HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament
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Special public bill committee 8.113 Special public bill committees are public bill committees that are empowered to take written and oral evidence on bills before considering them clause by clause in the usual way. Law Commission bills are normally committed to a special public bill committee, 1 but the procedure may also be used for any bill irrespective of the House of introduction. 2 8.114 A bill is committed to a special public bill committee by a motion moved after second reading by the Lord in charge of the bill. Where it is proposed in advance that a bill be committed to a special public bill committee, the Committee of Selection reports on the membership of the committee before second reading to allow arrangements for taking evidence to be put in hand contingent on the bill being committed. 3 The government has a majority over the other parties, with the balance held by the Crossbench members. It has been the practice for the relevant minister and frontbench spokesmen from the other parties to be members. Any member of the House may attend any public meeting of the committee. Unlike select committees empowered to take evidence, a special public bill committee is not given powers such as those to appoint advisers or to travel. The committee may sit whether the House is sitting or not. 4 8.115 Special public bill committees must conclude their taking of evidence within a 28-day period beginning with the date on which they are appointed, excluding any adjournment of the House for more than three days, but there is no time limit for their subsequent proceedings. The relevant government department produces with the bill a summary of the consultation undertaken, with an indication of representations received and changes made. The evidence taking usually begins with the minister giving evidence, following which the minister rejoins the committee on the other side of the table. 1 Procedure 1st Rpt 2007–08. 2 Procedure 1st Rpt 1994–95. 3 HL Deb. 13 December 1995, cols 1279–88. 4 Procedure 3rd Rpt 1970–71; 2nd Rpt 1987–88. 146

8.116 There is an interval after the conclusion of the evidence taking, to enable members of the committee to table amendments. 1 The committee then meets to consider any amendments tabled. Proceedings are the same as for a public bill committee. 8.117 The committee does not produce any report on the bill other than the bill as amended, which is printed in the usual way. The written and oral evidence are published, together with the verbatim report of the special public bill committee proceedings. 2 Procedures common to public bill committees and special public bill committees 8.118 Public bill committees and special public bill committees, when considering amendments, follow the procedure of a committee stage in the Chamber as closely as possible. Members speak standing and, so far as they can, observe the same degree of formality as in the Chamber. The committee adjourns for 10 minutes for a division in the House. Notice of the proceedings is given on the order paper and amendments for consideration in such proceedings, which may be tabled and spoken to by any member, are printed and circulated as for Committee of the whole House. The verbatim report of this part of a committee’s proceedings is published as an appendix to Hansard. The committee’s report to the House is recorded formally by entry in the Minutes of Proceedings. Bill committed to select or joint committee 8.119 A public bill (other than a consolidation bill which is referred automatically after second reading to the Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills under SO 51) may be committed to a select committee or a joint committee when detailed investigation is considered desirable or when the hearing of evidence is considered necessary. To achieve this a motion is moved that a bill be committed to a select committee or that a joint committee be appointed to consider the bill. Such a motion is usually moved immediately after second reading but is admissible at any stage before third reading. If the bill has previously been committed to a Committee of the whole House or Grand Committee, 1 Amendments may be tabled in the usual way at any time after second reading. 2 LJ (1992–93) 161, 163; ibid (1993–94) 586, 682; HL Deb. 13 December 1995, cols 1279–88. 147

Special public bill committee<br />

8.113 Special public bill committees are public bill committees that are<br />

empowered to take written and oral evidence on bills before considering<br />

them clause by clause in the usual way. Law Commission bills are<br />

normally committed to a special public bill committee, 1 but the<br />

procedure may also be used for any bill irrespective of the House of<br />

introduction. 2<br />

8.114 A bill is committed to a special public bill committee by a motion<br />

moved after second reading by the Lord in charge of the bill. Where it is<br />

proposed in advance that a bill be committed to a special public bill<br />

committee, the Committee of Selection reports on the membership of<br />

the committee before second reading to allow arrangements for taking<br />

evidence to be put in hand contingent on the bill being committed. 3 The<br />

government has a majority over the other parties, with the balance held<br />

by the Crossbench members. It has been the practice for the relevant<br />

minister and frontbench spokesmen from the other parties to be<br />

members. Any member of the House may attend any public meeting of<br />

the committee. Unlike select committees empowered to take evidence, a<br />

special public bill committee is not given powers such as those to appoint<br />

advisers or to travel. The committee may sit whether the House is sitting<br />

or not. 4<br />

8.115 Special public bill committees must conclude their taking of<br />

evidence within a 28-day period beginning with the date on which they<br />

are appointed, excluding any adjournment of the House for more than<br />

three days, but there is no time limit for their subsequent proceedings.<br />

The relevant government department produces with the bill a summary<br />

of the consultation undertaken, with an indication of representations<br />

received and changes made. The evidence taking usually begins with the<br />

minister giving evidence, following which the minister rejoins the<br />

committee on the other side of the table.<br />

1 Procedure 1st Rpt 2007–08.<br />

2 Procedure 1st Rpt 1994–95.<br />

3 HL Deb. 13 December 1995, cols 1279–88.<br />

4 Procedure 3rd Rpt 1970–71; 2nd Rpt 1987–88.<br />


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