Sample questions in Bloom's taxonomy

Sample questions in Bloom's taxonomy

Sample questions in Bloom's taxonomy


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Some examples of the various levels of <strong>questions</strong>, you may see on a multiple choice test <strong>in</strong> my<br />

Biology classes; further explanation and examples of this hierarchy is available on the WWW. See<br />

l<strong>in</strong>ks on my web page. This hierarchy of learn<strong>in</strong>g is known as '<strong>Bloom's</strong> <strong>taxonomy</strong>.'<br />

Recall --<br />

Organisms <strong>in</strong> which doma<strong>in</strong> have prokaryotic cells ?<br />

a. Eukarya b. Archaea c. Bacteria d. a, b, and c e. b and c<br />

Act<strong>in</strong>osphenia elegans is a unicellular, photosynthetic, eukaryotic organism. To which doma<strong>in</strong> does it<br />

belong?<br />

Bacteria Archaea Eukarya Plantae none of these<br />

Translation --<br />

Science itself is NOT capable of _____.<br />

determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the physical causes for physical phenomena<br />

formulat<strong>in</strong>g testable hypotheses<br />

expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g naturally occurr<strong>in</strong>g events<br />

address<strong>in</strong>g <strong>questions</strong> of ethical dilemmas<br />

A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. Be<strong>in</strong>g testable means that _____.<br />

a. some conceivable observation could prove the hypothesis <strong>in</strong>correct<br />

b. only a controlled experiment can <strong>in</strong>dicate whether the hypothesis is correct or <strong>in</strong>correct<br />

c. the hypothesis has been proven wrong<br />

d. there must be several options <strong>in</strong> the hypothesis to choose from, one of which is correct<br />

e. if the hypothesis is disproven the experiment was a failure<br />

Interpretation --<br />

While look<strong>in</strong>g at evolutionary trees, answer these <strong>questions</strong>:<br />

What two taxa share the most recent common ancestor ?<br />

And what characteristics do those two taxa share ?<br />

Which one of the follow<strong>in</strong>g statements is most clearly <strong>in</strong>ductively derived?<br />

If any animals observed require organic molecules as nutrients, then it can be concluded that all<br />

animals require organic molecules as nutrients.<br />

If all fly<strong>in</strong>g animals are birds, then bats are birds.<br />

Because worms lack bones, they are classified as <strong>in</strong>vertebrates.<br />

A paramecium moves by means of the rhythmic motion of its cilia.<br />

An elephant is warm-blooded because it is a mammal.<br />

Which of these is a scientific hypothesis?<br />

My computer is unplugged.<br />

My excessive ur<strong>in</strong>ation may mean that I have high blood pressure.<br />

There is a God.<br />

Why do I have a headache?<br />

It is dark out.<br />

Application: --<br />

Two garden plots were planted with corn. The soil was similar <strong>in</strong> each, and equal amounts of water<br />

were applied to each plot. One plot was fertilized, the other was not. The experimenters measured the<br />

yield as bushels of corn from each plot. The plot that did not receive the fertilizer was the _____.<br />

a. experimental plot c. control plot<br />

b. controlled variable d. dependent variable

The best method for determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g whether bean plants require sodium is to _____.<br />

measure the amount of sodium <strong>in</strong> a few bean plants<br />

measure how fast radioactive sodium enters the plant<br />

look for sodium <strong>in</strong> leaf tissues us<strong>in</strong>g autoradiography<br />

analyze root contents for sodium<br />

grow bean plants with and without sodium<br />

Analysis:<br />

Should an experiment test only one variable at a time? Why or why not?<br />

Yes, because otherwise the variables could be confused with the control.<br />

Yes, so that the experimental outcome is clearly due to one identifiable variable.<br />

No, because it takes much longer to do an experiment if you change only one variable at a time.<br />

As long as the experiment is repeated a sufficient number of times, it doesn't matter.<br />

None of the above.<br />

Look<strong>in</strong>g at results of an experiment, and determ<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g what statistiical test to use, how to graph them,<br />

and what the results mean, requires analytical skills.<br />

Synthesis<br />

A pesticide kills 99.9% of a pest population. What will be the result of the cont<strong>in</strong>ued application of this<br />

pesticide?<br />

Every time the pesticide is applied, it will kill 99.9% of the pest population.<br />

Eventually, all of the pest population will be wiped out.<br />

The pest population will reach an equilibrium po<strong>in</strong>t at which the pesticide is 50% effective.<br />

Through time, the pesticide will become less effective at kill<strong>in</strong>g the pest.<br />

The pesticide will become resistant to the pest.<br />

Evaluation, e.g. Evaluat<strong>in</strong>g the results of an experiment.<br />

Apply<strong>in</strong>g values, e.g. should embryonic stem cells be used <strong>in</strong> research ?<br />

Apply<strong>in</strong>g values, e.g., What should the sewage treatment plant do with the sludge they produce ?

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