PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament

PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament
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1503 UK Border Agency 26 MARCH 2013 UK Border Agency 1504 Mrs May: I am afraid to say that, yet again, we received a characteristic response from the shadow Home Secretary. We still have not had an apology for Labour’s mass uncontrolled immigration, and we have had no apology today for the state in which the previous Labour Government created and then left the Border Agency. I can reveal to the House today, however, that the shadow Home Secretary now has an immigration policy. In a recent article for PoliticsHome, she said: “We need much stronger action against illegal immigration to be a priority.” I am sure that everyone in the House would agree, but how does the shadow Home Secretary propose to get there? We need, she said, a “taskforce”. So, that is it. That is how the Opposition think that we will get control of our immigration system: the classic new Labour solution of a taskforce. After all the comments the right hon. Lady made, let us remember who we have to thank for the structure that is being dealt with today. The plans to create UKBA were set out in a paper published by the Cabinet Office in November 2007. Who was the Minister for the Cabinet Office at the time? None other than her boss, the Leader of the Opposition. The right hon. Lady cited a number of figures and raised a range of issues. She referred to the fact that, to use her terms, two thirds of visas were not processed on time. I have news for her: more than 90% of visas are processed within the performance target time. She referred to clearing up the backlogs, which originated with the Government of whom she was a member. I will respond to the point, nevertheless. The structural changes that we are making today will make for better-run organisations with greater clarity and greater focus, with more transparency, more accountability and stronger management. That, as we have seen with the Border Force, will deliver better performance; but it is not the only answer, which is why I have also referred to the need for us to change the law, deal with the IT systems and improve the processes in the organisation. It will take time, but today’s announcements are an important start. The right hon. Lady made a number of references to the Border Force and its performance. Until I took the Border Force out of UKBA last year, it was not possible to tell what its performance was. The Vine report, published last year, showed that checks were being suspended routinely and without permission for many years. That is no longer the case, thanks to the changes that I made. The right hon. Lady cited numerous statistics about the performance of the Border Agency, but I suggest that she should have listened to my statement. I know that the performance of the Border Agency is not good enough. It never has been. That is why we are making the changes that I have announced today. The question for the right hon. Lady is whether or not she supports those changes. The right hon. Lady asked when the changes will be made. The agency status will be removed at the beginning of April, and I shall return to the House with a further statement on the detail of the structural changes in due course. She said that there had been no reference until today to the possibility of changes to UKBA, but that is not right. If she had paid attention during Home Office questions yesterday, she would have heard my hon. Friend the Minister for Immigration refer to the fact that I would bring forward proposals. The Prime Minister also referred to that fact in his excellent speech on immigration yesterday. The right hon. Lady suggested that I have made this statement only in response to the report from the Home Affairs Committee that was published yesterday, but the decision has been taken after many hours of serious work over many months. If I restructured UKBA every time the Select Committee criticised it, I would have restructured it on more than one occasion. [HON.MEMBERS: “Quarterly.”] My hon. Friends are suggesting that we would have done so quarterly, and I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Cambridge (Dr Huppert), who is a member of that Committee and knows that the restructurings would have been rather more numerous than the one that I am suggesting today. We must remember why the Border Agency got into this situation. After the mess that the previous Government made of the immigration system, John Reid turned up at the Home Office, called the immigration system not fit for purpose and, instead of fixing it, turned it into an agency at arm’s length to keep all the trouble away from Ministers. That was a soundbite with no substance; but under the right hon. Lady, the Labour party is regressing, as she does not even have a soundbite. The Government have a very clear plan to get net migration down to the tens of thousands and to sort out the enforcement of our immigration laws. The Opposition have nothing. She is not serious; they are not serious; and the British people know that they cannot trust Labour with immigration. Several hon. Members rose— Mr Speaker: Order. I remind the House that, notwithstanding the notable interest in this statement, it is to be followed by three debates, to which no fewer than 48 right hon. and hon. Members wish to contribute, so there is a premium on brevity. Mrs Cheryl Gillan (Chesham and Amersham) (Con): I hope that my right hon. Friend will take absolutely no advice from the Labour party, which delivered massive net immigration and an asylum backlog of 450,000 and put in no transitional arrangements for eastern Europeans when it was in office. I congratulate her on applying common sense by taking back responsibility at ministerial level for the security of this country’s borders. Can she confirm that placing the new bodies that she has announced today under the direct supervision of Ministers will ensure the maximum scrutiny of the work that they do? Mrs May: I thank my right hon. Friend for her remarks. I can indeed confirm that we will be increasing scrutiny of the work that is done in relation to the immigration and visa system and immigration enforcement by bringing it into the Home Office, under a board chaired by the permanent secretary and reporting to Ministers. It is common sense and the right approach to deal with the problem caused by the creation of the agency under the previous Government. Keith Vaz (Leicester East) (Lab): May I congratulate the Home Secretary on putting the United Kingdom backlogs agency out of its misery by delivering this lethal injection today? May I join her in paying tribute to colleagues on the Home Affairs Committee, especially

1505 UK Border Agency 26 MARCH 2013 UK Border Agency 1506 my hon. Friend the Member for Walsall North (Mr Winnick), for their work over the years in exposing the agency’s shortcomings? I put this option to the Minister for Immigration yesterday and he said that he would reflect on it, so coming back in 24 hours is quite an achievement. Will the Home Secretary give the House an assurance that uppermost in her mind will be the clearing of backlogs, strong and effective leadership and strong parliamentary scrutiny? Only then will we have an immigration system in which the British people can have confidence. Mrs May: I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his comments. As I said, the Home Affairs Committee has been assiduous in its consideration of matters relating to UKBA over the years and has had a consistent message about the need to deal with some of the problems. It is obviously important that we deal with backlogs. It is also important that we ensure that the agency makes the right decisions on an ongoing, day-to-day basis, that those decisions are made not just appropriately but fairly and that people are dealt with properly when they interact with the agency. That will take some time. I think that we share an aim about the quality of system provided, but it will take some time to ensure that we fix all the problems UKBA is having to deal with. Mark Reckless (Rochester and Strood) (Con): I welcome the Home Secretary’s statement. Will she say something about the staff, from Mr Whiteman, whom the Home Affairs Committee will see at 3 o’clock to discuss his terms and role, to staff across the agency? We have recently returned from Abu Dhabi, where they seem to have turned around the visa processing unit. I think that there are really good people in UKBA who just need to be better led. Mrs May: I am grateful to my hon. Friend for raising that issue, because it gives me an opportunity to say that many people working for UKBA are dedicated officers who do an excellent job. Certainly, in some of the examples that he and other members of the Home Affairs Committee will have seen, such as the overseas operations, real change has been brought about. The work of the vast majority of staff in the areas of enforcement or the immigration and visa system will not change, but there will of course be change for the directors general heading up those two operations. Obviously, those are personnel matters on which the permanent secretary will make announcements in due course. Steve McCabe (Birmingham, Selly Oak) (Lab): I welcome the Home Secretary’s decision to take the agency back into the Home Office, which I think is the right one. Which of the new units will inherit responsibility for dealing with the backlogs, and how will she ensure that this does not become yet another opportunity to loose case files, passports and other documents in the ritual buck passing with which we have all become too familiar? Mrs May: The differentiation between the two units will be clear: the immigration and visa section will deal with decisions on whether people should be entitled to enter or remain in the UK; and at the point at which those cases are closed and people need to be removed, cases pass to the enforcement part of the operation. I welcome the hon. Gentleman’s comments on bringing the agency back into the Home Office—I suggest that he has more of a policy on the issue than Labour Front Benchers. We are very conscious that it is important to work out that separation, which is why I think that this clear-cut separation will help us to ensure that we do not see the sort of losses of files, passports and so forth that we have seen previously, so we have to look at the processes, too. Dr Julian Huppert (Cambridge) (LD): It will be a pleasure for the Home Affairs Committee no longer to have to report quarterly on ongoing problems within UKBA. I congratulate the Home Secretary on her decisive action. For too long the agency has stood in the way of a coherent, fair and credible immigration policy. My concern is that in 2006 the immigration and nationality directorate was spun out of the Home Office because it was not fit for purpose, had a vast backlog and was poorly led. We now have an agency that is still not fit for purpose, still has a vast backlog and still has leadership problems. How can she be so sure that it will work this time? Mrs May: We have spent considerable time looking at what the right structure is for the agency. We have had the experience of working with the Border Force. If we look at its operation today, we see that it is in a different place from where it was previously. That experience has shown that if we can create a smaller entity that has a clearer management and focus on its activities, we can make progress, and that is exactly what we are doing by splitting the agency in this way. John McDonnell (Hayes and Harlington) (Lab): Is it not true that part of the problem is that ministerial attention has been diverted to policy stunts prepared for prime ministerial statements and speeches? Can the Home Secretary confirm that ministerial attention has recently been focused on discussions in the inter-ministerial group on barring migrant children from compulsory education? The Department for Education then intervened and the children’s rights adviser said: “If we were to withdraw the right of education from any children in the UK, regardless of their status, we would be hugely criticised for it by the UN. With the periodic review report due to be submitted in January 2014, this would be very controversial.” Can the Home Secretary confirm that statement? Mrs May: We have been looking at public services across the board in relation to what we describe as the pull factors. We have focused on housing, health and the benefits system. We do not propose not having the provision of education for individual children, but the hon. Gentleman’s opening remark, which was that policy changes were about publicity stunts, is far from the truth. We have been sorting out a chaotic immigration system and immigration policy introduced by the previous Government that led to net migration in this country reaching hundreds of thousands a year. We aim to bring it down to tens of thousands. We have already seen net migration cut by a third. That is not a publicity stunt; it is a real benefit and a policy that the people of this country want to see. Nicola Blackwood (Oxford West and Abingdon) (Con): I very much welcome the Home Secretary’s statement. Does she agree that one of UKBA’s main problems,

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26 MARCH 2013<br />

UK Border Agency<br />

1506<br />

my hon. Friend the Member for Walsall North<br />

(Mr Winnick), for their work over the years in exposing<br />

the agency’s shortcomings? I put this option to the<br />

Minister for Immigration yesterday and he said that he<br />

would reflect on it, so coming back in 24 hours is quite<br />

an achievement. Will the Home Secretary give the House<br />

an assurance that uppermost in her mind will be the<br />

clearing of backlogs, strong and effective leadership<br />

and strong parliamentary scrutiny? Only then will we<br />

have an immigration system in which the British people<br />

can have confidence.<br />

Mrs May: I thank the right hon. Gentleman for his<br />

comments. As I said, the Home Affairs Committee has<br />

been assiduous in its consideration of matters relating<br />

to UKBA over the years and has had a consistent<br />

message about the need to deal with some of the<br />

problems. It is obviously important that we deal with<br />

backlogs. It is also important that we ensure that the<br />

agency makes the right decisions on an ongoing, day-to-day<br />

basis, that those decisions are made not just appropriately<br />

but fairly and that people are dealt with properly when<br />

they interact with the agency. That will take some time.<br />

I think that we share an aim about the quality of system<br />

provided, but it will take some time to ensure that we fix<br />

all the problems UKBA is having to deal with.<br />

Mark Reckless (Rochester and Strood) (Con): I welcome<br />

the Home Secretary’s statement. Will she say something<br />

about the staff, from Mr Whiteman, whom the Home<br />

Affairs Committee will see at 3 o’clock to discuss his<br />

terms and role, to staff across the agency? We have<br />

recently returned from Abu Dhabi, where they seem to<br />

have turned around the visa processing unit. I think that<br />

there are really good people in UKBA who just need to<br />

be better led.<br />

Mrs May: I am grateful to my hon. Friend for raising<br />

that issue, because it gives me an opportunity to say that<br />

many people working for UKBA are dedicated officers<br />

who do an excellent job. Certainly, in some of the examples<br />

that he and other members of the Home Affairs Committee<br />

will have seen, such as the overseas operations, real<br />

change has been brought about. The work of the vast<br />

majority of staff in the areas of enforcement or the<br />

immigration and visa system will not change, but there<br />

will of course be change for the directors general heading<br />

up those two operations. Obviously, those are personnel<br />

matters on which the permanent secretary will make<br />

announcements in due course.<br />

Steve McCabe (Birmingham, Selly Oak) (Lab): I welcome<br />

the Home Secretary’s decision to take the agency back<br />

into the Home Office, which I think is the right one.<br />

Which of the new units will inherit responsibility for<br />

dealing with the backlogs, and how will she ensure that<br />

this does not become yet another opportunity to loose<br />

case files, passports and other documents in the ritual<br />

buck passing with which we have all become too familiar?<br />

Mrs May: The differentiation between the two units<br />

will be clear: the immigration and visa section will deal<br />

with decisions on whether people should be entitled to<br />

enter or remain in the UK; and at the point at which<br />

those cases are closed and people need to be removed,<br />

cases pass to the enforcement part of the operation. I<br />

welcome the hon. Gentleman’s comments on bringing<br />

the agency back into the Home Office—I suggest that<br />

he has more of a policy on the issue than Labour Front<br />

Benchers. We are very conscious that it is important to<br />

work out that separation, which is why I think that this<br />

clear-cut separation will help us to ensure that we do<br />

not see the sort of losses of files, passports and so forth<br />

that we have seen previously, so we have to look at the<br />

processes, too.<br />

Dr Julian Huppert (Cambridge) (LD): It will be a<br />

pleasure for the Home Affairs Committee no longer to<br />

have to report quarterly on ongoing problems within<br />

UKBA. I congratulate the Home Secretary on her<br />

decisive action. For too long the agency has stood in the<br />

way of a coherent, fair and credible immigration policy.<br />

My concern is that in 2006 the immigration and nationality<br />

directorate was spun out of the Home Office because it<br />

was not fit for purpose, had a vast backlog and was<br />

poorly led. We now have an agency that is still not fit for<br />

purpose, still has a vast backlog and still has leadership<br />

problems. How can she be so sure that it will work this<br />

time?<br />

Mrs May: We have spent considerable time looking at<br />

what the right structure is for the agency. We have had<br />

the experience of working with the Border Force. If we<br />

look at its operation today, we see that it is in a different<br />

place from where it was previously. That experience has<br />

shown that if we can create a smaller entity that has a<br />

clearer management and focus on its activities, we can<br />

make progress, and that is exactly what we are doing by<br />

splitting the agency in this way.<br />

John McDonnell (Hayes and Harlington) (Lab): Is it<br />

not true that part of the problem is that ministerial<br />

attention has been diverted to policy stunts prepared<br />

for prime ministerial statements and speeches? Can the<br />

Home Secretary confirm that ministerial attention has<br />

recently been focused on discussions in the inter-ministerial<br />

group on barring migrant children from compulsory<br />

education? The Department for Education then intervened<br />

and the children’s rights adviser said:<br />

“If we were to withdraw the right of education from any<br />

children in the UK, regardless of their status, we would be hugely<br />

criticised for it by the UN. With the periodic review report due to<br />

be submitted in January 2014, this would be very controversial.”<br />

Can the Home Secretary confirm that statement?<br />

Mrs May: We have been looking at public services<br />

across the board in relation to what we describe as<br />

the pull factors. We have focused on housing, health<br />

and the benefits system. We do not propose not having<br />

the provision of education for individual children, but<br />

the hon. Gentleman’s opening remark, which was that<br />

policy changes were about publicity stunts, is far from<br />

the truth. We have been sorting out a chaotic immigration<br />

system and immigration policy introduced by the previous<br />

Government that led to net migration in this country<br />

reaching hundreds of thousands a year. We aim to<br />

bring it down to tens of thousands. We have already<br />

seen net migration cut by a third. That is not a publicity<br />

stunt; it is a real benefit and a policy that the people of<br />

this country want to see.<br />

Nicola Blackwood (Oxford West and Abingdon) (Con):<br />

I very much welcome the Home Secretary’s statement.<br />

Does she agree that one of UKBA’s main problems,

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