Pupp Journal Sommer 2013 - Grandhotel Pupp

Pupp Journal Sommer 2013 - Grandhotel Pupp Pupp Journal Sommer 2013 - Grandhotel Pupp


Programmes 25.8. GALAKonZERT DER OPerettenMELODIEN UND EVERGREENS, das Kammerorchester Nálady mit Solisten. Der künstlerische Leiter Petr Macek wird das Programm in russischer und deutscher Sprache moderieren. 30.8. P. I. Tschaikowski: DER SCHWANENSEE, das Nordböhmische Theater. Der Schwanensee gehört zu den berühmtesten klassischen Ballettstücken und es steht im Repertoire aller Weltbühnen. GALERIEN, MUSEEN, AUSSTELLUNGEN • Kunstgalerie, Goethova stezka 6 Böhmische Kunst des 20. Jhrs. Dauerausstellung. Gelegentliche Ausstelungen. • Becher Villa, Krále Jiřího 9 Geschichte des Gebäudes, Geschichte der Familie Becher, Umstände der Entstehung des Villenviertels Westend. Dauerausstellung. Gelegentliche Ausstelungen, Workshope. • Museum Karlsbad, Nová louka 23 Historie und Natur Karlsbads. • Jan Becher Museum, T.G. Masaryka 57 • Glassmuseum Moser, Kpt. Jaroše 19 DAS FREILICHTKINO Filme, Konzerte, Theatervorstellungen 28.6.-6.7. Das Internationale Filmfestival Karlsbad SPORT • Das Grandhotel Pupp, der Festsaal 22. 6. Der goldene Eishockeyschläger, feierliche Verkündung des besten Eishockeyspielers der Tschechischen Republik. 31.8. Majorettenshow • Pferderennen, die Pferderennbahn Dvory 14 Uhr 16.6. Die Karlsbader doppelte Meile 30.6. Der Sommerpreis der Stuten, Der Preis des Internationalen Filmfestivals 4.8. Der Preis der Stadt Karlsbad 18.8. Masise Preis • Die Sportveranstaltungen, KV Arena 8.-10.6. Internationales Basketballturnier der Frauen 15.6. Internationale Wettkämpfe in der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik • Wettbewerbe, Straßen der Stadt 25.-26.8. City Triathlon KV Eintrittskarten für diese und weitere Kultur- und Gesellschaftsveranstaltungen sichern wir Ihnen gern. Wir geben Ihnen auch ausführliche Informationen. Wenden Sie sich bitte an Guest Service, Tel. 353 109 622. Informationen finden Sie auch in der Zeitschrift Promenáda. CONCERTS • Symphony Concerts of the KSO The Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra (KSO) ranks a one of European orchestras with the longest tradition (founded in 1835). You can visit concerts of symphony and chamber music in the historical Spa III Building. 7.30 p.m. 7 th June Multi-genre Gala Concert K. Marek: Suite for a symphony orchestra and a jazz band, Sinael Jazz Symphony, Maria Kira. A unique project of the Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra and the Karlovy Vary Repre Band. Conductor K. Marek. 14 th June Symphonic concert S. Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2, P.I. Tchaikovsky: A concerto for violin and orchestra. Conductor: Jiří Štrunc. 20 th June A concert on the occasion of the 180th birthday of Johannes Brahms J. Brahms: Academic overture, Variations on Haydn´s theme, Piano concerto No. 2. Principal conductor Martin Lebel. • Open-air concerts, The Mill Colonnade Since the 1st June for the whole summer 4.30 p.m. The concerts will include the compositions by A. Dvořák, B. Smetana, W.A. Mozart, J. Brahms, J. Strauss, O. Nedbal, J. Offenbach, R. Friml, E. Kálmán and others. • Concerts of Church Music St Maria Magdalena Church Church of St Peter and Paul • Concerts in the KV Arena 30 th June 9 p.m., Jameson Film Dance Party 3 rd July 8 p.m., Pet Shop Boys, a legendary British duo. MUNICIPAL THEATRE The pseudorococo building of the Karlovy Vary Municipal Theatre, which was designed by the Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer, brings the splendid atmosphere of Vienna of the 19th century into Karlovy Vary. You can enjoy concerts and operas, operettas and ballets in the enchanting interior in whose decoration further Viennese artists took part too. 7.30 p.m. 1 st June G. Verdi: Aida, North Bohemian Theatre Aida is by right considered one of the top works of world opera. 38

Programmes 13 th June J. Strauss, K. Haffner, R. Genée: THE Bat, J.K. Tyl Theatre, Pilsen. A classical operetta in three acts. 19 th June GALA ConCERT OF OPeretta MELODIES AND EVERGREENS, the Nálady Chamber Orchestra with soloists. The artistic leader Petr Macek will moderate the programme in Russian and German. 25 th June GLEN MILLER StorY, Big Band Karlovy Vary. The band consists of professional musicians from the Karlovy Vary region. They rank as masters of swing music. 9 th July GLENN MILLER StorY, Big Band Karlovy Vary. 14 th Aug GLENN MILLER StorY, Big Band Karlovy Vary. 19 th Aug FroM AN OPeretta INTO AN OPERETTA, musical travelling from Prater to Broadway, J. Strauss Orchestra Coburg. 25 th Aug GALA ConCERT OF OPeretta MELODIES AND EVERGREENS, the Nálady Chamber Orchestra with soloists. The artistic leader Petr Macek will moderate the programme in Russian and German. 30 th Aug P.I. Tchaikovsky: THE SWAN LAKE, North Bohemian Theatre. The Swan Lake ranks as one of the most famous classical ballets and is on repertoires of all world theatres. GALLERIES, MUSEUMS, EXHIBITIONS • Art Gallery, Goethova stezka 6 Czech art of the 20 th century. A permanent exhibition. Occational exhibitions. • Gallery Villa Becher, Krále Jiřího 9 History of the building, history of the Becher family, circumstances connected with building the Westend residential district, a permanent exhibition. Occational exhibitions, workshops. • Museum of Karlovy Vary, Nová louka 23 History and Nature of Karlovy Vary Occational exhibitions. • Jan Becher Museum, T.G. Masaryka 57 OPEN-AIR CINEMA Films, concerts, theatre performances From the 28 th to the 6 th July International Film Festival Karlovy Vary SPORT • The Grandhotel Pupp, Festive Hall 22 rd June The Golden Ice-Stick, the best ice hockey player in the C.R. announcing. 31 st Aug Show of majorettes • Horse races, Racing course in Dvory 2 p.m. 16 th June The Karlovy Vary Double Mile 30 th July Summer Prize of Mares, The Prize of the International Film Festival 4 th Aug Prize of the Town of Karlovy Vary 18 th Augt Masise Prize • Sports matches, KV Arena 5 th -7 th June International basketball tournament - women15th June International 15 th June International Contest in Modern Gymnastics • Competitions, streets of the town 25 th -26 th Aug City Triathlon KV We will be pleased to ensure the tickets for these and other cultural and social events for you. We will also provide more detailed information. Please, contact Guest Service, tel. 353 109 622. The information is also available in the magazine Promenáda. www.pupp.cz 39

Programmes<br />


EVERGREENS, das Kammerorchester Nálady mit Solisten.<br />

Der künstlerische Leiter Petr Macek wird das Programm<br />

in russischer und deutscher Sprache moderieren.<br />

30.8. P. I. Tschaikowski: DER SCHWANENSEE,<br />

das Nordböhmische Theater. Der Schwanensee gehört<br />

zu den berühmtesten klassischen Ballettstücken<br />

und es steht im Repertoire aller Weltbühnen.<br />


• Kunstgalerie, Goethova stezka 6<br />

Böhmische Kunst des 20. Jhrs. Dauerausstellung.<br />

Gelegentliche Ausstelungen.<br />

• Becher Villa, Krále Jiřího 9<br />

Geschichte des Gebäudes, Geschichte der Familie Becher,<br />

Umstände der Entstehung des Villenviertels Westend.<br />

Dauerausstellung.<br />

Gelegentliche Ausstelungen, Workshope.<br />

• Museum Karlsbad, Nová louka 23<br />

Historie und Natur Karlsbads.<br />

• Jan Becher Museum, T.G. Masaryka 57<br />

• Glassmuseum Moser, Kpt. Jaroše 19<br />


Filme, Konzerte, Theatervorstellungen<br />

28.6.-6.7. Das Internationale Filmfestival Karlsbad<br />

SPORT<br />

• Das <strong>Grandhotel</strong> <strong>Pupp</strong>, der Festsaal<br />

22. 6. Der goldene Eishockeyschläger, feierliche Verkündung<br />

des besten Eishockeyspielers der Tschechischen Republik.<br />

31.8. Majorettenshow<br />

• Pferderennen, die Pferderennbahn Dvory<br />

14 Uhr<br />

16.6. Die Karlsbader doppelte Meile<br />

30.6. Der <strong>Sommer</strong>preis der Stuten,<br />

Der Preis des Internationalen Filmfestivals<br />

4.8. Der Preis der Stadt Karlsbad<br />

18.8. Masise Preis<br />

• Die Sportveranstaltungen, KV Arena<br />

8.-10.6. Internationales Basketballturnier der Frauen<br />

15.6. Internationale Wettkämpfe in der Rhythmischen<br />

Sportgymnastik<br />

• Wettbewerbe, Straßen der Stadt<br />

25.-26.8. City Triathlon KV<br />

Eintrittskarten für diese und weitere Kultur- und Gesellschaftsveranstaltungen<br />

sichern wir Ihnen gern. Wir geben Ihnen auch ausführliche Informationen.<br />

Wenden Sie sich bitte an Guest Service, Tel. 353 109 622.<br />

Informationen finden Sie auch in der Zeitschrift Promenáda.<br />


• Symphony Concerts of the KSO<br />

The Karlovy Vary Symphony Orchestra (KSO) ranks a one of<br />

European orchestras with the longest tradition (founded in 1835).<br />

You can visit concerts of symphony and chamber music<br />

in the historical Spa III Building.<br />

7.30 p.m.<br />

7 th June Multi-genre Gala Concert<br />

K. Marek: Suite for a symphony orchestra and a jazz band,<br />

Sinael Jazz Symphony, Maria Kira.<br />

A unique project of the Karlovy Vary Symphony<br />

Orchestra and the Karlovy Vary Repre Band.<br />

Conductor K. Marek.<br />

14 th June Symphonic concert<br />

S. Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2,<br />

P.I. Tchaikovsky: A concerto for violin and orchestra.<br />

Conductor: Jiří Štrunc.<br />

20 th June A concert on the occasion of the 180th birthday<br />

of Johannes Brahms<br />

J. Brahms: Academic overture,<br />

Variations on Haydn´s theme, Piano concerto No. 2.<br />

Principal conductor Martin Lebel.<br />

• Open-air concerts, The Mill Colonnade<br />

Since the 1st June for the whole summer<br />

4.30 p.m.<br />

The concerts will include the compositions by A. Dvořák,<br />

B. Smetana, W.A. Mozart, J. Brahms, J. Strauss, O. Nedbal,<br />

J. Offenbach, R. Friml, E. Kálmán and others.<br />

• Concerts of Church Music<br />

St Maria Magdalena Church<br />

Church of St Peter and Paul<br />

• Concerts in the KV Arena<br />

30 th June 9 p.m., Jameson Film Dance Party<br />

3 rd July 8 p.m., Pet Shop Boys, a legendary British duo.<br />


The pseudorococo building of the Karlovy Vary Municipal Theatre,<br />

which was designed by the Viennese architects Fellner and Helmer,<br />

brings the splendid atmosphere of Vienna of the 19th century<br />

into Karlovy Vary. You can enjoy concerts and operas, operettas<br />

and ballets in the enchanting interior in whose decoration further<br />

Viennese artists took part too.<br />

7.30 p.m.<br />

1 st June G. Verdi: Aida, North Bohemian Theatre<br />

Aida is by right considered one of the top works<br />

of world opera.<br />


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