HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament
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APPENDIX A DIVISIONS: INSTRUCTIONS TO TELLERS Within three minutes from the order “Clear the Bar”, two Tellers for the Contents and two for the Not-contents must be appointed. Tellers must give their names to the Clerk at the Table, and state whether they are telling for the Contents or Not-contents and in return they receive a wand and a counter. When the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair says, “The Contents will go to the right by the Throne, the Not-contents to the left by the Bar”, the Tellers take up their posts in the Lobbies and, provided that the Clerks are in their places, the voting begins. The Tellers count the Lords as they pass through, the first Lord counted being number 3, so as to include automatically the two Tellers on each side. If the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair does not direct the Contents and Not-contents into the Lobbies, the Division does not take place, and the Tellers should inform Lords waiting in the Lobbies accordingly and return their wands to the Table. Eight minutes after the Bar is ordered to be cleared, the doors leading into the Chamber from outside are locked, and only those already in the Chamber or in the Lobbies can from that moment vote. After eight minutes the Tellers must remain in the Lobbies until they are satisfied that all Lords who wish to vote in their Lobby have done so. The Tellers then walk the length of the Lobbies and return to the Chamber by the door furthest from their telling position in order to be able to collect last-minute votes. They inform the Clerk at the Table of the numbers who have voted in their Lobby. To this figure the Clerk adds any votes taken in the House. One of the Tellers for the majority then receives from the Clerk a paper on which the numbers are recorded. This he hands, with a bow, to the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair, who announces the figures to the House. The Teller waits by the Woolsack or the Chair until the result is announced. When the result is announced, the Teller rejoins the other three Tellers who meanwhile have remained at the Table. All four then hand back their wands to the Clerk and disperse. 236

APPENDIX B RULES FOR THE ADMISSION OF VISITORS (a) Pursuant to SO 13 and as Agent of the Administration and Works Committee, the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod is responsible for security in, and control of access to, the precincts of the House as defined in (b) below in respect both of persons and of vehicles, whether or not the House is sitting. (b) For the purposes of the interpretation of SO 13 and these Rules, the “precincts of the House” shall be understood to comprise all that area of the Palace of Westminster control of which was vested by the Queen in the Speaker of the House of Lords, with effect from 26 April 1965, as well as all other areas under the control of the House. (c) Before admission to the galleries of the House visitors may be required: (i) to sign an undertaking to abstain from making interruption or disturbance and to obey the rules of the maintenance of good order in the galleries; (ii) to deposit in the appropriate cloakroom all cameras, tape recorders, electronic devices, binoculars, umbrellas and walking sticks, parcels, packages, cases and bags other than ladies’ handbags; and (iii) to open for inspection at the request of Black Rod, or of the staff under his control, any parcel, package, case or bag, including ladies’ handbags, which a visitor may bring into the precincts. (d) In the galleries visitors are not permitted to smoke, read books or papers other than the papers of the House, draw or write (except in the south-west gallery), stand in or behind the galleries, or make use of cameras, tape recorders, electronic devices, or binoculars. Any offence against this rule may result in the confiscation by Black Rod of any offending material. (e) Where committees of the House are sitting in public, the rules governing the admission of visitors to committee rooms are, so far as practicable, the same as those for admission to the galleries of the House. Members of the public are permitted to take notes during committee meetings. 237



Within three minutes from the order “Clear the Bar”, two Tellers for the<br />

Contents and two for the Not-contents must be appointed. Tellers must<br />

give their names to the Clerk at the Table, and state whether they are<br />

telling for the Contents or Not-contents and in return they receive a<br />

wand and a counter.<br />

When the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair says, “The Contents<br />

will go to the right by the Throne, the Not-contents to the left by the<br />

Bar”, the Tellers take up their posts in the Lobbies and, provided that the<br />

Clerks are in their places, the voting begins. The Tellers count the Lords<br />

as they pass through, the first Lord counted being number 3, so as to<br />

include automatically the two Tellers on each side.<br />

If the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair does not direct the<br />

Contents and Not-contents into the Lobbies, the Division does not take<br />

place, and the Tellers should inform Lords waiting in the Lobbies<br />

accordingly and return their wands to the Table.<br />

Eight minutes after the Bar is ordered to be cleared, the doors leading<br />

into the Chamber from outside are locked, and only those already in the<br />

Chamber or in the Lobbies can from that moment vote.<br />

After eight minutes the Tellers must remain in the Lobbies until they<br />

are satisfied that all Lords who wish to vote in their Lobby have done so.<br />

The Tellers then walk the length of the Lobbies and return to the<br />

Chamber by the door furthest from their telling position in order to be<br />

able to collect last-minute votes. They inform the Clerk at the Table of<br />

the numbers who have voted in their Lobby. To this figure the Clerk<br />

adds any votes taken in the House.<br />

One of the Tellers for the majority then receives from the Clerk a<br />

paper on which the numbers are recorded. This he hands, with a bow, to<br />

the Lord on the Woolsack or in the Chair, who announces the figures to<br />

the House. The Teller waits by the Woolsack or the Chair until the result<br />

is announced.<br />

When the result is announced, the Teller rejoins the other three<br />

Tellers who meanwhile have remained at the Table. All four then hand<br />

back their wands to the Clerk and disperse.<br />


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