PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament

PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament
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1599 Easter Adjournment 26 MARCH 2013 Easter Adjournment 1600 [Penny Mordaunt] and because our constituents increasingly expect to eat food that either was or is from an animal that was treated well. At one time, consumers would not deign to notice what, if anything, was said about welfare on food packaging. Now, thanks in no small part to the efforts of well-known TV chefs, we want to know from where our food has come. Indeed, the term “higher welfare” has even found its way into the ingredients list of the king of school dinners, Jamie Oliver, and there is undoubtedly a culture in which it is considered poor form to offer for sale food that is lower welfare. In a January 2010 survey, twice as many people as in 2006 said that animal welfare informed their shopping choices— that made 19%, and I am sure that the figure would be higher today. The previous Prime Minister’s GOAT—his Government of all the talents—might have been a tur laid to rest by the British people, but that was either the exception that proves the rule on our love of animals or an act of mercy that confirms it. It should be the proud boast of British farmers that no land does more to ensure the welfare of its animals, and the success of the ban on inhumane cages in this country is a case in point. There was concern that increased prices would lead to a drop in demand for eggs, but the reverse was true and the British consumer bought 5% more eggs in 2012 than in 2011. Concern for welfare does not stop at the good treatment of hens during their working lives, and the British Hen Welfare Trust should be cock-a-hoop about its successful record since 2005 of re-homing 360,000 laying hens of pensionable age that were otherwise destined for slaughter. The British public should be applauded for their adoption of so many of those creatures, and those acts of mercy will, I am sure, continue. Keeping hens is somewhat in vogue at the moment, despite the prospect of heartache. Many a hen keeper will be prepared for the early morning discovery of scattered feathers and an empty coup, but how many are ready for the emotional business of dispatching unwanted chicks? In “The Good Life” idyll one imagines several hens and a single proud cockerel, but one strutting coxcomb will lead to many chicks and what is to become of the male contingent with not a layer among them? I encourage people to consider homes for hens, but to think carefully about a coop for a cockerel. Despite the positive step of banning battery cages, many British consumers might be surprised that 17 million hens are still housed in cages, albeit of an enriched variety. These birds provide the eggs that are sold as a constituent part of another product and then, despite the efforts of the British Hen Welfare Trust, sold for the table. The Government should consider the value of labels that would show the origins of eggs when used as an ingredient and when a chicken is an end-of-lay bird as a means of promoting high welfare standards. I also entreat the Government to stick to their plan to hold a thorough investigation into beak trimming in 2015. When we eventually head into spring, let us have no cock-ups on hen welfare. 7.45 pm The Deputy Leader of the House of Commons (Tom Brake): Given the time I have left, I shall have to set out some rules at the beginning of my speech. One will be that I will not take any interventions and the other will be that I will have to do my delivery in the style of the hon. Member for Southend West (Mr Amess) if I am to refer to all the contributions made this evening. I congratulate those Members who are still in the Chamber on their dedication and commitment to today’s penultimate debate and I hope that they will not be punished by not being able to get home again if the weather is inclement. I also understand that some Members, for obvious reasons, have had to depart early and I shall still try to refer to their speeches. I am particularly grateful for the attendance of the hon. Members for Worsley and Eccles South (Barbara Keeley) and for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) on their birthdays. The hon. Member for Colne Valley (Jason McCartney) rightly laid into the doom-mongers with some relish. Times are tough, but he set out some of the success stories in his constituency, particularly on apprenticeships, where there has been dramatic growth. I am pleased to say that in the past couple of weeks I have hired my own first apprentice in my office and he is already making a very positive contribution. The hon. Member for Walsall South (Valerie Vaz) referred to the case of a constituent, Mrs Brenda Pressdee, and I commend the hon. Lady for her assiduous research on that case. I am sure that the relevant Ministers will have heard her request for a meeting on the matter and that they will want to respond positively. She also referred to a national issue, marine conservation zones. She expressed concerns about the cost of a further consultation and I am sure that the Government will want to manage those costs effectively. The hon. Member for Salisbury (John Glen) underlined one of the strengths of such debates and this Parliament, which is our ability to raise issues of an international nature. He wanted to generate publicity about the trial of former President Nasheed and I can confirm for his benefit—although I am sure that he is aware of it—that our Government have been consistent in saying that the international community will not find it tenable if the former president is excluded from the elections in the Maldives. The hon. Member for Bolton South East (Yasmin Qureshi) mentioned the Srebrenica genocide, which all Members will remember. It was the biggest war crime in Europe since the second world war. The Government recognise that genocide through events such as Holocaust memorial day and we are working with the Srebrenica genocide memorial and educational project to see other ways in which we can mark that anniversary. My hon. Friend the Member for St Austell and Newquay (Stephen Gilbert) referred to the controversy surrounding an incinerator or energy recovery facility. I can confirm that I am aware of the controversies surrounding such plants, because there is a proposal for one in Beddington in my constituency. He stressed the importance of ensuring that it provides decent value for money, which is the last issue he wants to pursue, because all the planning processes have been completed.

1601 Easter Adjournment 26 MARCH 2013 Easter Adjournment 1602 The hon. Member for Harrow West (Mr Thomas) talked about his desire to see work proceed on rebuilding Marlborough and Vaughan primary schools. He will be pleased to hear that there is no delay. He asked me to ensure that Ministers chase up the Education Funding Agency, and I am happy to pass that on so that he gets a prompt response. He also referred to problems relating to London Welsh, and I am sure that the Department for Culture, Media and Sport will have listened carefully to what he said. He highlighted some inconsistencies in the penalties issued by the Rugby Football Union, but I do not think that is something I can pursue as Deputy Leader of the House. I am sure that is something he will want to do, and he has put that on the record. We then heard a contribution from my hon. Friend the Member for Witham (Priti Patel), who stated that Essex is the county of entrepreneurs—I am sure that is also true of many other counties—and made a couple of specific points about Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customers and a constituent, Mr Wright. I am sure that HMRC has public relations people who follow these debates closely and that they will want to pick up on that point and, I hope, respond positively to her concerns. She also referred to some unhappiness about the way in which the Valuation Office Agency works and the need for more flexibility on business rates, particularly how high levels of business rates affect strong and emerging businesses in her constituency. The hon. Member for Bradford West (George Galloway) talked about the If campaign, which I am sure many Members on both sides of the House will want to support. That gives me an opportunity to underline the fact that the Government are delivering on the commitment to devoting 0.7% of gross national income on aid, which I think we should all be proud of. It was started by the previous Government and finished by this one. He also expressed concern about the difference in the way children from families with parents who are in work and those from families with parents who are not in work are dealt with in respect of free school meals. I am sure that is something the Department for Education, which has responsibility for free school meals, might want to respond to. My hon. Friend the Member for Peterborough (Mr Jackson) raised a variety of issues—another Member referred to it as a “kaleidoscope of issues”—and it would be difficult to respond to them all. He referred to the plight of Christians, particularly in countries such as Pakistan; the importance of recognising the need to support Tourette’s sufferers, through the Department for Education, and in schools and in health care; and the importance of fortifying foods with folic acid, and the charity in his constituency, Shine, which works on that issue. I have noted his concerns about equal marriage, but I am pleased that the Government are pursuing it. He talked about the important role the voluntary sector is playing in relation to the Peterborough cathedral appeal. He also mentioned the Sue Ryder hospice and the generosity of his city. I am sure that his city and its people are very generous and that we all want to recognise that. We then heard a contribution from the hon. Member for East Lothian (Fiona O’Donnell) on the Cockenzie power station. She said that today might feel like groundhog dog. She will no doubt know that the groundhog is being sued at the moment. In fact, they are seeking the death penalty for the groundhog in America because he has failed to predict the beginning of spring accurately. She focused on the need for investment. Clearly, the decision on whether to invest in a new combined cycle gas turbine at Cockenzie is very much a commercial matter for ScottishPower, but I am sure that the Government would welcome that investment and the jobs and energy that would be created if and when the development goes ahead. The hon. Member for Gloucester (Richard Graham) said that the UK has thrived on immigration but not on foreign criminals, and I certainly agree with that sentiment. He made a concrete suggestion—I am sure that the Ministry of Justice will want to respond to it—about an amendment to the UK Borders Act 2007 that he thinks could address the issue of the deportation of foreign nationals who have served a prison sentence. I am sure that he will secure a response as a result of his speech. The hon. Member for Worsley and Eccles South (Barbara Keeley), whose birthday I mentioned earlier, talked about sport and fitness for women and girls. She is right to raise that issue, and I commend her for doing so. We need more women and girls in sport, and the well-being that can be derived from that is considerable. She asked for responses to some specific questions, and I will follow those up. The hon. Member for Congleton (Fiona Bruce) talked about her local bypass and its importance in bringing industrial regeneration, particularly around Radnor Park business park in Congleton, and the possibility of investment in the aerospace industry. We then heard from the hon. Member for Dunfermline and West Fife (Thomas Docherty). I am sorry to hear about Dunfermline Athletic football club. I am sure that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and Her Majesty’s Treasury will want to look on that situation favourably and assist as much as they can. He also talked about Royal Navy personnel in Scotland. I can confirm that there will be a rise in the number of Navy personnel in Fife supporting the Queen Elizabeth-class build, peaking at about 750 personnel. I hope that he welcomes that. The hon. Member for Southend West (Mr Amess) raised a very large number of issues, which are all noted. I am sure that the 20 Departments he mentioned will want to respond promptly. The hon. Member for Strangford (Jim Shannon) discussed Ulster Scots culture. I am pleased that he did, because one always learns something in these debates, and that was something new. I think he claimed that no fewer than 12 US Presidents had Ulster Scots heritage, and I am sure that that is entirely accurate. My hon. Friend the Member for Ceredigion (Mr Williams) spoke about interest rate swaps, which I am sure that many Members are concerned about. He made a specific request about tailored business loans that I will follow up. The hon. Member for Harrow East (Bob Blackman) raised the issue of knife crime, which the Government are clearly committed to addressing. He made a specific proposal on a two-strikes policy that the MOJ may want to follow up. The speech by my hon. Friend the Member for Colchester (Sir Bob Russell) was again a bit like groundhog day as regards Essex county council. He raised the expenses scandal, which he likes to mention in this place and I know he will pursue again and again.

1599 Easter Adjournment<br />

26 MARCH 2013 Easter Adjournment<br />

1600<br />

[Penny Mordaunt]<br />

and because our constituents increasingly expect to eat<br />

food that either was or is from an animal that was<br />

treated well.<br />

At one time, consumers would not deign to notice<br />

what, if anything, was said about welfare on food<br />

packaging. Now, thanks in no small part to the efforts<br />

of well-known TV chefs, we want to know from where<br />

our food has come. Indeed, the term “higher welfare”<br />

has even found its way into the ingredients list of the<br />

king of school dinners, Jamie Oliver, and there is<br />

undoubtedly a culture in which it is considered poor<br />

form to offer for sale food that is lower welfare. In a<br />

January 2010 survey, twice as many people as in 2006<br />

said that animal welfare informed their shopping choices—<br />

that made 19%, and I am sure that the figure would be<br />

higher today.<br />

The previous Prime Minister’s GOAT—his Government<br />

of all the talents—might have been a tur laid to rest by<br />

the British people, but that was either the exception that<br />

proves the rule on our love of animals or an act of<br />

mercy that confirms it. It should be the proud boast of<br />

British farmers that no land does more to ensure the<br />

welfare of its animals, and the success of the ban on<br />

inhumane cages in this country is a case in point. There<br />

was concern that increased prices would lead to a drop<br />

in demand for eggs, but the reverse was true and the<br />

British consumer bought 5% more eggs in 2012 than<br />

in 2011.<br />

Concern for welfare does not stop at the good treatment<br />

of hens during their working lives, and the British Hen<br />

Welfare Trust should be cock-a-hoop about its successful<br />

record since 2005 of re-homing 360,000 laying hens of<br />

pensionable age that were otherwise destined for slaughter.<br />

The British public should be applauded for their adoption<br />

of so many of those creatures, and those acts of mercy<br />

will, I am sure, continue.<br />

Keeping hens is somewhat in vogue at the moment,<br />

despite the prospect of heartache. Many a hen keeper<br />

will be prepared for the early morning discovery of<br />

scattered feathers and an empty coup, but how many<br />

are ready for the emotional business of dispatching<br />

unwanted chicks? In “The Good Life” idyll one imagines<br />

several hens and a single proud cockerel, but one strutting<br />

coxcomb will lead to many chicks and what is to become<br />

of the male contingent with not a layer among them? I<br />

encourage people to consider homes for hens, but to<br />

think carefully about a coop for a cockerel.<br />

Despite the positive step of banning battery cages,<br />

many British consumers might be surprised that 17 million<br />

hens are still housed in cages, albeit of an enriched<br />

variety. These birds provide the eggs that are sold as a<br />

constituent part of another product and then, despite<br />

the efforts of the British Hen Welfare Trust, sold for the<br />

table. The Government should consider the value of<br />

labels that would show the origins of eggs when used as<br />

an ingredient and when a chicken is an end-of-lay bird<br />

as a means of promoting high welfare standards. I also<br />

entreat the Government to stick to their plan to hold a<br />

thorough investigation into beak trimming in 2015.<br />

When we eventually head into spring, let us have no<br />

cock-ups on hen welfare.<br />

7.45 pm<br />

The Deputy Leader of the House of Commons (Tom<br />

Brake): Given the time I have left, I shall have to set out<br />

some rules at the beginning of my speech. One will be<br />

that I will not take any interventions and the other will<br />

be that I will have to do my delivery in the style of the<br />

hon. Member for Southend West (Mr Amess) if I am to<br />

refer to all the contributions made this evening.<br />

I congratulate those Members who are still in the<br />

Chamber on their dedication and commitment to today’s<br />

penultimate debate and I hope that they will not be<br />

punished by not being able to get home again if the<br />

weather is inclement. I also understand that some Members,<br />

for obvious reasons, have had to depart early and I shall<br />

still try to refer to their speeches. I am particularly<br />

grateful for the attendance of the hon. Members for<br />

Worsley and Eccles South (Barbara Keeley) and for<br />

Congleton (Fiona Bruce) on their birthdays.<br />

The hon. Member for Colne Valley (Jason McCartney)<br />

rightly laid into the doom-mongers with some relish.<br />

Times are tough, but he set out some of the success<br />

stories in his constituency, particularly on apprenticeships,<br />

where there has been dramatic growth. I am pleased to<br />

say that in the past couple of weeks I have hired my own<br />

first apprentice in my office and he is already making a<br />

very positive contribution.<br />

The hon. Member for Walsall South (Valerie Vaz)<br />

referred to the case of a constituent, Mrs Brenda Pressdee,<br />

and I commend the hon. Lady for her assiduous research<br />

on that case. I am sure that the relevant Ministers will<br />

have heard her request for a meeting on the matter and<br />

that they will want to respond positively. She also<br />

referred to a national issue, marine conservation zones.<br />

She expressed concerns about the cost of a further<br />

consultation and I am sure that the Government will<br />

want to manage those costs effectively.<br />

The hon. Member for Salisbury (John Glen) underlined<br />

one of the strengths of such debates and this <strong>Parliament</strong>,<br />

which is our ability to raise issues of an international<br />

nature. He wanted to generate publicity about the trial<br />

of former President Nasheed and I can confirm for his<br />

benefit—although I am sure that he is aware of it—that<br />

our Government have been consistent in saying that the<br />

international community will not find it tenable if the<br />

former president is excluded from the elections in the<br />

Maldives.<br />

The hon. Member for Bolton South East (Yasmin<br />

Qureshi) mentioned the Srebrenica genocide, which all<br />

Members will remember. It was the biggest war crime in<br />

Europe since the second world war. The Government<br />

recognise that genocide through events such as Holocaust<br />

memorial day and we are working with the Srebrenica<br />

genocide memorial and educational project to see other<br />

ways in which we can mark that anniversary.<br />

My hon. Friend the Member for St Austell and<br />

Newquay (Stephen Gilbert) referred to the controversy<br />

surrounding an incinerator or energy recovery facility. I<br />

can confirm that I am aware of the controversies<br />

surrounding such plants, because there is a proposal for<br />

one in Beddington in my constituency. He stressed the<br />

importance of ensuring that it provides decent value for<br />

money, which is the last issue he wants to pursue,<br />

because all the planning processes have been completed.

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