Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth
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256 The Life of Muhammad the kidneys and the fat (except what was upon the back), for that used to be offered in sacrifice and the fire consumed it.'I The apostle wrote to the Jews of Khaybar according to what a freedman of the family of Zayd b. Thabit told me from 'Ikrima or from Sa'id b. Jubayr from Ibn 'Abbas: 'In the name of God the compassIOnate the merciful from Muhammad the apostle of God fnend and brother of Moses who confinns what Moses brought. God says to you, 0 scripture folk, and you will find it in your scripture "Muhammad is the apost1~ of God; and those with him are severe against the unbelievers, mercI.ful among themselves. Thou seest them bowing, falling prostrate seeking bounty and acceptance from God. The markoftheir p~ostrationsis on theIr foreheads. That is their likeness in the Torah and In the Gospel hk~ a seed which sends forth its shoot and strengthens it and it becomes thIck and rises straight upon its stalk delighting the sowers that He may anger the unbelievers with them. God has promised those who believe and do well forgiveness and a great reward.'" I adjure you by God, and by what He has sent down to you, by the manna and quails He gave as food to your tribes before you, and by His drying up the sea for your fathers when He delivered them from Pharaoh and his works, that you tell me, Do you find in what He has sent down to you that you should belie~e in 377 Muhammad 1 If you do not find that in your scripture. then.there ~s no compulsion upon you. "The right path has become plainly distingUIshed from error'" so I call you to God and His prophet' (3 3)' . ' Among those people concerning whom the Qura~ came d?wn, especIally the rabbis and unbelieving Jews who used to ask hIm questIOns and ~noy him in confusing truth with falsehood-as I was told on the authon~ of 'Abdullah b. 'Abbas and Jabir b. 'Abdullah b. Ri'ab-was AbU YaSIr b. Akh\ab who passed by the apostle as he was reciting the opening words of The Cow:' 'Alif, Lam, Mim, That is the book about whIch there IS no doubt.' He came to his brother I;luyayy who was with some otheI; Jews and said: 'Do you know that I have heard Muhammad reciting. in what has been sent down to him Alif Lam Mim, &c?' After expressmg surpnse I;luyayy and these men went to the apostle and told him what had been reported to them and asked if Gabriel had brought the message from God. When he said that he had they said: God sent prophcts bcfore you but we do not know of anyone of them being told how long his kingdom would last and how long his community would last. I;luy~yy w~nt up to hiS men and said to them: f Alif is I; Lam is 30; and Mim IS 40, I.e. 7 I years. Are you going to adopt a religion whose kingdom and c~m~unity will last for only 7' years I' Then he went to the apostle and said, Have you anything else, Muhammad?' 'Yes, Alif Lam Mim $ad.' 'T~ls by God I~ more weighty and longer: Alif 1 ; Lam 30; Mim 40, $ad 90, I.e. 161 years. r This is the $acrificial1uw given in Leviticus 3, 4,10,15, &c., and the ~radition shows a remarkable knowledge of the Jewish Law. 2 Sura 4H. 29. 3 Sura 2. 257· The Life of Muhammad 257 Si~ila: questions were asked and ans\vercd in respect of Alif LafI1 Ra 23 I; AlIf Lam l\lim Ra: 271; then he said, 'Your situation seems obscure to us, l'v1uhammad, so that \ve do not know whether vou will have a short or long duration.' Then they left him. Abu Yasir s~id to his brother Huyayv and the others, 'How do you know that all these totals should not b~ added together to make a grand total of 734 years?' They answered, 'His affair IS obscure to us.' They allege that these verses came down in reference to them: 'The plain verses are the mother of the Book; the rest are obscure.'I I heard a scholar above suspicion mentioning that these verses were sent down about the people of Najran when they came to the apostle to ask him about Jesus, Son of Mary. Muhammad b. Abu lJmama b. Sahl b. I;lunayftold me that he had heard that they were sent down about a number of Jews, but he did not explain that to me. God knO\vs best. According to what I hcard from 'Ikrima, freedman of Ibn 'Abbas or from Said b. Jubayr from Ibn 'Abbas, Jews used to hope that the apostle \vould be a help to them against Aus and Khazraj before his mission began; and when God sent him from among the Arabs they disbelieved III lllm and contradicted \\'hat they had formerly said about him. I 1\1u'adh b. Jabal and Bishr b. al-Bara' b. Marur broth~r of the B. Salama said to them: '0 Jc~vs. fear G?d and become Muslims, for you used to hope for Muhammad shelp agamst us when we were polytheists and to tell us that 379 he would be sent and describe him to us.' Salam b. l\1ishkam one of B. al-Na

The LIfe of i"vluhammad book; bring it down to us from heaven that we may read it; bring out rivers for us from the earth, then we will follow you and believe in you.' So God sent down concerning that: 'Or do you 'wish to question your apostle as l\Ioses was questioned aforetime; he who exchanges faith for unbelief has wandered from the straight road' (314),' I:Iuyayy and Abu Yasir were the most implacable enemies of the Arabs when God chose to send them an apostle from among themselves and they used to do all they could to turn men away from Islam. So God sent down concerning them: 'Many of the scripture folk wish to make you unbelievers again after you have believed being envious on their own account after the truth has become plain to them. But forgive and be indulgent until God shall give you His orders. God call do anything.'Z \Vhen the Christians of Najran came to the apostle the Jewish rabbis came also and they disputed one with the other before the apostle. Rafi' said, 'You have no standing,' and he denied Jesus and the Gospel; and a Christian said to the Jews, 'You have no standing' and he denied that Moses was a prophet and denied the Torah. So God sent down concerning them: 'The Jews say the Christians have no standing; and the Christians say that Jews have no standing, yet they read the scriptures. They do not know what they are talking about. God will judge between them on the day of resurrection concerning their controversy,' i.e. each onc rcads in his book the confirmation of what he denies, so that the Jews deny Jesus though they have the Torah in which God required them by the word of Moses to hold Jesus true; while in the Gospel is what Jesus brought in confirmation of Moses and the Torah he brought from God: so each one denies what is in the hand of the other. Riifi' said: 'If you are an apostle from God as you say, then ask God to speak to us so that we may hear His voice.' So God revealed concerning that: 'And those who do not know say, Why does not God speak to us or a sign come to us? Those who \vere before them said the same. Their minds are just the same. \Ve have made the signs clear to a people who are sure.'

256 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong><br />

the kidneys and the fat (except what was upon the back), for that used to be<br />

<strong>of</strong>fered in sacrifice and the fire consumed it.'I<br />

The apostle wrote to the Jews <strong>of</strong> Khaybar according to what a freedman<br />

<strong>of</strong> the family <strong>of</strong> Zayd b. Thabit told me from 'Ikrima or from Sa'id b.<br />

Jubayr from Ibn 'Abbas: 'In the name <strong>of</strong> God the compassIOnate the<br />

merciful from <strong>Muhammad</strong> the apostle <strong>of</strong> God fnend and brother <strong>of</strong><br />

Moses who confinns what Moses brought. God says to you, 0 scripture<br />

folk, and you will find it in your scripture "<strong>Muhammad</strong> is the apost1~ <strong>of</strong><br />

God; and those with him are severe against the unbelievers, mercI.ful<br />

among themselves. Thou seest them bowing, falling prostrate seeking<br />

bounty and acceptance from God. The mark<strong>of</strong>their p~ostrationsis on theIr<br />

foreheads. That is their likeness in the Torah and In the Gospel hk~ a<br />

seed which sends forth its shoot and strengthens it and it becomes thIck<br />

and rises straight upon its stalk delighting the sowers that He may anger the<br />

unbelievers with them. God has promised those who believe and do well<br />

forgiveness and a great reward.'" I adjure you by God, and by what<br />

He has sent down to you, by the manna and quails He gave as food to your<br />

tribes before you, and by His drying up the sea for your fathers when<br />

He delivered them from Pharaoh and his works, that you tell me, Do<br />

you find in what He has sent down to you that you should belie~e in<br />

377<br />

<strong>Muhammad</strong> 1 If you do not find that in your scripture. then.there ~s no<br />

compulsion upon you. "The right path has become plainly distingUIshed<br />

from error'" so I call you to God and His prophet' (3 3)' .<br />

'<br />

Among those people concerning whom the Qura~ came d?wn, especIally<br />

the rabbis and unbelieving Jews who used to ask hIm questIOns and ~noy<br />

him in confusing truth with falsehood-as I was told on the authon~ <strong>of</strong><br />

'Abdullah b. 'Abbas and Jabir b. 'Abdullah b. Ri'ab-was AbU YaSIr b.<br />

Akh\ab who passed by the apostle as he was reciting the opening words <strong>of</strong><br />

The Cow:' 'Alif, Lam, Mim, That is the book about whIch there IS no<br />

doubt.' He came to his brother I;luyayy who was with some otheI; Jews<br />

and said: 'Do you know that I have heard <strong>Muhammad</strong> reciting. in what has<br />

been sent down to him Alif Lam Mim, &c?' After expressmg surpnse<br />

I;luyayy and these men went to the apostle and told him what had been<br />

reported to them and asked if Gabriel had brought the message from God.<br />

When he said that he had they said: God sent prophcts bcfore you but we<br />

do not know <strong>of</strong> anyone <strong>of</strong> them being told how long his kingdom would<br />

last and how long his community would last. I;luy~yy w~nt up to hiS men<br />

and said to them: f Alif is I; Lam is 30; and Mim IS 40, I.e. 7 I years. Are<br />

you going to adopt a religion whose kingdom and c~m~unity will last<br />

for only 7' years I' Then he went to the apostle and said, Have you anything<br />

else, <strong>Muhammad</strong>?' 'Yes, Alif Lam Mim $ad.' 'T~ls by God I~<br />

more weighty and longer: Alif 1 ; Lam 30; Mim 40, $ad 90, I.e. 161 years.<br />

r This is the $acrificial1uw given in Leviticus 3, 4,10,15, &c., and the ~radition shows a<br />

remarkable knowledge <strong>of</strong> the Jewish Law.<br />

2 Sura 4H. 29. 3 Sura 2. 257·<br />

The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Muhammad</strong> 257<br />

Si~ila: questions were asked and ans\vercd in respect <strong>of</strong> Alif LafI1 Ra 23 I;<br />

AlIf Lam l\lim Ra: 271; then he said, 'Your situation seems obscure to us,<br />

l'v1uhammad, so that \ve do not know whether vou will have a short or<br />

long duration.' Then they left him. Abu Yasir s~id to his brother Huyayv<br />

and the others, 'How do you know that all these totals should not b~ added<br />

together to make a grand total <strong>of</strong> 734 years?' They answered, 'His affair<br />

IS obscure to us.' They allege that these verses came down in reference to<br />

them: 'The plain verses are the mother <strong>of</strong> the Book; the rest are obscure.'I<br />

I heard a scholar above suspicion mentioning that these verses were sent<br />

down about the people <strong>of</strong> Najran when they came to the apostle to ask<br />

him about Jesus, Son <strong>of</strong> Mary.<br />

<strong>Muhammad</strong> b. Abu lJmama b. Sahl b. I;lunayftold me that he had heard<br />

that they were sent down about a number <strong>of</strong> Jews, but he did not explain<br />

that to me. God knO\vs best.<br />

According to what I hcard from 'Ikrima, freedman <strong>of</strong> Ibn 'Abbas or<br />

from Said b. Jubayr from Ibn 'Abbas, Jews used to hope that the<br />

apostle \vould be a help to them against Aus and Khazraj before his mission<br />

began; and when God sent him from among the Arabs they disbelieved<br />

III lllm and contradicted \\'hat they had formerly said about him. I 1\1u'adh<br />

b. Jabal and Bishr b. al-Bara' b. Marur broth~r <strong>of</strong> the B. Salama said to<br />

them: '0 Jc~vs. fear G?d and become Muslims, for you used to hope for<br />

<strong>Muhammad</strong> shelp agamst us when we were polytheists and to tell us that 379<br />

he would be sent and describe him to us.' Salam b. l\1ishkam one <strong>of</strong> B.<br />


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