Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth

Guillaume--Life of Muhammad.pdf - Radical Truth


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196 The <strong>Life</strong> <strong>of</strong> Aluhammad<br />

284 <strong>of</strong> importance coming to Ylecca he went t,o them ;"ith .~is mess~~c. 'j\~~m<br />

b. 'Umar b. Qatada al-An::;ari-morc prcClse1y al-0afall-~on tht: ,H1tl,l~)n~y<br />

<strong>of</strong> some 0 f h IS · S haykho~ told me that they• said ' that Suwavd .. ~ b. at-Sam!!,<br />

" ,<br />

brother <strong>of</strong> the B. 'Amr b. 'Auf, came to Mecca O? pdgnmage. ~u\vayd s<br />

tribesmen used to call him al-Kamil because <strong>of</strong> hiS toughness, hIS poetry,<br />

his honour, and his lineage. He it was who said:<br />

There's many a man you call fr~end you ~d be shocked<br />

If you knew the lies he tells agamst .you In secret.<br />

\Vhile he's with you his words arc lIke honey;<br />

Behind your back a sword aimed at the base <strong>of</strong> the neck.<br />

"Vhat you see <strong>of</strong> him pleases you, but underneath<br />

He's a deceitful backbiter cutting through to the marrow.<br />

His eyes will show you what he's concealing,<br />

Rancour and hatred are in his evil look.<br />

Strengthen me with good deeds: long have ~ou \veakened me. 1<br />

The best friends strengthen without weakemng.<br />

He once had a dispute with a man <strong>of</strong> the B. Sulaym-{)ne <strong>of</strong>the B. Zi'b b.<br />

Malik-overa hundred camels, and they appointed an Arab woman dlvIlle~<br />

arbitrator and she gave judgement in his favour, and he and the Sulaml<br />

went away alone. When they reached the parting <strong>of</strong> the ways Suwayd<br />

asked for his property. The man promised to send It, but Suwayd wanted<br />

to know who would guarantee that the animals would be ha.nded ~vcr. As<br />

he could <strong>of</strong>fer none but himself, Su\vayd refused to leave.hIm untt! he got<br />

his due. So they came to blows and Suwayd knocked, hIm down, bound<br />

him closely and took him away to the country <strong>of</strong> tl:c B. Amr; a.nd there he<br />

had to stay until his tribesmen paid what was owmg. It was III reference<br />

to that, Suwayd composed these lines:<br />

Don't think Ibn Zi'b son <strong>of</strong> Malik, that I<br />

Am like the'man you deceitfully slew in secret.<br />

V\'hcn I had been thrown I manfully became your match­<br />

Thus the resolute man can changc his position-<br />

I locked him under my left arm<br />

And his cheek remained in the dirt.<br />

.85 When he heard about him the apostle sought him out and invited him<br />

to Islam. He said, 'Perhaps you've got something like that ,;hlch I. have.'<br />

'And \vhat is that?' asked the apostle. 'The roll <strong>of</strong> Luqman, meanmg the<br />

wisdom <strong>of</strong> Luqman, he answered. 'Hand it t? me,' said the ap?stle, and<br />

he handed it over and he said, 'This discourse IS fine, but t.hat .which .1 have<br />

is better still, a Quran which God has revealed to m.e WhiC~ IS .a gUl~ance<br />

and a light.' And the apostle recited the Quran to hIm and Illvlted hIm to<br />

I Lit, 'feather me ... cut me', The figure is that <strong>of</strong> an arrow w~lich is feathered to<br />

·ncrease its flight and ",-hittled into ~hnpe for the same reason, Feathenng can do no harm,<br />

~ut whittling rna;- cause the arrow to break: necessary it is, but it must not be overdone.<br />

The Liji' <strong>of</strong> Jlulw/JIl!lad '97<br />

Islam; he did not \vithdraw from it but said, 'This is 8. fine saying.' Then<br />

he went <strong>of</strong>f and rejoined his people in ;\·IcJin3. and almost at once the<br />

Khazraj killcd him. Somc' <strong>of</strong> his family llSU] to say, 'In Ollr opinion he was<br />

a Muslim whcn he \\"as killed'; he \\-3S (in Let) killed before the battle <strong>of</strong><br />

Bu',lth. 1<br />


Al-~Iu,ayn b. 'Abdu'I-Ral;Jniin b. 'Amr b. Sa'd b. :Vlu'iidh on the authority<br />

<strong>of</strong> MatlffiC!d b. Labid told me that when Abu'I-I,Iaysar Anas h. Rafi' came<br />

to l\lecca with members <strong>of</strong> the B. 'Abdu'l-Ashhal including I:yas b. :!\Iu'adh<br />

seeking an alliance with Quraysh against their sister tribe the Khazraj, the<br />

apostle heard about them. lIt; came and sat with them and asked them if<br />

they would like to get something more prufitable than tpeir present errand.<br />

\Vhen they asked him \,,-hat that could be he told them that he was God's<br />

apostle sent to humanity to call on them to serve God and not associate<br />

any other with Him; that He had revealed a book to him; then he told them<br />

about Islam and read to them some <strong>of</strong> the Quran. Iyas, who was a young<br />

man, said, 'By God, people, this is something better than you came for!'<br />

Thereupon Abii'l-!:Iaysar took a handful <strong>of</strong> dirt from the valley and threw<br />

it in his face, saying, 'Shut up! \~/e didn't come here for this.' So Iyas<br />

became silent. The apostle left them and they went to :\ledina and the .86<br />

battle <strong>of</strong> Bu'ath between Aus and Khazraj took place.<br />

Within a little while Iyiis died. :\lal)miid said: 'Those <strong>of</strong> his people<br />

who were present at his death told me that they heard him continually<br />

praising and glorifying God until he died. Thcy had no doubt that he<br />

died a l\Tuslim, he having become acquainted with Islam at that gathering<br />

When he heard the apostle speak.<br />


When God wished to display His religion openly and to glorify His prophet<br />

and to fulfil His promise to him, the time came \vhen he met a numher <strong>of</strong><br />

the Helpers at one <strong>of</strong> the fairs; and while he was <strong>of</strong>fering himself to the<br />

Arab tribes as was his wont he met at al- 'Aqaba a number <strong>of</strong> the Khazraj<br />

whom God intended to benefit.<br />

'A,im b. Tmar b. Qatiida told me on the authority <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the<br />

shaykhs <strong>of</strong> his tribe that they said that when the apostle met them he<br />

learned by inquiry that they were <strong>of</strong> the Khazraj and allies <strong>of</strong> the Jews.<br />

He invited them to sit with him and expounded to them Islam and recited<br />

the Quran to them, Now God had prepared the way for Islam in that they<br />

lived side by side with the Jews who \vere people <strong>of</strong> the scriptures and<br />

knowledge, while they themselves were polytheists and idolaters. They<br />

had <strong>of</strong>ten raided them in their district and whenever bad feeling arose the<br />

I<br />

The battle between Aus and Khazrllj; f),i,

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