Financial Statements and Management Report - Thyssenkrupp

Financial Statements and Management Report - Thyssenkrupp

Financial Statements and Management Report - Thyssenkrupp


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1.7 <strong>Management</strong> report Legal informations<br />

Legal information<br />

The following section mainly contains the compensation report <strong>and</strong><br />

information <strong>and</strong> explanations in accordance with Art. 289 par. 2 of<br />

the German Commercial Code (HGB).<br />

Corporate governance declaration<br />

The corporate governance statement issued in accordance with Art. 289a HGB is published on our website at<br />

http://www.thyssenkrupp.com/en/investor/unternehmensfuehrung.html. It contains a description of how the<br />

Executive Board <strong>and</strong> Supervisory Board operate, the declaration of conformity in accordance with Art. 161 Stock<br />

Corporation Act (AktG) <strong>and</strong> information on key corporate governance practices.<br />

Compensation report<br />

Performance-based compensation for the Executive Board<br />

According to the Act on the Appropriateness of <strong>Management</strong> Board Remuneration (VorstAG) <strong>and</strong> a<br />

corresponding provision in the rules of procedure for the Supervisory Board, the full Supervisory Board is<br />

responsible for determining individual Executive Board compensation following preparation by the Personnel<br />

Committee. The compensation system was approved by the Annual General Meeting on January 21, 2011<br />

with a majority of 94.91% of the capital represented.<br />

The compensation for the Executive Board members comprises non-performance-related <strong>and</strong> performancerelated<br />

components. The non-performance-related components are the fixed compensation, additional<br />

benefits <strong>and</strong> pension plans, while the performance-related components are the performance bonus <strong>and</strong> the<br />

LTI as a component with a long-term incentive effect. On top of this there is an additional bonus<br />

representing a cash flow-based management incentive, on the award of which the Supervisory Board makes<br />

a new decision each year.<br />

Criteria for the appropriateness of Executive Board compensation include the duties of the individual<br />

Executive Board members, their personal performance, the business situation, the success <strong>and</strong> prospects of<br />

the Company <strong>and</strong> also the prevailing level of compensation at peer companies <strong>and</strong> the compensation<br />

structure applying in the Company. The performance-related components contain elements that are<br />

measured over several years. They therefore set long-term incentives <strong>and</strong> focus the compensation structure<br />

on the sustainable development of the Company.<br />


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