'Arnir: Dhakwan b. 'Abdu Qays; and 'Ubayd b. al­ Mu'alla b. Laudhan (634). 2. The total number of Muslims killed including both Emigrants and An~ar was 65 men (635). THE NAMES OF THE POLYTHEISTS WHO WERE 610 KILLED AT UI;IUD Of the Quraysh from B. 'Abdu'I-Dar b. Qu~ayy who carried the standard: Talha b. 'Abdullah b. 'Abdu'l-'Vzza b. 'Uthman b. 'Abdu'I-Dar whom 'Ali killed; and Abu Sa'id b. Abu Tal\>a whom Sa'd b. Abu Waqqa~ killed (636); and 'Vthman b. Abu Tal\>a whom !:Iamza killed; and Musafi' and aI-Julas sons of Tal\>a whom 'A~im b. Thabit b. Abu'I-Aqla\> killed; and Kilab and al-!:Iarith sons of Tal\>a killed by Quzman an ally of B. Zafar (637); and Arta b. 'Abdu Shura\>bil b. Hashim b. 'Abdu Manaf b. Abdu'I- Dar whom !:Iamza killed; and Abu Zayd b. 'Vmayr b. Hashim, &c., whom Quzman killed; and $u'ab an Abyssinian slave of his also killed by Quzman (638); and aI-Qasil b. Shuray\> b. Hashim b. 'Abdu Maniif whom Quzman 611 killed. II. Of B. Asad b. Abdu'I-'Vzza b. Qu~ayy: 'Abdullah b. !:Iumayd b. Zuhayr b. al-Harith b. Asad whom 'An killed. I. Of B. Zuhra b. Kilab: Abu'I-!:Iakam b. al-Akhnas b. Shariq b. 'Amr b. Wahb aI-Thaqafi, an ally of theirs whom 'Ali killed; and Siba' b. 'Abdu'l­ 'Vzza-the latter's name was 'Amr b. Na b. 'AIm: 'Amr b. 'Abdullah b. 'Vmayr b. Wahb b. !:Iudhiifa b. Juma\> who was Abu 'Azza whom the apostle killed when a prisoner; and Vbayy b. Khalaf b. Wahb b, !:Iudhiifa b. Juma\> whom the apostle killed with his own hand. 2. Of B. 'Amir b. Lu'ayy: 'Vbayda b. Jabir; and Shayba b. Malik b. aI­ Muud 22 polytheists.

402 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

Za'ura' b. Jusham b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal; and 'Vbayd b. al-Tayyihan (626);<br />

and Habib b. Yazid b. Taym. 3·<br />

Or' B. Zafar: Yazid b. I:Iatib b. Vmayya b. Rafi'. r. __<br />

Of B. 'Amr b. 'Auf <strong>of</strong> the subdivision B. Du~aY'a. b. Zayd: .Abu S~fy~<br />

b. al-Hiirith b. Qays b. Zayd; !:Ian?ala b. Abu Anur b. $ay£1 b. _Nu man<br />

b. M'-lik b. Ama, the man washed by the angels whom Shaddad b. al­<br />

608 Aswad b. Sha'ub al-Laythi killed (627). 2.<br />

Of B. 'Vbayd b. Zayd: Vnays b. Qatada. I. ,<br />

Of B Thalaba b. 'Amr b. 'Auf: Abu !:Iayya, brother to Sa d b. Khaythama<br />

by his mother (628); and 'Abdullah b. Jubayr b. al-Nu'man who<br />

commanded the archers. 2.<br />

_<br />

Of B. al-Salm b. Imru'ul-Qays b. Malik b. al-Aus: Khaytbarna Abu<br />

Sa'd b. Khaythama. I.<br />

Of their allies from B. al-'Ajlm: 'Abdullah b. Salama. ~.<br />

Of B. Mu'awiya b. Malik: Subay' b. !:Iatib b. al-!:Ianth b. Qays b.<br />

Haysha (629)' I. .,<br />

Of B. ai-Najjar, <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. Sawad b. Malik b. Ghanm:, A~ b.<br />

Qays and his son Qays (630); and Thabit b. 'Amr b. Zayd; and Amir b.<br />

Makhlad. 4· - . , b 'Amr b<br />

Of B. Mabdhiil: Abu Hubayra b. al-!:Ianth b. Alqama " .<br />

Thaqf b. Malik b. Mabdhiil; and 'Amr b. Mutarrif b.. 'Alqama b. Amr. 2.<br />

Of B. 'Amr b. Malik: Aus. b. Thablt b. al-Mundhlr (631). I. _<br />

Of B. 'Adiy b. ai-Najjar: Anas b. aI-Na b. Zayd b. !:Iaram who were buried<br />

together; Khallad b. 'Amr b. al-Jamu\>, &c.; and Abu Ayman a client <strong>of</strong><br />

'Amr b. aI-Jamu\>. 4.<br />

Of B. Sawad b. Ghanm: Sulaym b. 'Amr b. !:Iadida and his client<br />

'Antara; and Sahl b. Qays b. Abu Ka'b b. al-Qayn. 3.<br />

Of B. Zurayq b. 'Arnir: Dhakwan b. 'Abdu Qays; and 'Ubayd b. al­<br />

Mu'alla b. Laudhan (634). 2.<br />

The total number <strong>of</strong> Muslims killed including both Emigrants and<br />

An~ar was 65 men (635).<br />



Of the Quraysh from B. 'Abdu'I-Dar b. Qu~ayy who carried the standard:<br />

Talha b. 'Abdullah b. 'Abdu'l-'Vzza b. 'Uthman b. 'Abdu'I-Dar whom<br />

'Ali killed; and Abu Sa'id b. Abu Tal\>a whom Sa'd b. Abu Waqqa~ killed<br />

(636); and 'Vthman b. Abu Tal\>a whom !:Iamza killed; and Musafi' and<br />

aI-Julas sons <strong>of</strong> Tal\>a whom 'A~im b. Thabit b. Abu'I-Aqla\> killed; and<br />

Kilab and al-!:Iarith sons <strong>of</strong> Tal\>a killed by Quzman an ally <strong>of</strong> B. Zafar<br />

(637); and Arta b. 'Abdu Shura\>bil b. Hashim b. 'Abdu Manaf b. Abdu'I-<br />

Dar whom !:Iamza killed; and Abu Zayd b. 'Vmayr b. Hashim, &c., whom<br />

Quzman killed; and $u'ab an Abyssinian slave <strong>of</strong> his also killed by Quzman<br />

(638); and aI-Qasil b. Shuray\> b. Hashim b. 'Abdu Maniif whom Quzman 611<br />

killed. II.<br />

Of B. Asad b. Abdu'I-'Vzza b. Qu~ayy: 'Abdullah b. !:Iumayd b. Zuhayr<br />

b. al-Harith b. Asad whom 'An killed. I.<br />

Of B. Zuhra b. Kilab: Abu'I-!:Iakam b. al-Akhnas b. Shariq b. 'Amr b.<br />

Wahb aI-Thaqafi, an ally <strong>of</strong> theirs whom 'Ali killed; and Siba' b. 'Abdu'l­<br />

'Vzza-the latter's name was 'Amr b. Na b. 'AIm: 'Amr b. 'Abdullah b. 'Vmayr b. Wahb b. !:Iudhiifa<br />

b. Juma\> who was Abu 'Azza whom the apostle killed when a prisoner;<br />

and Vbayy b. Khalaf b. Wahb b, !:Iudhiifa b. Juma\> whom the apostle<br />

killed with his own hand. 2.<br />

Of B. 'Amir b. Lu'ayy: 'Vbayda b. Jabir; and Shayba b. Malik b. aI­<br />

Muud 22 polytheists.

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