PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament

PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES - United Kingdom Parliament
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463WH Bee Health 26 MARCH 2013 Bee Health 464WH [Sarah Newton] Parliament rightly demands evidence-based policy making, so let us start with the science. The Government have committed large sums to the science budget. An annual research spend of £4.6 billion has been ring-fenced in the 2010 comprehensive spending review, with additional investment of £1.3 billion in research budgets over the next three years. The UK has world-class universities of which we are rightly proud, and the science and innovation that they generate are a potential source of prosperity, as scientific discoveries are commercialised by businesses working with universities, creating beneficial products and services. In addition to the DEFRA budget allocated for bee and pollinator research, I should like to see the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills working with the major research councils to identify a pot of money from the existing, and recently increased, funding for science. This could be used to commission university-based scientists, working in partnership with industry, to create a new generation of pesticides and fungicides that have less harmful effects to pollinators; to develop diseaseresistant seeds to prevent the need for chemical treatment; and to explore different methods of crop husbandry to prevent the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals in the environment. All these have the potential to improve bee health, and are areas of science in which we already have a great deal of expertise. It is important to recognise that the UK’s crop-protection sector has a vital role to play, but as with any market, it can work well to deliver innovation and quality. It is worth remembering that in the UK a pesticide is released on to the market only after an average of nine years’ extensive research. However, as recent news about antibiotics has shown, sometimes Government intervention is needed. The chief medical officer has recently warned that, because antibiotics are relatively cheap and not very profitable to pharmaceutical companies, they have made little investment in innovation. As a result, we face humans becoming immune to current antibiotics within the next 20 years—a risk to our well-being greater than climate change. The chief medical officer has called on the Government to use some of the money earmarked for investment in science to discover the next generation of antibiotics. She has also highlighted the need for international collaboration on the management of antibiotics. We need to think in the same way to tackle declining bee health. Andrew Jones (Harrogate and Knaresborough) (Con): I strongly agree with my hon. Friend’s suggestion about creating a British bee strategy; that is vital. She makes the case powerfully for a strong, healthy bee population to ensure pollination in agriculture and biodiversity in our environment. Does she agree that it is important for a focus to be maintained across Government, and to bring together all the different resources from Departments to try to tackle and reverse this decline in bee numbers? Sarah Newton: That is important. As I said, DEFRA has done a huge amount, and this Government should be proud of their track record in tackling the issue, but we need to step it up with more urgency and draw on all the resources of Government, not just on DEFRA. DEFRA is quite a low-spending Department, and it needs the extra sums that are available, particularly in BIS, for science and innovation, so that it can bring those extra resources to bear. DEFRA has done well to be still investing in bee research, having had to make cuts in expenditure—it is to be commended for that—but the scale of the challenge is so great that we should be reaching out to BIS and other pots of science money and commissioning research. Not only would that be beneficial for our bee population, agriculture, farming and the environment, but once these products are developed they could be exported and could generate a great deal of wealth in our country. All this takes time. Root-cause research would take years—pesticides can take nine years to come to market—so there are things we need to do in the interim. We should listen closely to the calls of Friends of the Earth, which put together a national bee action plan, with some sensible steps that could be taken. I should like the Government to consider that. We could create bee worlds by encouraging local authorities and the farming sector to work together to increase the availability of good feeding and nesting sites for bees. The mayor of Truro, Lindsay Southcombe, is using her year as mayor to highlight what we can do locally. We can do lots of things at a local level. We need to protect existing sites, conserving the lowland and upland meadows where bees thrive. We should ensure that science-based advice and guidance is provided to farmers and other bodies, setting out how those habitats can be better protected. This advice can be provided only if adequate expertise on bees is retained within Government agencies. For successful delivery of habitat creation and restoration for bees locally, we must ensure that that expertise is available at all levels in local authorities. We do have the bee inspectorate, and that must be preserved, but it must also be built on. Finally, we need to consider commissioning research on new pest-control technologies and drawing on global best practice, with the aim of developing pest-control methods that maintain farming yields while minimising the impact on pollinator populations. That is the clear call of Friends of the Earth, which believes that stakeholders can be brought together and can help develop best practice, working alongside the Government, that can then be rolled out across the UK. The evidence that bee populations are declining is clear. We have talked about that in respect of honey bees, but it also applies to wild bees and solitary bees. If we stand by and allow this decline to carry on, it would hit key sectors of our economy hard. The Government’s investment in a range of activities and research aimed at slowing this decline, and better understanding it, is to be welcomed. Now is the time to move to the next stage: to put together a holistic cross-departmental strategy aimed at developing new biodiversity-friendly approaches to crop protection that the rest of the world will welcome. Now is the time to show British bees, British farmers and the British food and drink producers that we are on their side, and will work with them to tackle this significant problem for our health, our well-being and our environment. 4.18 pm The Minister of State, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Mr David Heath): It is a pleasure to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Benton. I congratulate my hon. Friend the hon. Member for

465WH Bee Health 26 MARCH 2013 Bee Health 466WH Truro and Falmouth (Sarah Newton) not only on securing a debate on an important subject, but on the balanced way that she presented her arguments. A healthy bee population is crucial not only to agriculture, but to the environment and the economy, so we have to get this right. I have a record of raising these issues when in opposition: some five or six years ago, I was one of those who was pressing strongly for a proper approach to bee health and for the then Government to invest in it. It is therefore a particular pleasure for me to respond to this debate on behalf of my noble friend Lord De Mauley, whose responsibility it is, and to highlight what we have been doing to improve bee health and our future plans. Over the past five years there has been a welcome resurgence in interest in keeping bees. Many new beekeepers have turned to local and national beekeeping associations for information and support on how best to look after the pollinator species. The British Beekeepers Association, for example, reports that its membership has increased from some 16,500 in 2009 to 25,000 in 2013. The Government are playing their part in supporting and maintaining that growth in interest. The main focus of our efforts to protect bee health is through the work of the national bee unit, which is acknowledged as having one of the best bee health surveillance programmes in Europe. It might be helpful if I quickly set out what the national bee unit does. First, it has an inspection and enforcement role: the unit has a team of some 60 professional bee inspectors out in the field controlling notifiable diseases and surveying for exotic pests. Thanks to their work and the results of the random apiary survey, which is internationally probably one of the biggest bee health surveys of its kind ever undertaken, we now have a detailed understanding of the health status of the nation’s bees and can use that information to target our inspection programmes to best effect. I am pleased to report that the incidence of the two notifiable diseases—European and American foul brood—remains nationally low, with infection rates around half those observed during the 1990s. Also, most importantly, no evidence has been found of exotic pests, such as the small hive beetle, and the pests remain absent from the UK. Secondly, the national bee unit and its inspectors provide advice and support to beekeepers on pests and diseases, with emphasis on varroa management, during their inspection visits, or through training and education programmes jointly run with beekeeping associations. Last year, the unit took part in nearly 500 training events attended by more than 22,000 beekeepers. Guidance is also provided online: the unit’s website, BeeBase, provides a wide range of information for beekeepers to help keep their honey bees healthy and productive. I am pleased to report that the number of beekeepers registered on BeeBase has increased from some 12,000 in 2006 to more than 29,000 today. All those services are provided by the inspectors without charge. Protecting bee health is not something the Government can achieve by themselves, nor should it be. The various challenges and threats can be properly addressed only through effective partnership working. The Government are co-funding a range of beekeeping association-led initiatives that are already beginning to deliver improvements with, for example, 400 new beekeeper trainers being trained and a suite of new training materials and courses already available. One of those programmes is the development of an apprenticeship scheme to encourage young people to become bee farmers, and we are working with the Bee Farmers’ Association to develop the programme further. That is the context of what we are doing, but I know my hon. Friend and many of our constituents are worried about the perceived threat from the neonicotinoids. I take that threat extremely seriously. We must take any threat to bees and pollinators seriously, and we have kept the evidence on neonicotinoids under open-minded scrutiny. We have consistently made it clear that we will restrict the use of such products if the evidence shows the need. That is the crucial point for us at the moment as a Department that works on the basis of evidence. Although the potential for toxic effects has been shown, Government scientists and the independent Advisory Committee on Pesticides last year advised that the evidence then available did not indicate harmful exposure in the field. The field evidence is limited, however, and focused on honey bees, so we commissioned research on the field effects of neonicotinoids on bumble bees. That work has just been completed and the results are positive, although not conclusive. In particular, the researchers found no relationship between colony growth and neonicotinoid residues in pollen or nectar in the colonies. Following completion of the study, DEFRA has drawn up a short assessment of all the key current evidence, which I have arranged to be placed in the Library— hon. Members might like to look at it. The assessment cannot exclude rare effects of neonicotinoids on bees in the field, but suggests that those effects do not occur in normal circumstances. We are also analysing the implications for the environment and for agriculture of possible restrictions on neonicotinoids. If neonicotinoids were not available, farmers would switch to alternative insecticides that remain legally available, and it is important to understand the implications of that. The European Commission proposed significant restrictions on neonicotinoids, which, as my hon. Friend mentioned, was put to a vote on 15 March. The United Kingdom abstained. I underline that we did not take that step because we have closed our mind to taking action; we abstained because the Commission’s proposal was not well thought through. We have urged the Commission to complete the scientific assessment, taking account of our new research. We have also emphasised the need to assess the impacts of action, so that the measures taken are proportionate to the risks. We will continue to make that case in Europe. The difference between the laboratory tests on which much of the information is based and the field trials that we have now undertaken is that the dosage levels are not comparable. The dosage in the field is much lower than that used in the laboratory experiments, so the toxicity might not be demonstrable or replicable in field conditions. We need to investigate that important aspect further. Zac Goldsmith (Richmond Park) (Con): A number of European countries certainly believe that the evidence justifies a moratorium—we know that from the vote. The Minister’s Department also believes that there are risks, although it is not convinced that the risks are high enough to justify a moratorium. Would he, as a secondary step, or perhaps as a compromise, consider doing what

463WH<br />

Bee Health<br />

26 MARCH 2013<br />

Bee Health<br />

464WH<br />

[Sarah Newton]<br />

<strong>Parliament</strong> rightly demands evidence-based policy<br />

making, so let us start with the science. The Government<br />

have committed large sums to the science budget. An<br />

annual research spend of £4.6 billion has been ring-fenced<br />

in the 2010 comprehensive spending review, with additional<br />

investment of £1.3 billion in research budgets over the<br />

next three years. The UK has world-class universities of<br />

which we are rightly proud, and the science and innovation<br />

that they generate are a potential source of prosperity,<br />

as scientific discoveries are commercialised by businesses<br />

working with universities, creating beneficial products<br />

and services.<br />

In addition to the DEFRA budget allocated for bee<br />

and pollinator research, I should like to see the Department<br />

for Business, Innovation and Skills working with the<br />

major research councils to identify a pot of money from<br />

the existing, and recently increased, funding for science.<br />

This could be used to commission university-based<br />

scientists, working in partnership with industry, to create<br />

a new generation of pesticides and fungicides that have<br />

less harmful effects to pollinators; to develop diseaseresistant<br />

seeds to prevent the need for chemical treatment;<br />

and to explore different methods of crop husbandry to<br />

prevent the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals in<br />

the environment. All these have the potential to improve<br />

bee health, and are areas of science in which we already<br />

have a great deal of expertise.<br />

It is important to recognise that the UK’s crop-protection<br />

sector has a vital role to play, but as with any market, it<br />

can work well to deliver innovation and quality. It is<br />

worth remembering that in the UK a pesticide is released<br />

on to the market only after an average of nine years’<br />

extensive research. However, as recent news about antibiotics<br />

has shown, sometimes Government intervention is needed.<br />

The chief medical officer has recently warned that,<br />

because antibiotics are relatively cheap and not very<br />

profitable to pharmaceutical companies, they have made<br />

little investment in innovation. As a result, we face<br />

humans becoming immune to current antibiotics within<br />

the next 20 years—a risk to our well-being greater than<br />

climate change. The chief medical officer has called on<br />

the Government to use some of the money earmarked<br />

for investment in science to discover the next generation<br />

of antibiotics. She has also highlighted the need for<br />

international collaboration on the management of<br />

antibiotics. We need to think in the same way to tackle<br />

declining bee health.<br />

Andrew Jones (Harrogate and Knaresborough) (Con):<br />

I strongly agree with my hon. Friend’s suggestion about<br />

creating a British bee strategy; that is vital. She makes<br />

the case powerfully for a strong, healthy bee population<br />

to ensure pollination in agriculture and biodiversity in<br />

our environment. Does she agree that it is important for<br />

a focus to be maintained across Government, and to<br />

bring together all the different resources from Departments<br />

to try to tackle and reverse this decline in bee numbers?<br />

Sarah Newton: That is important. As I said, DEFRA<br />

has done a huge amount, and this Government should<br />

be proud of their track record in tackling the issue, but<br />

we need to step it up with more urgency and draw on all<br />

the resources of Government, not just on DEFRA.<br />

DEFRA is quite a low-spending Department, and it<br />

needs the extra sums that are available, particularly in<br />

BIS, for science and innovation, so that it can bring<br />

those extra resources to bear. DEFRA has done well to<br />

be still investing in bee research, having had to make<br />

cuts in expenditure—it is to be commended for that—but<br />

the scale of the challenge is so great that we should be<br />

reaching out to BIS and other pots of science money<br />

and commissioning research. Not only would that be<br />

beneficial for our bee population, agriculture, farming<br />

and the environment, but once these products are developed<br />

they could be exported and could generate a great deal<br />

of wealth in our country.<br />

All this takes time. Root-cause research would take<br />

years—pesticides can take nine years to come to market—so<br />

there are things we need to do in the interim. We should<br />

listen closely to the calls of Friends of the Earth, which<br />

put together a national bee action plan, with some<br />

sensible steps that could be taken. I should like the<br />

Government to consider that.<br />

We could create bee worlds by encouraging local<br />

authorities and the farming sector to work together to<br />

increase the availability of good feeding and nesting<br />

sites for bees. The mayor of Truro, Lindsay Southcombe,<br />

is using her year as mayor to highlight what we can do<br />

locally. We can do lots of things at a local level. We need<br />

to protect existing sites, conserving the lowland and<br />

upland meadows where bees thrive. We should ensure<br />

that science-based advice and guidance is provided to<br />

farmers and other bodies, setting out how those habitats<br />

can be better protected. This advice can be provided<br />

only if adequate expertise on bees is retained within<br />

Government agencies. For successful delivery of habitat<br />

creation and restoration for bees locally, we must ensure<br />

that that expertise is available at all levels in local<br />

authorities. We do have the bee inspectorate, and that<br />

must be preserved, but it must also be built on.<br />

Finally, we need to consider commissioning research<br />

on new pest-control technologies and drawing on global<br />

best practice, with the aim of developing pest-control<br />

methods that maintain farming yields while minimising<br />

the impact on pollinator populations. That is the clear<br />

call of Friends of the Earth, which believes that stakeholders<br />

can be brought together and can help develop best<br />

practice, working alongside the Government, that can<br />

then be rolled out across the UK.<br />

The evidence that bee populations are declining is<br />

clear. We have talked about that in respect of honey<br />

bees, but it also applies to wild bees and solitary bees. If<br />

we stand by and allow this decline to carry on, it would<br />

hit key sectors of our economy hard. The Government’s<br />

investment in a range of activities and research aimed at<br />

slowing this decline, and better understanding it, is to<br />

be welcomed. Now is the time to move to the next stage:<br />

to put together a holistic cross-departmental strategy<br />

aimed at developing new biodiversity-friendly approaches<br />

to crop protection that the rest of the world will welcome.<br />

Now is the time to show British bees, British farmers<br />

and the British food and drink producers that we are on<br />

their side, and will work with them to tackle this significant<br />

problem for our health, our well-being and our environment.<br />

4.18 pm<br />

The Minister of State, Department for Environment,<br />

Food and Rural Affairs (Mr David Heath): It is a pleasure<br />

to serve under your chairmanship, Mr Benton. I<br />

congratulate my hon. Friend the hon. Member for

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