EDUCATION - Queensborough Community College - CUNY

EDUCATION - Queensborough Community College - CUNY EDUCATION - Queensborough Community College - CUNY


Building a Strong Foundation for your Child’s Future CONTINUING E D U C A T I O N KIDS COLLEGE SUMMER A C A D E M Y SUMMER 2011 TO REGISTER: • 718.631.6343 ACADEMICS > ATHLETICS > ENRICHMENT

Building a Strong Foundation for your Child’s Future<br />


E D U C A T I O N<br />

KIDS<br />


SUMMER<br />

A C A D E M Y<br />

SUMMER<br />

2011<br />

TO REGISTER: • 718.631.6343<br />



We are proud to provide our community with a new and improved Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer<br />

Academy. Listening to your suggestions, we are now offering a fully balanced program, one<br />

that incorporates academics, enrichment and athletics. It is well documented that learning<br />

loss in the summer can be great. To address this issue, we are incorporating diverse, thematic<br />

learning theories that are cross curricular and multidisciplinary.<br />

This means that your children will have a fun summer while learning in a way that enhances<br />

retention and prepares them for a smooth transition into their fall programs.<br />

So relax and enjoy the summer, secure in the knowledge that your children will discover<br />

new ways to learn….and have fun doing it!<br />

Dean Denise Ward<br />

Welcome to the Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy!<br />

A lot has changed in a year. We learned so much from the ground up when we started the<br />

academy last year. Jacqueline Montgomery, our Program Manager, went to the “Summer<br />

Changes Everything” National Conference on Summer Learning and received a generous<br />

amount of information that has inspired excellent ideas to our academy. We supplemented<br />

the academy with athletics, multidisciplinary classes and focused the two summer sessions<br />

into a theme-based format.<br />

This summer our theme will be focused on Our City - The Borough of Queens - Our <strong>Community</strong>.<br />

Our culturally diverse community can be a lifelong study of art, architecture, science,<br />

technology, music and math. We invite you to register your children to connect with their<br />

community while having a great time.<br />

这 个 夏 季 , 我 们 的 主 题 将 集 中 于 我 们 的 城 市 和 我 们 的 社 区 。 孩 子 们 在 这 个 多 元 文 化 的<br />

社 区 里 , 学 习 艺 术 , 建 筑 , 科 学 , 技 术 , 音 乐 和 数 学 , 这 会 使 他 们 一 生 受 益 非 浅 。<br />

因 此 我 们 真 诚 地 邀 请 您 为 您 的 孩 子 注 册 , 在 他 们 享 受 夏 日 快 乐 时 光 的 时 候 ,<br />

让 他 们 的 生 活 与 这 个 社 区 紧 紧 相 连 。<br />



Saturday May 7th @ 12:30-2:30pm<br />


Saturday June 4th @ 10am-1pm<br />


Students will receive their Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy shirts!<br />


4Mission Statement<br />

Kids <strong>College</strong> Mission Statement<br />

The Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy at <strong>Queensborough</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong> (QCC) provides<br />

programs which will motivate, bridge, and immerse diverse K-12 learners in an exciting,<br />

fun filled experiential and applied learning environment. Our student-centered learning<br />

atmosphere fosters a balance of personal and academic enrichment and athletics. The QCC<br />

venue provides on-site access to campus-based technology, resource materials, recreation,<br />

and a multitude of hands-on opportunities.<br />

QCC continues to reach out to the Queens community through its variety of Continuing<br />

Education programs for youth and adults of all ages.<br />

All academic instructors are experienced NYS certified teachers with special expertise in<br />

the courses they teach. The Personal Enrichment instructors are specifically chosen for their<br />

expertise in their fields, as well. We are proud to partner with the newly formed Athletic<br />

classes, offered in conjunction with the Health, Physical Education & Dance Department of<br />

the <strong>College</strong>, to deliver exemplary instruction.<br />

The college reserves the right to make program changes & adjustments as required.<br />

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Fridays July 29th & August 19th.<br />

Academic classes will have pre- and post-testing.<br />

What Makes a Great Academy? How will it work this summer?<br />

Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy will provide students with the opportunity to play, create,<br />

evaluate and understand the world around them. Teachers will be using the Thematic Theory<br />

of Learning through an offering of a variety of activities which embrace the different ways<br />

kids learn.<br />

We will help kids link, connect and integrate ideas in real-world contexts. Our aim is to<br />

improve student achievement through implementing high quality summer programming by<br />

bringing in the third quality program: Athletics. By lining up this winning trifecta, we can<br />

incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to learning.<br />

With the theme Our City -The Borough of Queens-Our <strong>Community</strong>, your child will be<br />

enriched through art, reading, soccer, and enjoy the summer days on our beautiful campus!<br />

When you learn about your community, you are learning about the world as a whole.<br />

Based on the standard schedule, your child will be in all 3 sections of academics, athletics<br />

and enrichment:<br />

• The Personal Enrichment classes are listed on page KC-7-9<br />

• The Mandatory Academics will offer math, reading & writing<br />

• The Additional Academic classes may be included in the personal enrichment section<br />

We feel that all of the students should have at least one hour of sports, academics and crosscurricular<br />

enrichment classes:<br />

• We have upgraded our lunch to provide your child(ren) with better choices of healthy<br />

food, prepared & catered right here on campus<br />

• All you have to do is choose one or both sessions of the full or half-day options<br />

Many ways to register! See page KC-13 for details<br />


4Theme<br />


4Price Listing<br />

Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy Price Listing<br />

Inclusive Offerings in Academics, Athletics, and Personal Enrichment classes,<br />

in addition to Chinese language, origami, and abacus<br />

in collaboration with our Chinese Academy.<br />

Soccer & Tennis will be a part of the Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy.<br />

(Note: Students may need to provide their own sports equipment)<br />

我 们 为 您 的 孩 子 设 计 的 课 程 包 括 三 方 面 内 容 : 学 校 主 科 , 运 动 课 程 ,<br />

兴 趣 爱 好 科 目 。 除 此 之 外 , 还 有 中 文 , 折 纸 , 珠 算 ,<br />

网 球 等 课 程 。 学 生 需 要 自 带 运 动 装 备 。<br />

Multiple schedule selections available to accommodate your needs (see below details):<br />

1 week, 3 week, 5 week, or 8 week programs<br />

with option for Full Day or Half Day (morning or afternoon sessions)<br />

Lunch is included for ALL sessions:<br />

Full Day @ 9am-5pm • Half-Day morning @ 9am-1pm • Half Day afternoon @ 1-5pm<br />

Full-Day<br />

Half-Day<br />

(morning or afternoon)<br />

CLX-008: 8 weeks on June 29-August 19 (skip 7/4) $2,025 $1,225<br />

CLX-005: 5 weeks on June 29-July 29 (skip 7/4) $1,595 $1,025<br />

CLX-003: 3 weeks on August 1-19 $1,195 $835<br />

CLX-001: 1 week on Monday-Friday $495 $345<br />

CLX-ED: Early Drop-Off @ 8-9am $20/week<br />

CLX-LP: Late Pick-Up @ 5-6pm $20/week<br />

Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy Refund Policy<br />

A refund of 90% of total tuition fee will be processed if requested in writing<br />

3 days prior to first class meeting. There will be NO refunds once classes have begun.<br />

如 果 您 在 开 课 前 3 天 提 出 书 面 要 求 退 课 , 您 可 以 获 得 90% 的 退 款 ; 开 课 以 后 概 不 退 款 。<br />


If you wish to inquire about disability services, please contact Jacqueline Montgomery<br />

at 718.281.5632 or email: to discuss your individual needs.<br />

Requests for accommodations must be accompanied by documentation of disability.<br />

Please submit requests and documentation in advance of the class start date<br />

to ensure that reasonable accommodation requests can be processed in a timely manner<br />


4Price Listing<br />

Academic ONLY<br />

If you want your child(ren) to take ONLY academic classes,<br />

we are offering the Book Enders & Lunch Program<br />

Reading/Writing & Math @ 11-2pm with lunch included.<br />

如 果 您 只 想 让 您 的 孩 子 上 英 文 和 数 学 ,<br />

我 们 的 阅 读 / 写 作 和 数 学 安 排 在 上 午 11 点 至 下 午 2 点 , 并 含 午 餐 。<br />

Tuition for this program is: $930 @ 8 weeks • $730 @ 5 weeks • $ 530 @ 3 weeks<br />

Register by Saturday June 4th for a 10% early registration discount!!<br />

6 月 4 日 前 注 册 享 有 10% 优 惠<br />

Please see page KC-13 for additional applicable discounts<br />

For Intermediate & High School Students NOT ENROLLED<br />

in Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy Program:<br />

You may register for Stand Alone Courses<br />

and pay the individual full tuition for each/both session(s).<br />

Please refer to class schedules on pages KC-9-11 for pricing details.<br />

高 中 学 生 需 要 注 册 单 独 的 课 程 , 可 选 择 一 个 时 段 (6-7 月 或 8 月 ), 或 两 个 时 段 (6-8 月 )。<br />

请 查 看 课 程 的 具 体 时 间 和 价 格 。<br />

Courses NOT INCLUDED in the Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy Program<br />

(as per Listing & Pricing on previous page):<br />

Drivers Education: $555 Tuition - see page KC-12<br />

(Note: discounts are not applicable to this program)<br />


4Elementary Program<br />


小 学 课 程 安 排<br />

All students will have a full day of fun enrichment classes in addition to academics,<br />

and scheduled Soccer and Tennis.<br />

If you are interested in the Chinese Academy, you may choose the Chinese language class.<br />

Those who do not have a sport class in the morning<br />

will be scheduled for that sport in the afternoon.<br />


周 一 和 周 三<br />

MORNING 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Soccer, Personal Enrichment classes, Chinese Language, and Reading & Writing<br />

足 球 , 兴 趣 课 , 中 文 , 阅 读 和 写 作<br />

AFTERNOON 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Math, Personal Enrichment classes, Chinese Language, and Soccer<br />

数 学 , 兴 趣 课 , 中 文 , 足 球<br />


周 二 和 周 四<br />

MORNING 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Personal Enrichment classes, Chinese Language, Math, Reading & Writing, and Tennis<br />

兴 趣 课 , 中 文 , 数 学 , 阅 读 和 写 作 , 网 球<br />

AFTERNOON 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Math, Tennis, and Personal Enrichment classes<br />

数 学 , 网 球 , 兴 趣 课<br />

FRIDAY<br />

周 五<br />

MORNING 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Theme Day! Work on Weekly Theme<br />

主 题 日 , 围 绕 当 周 主 题<br />

Personal Enrichment classes<br />

兴 趣 课<br />

AFTERNOON 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Personal Enrichment classes<br />

兴 趣 课<br />

Please Note: Early Drop Off @ 8am & Late Pick Up @ 6pm is also available<br />

for an additional fee! (See page KC-5 for details)<br />


4Middle School Program<br />


初 中 课 程 安 排<br />

All students will have a full day of fun enrichment classes in addition to academics,<br />

and scheduled soccer and tennis with swimming* on Fridays only.<br />

If you are interested in the Chinese Academy, you may choose the Chinese language class.<br />

Those who do not have a sport class in the morning<br />

will be scheduled for that sport in the afternoon.<br />


周 一 和 周 三<br />

MORNINGS 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Personal Enrichment classes, Chinese Language, Writing Essays & Reports, Math, and Tennis<br />

兴 趣 课 , 中 文 , 写 作 , 数 学 , 网 球<br />

AFTERNOONS 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Math, Personal Enrichment classes, and Tennis<br />

数 学 , 兴 趣 课 , 网 球<br />


周 二 和 周 四<br />

MORNINGS 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Personal Enrichment classes, Chinese Language, Writing Essays & Reports, and Soccer<br />

兴 趣 课 , 中 文 , 足 球<br />

AFTERNOON 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Math, Soccer, Personal Enrichment classes, and Reading & Writing<br />

数 学 , 足 球 , 兴 趣 课 , 阅 读 和 写 作<br />


周 五<br />

MORNING 上 午 Attendance Taken @ 9am<br />

Theme Day! Work on Weekly Theme<br />

主 题 日 , 围 绕 当 周 主 题<br />

Personal Enrichment classes<br />

兴 趣 课<br />

AFTERNOON 下 午 Pick up @ 5pm<br />

Personal Enrichment classes<br />

兴 趣 课<br />

Please Note: Early Drop Off @ 8am & Late Pick Up @ 6pm is also available<br />

for an additional fee! (See page KC-5 for details)<br />


4Intermediate & High School Program<br />


高 中 学 生 需 要 单 独 注 册 的 课 程<br />

Please Note: These are individual courses and not a component of<br />

the Kids <strong>College</strong> Summer Academy<br />

You may register and pay tuition indicated<br />

for either and/or both sessions listed below for each course:<br />

• A: 17 sessions in June-July (June 29th- July 29th with skip date July 4th)<br />

• B: 12 sessions in August (August 1st-August 19th)<br />

注 册 以 下 每 一 门 课 时 , 可 选 择 其 中 一 个 时 段 注 册 或 两 个 时 段 都 注 册<br />


兴 趣 课 程<br />

Creative Writing (grades 8-12)<br />

文 学 创 作 (8-12 年 级 )<br />

Writing into a corner? Explore other outlets for creativity!<br />

Students will master their writing skills by learning to write short stories, one-act plays, and<br />

various forms of poetry (haiku, sonnet, cinquain, sestina). They will explore and replicate<br />

various models of personal memoirs and non-fiction works. Students can compile their<br />

personal work to create a portfolio for college or professional resumes.<br />

CLX-407 Monday-Thursday @ 9-10:30am<br />

A: $295: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $195: August 1-18<br />

Multi-Cultural Literature (grades 8-12)<br />

世 界 文 学 (8-12 年 级 )<br />

The Course with a Global Perspective<br />

Read poetry, short fiction and non-fiction in translation by noted contemporary and classic<br />

writers. Explore selections from African-American, Asian, Caribbean, Latino, Middle Eastern,<br />

and Native American authors. Students will also have the opportunity to write original work<br />

in their native language and translate it into English.<br />

CLX-412 Monday-Thursday @ 10:35am-12:05pm<br />

A: $295: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $195: August 1-18<br />


4Test Prep<br />

• TEST PREP<br />

考 试 辅 导<br />

Hunter <strong>College</strong> High School Test Preparation (grade 6)<br />

亨 特 高 中 入 学 考 试 辅 导 (6 年 级 )<br />

Read, analyze, and interpret test questions, broaden your vocabulary, and increase your essay<br />

writing skills. Review mathematics and develop competence in problem-solving and test taking<br />

strategies.<br />

CLX-370 Monday-Thursday @ 1:05-3:05pm<br />

A: $315: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $215: August 1-18<br />

TACH (CO-OP) Test Prep (grade 8)<br />

天 主 教 高 中 入 学 考 试 辅 导 (8 年 级 )<br />

Attain general test preparation for Catholic High School entrance examination with review of<br />

the verbal and mathematics sections. Practice test administered under simulated conditions.<br />

CLX-374 Monday-Thursday @ 11:05am-1:05pm<br />

A: $315: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $215: August 1-18<br />

Specialized High School Entrance Test Prep<br />

特 殊 高 中 入 学 考 试 辅 导<br />

Develop test-taking skills, learn to analyze questions and select correct answers.<br />

CLX-375 Monday-Thursday @ 9-11am<br />

A: $545: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $345: August 1-18<br />

Portfolio Development Class for Specialized High School Admissions (grades 6-8)<br />

申 请 特 殊 艺 术 高 中 绘 画 作 品 辅 导 (6-8 年 级 )<br />

Portfolios are submitted in eighth grade for specialized art school admissions. Work on six<br />

projects to complete the admissions portfolios. Projects include portraits, fashion still life,<br />

anime, landscape, and cartooning. Bring 18” by 24” charcoal pad to first class.<br />

CLX-376 Monday-Thursday @ 11:05am-12:05pm<br />

A: $325: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $195: August 1-18<br />


4Test Prep<br />

SAT Verbal & Math<br />

语 文 和 数 学<br />

Prepare for the NEW SAT format. Work to improve your scores by developing your verbal,<br />

mathematics and essay writing skills. Course includes evaluation of practice tests and essay<br />

writing. Required text will be announced at the first class meeting.<br />

• Learn question analysis and how to eliminate incorrect responses<br />

• Learn how to select correct answers to math problems<br />

• Practice taking the test under simulated examination conditions<br />

• Review your responses with the instructor<br />

• Build your confidence for success<br />

CLX-580 Monday-Thursday @ 4-6pm<br />

A: $545: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $345: August 1-18<br />

SAT Critical Reading Only with Essay<br />

阅 读 和 写 作<br />

For registrants who feel secure in their ability to score well on the mathematics portion of the<br />

SAT but would like to reinforce verbal skills.<br />

CLX-581 Monday-Thursday @ 4-5pm<br />

A: $275: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $175: August 1-18)<br />

SAT Math Skills Only<br />

数 学<br />

Designed for registrants who feel secure in their ability to score well on the verbal portion of<br />

the SAT but would like to reinforce math skills.<br />

CLX-582 Monday-Thursday @ 5-6pm<br />

A: $275: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $175: August 1-18<br />

NEW<br />

新 课 程<br />

Essay Essentials for High School Students<br />

高 中 学 生 写 作 要 领<br />

This course is designed exclusively to improve writing skills specifically toward unlocking the<br />

keys to the TOP FOUR ESSAYS which college- bound students will be required to write toward<br />

completion of the college preparatory process. Learn precise helpful strategies to successfully<br />

write essays for the New York State English Regents, the SAT, the Advanced Placement<br />

Literature & Composition Exam, and the <strong>College</strong> Admissions Essay.<br />

CLX-588 Monday-Thursday @ 11:05am-12:05pm<br />

A: $275: June 29-July 28 (skip 7/4)<br />

B: $175: August 1-18<br />


4Drivers Education & Theatre Camp<br />

Joel Ingram, Coordinator, Bell Auto School<br />

This NYS Education Dept.-approved course is for all eligible public and private high school<br />

students. Instructors are licensed by the NYS Department of Education. This program uses<br />

late model vehicles with dual controls.<br />

ELIGIBILITY. All high school students are eligible to register for the Driver Education program<br />

provided they are or will be 16 years of age by July 1, 2011. Students must have a learner’s<br />

permit or junior license before and bring to first class.<br />

Objectives<br />

• Acquire safe driving skills and defensive driving awareness.<br />

• Earn the MV 285 “Completion Certificate,” providing eligibility for 10-15% discounts on<br />

insurance premiums with most companies.<br />

• Qualify to apply for senior driver’s license at age 17.<br />

TUITION & FEES. Tuition is $555 (does NOT include textbook cost of $45). Full tuition must<br />

accompany your application/registration. No partial payments accepted.<br />

Additional fees, not payable to QCC, include learner’s permit and optional road test services.<br />


• Convenient schedules offered weekdays only.<br />

• Parental permission forms and schedules are available in L-118P or call 718.631.6343.<br />

• Students are required to purchase a $45 text from the instructor.<br />

DEX-100 E / 48 hours instruction / $555 Tues, July 5-Tues, Aug. 9<br />

NOTE: This program is an introduction to driving. Additional practice outside class will be needed.<br />

This program is exempt from discounts.<br />


• 90% of total tuition fee will be refunded if requested in writing 3 days prior to first class.<br />

• No refunds after classes have begun.<br />


2011<br />



7-19)<br />



Call for Availability.<br />



Four-Weeks of Serious<br />

Summer FUN for<br />

Talented Young Performers!<br />

All Perform in Fully Staged Shows!<br />

email:<br /> 718-595-2905<br />

Five Performance<br />

Companies by Age<br />

& Ability<br />

A Private Producing & Teaching Organization In Residence at the<br />




4Location & Staff<br />

Dr. Diane B. Call, Interim President<br />

Dr. Karen Steele,<br />

Acting Vice President, Academic Affairs<br />


Denise A. Ward, Dean<br />

Arpy S. Coherian, Assistant Director<br />

Barbara Nasewicz, Assistant to Director<br />

Jeffrey Chen, Program Manager - Workforce<br />

& Professional Development<br />

Jacqueline Montgomery, Program Manager -<br />

Personal Enrichment, Kids <strong>College</strong> and 50+ Club<br />

Jerri Lynn Fields, Program Manager -<br />

Grants & Project Development<br />

Darlene O'Rourke, Administrative Coordinator -<br />

Grants & Marketing Assistant<br />

Alan Werner, <strong>Community</strong> Outreach Coordinator<br />

Michelle Brown, Assistant Accountant<br />

Janet Rhein, Administrative Assistant<br />

Krista D'Anna, Office Assistant<br />

Jacqueline Fuentes, Gail Grayson, Yang Xu<br />

<strong>College</strong> Assistants<br />


Jacqueline Montgomery, Program Manager<br />

Anna Figetakis, Academic Coordinator<br />

Yang Xu, Chinese Academy Coordinator<br />

Jacqueline Fuentes, Administrative Coordinator<br />



C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N<br />


STUDENT LAST NAME ____________________________ FIRST NAME _______________________<br />

BIRTH DATE ____________________________ SCHOOL GRADE FALL 2011 ___________________<br />

SCHOOL NAME __________________________________ CHILD T-SHIRT SIZE ________________<br />

ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________<br />

CITY ____________________________________ STATE __________ ZIP ______________________<br />

EMAIL ____________________________________________________________________________<br />

PHONE: Daytime _______________ Evening ________________ Mobile/Cell _________________<br />

Please use one form per student.<br />

KCSA Parent Orientation is required for all registrants.<br />

Please attend on Saturday, June 4th from 11am-12pm in the Medical Arts Atrium.<br />

Choose the program below and if you choose a half-day program, please circle AM or PM.<br />

Course Code Program Cost 4 Circle Circle<br />

CLX-008-FD-8 Full-day/8 weeks $ 2,025<br />

CLX-008-HD-8 Half-day/8 weeks $ 1,225 AM PM<br />

CLX-005-FD-5 Full-day/5 weeks $ 1,595<br />

CLX-005-HD-5 Half-day/5 weeks $ 1,025 AM PM<br />

CLX-003-FD-3 Full-day/3 weeks $ 1,195<br />

CLX-003-FD-3 Half-day/3 weeks $ 835 AM PM<br />

CLX-001-FD-1 Full-day/1 week $ 495<br />

CLX-001-HD-1 Half-day/1 week $ 345 AM PM<br />

CLX-010-BE-8 Book Enders/8 weeks $ 930<br />

CLX-010-BE-5 Book Enders/5 weeks $ 730<br />

CLX-010-BE-3 Book Enders/3 weeks $ 530<br />

Please make checks payable to: <strong>Queensborough</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

Mail to: Continuing Education, Room L118P • <strong>Queensborough</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>,<br />

222-05 56th Ave., Bayside, NY 11364-1497<br />

Tuition $ _____________<br />

Discount $ ___________<br />

Registration Fee $15 ______<br />

TOTAL $ _____________<br />

For discount<br />

information<br />

see page 13<br />


o Cash – in person only, and in exact amount. Cash is processed<br />

by the Bursar’s Office. To expedite registration, please use<br />

another method.<br />

o Bank Check or Money Order (Check #_________)<br />

o Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express Card<br />

No. ____________________________________________________<br />

Exp. Date ____________________ Security Code ______________<br />

Signature ________________________________________________<br />



C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N<br />

Open Registration begins NOW! Register Early!<br />

Registration Info: Your mailed confirmation contains a map, directions, and course location.<br />

Skip Dates: Please note Skip Dates for most courses are indicated on your confirmation letter. Please<br />

check your course schedule in the Catalog and with instructor for any additional skip dates not noted<br />

on your confirmation letter.<br />

Updates: The Office will send an updated notice for any changes in your schedule & location.<br />

Many ways to register:<br />

EMAIL-IN<br />

Use registration form with your signed MasterCard, VISA, Discover or Amex authorization.<br />

FAX-IN 718.281.5538<br />

Use registration form with your signed MasterCard, VISA, Discover or Amex authorization.<br />

MAIL-IN to the address indicated on Registration form<br />

Send registration form to address indicated — with your check or money order (including $15 registration<br />

fee for free courses) payable to <strong>Queensborough</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>College</strong>, or your credit card number with<br />

Visa/MasterCard 3-digit code on back of card for AMEX 4-digit code on front of card..<br />

PHONE-IN 718.631.6343<br />

It takes just 3 or 4 minutes using MasterCard, VISA, Discover or Amex. Please be patient if placed on<br />

hold due to volume of calls. Have all information ready for EACH student.<br />

For discounts, cash & check, money order, please contact office directly at 718.631.6343 to register.<br />

WALK-IN Library Building, Room 118P<br />

DAYS: Monday through Friday, 9am-4:45pm (Office closed 5/30; 6/24; 7/1, 4, 15, 22, 29; 8/5)<br />


Visit our website and download the registration form in the Bulletin. Then just fax or mail-in per above!<br />

SPECIAL DISCOUNTED PRICING: 10% off by Saturday, June 4th<br />

• 5% at initial time of registration for First Time (New) students with QCC Continuing Education<br />

• $5 off registration fee for each additional sibling<br />

PAYMENTS No partial payments accepted. Cash payments must be in person for exact amount.<br />

PERSONAL CHECKS Only accepted ten days prior to class start date.<br />

A refund of 90% of total tuition fee will be processed if requested in writing<br />

3 days prior to first class meeting. There will be NO refunds once classes have begun.<br />


11009vFF QCC_Kids<strong>College</strong>Cover.indd 1-2<br />

222-05 56th Avenue<br />

Bayside, NY 11364<br />

Kids <strong>College</strong><br />

Summer Academy<br />

Open House<br />

Saturday, May 7th<br />

12:30pm-2:30pm<br />

Medical Arts<br />

Atrium<br />

Open House for<br />

All of the Programs<br />

Saturday, June 4th<br />

10:00am-1:00pm<br />

Medical Arts Atrium<br />

SUMMER<br />

2011<br />

Eight, Five, or Three Week Programs<br />

Full or Half-Day Available • Lunch included<br />

TO REGISTER: ww<br />

K<br />

CO<br />

SU<br />

A C<br />


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