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803 Oral Answers 1 DECEMBER 2010 Oral Answers 804 Jo Swinson (East Dunbartonshire) (LD): I welcome the Minister’s acceptance that the correspondence could have been handled better on the cancellation of the Glasgow contract, because as a result of letters sent out by UKBA, vulnerable people, including many families, were left in a state of extreme anxiety about where they would be living. Can he reassure us that lessons will be learned from this, so that such mistakes are not repeated in future? David Mundell: Indeed, I can give the hon. Lady that assurance. As soon as these issues came to light, the Secretary of State for Scotland was in contact with the Immigration Minister. There is a recognition that the correspondence was inappropriate, and a number of measures have been taken. For example, everyone affected will have at least 14 days’ notice if they have to move. Progress has been made. The initial letter was regrettable, but the situation will be better in future. HIV 3. David Cairns (Inverclyde) (Lab): What recent discussions he has had with the (a) Secretary of State for Health and (b) Scottish Executive on strategies to reduce the incidence of HIV in the UK. [26709] The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Scotland (David Mundell): I am in contact with the Secretary of State for Health and the Scottish Government on a range of matters. As the hon. Gentleman knows, the Government published their public health White Paper yesterday. As that is taken forward, close attention will be paid to the lessons that can be learned from the Scottish Government HIV action plan. David Cairns: I am grateful to the Minister for that answer. On world AIDS day, it is worth reminding ourselves of the rather obvious fact that viruses such as HIV do not respect borders. Will he reassure me that as the Government seek to draw up their sexual health and HIV strategy they will work closely with all the devolved Administrations to ensure a coherent and joined-up approach? That is the only way that we will slow the spread of the virus, which has already claimed far too many lives. David Mundell: It is indeed appropriate that the hon. Gentleman has asked his question on world AIDS day. He is to be commended for his work as chairman of the all-party group on HIV and AIDS and for his work on the “Halve It” campaign. The Secretary of State will shortly meet the Minister for Public Health in Scotland, Shona Robison, and I shall ensure that this matter is on the agenda. Iain Stewart (Milton Keynes South) (Con): Will my right hon. Friend give an undertaking to discuss with the Scottish Government the findings from the eight pilot projects that the Department of Health is running to extend HIV testing in primary care hospitals and community centres? David Mundell: I am happy to give that undertaking. As the hon. Member for Inverclyde (David Cairns) intimated, HIV and AIDS know no borders and the rest of the United Kingdom can learn from what has happened in Scotland, just as Scotland can learn from what is happening elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Economy 4. Mr David Amess (Southend West) (Con): What recent discussions he has had with the First Minister on the relationship between the UK Government and Scottish Executive with regard to economic policy under the devolution settlement. [26710] The Secretary of State for Scotland (Michael Moore): I have had a number of exchanges with the First Minister in recent weeks. Yesterday, the Scotland Bill was introduced in this House. If enacted, the Bill will strengthen devolution by giving the Scottish Parliament a financial stake in the Scottish economy while maintaining the economic strength we all desire from being in the United Kingdom. Mr Amess: Now that we know that the Scottish nationalist party—[HON. MEMBERS: “National party.”] It put Holyrood’s tax-raising powers out of commission for two years without telling the Scottish Parliament. Does the Secretary of State agree that the Scottish Government should be made more accountable for their financial management to such an extent that there should be a closer relationship between economic growth and how much money is spent? Michael Moore: My hon. Friend makes some interesting observations. I can confirm that the Scotland Bill, if enacted, will provide exactly what he asks for. It will empower the Scottish Parliament, increase its financial accountability and secure Scotland’s place in the United Kingdom. Angus Robertson (Moray) (SNP): Where the Scotland Bill makes a real difference to the lives of people in Scotland and to the Scottish economy, it will have the support of the SNP. During the passage of the legislation in this House, will the Secretary of State and his Tory colleagues accept improvements that will deliver additional powers that will give the Scottish economy a competitive advantage? Michael Moore: I welcome the hon. Gentleman’s initial comments. As he is aware, the Bill introduced yesterday and the Command Paper that goes with it are the result of the work not just of the Conservative party and the Liberal Democrats but of the Labour party and others across Scotland. I hope that we will get proper engagement. I am confident that the measures in the Bill get the balance right for Scotland. They are right for this time and I am sure that they will pass the test of time. Angus Robertson: The Secretary of State knows that many of Scotland’s leading businessmen and women issued a statement this week, in which they said that there must be “real economic levers to help sustain recovery and grow the economy.” Will the Secretary of State and his Tory colleagues reconsider their plans and consider improvements to the legislation, such as devolving corporation tax to help business grow? Michael Moore: I listen carefully to a range of opinion from business and elsewhere about the future of Scotland’s—

805 Oral Answers 1 DECEMBER 2010 Oral Answers 806 Mr Speaker: Order. I apologise for interrupting the Secretary of State. I do not know what the hon. Member for Blyth Valley (Mr Campbell) had for breakfast this morning, but I am not sure that it has had the desired effect. [Interruption.] Order. The hon. Gentleman must not rant at the Government Chief Whip or anybody else. He must calm himself—it is better for his health if he does. Michael Moore: If I can repeat what I was saying before your intervention, Mr Speaker, I listen carefully to a range of opinion from across business and different sectors of Scottish society. The business community was well represented in the Calman commission, which produced and supported the proposal. We will continue to listen to a range of opinion, but we have no intention of devolving powers over corporation tax. Mr Alan Reid (Argyll and Bute) (LD): In 1997, the Scottish people voted to give the Scottish Parliament tax-varying powers, but in a disgraceful and secret decision, the SNP Government gave up those powers. I welcome the Scotland Bill. Will the Secretary of State assure us that those tax-varying powers will remain with the Scottish Parliament and that the Bill will be phrased in such a way that, were the SNP ever elected again, it would not be able to give up those powers in a secret decision? Michael Moore: As my hon. Friend knows, the consequences of the Scottish Government’s decision not to maintain the Scottish variable rate have been debated in the Scottish Parliament in recent days. The fundamental difference between the existing arrangements and what will follow if the Bill is enacted is that the Bill will create a Scottish income tax that sits alongside United Kingdom income tax, and there will be a requirement to set that rate every year. That is a fundamental change, and it will bring the accountability and empowerment that I discussed earlier, which will be a good thing for Scotland. Ann McKechin (Glasgow North) (Lab): It is shocking that both the UK and Scottish Administrations are failing to prioritise job growth. While there was a slight fall in UK-wide unemployment last month, the jobless total for Scotland continued to increase. The latest figures show that in Campbeltown an astonishing 13 claimants are chasing every available job. Our youngest people are suffering the most, and if Labour wins in 2011, we are committed to continuing the future jobs fund to help them into work. Why is the Secretary of State set on removing that vital support, while at the same time supporting tax cuts for our biggest banks, which are at the root of our economic problems? Michael Moore: That was an interesting insight into the Opposition’s economic policy, although I realise that Opposition Front Benchers are divided on exactly what it should be. I remind the hon. Lady that we are dealing with the consequences of the largest deficit in peacetime history—£155,000 million. We took urgent action to deal with that, which has drawn us back from the danger zone. We will announce proposals in due course on the Work programme which will replace the future jobs fund. We are dedicated to ensuring that we create the conditions for growth and for a private sector-led recovery to deal with the problems that we inherited. Ann McKechin: Unfortunately, yet again Scotland’s youth are not the Secretary of State’s priority. His party does not think twice about dancing on the head of a pin. In its autumn edition of “Scottish News Extra”, which is turning out to be one of Scotland’s better reads, his colleague, the Business Secretary, is described as “launching a scathing attack on the previous government’s unfair tuition fees which still have to be paid by Scottish students studying elsewhere in the UK. He likened tuition fees to the infamous poll tax.” Now that his colleague has said that he may abstain on the forthcoming vote to increase tuition fees in England to £9,000, will the Secretary of State confirm whether he will support the increase, whether he will vote against it in support of the 3,000-plus Scottish students who are directly affected, or whether he will be absent again from the vote? Mr Speaker: Order. In replying, the Secretary of State must bear in mind that we are referring to economic policy rather than higher education policy. Michael Moore: It is interesting that the hon. Lady interpreted the question by seeking to get away from anything that might focus attention on Labour’s record on the economy and on our determination to create the conditions that will get us back to sustainable growth for Scotland and the United Kingdom. Scotch Whisky 6. Mr Adam Holloway (Gravesham) (Con): What recent discussions he has had with representatives of the Scotch whisky industry; and if he will make a statement. [26712] The Secretary of State for Scotland (Michael Moore): I regularly have exchanges with the industry and will be meeting the Scotch Whisky Association in the near future. Mr Holloway: The Prime Minister’s recent trade delegation to China succeeded in securing geographical indication of origin status for Scotch whisky. How much will that be worth to the UK trade balance? Michael Moore: The importance of the Scotch whisky industry, not just to Scotland but to the United Kingdom, is shown by the fact that it contributes roughly £4 billion to our economy, £3 billion of which is represented by exports. At the moment our exports to China are very small in comparison with those to the rest of the world. This important new concession—this agreement with the Chinese—which we very much welcome, will ensure that we can grow our exports in China as we have done in the rest of the world. Mr Brian H. Donohoe (Central Ayrshire) (Lab): I declare an interest as secretary of the all-party group on Scotch whisky and spirits. What representations has the Secretary of State made to the Treasury in connection with the imbalance in the tax on whisky? Michael Moore: As the hon. Gentleman will know from his distinguished position, the industry is well represented in discussions with the Treasury at all times throughout the year, as it was under the previous Administration. I continue to have discussions with my Treasury colleagues on this very important issue, and will continue to do so in the months ahead.

805 Oral Answers<br />

1 DECEMBER 2010<br />

Oral Answers<br />

806<br />

Mr Speaker: Order. I apologise for interrupting the<br />

Secretary of State. I do not know what the hon. Member<br />

for Blyth Valley (Mr Campbell) had for breakfast this<br />

morning, but I am not sure that it has had the desired<br />

effect. [Interruption.] Order. The hon. Gentleman must<br />

not rant at the Government Chief Whip or anybody<br />

else. He must calm himself—it is better for his health if<br />

he does.<br />

Michael Moore: If I can repeat what I was saying<br />

before your intervention, Mr Speaker, I listen carefully<br />

to a range of opinion from across business and different<br />

sectors of Scottish society. The business community<br />

was well represented in the Calman commission, which<br />

produced and supported the proposal. We will continue<br />

to listen to a range of opinion, but we have no intention<br />

of devolving powers over corporation tax.<br />

Mr Alan Reid (Argyll and Bute) (LD): In 1997, the<br />

Scottish people voted to give the Scottish <strong>Parliament</strong><br />

tax-varying powers, but in a disgraceful and secret<br />

decision, the SNP Government gave up those powers. I<br />

welcome the Scotland Bill. Will the Secretary of State<br />

assure us that those tax-varying powers will remain<br />

with the Scottish <strong>Parliament</strong> and that the Bill will be<br />

phrased in such a way that, were the SNP ever elected<br />

again, it would not be able to give up those powers in a<br />

secret decision?<br />

Michael Moore: As my hon. Friend knows, the<br />

consequences of the Scottish Government’s decision<br />

not to maintain the Scottish variable rate have been<br />

debated in the Scottish <strong>Parliament</strong> in recent days. The<br />

fundamental difference between the existing arrangements<br />

and what will follow if the Bill is enacted is that the Bill<br />

will create a Scottish income tax that sits alongside<br />

<strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong> income tax, and t<strong>here</strong> will be a<br />

requirement to set that rate every year. That is a fundamental<br />

change, and it will bring the accountability and<br />

empowerment that I discussed earlier, which will be a<br />

good thing for Scotland.<br />

Ann McKechin (Glasgow North) (Lab): It is shocking<br />

that both the UK and Scottish Administrations are<br />

failing to prioritise job growth. While t<strong>here</strong> was a slight<br />

fall in UK-wide unemployment last month, the jobless<br />

total for Scotland continued to increase. The latest<br />

figures show that in Campbeltown an astonishing<br />

13 claimants are chasing every available job. Our youngest<br />

people are suffering the most, and if Labour wins in<br />

2011, we are committed to continuing the future jobs<br />

fund to help them into work. Why is the Secretary of<br />

State set on removing that vital support, while at the<br />

same time supporting tax cuts for our biggest banks,<br />

which are at the root of our economic problems?<br />

Michael Moore: That was an interesting insight into<br />

the Opposition’s economic policy, although I realise<br />

that Opposition Front Benchers are divided on exactly<br />

what it should be. I remind the hon. Lady that we are<br />

dealing with the consequences of the largest deficit in<br />

peacetime history—£155,000 million. We took urgent<br />

action to deal with that, which has drawn us back from<br />

the danger zone. We will announce proposals in due<br />

course on the Work programme which will replace the<br />

future jobs fund. We are dedicated to ensuring that we<br />

create the conditions for growth and for a private sector-led<br />

recovery to deal with the problems that we inherited.<br />

Ann McKechin: Unfortunately, yet again Scotland’s<br />

youth are not the Secretary of State’s priority. His party<br />

does not think twice about dancing on the head of a<br />

pin. In its autumn edition of “Scottish News Extra”,<br />

which is turning out to be one of Scotland’s better<br />

reads, his colleague, the Business Secretary, is described as<br />

“launching a scathing attack on the previous government’s unfair<br />

tuition fees which still have to be paid by Scottish students<br />

studying elsew<strong>here</strong> in the UK. He likened tuition fees to the<br />

infamous poll tax.”<br />

Now that his colleague has said that he may abstain on<br />

the forthcoming vote to increase tuition fees in England<br />

to £9,000, will the Secretary of State confirm whether<br />

he will support the increase, whether he will vote against<br />

it in support of the 3,000-plus Scottish students who are<br />

directly affected, or whether he will be absent again<br />

from the vote?<br />

Mr Speaker: Order. In replying, the Secretary of<br />

State must bear in mind that we are referring to economic<br />

policy rather than higher education policy.<br />

Michael Moore: It is interesting that the hon. Lady<br />

interpreted the question by seeking to get away from<br />

anything that might focus attention on Labour’s record<br />

on the economy and on our determination to create the<br />

conditions that will get us back to sustainable growth<br />

for Scotland and the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>.<br />

Scotch Whisky<br />

6. Mr Adam Holloway (Gravesham) (Con): What<br />

recent discussions he has had with representatives of<br />

the Scotch whisky industry; and if he will make a<br />

statement. [26712]<br />

The Secretary of State for Scotland (Michael Moore):<br />

I regularly have exchanges with the industry and will be<br />

meeting the Scotch Whisky Association in the near<br />

future.<br />

Mr Holloway: The Prime Minister’s recent trade<br />

delegation to China succeeded in securing geographical<br />

indication of origin status for Scotch whisky. How<br />

much will that be worth to the UK trade balance?<br />

Michael Moore: The importance of the Scotch whisky<br />

industry, not just to Scotland but to the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Kingdom</strong>,<br />

is shown by the fact that it contributes roughly £4 billion<br />

to our economy, £3 billion of which is represented by<br />

exports. At the moment our exports to China are very<br />

small in comparison with those to the rest of the world.<br />

This important new concession—this agreement with<br />

the Chinese—which we very much welcome, will ensure<br />

that we can grow our exports in China as we have done<br />

in the rest of the world.<br />

Mr Brian H. Donohoe (Central Ayrshire) (Lab): I<br />

declare an interest as secretary of the all-party group on<br />

Scotch whisky and spirits. What representations has the<br />

Secretary of State made to the Treasury in connection<br />

with the imbalance in the tax on whisky?<br />

Michael Moore: As the hon. Gentleman will know<br />

from his distinguished position, the industry is well<br />

represented in discussions with the Treasury at all times<br />

throughout the year, as it was under the previous<br />

Administration. I continue to have discussions with my<br />

Treasury colleagues on this very important issue, and<br />

will continue to do so in the months ahead.

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