HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament


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“That the House do now resolve itself into a committee upon the<br />

bill.”<br />

8.77 This motion is sometimes used as an opportunity for a general<br />

discussion on the amendments or on the procedure to be followed in<br />

committee or on whether to go into committee at that time. The motion<br />

may be opposed by reasoned amendment or by an amendment to<br />

postpone the committee stage or to discharge the order of commitment<br />

and to commit the bill instead to another committee, though opposition<br />

to the motion seldom occurs. When the committee stage lasts more<br />

than one day, the motion moved on a subsequent day “That the House<br />

do again resolve itself into a committee upon the bill” may provide an<br />

opportunity to raise matters relating to the progress of the bill.<br />

8.78 When the motion that the House go into committee has been<br />

agreed to, the Lord on the Woolsack leaves the Woolsack, takes the<br />

Chair at the Table of the House 1 and puts the formal Questions<br />

postponing the long title and any preamble (no motion being moved).<br />

Powers and duties of Chairman<br />

8.79 The powers and duties of the Lord in the Chair are the same as<br />

those of the Lord Speaker or Deputy Speaker when the House is sitting<br />

(see paragraph 4.07). They are generally confined to the calling on of<br />

clauses, Schedules and amendments to bills referred to the committee,<br />

and putting the Question thereon. The Lord in the Chair also makes the<br />

formal report of the committee to the whole House. Like any other<br />

member, the Lord in the Chair may vote; he does not (as in the<br />

Commons) have a casting vote.<br />

Powers of Committee of the whole House<br />

8.80 A Committee of the whole House can only consider those<br />

matters which have been referred to it, including any instruction to the<br />

committee given by the House. Where a bill has been committed to a<br />

committee, the whole bill is the committee’s order of reference. A<br />

Committee of the whole House has no power to adjourn the sitting or<br />

to adjourn its consideration of a bill to a future sitting (though<br />

Committees of the whole House may interrupt their consideration of a<br />

1 SO 62.<br />


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