HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament

HOUSE OF LORDS - United Kingdom Parliament


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6.49 The three types of motion are<br />

motions for papers;<br />

resolutions;<br />

“take-note” motions.<br />

Motions for papers 1<br />

6.50 The words “; and to move for papers” are added to a subject for<br />

debate so that the mover of the motion has the right to reply to the<br />

debate. It is recognised that at the end of the debate such a motion<br />

should normally be withdrawn, since it is treated as a neutral motion and<br />

there is neither advantage nor significance in pressing it. The opinion of<br />

the House is expressed in the speeches made in the debate rather than<br />

on a division.<br />

6.51 The wording of these motions should be short and neutrally<br />

phrased to avoid provocative or tendentious language, although members<br />

are not prevented from advancing controversial points of view in the<br />

course of debate. A motion for papers should not include a statement of<br />

opinion or demonstrate a point of view. By custom, no amendments are<br />

tabled to such motions.<br />

Resolutions 2<br />

6.52 Resolutions may be put down in cases where a member wishes<br />

the House to make a definite decision on a subject, if necessary on a<br />

vote. A resolution, if passed, constitutes the formal opinion or decision of<br />

the House on the matter.<br />

6.53 Resolutions begin with the words “To move to resolve …” or “To<br />

move that this House …”, and it is in order to incorporate statements of<br />

opinion or the demonstration of a point of view.<br />

Motions to take note<br />

6.54 Debate may also take place on a motion “That this House takes<br />

note of …”. This formula enables the House to debate a situation or a<br />

document without coming to any positive decision. The formula is<br />

1 Procedure 2nd Rpt 1966–67.<br />

2 Procedure 1st Rpt 1985–86.<br />


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