HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament
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the order may be discharged and an order made to commit the bill instead to a joint or to a select committee. A motion may be tabled to commit a part of a bill to a select committee. If the bill is referred to a joint committee a message is sent to the House of Commons informing them and desiring their agreement. 1 A bill may be committed to a select committee on another bill. 8.120 The method of appointment and powers of the committee are the same as for an ad hoc committee on a general subject (see paragraph 11.03); but the bill forms the committee’s order of reference and defines the scope of the inquiry. 8.121 When the committee has completed its deliberations, it makes a report to the House on the provisions of the bill, recommending whether or not it should proceed. The committee usually gives reasons in a report similar to a report on a general subject. The committee has no power to put an end to the bill. If it considers that the bill should proceed, the committee reports it with such amendments as it thinks fit, and the bill is then recommitted to a Committee of the whole House in the form in which it has been reported. When a committee makes amendments, formal minutes of proceedings are required to record the amendments made. The minutes of proceedings serve as the authority for the making of the amendments and the reprinting of the bill as reported. If the committee considers that it should not proceed, it reports the bill accordingly, without amendment. 8.122 When a select committee reports that a bill should not proceed, the bill is not recommitted to a Committee of the whole House. The bill remains in the list of Bills in Progress until the end of the session under the heading “Reported from the select committee that the bill should not proceed”. The House normally acquiesces in a report from a select committee recommending that a bill should not proceed, and no further proceedings on the bill take place. If the bill is to proceed, a motion, of which notice is required, has to be agreed that the bill be recommitted to a Committee of the whole House. A bill may also be recommitted to a committee after the latter has reported that it should not proceed. 2 1 LJ (1958–59) 97. 2 LJ (1854–55) 277, 334. 148

8.123 If a committee is unable to complete its consideration of the bill, it makes a special report to that effect and reports the bill without amendment. Recommitment 8.124 A bill which has been referred to a select or joint committee is, after being reported by that committee, recommitted to a Committee of the whole House unless the select or joint committee has reported that the bill should not proceed. Consolidation bills and hybrid bills are the most common examples of bills which are recommitted. 8.125 Other bills may, on motion (which is debatable and of which notice is required) moved at any time between committee and third reading, be recommitted to a Committee of the whole House or Grand Committee in their entirety, or in respect of certain clauses or Schedules. 8.126 This course is adopted when it is desirable to give further detailed consideration to the bill or certain parts of it without the constraints on speaking which apply on report and third reading; for instance: when substantial amendments are tabled too late in the committee stage to enable them to be properly considered; where there is extensive redrafting; or where amendments are tabled at a later stage on subjects which have not been considered in committee. This procedure reserves to the report stage its proper function as an opportunity to review and perfect the bill as amended in committee. 8.127 A motion that the House resolve itself into a committee on recommitment on a bill may be debated and opposed in the same way as the motion to go into committee. Procedure on recommitment is the same as in Committee of the whole House. The next stage of any bill or part of a bill subject to recommitment is report stage. However, the minimum interval between committee and report does not apply to recommitment. 8.128 SO 47(2) provides for the order of recommitment to be discharged on the same conditions as apply to the order of commitment. Consideration in Committee of the whole House at later stages of bills 8.129 In exceptional circumstances the Lord in charge of the bill may, with notice, move that the House consider particular amendments (including 149

the order may be discharged and an order made to commit the bill<br />

instead to a joint or to a select committee. A motion may be tabled to<br />

commit a part of a bill to a select committee. If the bill is referred to a<br />

joint committee a message is sent to the House of Commons informing<br />

them and desiring their agreement. 1 A bill may be committed to a select<br />

committee on another bill.<br />

8.120 The method of appointment and powers of the committee are<br />

the same as for an ad hoc committee on a general subject (see paragraph<br />

11.03); but the bill forms the committee’s order of reference and defines<br />

the scope of the inquiry.<br />

8.121 When the committee has completed its deliberations, it makes a<br />

report to the House on the provisions of the bill, recommending whether<br />

or not it should proceed. The committee usually gives reasons in a report<br />

similar to a report on a general subject. The committee has no power to<br />

put an end to the bill. If it considers that the bill should proceed, the<br />

committee reports it with such amendments as it thinks fit, and the bill is<br />

then recommitted to a Committee of the whole House in the form in<br />

which it has been reported. When a committee makes amendments,<br />

formal minutes of proceedings are required to record the amendments<br />

made. The minutes of proceedings serve as the authority for the making<br />

of the amendments and the reprinting of the bill as reported. If the<br />

committee considers that it should not proceed, it reports the bill<br />

accordingly, without amendment.<br />

8.122 When a select committee reports that a bill should not proceed,<br />

the bill is not recommitted to a Committee of the whole House. The bill<br />

remains in the list of Bills in Progress until the end of the session under<br />

the heading “Reported from the select committee that the bill should not<br />

proceed”. The House normally acquiesces in a report from a select<br />

committee recommending that a bill should not proceed, and no further<br />

proceedings on the bill take place. If the bill is to proceed, a motion, of<br />

which notice is required, has to be agreed that the bill be recommitted to<br />

a Committee of the whole House. A bill may also be recommitted to a<br />

committee after the latter has reported that it should not proceed. 2<br />

1 LJ (1958–59) 97.<br />

2 LJ (1854–55) 277, 334.<br />


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