Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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5°5 506 336 The Life of 111uha11l11lad Of B. 'Adiy b. ai-Najjar of the clan of B. '~di~ b. 'Am!r b. G~an~ b. ai-Najjar: J:laritha b. Suraqa b. al-J:lanth b. AdlY_ b. i\1~hk _b. A?IY b. 'Am' . 'A b Tha'iaba b. Wahb b. 'Adiy b. Mahk b. AdlY b. Amlr lr, mr . -n b 'Acd- b known as Abu J:lakim; Sali! b. Gays b. 'Amr b. 'Auk b. Mal .. ly . 'Amir; Abu Sali! Usayra b. 'Amr; and 'Am!, Ab~ KhanJa b~ Gays b: Malik b. 'Adiy b. 'Amir; Thablt b. Khansa b. Amr b. Mahk, .&c., 'Amir b. limayya b. Zayd b. al-J:las1,las b. Mahk, &.c.; and Mu1,lnz b. 'Amir b. Malik b. 'Adiy; and Sawad b. Ghaziya b. Lhayb an ally from Bali (494). Total 8 men. ,_ _ "_. _ Of B. Haram b. Jundub b. 'Amir b. Ghanm b. AdlY b. al-NaJJ~r. Abu Zayd Gays b. Sakan b. Gays b. Za'iira' b. J:lara~; and Abu'I~A ~var b. al-Harith b. Zalim b. 'Abs b. J:laram (495); and Sulaym b. MII1,lan and J:la;am his b;other. Mil!)an's name was Malik b. Kbahd b. Zayd b. Haram. Total 4 men. _ . . Of B. Mazin b. ai-Najjar of the clan of B. 'Auf b. Mabdbul b. Amr b. Ghanm b. I'vlazin b. aI-Najjar: Qays b. Abu $a'1?a'a \vhosc name was 'Amr b. Zavd b. 'Auf; and 'Abdullah b. Kab b. 'Amr b. 'Auf; and 'Usayma an "ally from B. Asad b. Khuzayma. Total 3 moen. . _ c'- Of B. Kbansa' b. Mabdhul b. 'Amr,b. Gha~m_b. Ma:ln. Abu ,D.~ ~d 'Umayr b. 'Amir b. Malik b. Kbansa ; and Suraqa b. Amr b. Atlya. Total 2 men, . b Of B. Tha'iaba b. Mazin b. ai-Najjar: Gays b. Mukhallad b. Tha la a b. Sakhr b. Hahib b. al-J:larith b. Tha'iaba. Total I man. Of B. Dinar b. ai-Najjar of the clan of B. Mas'ud b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal ~. J:laritha b. Dinar: al-Nu'man b. 'Abdu 'Amr b. M.sud; a~d al-J;Ja!)!):lk b. 'Abdu 'Amr b. Mas'ud; and Sulaym b. al-J:lanth b. Tha I,aba b. ,Ka b b. Haritha brother of al-J;Ja!)1,lak and al-Nu'man the sons of Abdu Amr by ;he same mother; Jabir b. Khalid b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal b. J:lantha; and Sa'd b. Suhayl b. 'Abdu'l-Ashhal. Total S men. _ "_ , Of B. Gays b. Malik b. Ka~b b. J:laritha b. Dinar b. ai-NaJJar: Ka b b. Zoyd b. Gays; and Bujayr b. Abl1 Bujayr, an ally (496). Total 2 men. The men of al-Khazraj who were at Badr number 170 (497). Thus the total number of lVluslims, emigrants, and Helpers wh? were at Badr and were allotted a share in the booty was 314, the cmlgrants providing 83, Aus 61, and Khazraj '70. THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO DIED AS MARTYRS AT BADR 1 Of Guraysh of the clan of B. al-Mu\!alib: 'Ubayda b. al-J:larith who~ 'Utba b. Rabi'a slew by cutting off his leg. He afterwards dIed In al-Safra . Total r. _ _'I SI' cl.' OfB. Zuhra b. Kilab: 'Umayrb. Abu Waqqas (498) and Dbu -, l1ma ayn b. 'Abdu 'Amr an ally from Khuza'a of B. Ghubshan. Total 2. 1 As these persons' names have already been given in full their genealogies are shortened here. The Life of i'vluha11l11lad 337 Of B. 'Adi b. Ka'b: 'Aqil b. al-Bukayr an ally from B. Sad b. Layth; and Mihja' freedman of 'Umar. Total 2. Of B. al-J:larith b. Fihr: I;lafwan b. Bay",a'. Total I, Grand total 6. Of the Helpers: of B. 'Amr b. 'Auf: Sad b. Khaythama, and "'rubashshir b. 'Abdu'l-Mundhir b. Zanbar. Total 2. Of B. al-J:larith b. al-Khazraj: Yazid b. al-J:larith known as Ibn Fus1,lam. Total!. Of B. Salama of the clan of B. J:laram b. Kab b. Ghanm: 'Umayr b. al-J:lumam. Total I. Of B. I:Iabib b. 'Abdu J:laritha b. lVlalik b. Gha"'b b. Jusham: Rati' b. al-Mu'alla. Total I. Of B. aI-Najjar: I:Iaritha b. Suraga b. al-J:larith. Total!. OfB. Ghanm b. Malik b. ai-Najjar: 'Auf and Mu'awwidh the two sons of al-J:larith b. Rifa'a by 'Afra'. Total 2, Grand total 8. THE NAMES OF THE POLYTHEISTS WHO WERE SLAIN AT BADR The Guraysh losses at nadr were as follow: Of B. 'Abdu Shams: J:lan~ala b. Abu Sufyan (499); al-J:larith b. al-J:la"'rami and 'Amir b. al-J:la"'rami, two allies of theirs (500); and 'Umayr b. Abu 'Umayr and his son two freedmen of theirs (SOl); and 'Ubayda b. Sa'id b. al-'As b. Umayya whom al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam killed; and al-'As b. Said whom Ali killed; and 'Uqba b. Abu Mu'an whom 'Asim b. Thabit killed (S02); and 'Utba b. Rabi'a whom 'Ubayda b. al-J:larith killed (s03); and Shayba b. Rabi'a whom J:lamza killed; and al-Walid b. 'Utba whom 'Ali killed; and 'Amir b. 'Abdullah, an ally from B. Anmar b. Baghi'" whom 'Ali killed. Total 12. Of B. Naufal b. 'Abdu ManM: al-J:larith b. 'Amir whom Khubayb b. IsM is said to have killed; and Tu'ayma b. 'Adiy b. "'aufal whom 'Ali killed while others say J:lamza killed him. Total 2. Of B. Asad b. 'Abdu'l-'Uzza: Zama'a b. al-Aswad (s04); and al-J:larith b. Zama'a (soS); and 'Uqayl b. al-Aswad (s06); and Abu'l-lJakhtari who was al- 'As b. Hisham whom al-Mujadhdhar b. Dhiyad al-Balawi killed (s07); and Naufal b. Khuwaylid who was b. al-'Adawiya the 'Adiy of Khuza'a; it was he who bound Abu Bakr and Tal!)a b. 'Ubaydullah with a rope when they became Muslims and so were called 'the-t\\"o-tiedtogether-ones'. He Was one of the principal men of Guraysh. 'Ali killed him. Total S men. Of 'Abdu'I-Dar: al-Na"'r b. al-I:Iarith wbom they say tbat 'Ali executed in the presence of the apostle at al-I;lafra' (s08); and Zayd b. Mulays freedman of 'Umayr b. Hashim b. 'Abdu ManM (s09). Total 2. Of B. Taym b. Murra: 'Umayr b. 'Uthman (5'0); and 'Uthman b. Malik whom I;luhayb b. Sinan killed. Total 2. Of B. Makh2iim b. Yaqa~a: Abu Jahl b. Hisham (Mu'adh b. 'Amr B40~ z 5°9 5°7

338 The Life of Muhammad struck off his leg. His son 'Ikrima struck off Mu'adh's hand and he threw it from him; then Mu'awwidh b. 'Afra' struck him so that he disabled him leaving him at the last gasp; then 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud quickly dispatched him and cut off his head when the apostle ordered that search should be made among the slain for him); and al-'Ae b. Hisham whom 'Umarkilled; and Yazid b. 'Abdullah, an ally from B. Tamim (5Il); and Abu Musali' al-Ash'ari, an ally (51Z); and I:larmala b. 'Amr, an ally (513); and Mas'ud b. Abu Umayya (514); and Abu Qays b. al-Walid (515); and Abu Qays b. al-Fakih (516); and Rifa'a h. Abu Rifa'a (517); and al-Mundhir b. Abu 510 Rifa'a (518); and 'Abdullah b. al-Mundhir (519); and al-Sa'ib b. Abu'l­ Sa'ib (520); and al-Aswad b. 'Abdu'I-Asad whom I:lamza killed; and I:lajib b. al-Sa'ib (521); and "Uwaymir b. al-Sa'ib (522); and '~ b. Sufyan; and Jabir b. Sufyan, two allies from Tayyi' (523). Total 17. Of B. Sahm b. 'Amr: Munabbih b. al-I:lajjaj whom Abu'l-Yasar killed; and his son al-'Ae (524); and Nubayh b. al-I:lajjaj (525); and Abu'I-'Ae b. 5II Qays (526); and 'Aeim b. 'Auf (527). Total 5. Of B. Jumal,1: Umayya b. Khalaf whom a Helper of B. Mazin killed (528); and his son 'Ali b. Umayya whom 'Ammar killed; and Aus b. Mi'yar (529). Total 3. Of B. 'Amir b. Lu'ayy: Mu'awiya b. 'Amir, an ally from 'Abdu'I-Qays whom 'Ali killed (530); and Ma'bad b. Wahb, an ally from B. Kalb b. 'Auf whom Khalid and Iyas the two sons of al-Bukayr killed (531). Total 2. Thus the total number of Quraysh slain at Badr as given to us is 50 men (532). 5 1 3 A LIST OF TilE QURAYSH POLYTHEISTS WHO WERE TAKEN PRISONER AT BADR From B. Hashim b. 'Abelu Manaf: 'Aqil b. Abu Talib and Naufal b. al-Harith b. 'Abdu'l-Muttalib. ' From n. al-Mullalib b. 'Abdu Manaf: al-Sa'ib b. 'Ubayd b. 'Abdu Yazid and Nu'man b. 'Amr b. 'Alqama. 2. From B. 'Abdu Shams b. 'Ahdu Manaf: 'Amr b. Abu Sufyan b. I:larb b. Umayya and al-I:larith h. Abu Wajza b. Abu 'Amr b. Umayya (533); and Abu'l-'As b. al-Rabi' b. 'Abelu'l-'Uzza; anel AbCI'l-'Ae b. Naufal; and of their ;llies Abu Risha b. Abu 'Arot; and 'Arot b. al-Azraq; and 'Uqba b. 'Abelu'I-I:larith b. al-I:1acJrami. 7. I Here one would expect that the number of the Hiishimite prisoners would be given, but it is not. A.Dh. says: 'He does not mention al-'Abbas along with these two prisone~ because he had become a Muslim, and used to conceal his religion because he was afraid of his tribesmen.' However, since I.I. at the end of the list says that the total number was 43, whereas only 42 arc named, it is obvious that he mus~ have inclu?cd ';J0ng the pliisoners. l.H.'s notc is that one prisoner, whose name IS not mentlOncd,~lsffilSSiOg from the list. The Ltfe of Muhammad 339 From B. Naufal b. 'Abdu Manaf: 'Adiv b. al-Khiyar b 'Ad·' d 'Uth - b 'Abd .. Iy, an man :. u ShaIIls nephew of Ghazwan b. Jabir, an ally of theirs from B. Mazm b. Maneur; and Abu Thaur, an ally. 3. , From B. ?bdu'l-Dar b. Que~yy:. AbU 'Aziz b. 'Vmayr b. Hashim b. Abdu Manaf, and al-Aswad b. Amlr, an ally. They used to say 'We are the B. al-Aswad b. '.A.mlr b. 'Amr b. al-I:larith b. al-Sabbaq.' 2. From B. Asad b. 'Abdu'l-'Uzza b. Qusayy: al-Sa'ib b. Abu Hubaysh b. al-'1 1u n a hb _b: Asad: and al-Huwaynth b. 'Abhad b. 'Uthman (534) b. As~d, and SalIm b. Shammakh an ally. 3. Fr0:n B. ~1akhzlim b. Yaqa?a b. Murra: Khalid b. Hisham b. al­ Mughlra. b. Abdulla~ b. 'Vmar; and Umayya b. Abu I:ludhayfa b. ~l-Mughlra; and Wahd b. al-Walid b. al-Mughira; and 'Uthman b. Abdullah h. al-Mughira b. 'Abdullah b. 'Umar' and Sayli b 'b- R'f-' b 'A.b'd b ' b ,. -" U I a a 5 1 4 , . :,: . A dullah b. 'Umar; and Abu'l-Mundhir hi~ brother; and Abu Ala Abdullah b. Abu'l-Sa'ih b. 'Abid b. 'Abdullah b. 'Umar; and al-~unahb b. I:lanlab b. al-I:larith b. 'Ubayd b. 'Umar; and Khalid b. al-A lam an ally, who they say was the first to turn his back in flight. He It was who saId: The wounds that bleed are not on our backs But the blood drops on to our feet. 9 (535). ~rom B. Sa~m b. 'Amr b. HUeaye b. Ka'b: Abu Wada'a b. Oubayra b. Su ayd b~ Sa ~ who was the first prisoner to be redeemed. His son al-M~nalIb paId his ransom money. Farwa b. Qays b. 'Adiy b. I:ludhafa b. Sad; and Han?ala b. Qabiea b. I:ludhafa b. Sa'd; and al-Ha"a' b al-I:lanth b. Qays b. 'Adiy b. Sa'd. 4. . ]]] . From B. Jumal,1 b. 'Amr b. HueaYe b. Ka'b: 'Abdullah b. Ubayy b. Khalafb. Wahb b. I:Iudhafa; and Abu 'Azza 'Amr b. 'Abdullah b. 'Uthman b. Wuhayb b. _I:ludhafa and al-Fakih, freedman of Umayya b. Khalaf. After th_at Rabal,1 b. al-Mughtarif claimed him asserting that he was of B. Shammakh b. Mul,1an? b. Fihr. It is said that al-Fiikih was the son of Jarwa! b. I:Ildhyam b. Auf b. Ghadb b. Shammakh b. Muharib b. Fihr' and Vva~b b. '~mayr b. Wahb b. Khalaf b. Wahb b. I:ludhafa; and Rabi'~ b. Darra] b., al- Anbas b. Uhban b. Wahb b. I:ludhafa. 5. From B. AmIr b. Lu'ayy: Suhayl b. 'Amr b. 'Abdu Shams b. 'Abdu y,rudd b. Nasr b. Malik b. Hisl (Malik b. al-Dukhshum brother of B SalIm b. '~uf tOOk, him prisoner); and 'Abd h. Zama'a h. Qays b. 'Abd~ SIS Shams!:. Ab~u \:udd b. Nasr b. Malik b. !:lisl; and 'Abdu'I-Rahman b. Mashnu b. \\agelan h. Qays b. 'Abdu Shams b. 'Ahdu \\!'l,ld b'" b M-n b If' 1 b " . . h asr . ~ a I '. IS . /i.mIt. 3. , From B. al-I:larith b. Fihr: al-Tufayl b. Abu Qunay'; and 'Utba b. Amr b. Jal,1dam. 2. The total number reported to me was 43 men (53 6 ).

5°5<br />

506<br />

336 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> 111uha11l11lad<br />

Of B. 'Adiy b. ai-Najjar <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. '~di~ b. 'Am!r b. G~an~ b.<br />

ai-Najjar: J:laritha b. Suraqa b. al-J:lanth b. AdlY_ b. i\1~hk _b. A?IY b.<br />

'Am' . 'A b Tha'iaba b. Wahb b. 'Adiy b. Mahk b. AdlY b. Amlr<br />

lr, mr . -n b 'Acd- b<br />

known as Abu J:lakim; Sali! b. Gays b. 'Amr b. 'Auk b. Mal .. ly .<br />

'Amir; Abu Sali! Usayra b. 'Amr; and 'Am!, Ab~ KhanJa b~ Gays b:<br />

Malik b. 'Adiy b. 'Amir; Thablt b. Khansa b. Amr b. Mahk, .&c.,<br />

'Amir b. limayya b. Zayd b. al-J:las1,las b. Mahk, &.c.; and Mu1,lnz b.<br />

'Amir b. Malik b. 'Adiy; and Sawad b. Ghaziya b. Lhayb an ally from<br />

Bali (494). Total 8 men. ,_ _ "_. _<br />

Of B. Haram b. Jundub b. 'Amir b. Ghanm b. AdlY b. al-NaJJ~r. Abu<br />

Zayd Gays b. Sakan b. Gays b. Za'iira' b. J:lara~; and Abu'I~A ~var b.<br />

al-Harith b. Zalim b. 'Abs b. J:laram (495); and Sulaym b. MII1,lan and<br />

J:la;am his b;other. Mil!)an's name was Malik b. Kbahd b. Zayd b.<br />

Haram. Total 4 men. _ .<br />

. Of B. Mazin b. ai-Najjar <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. 'Auf b. Mabdbul b. Amr b.<br />

Ghanm b. I'vlazin b. aI-Najjar: Qays b. Abu $a'1?a'a \vhosc name was<br />

'Amr b. Zavd b. 'Auf; and 'Abdullah b. Kab b. 'Amr b. 'Auf; and<br />

'Usayma an "ally from B. Asad b. Khuzayma. Total 3 moen. . _ c'-<br />

Of B. Kbansa' b. Mabdhul b. 'Amr,b. Gha~m_b. Ma:ln. Abu ,D.~ ~d<br />

'Umayr b. 'Amir b. Malik b. Kbansa ; and Suraqa b. Amr b. Atlya.<br />

Total 2 men, . b<br />

Of B. Tha'iaba b. Mazin b. ai-Najjar: Gays b. Mukhallad b. Tha la a<br />

b. Sakhr b. Hahib b. al-J:larith b. Tha'iaba. Total I man.<br />

Of B. Dinar b. ai-Najjar <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. Mas'ud b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal ~.<br />

J:laritha b. Dinar: al-Nu'man b. 'Abdu 'Amr b. M.sud; a~d al-J;Ja!)!):lk<br />

b. 'Abdu 'Amr b. Mas'ud; and Sulaym b. al-J:lanth b. Tha I,aba b. ,Ka b<br />

b. Haritha brother <strong>of</strong> al-J;Ja!)1,lak and al-Nu'man the sons <strong>of</strong> Abdu Amr<br />

by ;he same mother; Jabir b. Khalid b. 'Abdu'I-Ashhal b. J:lantha; and<br />

Sa'd b. Suhayl b. 'Abdu'l-Ashhal. Total S men. _ "_ ,<br />

Of B. Gays b. Malik b. Ka~b b. J:laritha b. Dinar b. ai-NaJJar: Ka b b.<br />

Zoyd b. Gays; and Bujayr b. Abl1 Bujayr, an ally (496). Total 2 men.<br />

The men <strong>of</strong> al-Khazraj who were at Badr number 170 (497).<br />

Thus the total number <strong>of</strong> lVluslims, emigrants, and Helpers wh? were<br />

at Badr and were allotted a share in the booty was 314, the cmlgrants<br />

providing 83, Aus 61, and Khazraj '70.<br />


Of Guraysh <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. al-Mu\!alib: 'Ubayda b. al-J:larith who~<br />

'Utba b. Rabi'a slew by cutting <strong>of</strong>f his leg. He afterwards dIed In al-Safra .<br />

Total r. _ _'I SI' cl.'<br />

OfB. Zuhra b. Kilab: 'Umayrb. Abu Waqqas (498) and Dbu -, l1ma ayn<br />

b. 'Abdu 'Amr an ally from Khuza'a <strong>of</strong> B. Ghubshan. Total 2.<br />

1 As these persons' names have already been given in full their genealogies are shortened<br />

here.<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> i'vluha11l11lad 337<br />

Of B. 'Adi b. Ka'b: 'Aqil b. al-Bukayr an ally from B. Sad b. Layth;<br />

and Mihja' freedman <strong>of</strong> 'Umar. Total 2.<br />

Of B. al-J:larith b. Fihr: I;lafwan b. Bay",a'. Total I, Grand total 6.<br />

Of the Helpers: <strong>of</strong> B. 'Amr b. 'Auf: Sad b. Khaythama, and "'rubashshir<br />

b. 'Abdu'l-Mundhir b. Zanbar. Total 2.<br />

Of B. al-J:larith b. al-Khazraj: Yazid b. al-J:larith known as Ibn Fus1,lam.<br />

Total!.<br />

Of B. Salama <strong>of</strong> the clan <strong>of</strong> B. J:laram b. Kab b. Ghanm: 'Umayr b.<br />

al-J:lumam. Total I.<br />

Of B. I:Iabib b. 'Abdu J:laritha b. lVlalik b. Gha"'b b. Jusham: Rati' b.<br />

al-Mu'alla. Total I.<br />

Of B. aI-Najjar: I:Iaritha b. Suraga b. al-J:larith. Total!.<br />

OfB. Ghanm b. Malik b. ai-Najjar: 'Auf and Mu'awwidh the two sons <strong>of</strong><br />

al-J:larith b. Rifa'a by 'Afra'. Total 2, Grand total 8.<br />


The Guraysh losses at nadr were as follow:<br />

Of B. 'Abdu Shams: J:lan~ala b. Abu Sufyan (499); al-J:larith b.<br />

al-J:la"'rami and 'Amir b. al-J:la"'rami, two allies <strong>of</strong> theirs (500); and<br />

'Umayr b. Abu 'Umayr and his son two freedmen <strong>of</strong> theirs (SOl); and<br />

'Ubayda b. Sa'id b. al-'As b. Umayya whom al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam<br />

killed; and al-'As b. Said whom Ali killed; and 'Uqba b. Abu Mu'an<br />

whom 'Asim b. Thabit killed (S02); and 'Utba b. Rabi'a whom 'Ubayda<br />

b. al-J:larith killed (s03); and Shayba b. Rabi'a whom J:lamza killed; and<br />

al-Walid b. 'Utba whom 'Ali killed; and 'Amir b. 'Abdullah, an ally from<br />

B. Anmar b. Baghi'" whom 'Ali killed. Total 12.<br />

Of B. Naufal b. 'Abdu ManM: al-J:larith b. 'Amir whom Khubayb b.<br />

IsM is said to have killed; and Tu'ayma b. 'Adiy b. "'aufal whom 'Ali<br />

killed while others say J:lamza killed him. Total 2.<br />

Of B. Asad b. 'Abdu'l-'Uzza: Zama'a b. al-Aswad (s04); and al-J:larith<br />

b. Zama'a (soS); and 'Uqayl b. al-Aswad (s06); and Abu'l-lJakhtari<br />

who was al- 'As b. Hisham whom al-Mujadhdhar b. Dhiyad al-Balawi<br />

killed (s07); and Naufal b. Khuwaylid who was b. al-'Adawiya the 'Adiy<br />

<strong>of</strong> Khuza'a; it was he who bound Abu Bakr and Tal!)a b. 'Ubaydullah<br />

with a rope when they became Muslims and so were called 'the-t\\"o-tiedtogether-ones'.<br />

He Was one <strong>of</strong> the principal men <strong>of</strong> Guraysh. 'Ali killed<br />

him. Total S men.<br />

Of 'Abdu'I-Dar: al-Na"'r b. al-I:Iarith wbom they say tbat 'Ali executed<br />

in the presence <strong>of</strong> the apostle at al-I;lafra' (s08); and Zayd b. Mulays<br />

freedman <strong>of</strong> 'Umayr b. Hashim b. 'Abdu ManM (s09). Total 2.<br />

Of B. Taym b. Murra: 'Umayr b. 'Uthman (5'0); and 'Uthman b.<br />

Malik whom I;luhayb b. Sinan killed. Total 2.<br />

Of B. Makh2iim b. Yaqa~a: Abu Jahl b. Hisham (Mu'adh b. 'Amr<br />

B40~ z<br />

5°9<br />


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