Research Statement

Research Statement

Research Statement


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<strong>Research</strong> <strong>Statement</strong><br />

Jeff Pittges<br />

Motivation<br />

External attacks on computer systems are well publicized and well recognized as a<br />

serious problem. However, insiders perpetrate over 80 percent of all security breaches.<br />

Until recently corporations rarely reported data leakage (i.e., the loss of confidential<br />

information). Emerging regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and<br />

Accountability Act (HIPAA), require corporations to protect sensitive information and<br />

publicly disclose security breaches. Analysts estimate that data leakage costs<br />

corporations over a billion dollars a year. Consequently, data security, data leakage, and<br />

privacy are becoming urgent challenges for the database community [1].<br />

Most database security architectures rely on a fortress security model in which access to<br />

the database management system (DBMS) is strictly controlled while the data within the<br />

database is stored in the clear. Not only is the data unprotected from attackers who<br />

circumvent the access controls, the data is also unprotected from authorized personnel<br />

thereby creating unnecessary threats to privacy and security.<br />

Solution<br />

One solution to this problem is to apply fine-grained role-based access privileges, but this<br />

approach still leaves the data exposed. Most popular database management systems<br />

allow database administrators to encrypt data thereby applying the principle of Defensein-Depth<br />

[10]. Data encryption adds a layer of protection but it is still possible to recover<br />

the original data by decrypting the encrypted data [4, 5, 6].<br />

A Translucent Database [7, 8] uses one-way hash functions and other cryptographic<br />

algorithms to obfuscate the original data without destroying the function of the data. For<br />

example, the Unix password file applies a one-way hash function to each password<br />

before the password is stored in the file. Each time a user logs into the system the hash<br />

function is applied to the password entered by the user and the result is compared with<br />

the user password stored in the password file. If an attacker gains access to the contents<br />

of the password file it is impossible for the attacker to obtain the original data thereby<br />

preventing access to the user passwords.<br />

Translucent data is secure and translucent data renders attacks uninteresting because the<br />

data has no value to the attacker. Translucent data also protects privacy because<br />

authorized users are unable to view the original data. The Microsoft Hailstorm project<br />

[9], an online store of personal information including an individual’s calendar, contacts,<br />

and credit card numbers, was built on the concept of a translucent database.

The techniques to create a translucent database are readily available to any application<br />

developer. However, implementing translucency in the application layer creates an<br />

undesirable dependency between the application and the database. There are also<br />

database performance considerations. Finally, application developers are not given time<br />

to implement security features and when time is allocated for security, few developers<br />

have the necessary skills to implement security features correctly. The goal of my<br />

research is to extend database management systems to provide native support for<br />

translucency thereby increasing data security and privacy and reducing data leakage.<br />

Plan<br />

The Oracle Database 10g provides a built-in package named DBMS_CRYPTO that<br />

provides functions for generating keys, managing keys, and encrypting and decrypting<br />

data [10]. However, Oracle’s DBMS_CRYPTO package uses a block cipher rather than<br />

applying encryption to specific data columns as discussed in [4]. A block cipher requires<br />

the DBMS to encrypt and decrypt data as the data moves between main memory and<br />

disk. Therefore, the data in main memory is exposed as clear text and the query<br />

execution engine does not operate on encrypted data. Hence, Oracle 10g does not<br />

provide native support for data encryption. I plan to build on the research presented<br />

above by: (1) developing native DBMS support for cryptography, (2) extending the<br />

cryptographic functions supported by the DBMS to include one-way hash algorithms, and<br />

(3) developing a framework that makes security far more accessible to practitioners. To<br />

my knowledge, no similar work exists in the published literature. Furthermore, I am<br />

optimistic the recent NSF CyberTrust and CyberInfrastructure programs will continue to<br />

support such security-related research.<br />

The first step in my research plan is to extend the Data Definition Language (DDL) and<br />

Data Manipulation Language (DML) to support policy-based security. Consider a<br />

security policy stating that all HIPAA data must be encrypted. The database<br />

administrator (DBA) should be able to define a HIPAA data type and when a database<br />

table is defined with a column of type HIPAA the DBMS should automatically encrypt<br />

the data. The DDL statements used to create the table should allow the DBA to select the<br />

cryptographic algorithm from a set of algorithms natively supported by the DBMS. The<br />

first step of my research will create a mechanism for implementing policy-based security<br />

within the DBMS that is easily accessible to practitioners.<br />

The theoretical constructs developed in the first step of my research will lack significant<br />

impact unless they can be implemented and tested in realistic scenarios. My 15 years of<br />

database experience are rife with examples of promising ideas that have been shelved due<br />

to the absence of rigorous testing academic research requires. Drawing on this<br />

experience, the second step of my research plan is to implement a system that supports<br />

the constructs developed in the first step. This system will serve as a tool to evaluate the<br />

results of the first step and guide further research. This system may be developed by<br />

extending an existing open source database such as MySQL. This work should provide<br />

interesting projects for students and challenging programming assignments for computer<br />

science classes.

While the first and second steps of my research will demonstrate the ability to store data<br />

securely, the full extend of my research goals may only be realized if the DBMS is able<br />

to operate on translucent data without recovering the original data thereby enhancing the<br />

security of the data and protecting privacy. Therefore, the third step of my research plan<br />

will develop functions that operate directly on translucent data. These functions include<br />

searching, partial matching, and data mining operations that are efficient while preserving<br />

data security and privacy.<br />

References<br />

1. Database Security (Common Sense Principles).<br />

http://www.governmentsecurity.org/articles/DatabaseSecurityCommonsensePrinciples.php<br />

2. Database Security Issues: Inference.<br />

3. http://databases.about.com/od/security/l/aainference.htm<br />

4. Mattsson, Ulf T. A Database Encryption Solution that is Protecting Against External<br />

and Internal Threats, Meeting Regulatory Requirements. February 25, 2005.<br />

http://database.ittoolbox.com/white-papers/a-database-encryption-solution-that-is-<br />

protecting-against-external-and-internal-threats-meeting-regulatory-requirements-<br />

4266<br />

5. Newman, Aaron C. Encryption of Data at Rest. May 28, 2002.<br />

http://database.ittoolbox.com/white-papers/encryption-of-data-at-rest-1922<br />

6. MacVittie, Don. Time is Right for Database Encryption. December 9, 2003.<br />

http://www.networkcomputing.com/showitem.jhtml;jsessionid=ZWGY32WNMZH0<br />

EQSNDBCCKHY?articleID=16401578<br />

7. Wayner, Peter. Translucent Databases. Baltimore: Flyzone Press. 2002.<br />

8. Garfinkel, Simon. Protecting Privacy with Translucent Databases. August 2, 2002.<br />

http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2002/08/02/simson.html<br />

9. Microsoft Hailstorm. http://xml.coverpages.org/hailstorm.html<br />

10. Nanda, Arup. Encrypt Your Data Assets. Oracle Magazine. January/February 2005.<br />


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