Employer Reference Manual - PSERs

Employer Reference Manual - PSERs

Employer Reference Manual - PSERs


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Public School<br />

Employees’<br />

Retirement System<br />

<strong>Employer</strong><br />

<strong>Reference</strong><br />

<strong>Manual</strong><br />


PSERS <strong>Employer</strong>’s <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Manual</strong><br />

for Reporting<br />

Public School Employees’ Retirement System<br />

PO Box 125<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Service Center<br />

Phone 1-866-353-1844<br />

Fax 717.783.8760<br />

E-mail: ContactESC@pa.gov<br />

Web Address: www.psers.state.pa.us

Table of Contents<br />

Accessing the Online System ....................................................................................................................... 1<br />

Setting Up Your Online User Names and Passwords ............................................................................................................... 4<br />

Create New User Name ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5<br />

Edit an Existing User Name ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6<br />

Set User Permissions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7<br />

Changing Your Security Administrator ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9<br />

Entering <strong>Employer</strong> Contact Information .................................................................................................................................. 9<br />

Membership: Mandatory, Optional, and Prohibited................................................................................. 13<br />

Membership Eligibility ............................................................................................................................................................. 13<br />

Membership Status’ .................................................................................................................................................................. 16<br />

Part-time Hourly and Part-time Per Diem Minimum Service Requirements for Qualification ........................................................................................... 17<br />

What Constitutes a Break in Membership? ................................................................................................................................................................................... 17<br />

Determining an Employees’ PSERS Membership Status........................................................................................................................................................... 17<br />

Enrolling, Reporting, and Withholding Member Contributions ............................................................................................................................................... 18<br />

Quick <strong>Reference</strong> Table for Enrolling and Reporting Employees .......................................................................................... 18<br />

Membership Eligibility Questionnaire .................................................................................................................................... 20<br />

Determining if a Part-Time Employee may Waive Membership in PSERS ........................................................................................................................... 21<br />

Informing PSERS of an Employees’ Request to Waiver Membership in PSERS ................................................................................................................. 22<br />

PSERS and the Employees’ Action upon Receipt of the ACTIVW Contract Record ......................................................................................................... 22<br />

PSERS Annual Waiver Evaluation ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 24<br />

Events that Terminate a Membership Waiver .............................................................................................................................................................................. 24<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>’s Action if Membership Waiver is Denied or Terminated ...................................................................................................................................... 24<br />

Member Demographic Information .......................................................................................................... 25<br />

What is Member Demographic Information? ......................................................................................................................... 25<br />

How is Member Demographic Information Sent to PSERS? ................................................................................................................................................... 26<br />

Member Demographic Info Sub-Menu ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 26<br />

Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic Information .................................................................................................................................................. 27<br />

Member Demographic Information Window .............................................................................................................................................................................. 29<br />

Saving the Member Demographic Information Record ............................................................................................................................................................. 31<br />

Changing an Employee’s Member Demographic Information ................................................................................................................................................. 31<br />

Member Demographic Information – Submit by Uploading a File ...................................................................................... 33<br />

Format for Member Demographic Information Files ................................................................................................................................................................ 33<br />

Header of the Member Demographic Information File ............................................................................................................................................................. 34<br />

Record Lines in the Member Demographic Information File .................................................................................................................................................. 35<br />

Uploading a Member Demographic Information File ................................................................................................................................................................ 36<br />

Member Demographic Info Work Area – File Window ........................................................................................................ 36<br />

Member Demographic Info Work Area – Record Detail Window ....................................................................................... 36<br />

Access .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37<br />

Saving Your Changes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37<br />

Submitting the Records to PSERS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 37<br />

Member Contract Records ......................................................................................................................... 38<br />

What are Member Contract Records? .................................................................................................................................... 38<br />

Employee Working Multiple Jobs for One <strong>Employer</strong> ............................................................................................................ 39<br />

Employee Works a Full-Time Position Plus Other Positions ................................................................................................................................................... 39<br />

Employee Works Multiple Part-Time Positions but NO Full-Time Position ........................................................................................................................ 39<br />

How are Member Contract Records Transmitted to PSERS? .............................................................................................. 40<br />

Member Contract Info Sub-Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 41<br />

Member Contract Records – Creating Individually ............................................................................................................... 41<br />

Member Contract Information Window ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 42<br />

Saving the Member Contract Record ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 45<br />

Work Status Descriptions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 45<br />



Work Status Quick <strong>Reference</strong> Table .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 50<br />

Member Contract Records – Create by Uploading a File .......................................................................................................................................................... 51<br />

Record Lines in the Member Contract Information File ........................................................................................................................................................... 53<br />

Uploading a Member Contract Information File ................................................................................................................... 54<br />

Member Contract Info Work Area – Record Detail Window ................................................................................................................................................... 55<br />

Saving Your Changes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 56<br />

Submitting the Records to PSERS ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 56<br />

Member Contract Records – Changing Information for an Employee ................................................................................................................................... 56<br />

What You Do When an Employee…............................................................................................................................................................................................ 56<br />

Changing Member Contract Records Online ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57<br />

Changing Member Contract Records by Submitting a File ....................................................................................................................................................... 61<br />

Examples ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 61<br />

Reporting – An Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 63<br />

What You Will Do Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually .......................................................................................................... 63<br />

Monthly: .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 63<br />

Quarterly, Annual, or As-Needed: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 64<br />

What Earnings Qualify for Contributions and Contribution Rates ..................................................................................... 64<br />

Qualified Earnings ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64<br />

Part-Time Hourly and Per Diem Employees ............................................................................................................................................................................... 66<br />

Maximum Earnings Subject to Contributions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 67<br />

Unqualified Earnings (Non Retirement Covered Compensation) ............................................................................................................................................ 68<br />

Determining Employee Contribution Rates ............................................................................................................................ 71<br />

Membership Classes T-E and T-F ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71<br />

Exceptions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74<br />

Reporting – Monthly Work Report ............................................................................................................ 76<br />

How is Work Reports Transmitted to PSERS? ...................................................................................................................... 76<br />

Work Reporting Sub-Menu ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 77<br />

Method # 1: <strong>Manual</strong>ly Creating a Work Report Online ........................................................................................................ 77<br />

Method # 2: Uploading a Work Report File (most common reporting method) .................................................................. 79<br />

Format for Work Report Files ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 80<br />

Header of the Work Report File ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 80<br />

Record Lines in the Work Report File .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 82<br />

Work Report Record Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 86<br />

Saving Your Changes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 92<br />

Submitting the Monthly Work Report to PSERS ................................................................................................................... 93<br />

Reporting – Ensuring the Monthly Work Report Is Complete and Correct ............................................ 94<br />

Reporting an Employee Who Works Multiple Positions for You ......................................................................................... 95<br />

When an Employee’s Work Status Changes ........................................................................................................................... 97<br />

If an Employee is Left off a Monthly Work Report ............................................................................................................... 99<br />

Reporting – Leaves of Absence ................................................................................................................ 100<br />

Reporting an Employee on Leave .......................................................................................................................................... 100<br />

Contributing Leaves ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 100<br />

Non-Contributing Leaves that Can Be Purchased Later .......................................................................................................................................................... 101<br />

Non-Contributing Leaves that CANNOT Be Purchased Later ............................................................................................................................................. 102<br />

Notes about Leaves ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 102<br />

When the Employee Returns from Leave ............................................................................................................................. 104<br />

If the Employee Does NOT Return from Paid Leave ............................................................................................................................................................. 104<br />

Reporting – Service Time ......................................................................................................................... 106<br />

How to Report Service Time .................................................................................................................................................. 106<br />

How to Calculate Service Time .............................................................................................................................................. 107<br />

Hourly Employees .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 107<br />

Per Diem Employees ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 107<br />

Full-Time Salaried Employees ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 108<br />

Part-Time Salaried Employees ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 109<br />



Employees Working Multiple Positions ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 113<br />

Employees on a Non-Contributing Leave .................................................................................................................................................................................. 113<br />

Employee Terminates Service During the Year .................................................................................................................... 113<br />

Hourly and Per Diem ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 113<br />

Salaried .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114<br />

Member Contract Record .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 114<br />

General Rules .......................................................................................................................................................................... 114<br />

Verifying Your Reported Service Time is Correct ............................................................................................................... 115<br />

How to Correct Reported Service Errors .............................................................................................................................. 115<br />

Reporting – Work Report Adjustments .................................................................................................... 116<br />

When to Submit a Work Report Adjustment Record .......................................................................................................... 116<br />

Interest for Late Contributions .............................................................................................................................................. 117<br />

Adjustments to Fiscal Years Prior to 2004-2005 ................................................................................................................... 117<br />

How are Work Report Adjustments Transmitted to PSERS? ............................................................................................ 117<br />

Adjustments Sub-Menu .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 118<br />

Method # 1: <strong>Manual</strong>ly Creating Work Report Adjustment(s) Online ................................................................................ 118<br />

Method # 2: Uploading a Work Report Adjustment File ..................................................................................................... 119<br />

Format for Work Report Adjustment Files .......................................................................................................................... 120<br />

Header of the Work Report Adjustment File ............................................................................................................................................................................. 120<br />

Record Lines in the Work Report Adjustment File .................................................................................................................................................................. 122<br />

Using the Edit Window .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 126<br />

Work Report Adjustment Record Fields..................................................................................................................................................................................... 127<br />

Saving Your Changes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 133<br />

Submitting the Work Report Adjustment(s) to PSERS ....................................................................................................... 133<br />

Work Report Adjustments – Examples ................................................................................................................................. 134<br />

Reporting Information that was OMITTED ............................................................................................................................................................................. 134<br />

Adjusting Information that was Reported INCORRECTLY ................................................................................................................................................. 136<br />

Arbitration and Court Decision Payments ................................................................................................................................................................................. 137<br />

Non-Arbitration/Court-Awarded Lump Sum Payments ......................................................................................................................................................... 139<br />

Sub-Menus ............................................................................................................................................... 141<br />

Member Demographics and Contract Records ......................................................................................................................................................................... 141<br />

Work Reports and Work Report Adjustments........................................................................................................................................................................... 142<br />

Submitting Records by Uploading Files .................................................................................................. 144<br />

Standard File Format .............................................................................................................................. 145<br />

Uploading a File....................................................................................................................................... 147<br />

Work Area Window .................................................................................................................................. 149<br />

Created by File Upload ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 149<br />

<strong>Manual</strong> Files Created Online ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 150<br />

Work Area – Record Detail Window ....................................................................................................... 152<br />

Eligible Service ........................................................................................................................................................................ 157<br />

Return of Withdrawn Contributions ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 157<br />

Former Uncredited Full-Time Service ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 157<br />

Former Uncredited Part-Time Service ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 157<br />

Former Uncredited Non-Qualifying Part-Time Service ........................................................................................................................................................... 158<br />

Approved Leave of Absence ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 158<br />

Maternity Leave of Absence .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 159<br />

Service with a County Board of School Directors ..................................................................................................................................................................... 160<br />

Military Service ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 160<br />

Out-of-State School Service .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 162<br />

United States Government Service .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 162<br />

Pennsylvania County Nurse Service ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 163<br />



How PSERS Responds to Work Reports and Payments ......................................................................... 165<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Statement of Accounts ........................................................................................................................................... 165<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Web ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 165<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Notification of Change in Member Class / Rate or Obtaining Qualification (CROQ) ..................................... 169<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> SOA Estimated Addendum Letter ....................................................................................................................... 172<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>’s Member Service Report ..................................................................................................................................... 172<br />

Payments – Remitting to PSERS ............................................................................................................. 174<br />

Due Dates ................................................................................................................................................................................. 174<br />

Member (Employee) Contributions ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 175<br />

Member (Employee) Purchase of Service Installments ............................................................................................................................................................ 176<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Contributions ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 176<br />

Delinquency Interest Calculations ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 179<br />

Avoiding Interest Charges ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 180<br />

When Your <strong>Employer</strong> Statement of Accounts Shows a Different Due Amount Than You Remitted .................................................................................... 181<br />

Methods of Remittance .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 182<br />

If Payments Are Not Received by PSERS ............................................................................................................................. 186<br />

School Districts ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 186<br />

Charter Schools ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 186<br />

Refund of Contributions / Credit for Salary Reported............................................................................ 187<br />

Credit for Contributions for Part-Time Employees ............................................................................................................. 188<br />

Credit for Salaries & Contributions During a Leave of Absence ........................................................................................ 189<br />

Contacting PSERS ................................................................................................................................... 192<br />

Contacting PSERS through the Online System .................................................................................................................... 192<br />

Contacting PSERS by Telephone or Fax ............................................................................................................................... 193<br />

Contacting PSERS by Mail .................................................................................................................................................... 193<br />

Contacting PSERS by Email .................................................................................................................................................. 193<br />

Obtaining PSERS Forms ........................................................................................................................................................ 193<br />

Introduction of Act 120 Changes to Pension .......................................................................................... 195<br />

Benefit Changes General Information ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 195<br />

What is a member? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 195<br />

Impacts on All Members................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 195<br />

Qualification in a fiscal year is met in one of two ways ............................................................................................................................................................ 196<br />

Benefit Cuts for New Members After July 1, 2011 ................................................................................................................................................................... 197<br />

How to Determine Membership Class ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 198<br />

Class T-F Election Process ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 198<br />

Shared Risk ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 200<br />



Chapter<br />

1<br />

Accessing the Online<br />

System<br />

The PSERS online system will be used to submit most reports and information. Before<br />

attempting any procedure described in this manual, ensure that you know how to<br />

access the system and that your contact information is correct. These procedures are<br />

described in this section.<br />

To access PSERS’ online system, search in Web browser (Internet Explorer version<br />

5.5 or later) to:<br />

http://www.psers.state.pa.us<br />

You will see the following screen:<br />


This screen will tell you if the <strong>Employer</strong> Web Applications are currently available.<br />

Place your mouse over the “<strong>Employer</strong>s” button Web on the right-hand side of the<br />

screen until more options appear underneath.<br />

Click on “<strong>Employer</strong> Web” to reach the “PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Web Applications” screen.<br />

This will take you to the Terms and Conditions page.<br />

You must first scroll down and accept the terms and conditions in order to reach the<br />

log on screen.<br />


You will see the following screen:<br />

Enter the User Name and Password set up for you by PSERS or by your Security<br />

Administrator. If you do not have a User Name set up yet, see Setting up Your Online<br />

User Names and Passwords on page 4.<br />

After entering your User Name and Password, click “Submit.” The system’s <strong>Employer</strong><br />

Services main page appears. This is your main screen for the online system. All of<br />

the online functions described in this <strong>Employer</strong>’s <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> for Reporting are<br />

accessed from the left-hand menu on this screen.<br />


Setting Up Your Online User Names and Passwords<br />

Before you can begin using the online system, you (the employer) must designate<br />

someone to be a Security Administrator for the online system. This Security<br />

Administrator will set up users at your location and will maintain these users’<br />

accounts.<br />

Follow the procedures found on page 9, Changing Your Security Administrator, if your<br />

Security Administrator leaves or changes.<br />

Your Security Administrator must be set up with a User Name and Password to begin<br />

using the online system. To request this, you must complete a PSERS <strong>Employer</strong><br />

Security Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270) form and submit this to PSERS.<br />

PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Security Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270)<br />


You may access the PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Security Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270)<br />

form on the PSERS website or by calling the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center toll-free at<br />

1-866-353-1844.<br />

You must fill out the PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Security Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270)<br />

form and return it to PSERS within one month of accepting the role of Security<br />

Administrator so that you can begin submitting your reports. PSERS will process your<br />

request and will send your Security Administrator a letter with an Initial User Name and a<br />

separate e-mail with an initial Password.<br />

Up to four Security Administrators can be set up per employer. Not all of the<br />

employees who use the online system need to be administrators. Your Security<br />

Administrator has full access to the online system and can set up additional User<br />

Names and Passwords for each employee who will be using the online system on a<br />

regular basis. This setup process is described next.<br />

Create New User Name<br />

To set up a new User Name and Password, the Security Administrator must first log in<br />

with their User Name, because the Security Administrator is the only one able to set<br />

up new users. The Security Administrators initial User Name that PSERS creates for<br />

you has this permission.<br />

After logging in, click “Admin Functions” in the left-hand menu on the screen. The<br />

Admin Functions sub-menu opens. In this sub-menu, click “Create User.” The<br />

following screen appears:<br />

Enter the user’s last name, first name, email address, and phone number in the<br />

indicated fields.<br />


In the User ID field, enter the User Name that this person will use to log into the<br />

online system. The standard for the User Name is to enter the first letter of the user’s<br />

first name, the user’s full last name, an underscore (_), and your 6-digit PSERS<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> ID number. If your PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> ID is shorter than 6 digits, add one or<br />

two zeroes to the beginning to make it a 6-digit number.<br />

Example: John Doe works for PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> 5125. John’s User ID would be<br />

JDOE_005125.<br />

If another user already exists in the online system with this same User ID,<br />

create the additional User ID by adding the consecutive letters of the user’s first name<br />

after the first letter of the User ID.<br />

Example: Jane Doe also works for <strong>Employer</strong> 5125 and also needs access to the online<br />

system. Enter her User ID as: JADOE_005125.<br />

After entering information in all fields, click “Submit.”<br />

If the User Name you entered is valid, you will see the message, “Msg – User created<br />

successfully” followed by the User Name. You must communicate the User Name to<br />

the user so that this person can access the system. The system will generate a<br />

Password and email it to the user.<br />

If the User Name you entered is already in use by someone else, you will see the<br />

message, “Error – The User Name already exists. Please choose a different ID.” In<br />

this case, enter a different User Name as described above, reenter the password, and<br />

click “Submit” again.<br />

Edit an Existing User Name<br />

If you have created any User Names, you may edit these. Click “Admin Functions”<br />

in the left-hand menu on the screen. The Admin Functions sub-menu opens. In this<br />

sub-menu, click “Edit User.” The following window appears on the screen:<br />

To view information about any User Name listed, click “Info” next to the appropriate<br />

User Name. This will take you to the screen shown under Create New User Name.<br />

You may edit any field, including the password for this User Name.<br />

To receive a new Password, click “Reset” next to the appropriate User Name. You<br />

will see the message, “Msg – User password has been reset.”<br />


Set User Permissions<br />

You may set the permissions for any User Name to allow this user access to only the<br />

portions of the online system needed for that person’s job.<br />

Click “Admin Functions” in the left-hand menu on the screen. The Admin Functions<br />

sub-menu opens. In this sub-menu, click “User Permissions.” The following screen<br />

appears:<br />

Locate the person whose permissions you want to edit and click “Edit” next to that<br />

User Name. The following screen appears:<br />


The permission options allow or block access to each part of the online system. Each<br />

permission option refers to a screen that can be accessed from the left-hand menu or<br />

from a sub-menu. You can allow the user to view a screen but not enter information<br />

into it by selecting “Read” and deselecting “Update.” To block all access to a screen,<br />

deselect BOTH the “Read” and “Update” options for that screen. To allow the user full<br />

access to a screen, select BOTH options.<br />

Example: To allow the user to view the “Contact Info” screen (by clicking “Contact<br />

Info” in the left-hand menu), select the “Read” option next to “Contact Info.” To allow<br />

the user to enter, edit, or delete information within the Contact Info screen, also<br />

select the “Update” option.<br />

Select all permissions this user is allowed to perform. Deselect all functions<br />

this user should be blocked from performing.<br />

Most of the permission options are self-explanatory as you read through this<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>’s <strong>Reference</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> for Reporting. A few functions are described briefly<br />

below:<br />

Account Details: These permission options control whether or not the selected<br />

user is allowed to click “Account Details” in the left-hand menu and go to the<br />

Account Details screen. The Account Details screen shows basic information<br />

about your account with PSERS and also allows you to view your monthly<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Statement of Accounts online. See How PSERS Responds to Work<br />

Reports and Payments on page 165 Drop down box.<br />

Adjustments/Create Adjustments: These permission options control whether<br />

or not the user can view and create Work Report Adjustments, as describing in<br />

Reporting – Work Report Adjustments on page 116.<br />

Forms: These permission options control whether or not the user can view and<br />

use PSERS forms within the online system. See Obtaining PSERS Forms on page<br />

193.<br />

Contact PSERS: These permission options control whether or not the selected<br />

user is allowed to click “Contact PSERS” in the left-hand menu and go to the<br />

Contact PSERS screen. The Contact PSERS screen shows how to reach PSERS<br />

and allows the user to email PSERS directly by filling out an online form. See<br />

Contacting PSERS on page 192.<br />

When done setting permissions for this user, click “Submit.” You will see the<br />

message, “Msg – User screen permission has been changed successfully.” If you<br />

receive an error message, contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center for assistance.<br />

If you need to reset the permissions to the way they were before you entered this<br />

screen, click “Reset” rather than “Submit.”<br />


Changing Your Security Administrator<br />

Your Security Administrator has full access to the online system. If the individual who<br />

has been serving as your Security Administrator leaves your employ or changes to<br />

another position, you should remove this person’s access to the system. You must<br />

also establish a new Security Administrator in this case.<br />

To remove the old Security Administrator, fill out the PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Security<br />

Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270) form and check the box marked “Delete<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Security Administrator.” In the rest of the form, enter information about<br />

the old Security Administrator who should be removed.<br />

To establish the new Security Administrator, fill out the PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Security<br />

Administrator Authorization (PSRS-1270) form and check the box marked “Create<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Security Administrator.” In the rest of the form, enter information about<br />

the new individual who will be serving as Security Administrator.<br />

Submit BOTH forms to:<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Service Center<br />

Public School Employees’ Retirement System<br />

PO Box 125<br />

Harrisburg, PA 17108-0125<br />

Or<br />

Fax them to: (717) 783-8760<br />

If the Security Administrator replacement is urgent, contact PSERS’ <strong>Employer</strong> Service<br />

Center by telephone at:<br />

1-866-353-1844<br />

Or<br />

Fax to 1-717-783-8760<br />

Entering <strong>Employer</strong> Contact Information<br />

There are many occasions when PSERS needs to contact an employer. To ensure that<br />

PSERS communicates with the correct person about each issue, keep all of your<br />

contact information current.<br />

To update the contact information, click “Contact Info” in the left-hand menu on the<br />

screen. The “<strong>Employer</strong> Contact Info” window appears.<br />

Use this window to enter information about who handles the various types of work at<br />

your place of business. Start by clicking the drop-down menu button beside “Monthly<br />

Reports” in the Contact Type field, as shown in the following screen sample:<br />


A list of contact types appears in a scroll box, as pictured above. These contact types<br />

are described next:<br />

NOTE: If contract address is the same as the schools address check then you can<br />

check the “Same as School Address” box.<br />


Monthly Reports<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Newsletter<br />

Refunds<br />

Retirements<br />

Business Manager<br />

Information Technology<br />

Healthcare<br />

Superintendents<br />

Member Newsletter<br />

Purchase of Service<br />

Receivables<br />

Member<br />

Demographics/Contracts<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Statement of<br />

Accounts<br />

The person who will submit monthly Work Reports to PSERS<br />

The person who should receive a PSERS newsletter with<br />

information pertaining to business operations<br />

The person who should be contacted regarding any refunds of<br />

contributions being processed for a former employee<br />

The person who handles retirement application processing within<br />

your district or entity<br />

The Business Manager or person in charge of Accounting<br />

The person in charge of your Information Technology<br />

(computer) needs<br />

The person who handles the health care program/insurance for<br />

your employees<br />

For a school district, this is the District Superintendent. For a<br />

charter school, this is the Director, Principal, Board Chairperson,<br />

or other relevant position. For a non-school entity, this is the<br />

CEO, President, or other individual who oversees the activities of<br />

the entire entity.<br />

The person who should receive a copy of all newsletters that<br />

PSERS sends to its members (your employees)<br />

The person who coordinates the payments of Purchase of<br />

Service for the members (employees) and employer<br />

The person who enters Member Demographic Records and<br />

Member Contract Records for employees.<br />

The person(s) who receives <strong>Employer</strong> Statement of Accounts<br />

(billings) from PSERS. This <strong>Employer</strong> Statement of Accounts<br />

shows the following activity:<br />

• Member Savings<br />

• <strong>Employer</strong> Share<br />

• Member Purchase of Service Payments<br />

It may be necessary to scroll up or down to see some of the contact types. As part of<br />

the setup process, select each contact type in turn and enter detailed contact<br />

information about the person who handles this type of work.<br />

Example: The NPAS School District enters information about their Business Manager<br />

as follows:<br />


You can click “Delete Contact Info” to clear all the information on the screen or<br />

“Cancel” to exit the screen without saving any information.<br />

When done entering information for a particular Contact Type, click “Update Contact<br />

Info” at the bottom of the window.<br />

• The information you entered will be checked for validity. If any errors or<br />

exceptions occur, you will see an error message in red near the top of the<br />

window. Errors must be corrected. Exceptions are shown for your information;<br />

you may save and exit with the exception still in place. After correcting any<br />

errors, click “Update Contact Info” again.<br />

• When all information passes the validity check, you will see the message, “Msg<br />

- Contact updated successfully.”<br />


Chapter<br />

2<br />

Membership: Mandatory,<br />

Optional, and Prohibited<br />

This chapter contains information regarding the eligibility requirements for PSERS<br />

membership and the requirements and procedures for waiving PSERS membership. It<br />

also describes the various membership statuses that PSERS maintains and explains<br />

how membership status impacts eligibility requirements.<br />

Membership Eligibility<br />

Employment type (full-time or part-time) is a key element in determining PSERS<br />

membership eligibility. For PSERS’ purposes, full-time employment is defined as<br />

working at least 5 hours or more a day, 5 days a week or its equivalent (25 or more<br />

hours a week). Part-time employment is defined as anything less than:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

5 hours a day,<br />

5 days a week, or<br />

Its equivalent (25 or more hours a week).<br />

Employees must be reported to PSERS according to PSERS definition of full-time<br />

and part-time, which may not match the employer’s definition, and the additional<br />

rules defined below.<br />

• Mandatory (eligible) Membership – Membership in PSERS is mandatory for all<br />

full-time school employees unless one of the criteria listed below under Optional or<br />

Prohibited Membership is met.<br />

Membership is mandatory for any full-time officer or employee of the Department of<br />

Education, State-owned educational institutions, community colleges, area vocationaltechnical<br />

schools, technical institutes, or the Pennsylvania State University who is not<br />

a member of the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) or of an alternate<br />

retirement plan approved by the employer (e.g. TIAA CREF, etc.) unless one of the<br />

criteria listed below under Optional or Prohibited Membership is met.<br />

Membership is mandatory for all full-time Charter School Employees, whose charter<br />

school does not have a retirement program which covers the employees or the<br />


employee is not currently enrolled in another retirement program unless one of the<br />

criteria listed below under Optional or Prohibited Membership is met.<br />

Membership is mandatory for annuitants who return to school service in a nonemergency<br />

or extracurricular and do not meet the conditions of Act 2004-63. Refer to<br />

the PSERS publication Return to Service Guidelines and Clarifications (PSRS-9682) for<br />

more information.<br />

Employees in the mandatory membership category must be enrolled and reported to<br />

PSERS and contributions must be withheld from the first day of paid service. Further<br />

details on how to enroll, report, and withhold contributions can be found in later<br />

chapters of this manual. Note that to enroll annuitants returning to active school<br />

service, who do not meet the conditions of Act 2004-63; the employer must complete<br />

a PSERS Retirees Returning to Service form (PSRS-1299).<br />

• Optional (eligible) Membership – Membership in PSERS is optional for the<br />

school employees categorized below:<br />

Part-time Employees who are not already a PSERS member and are either:<br />

‣ Salaried and work less than 5 hours a day, 5 days a week or its equivalent<br />

(less than 25 hours a week).<br />

‣ Hourly (hired and paid on an hour-to-hour basis) and work less than 5 hours<br />

a day or its equivalent of 25 hours a week, but work at least 500 hours in the<br />

school year.<br />

‣ Per Diem (hired and paid on a day-to-day basis) and work less than 5 days a<br />

week, but work at least 80 days in the school year. A workday must include<br />

a minimum of 5 hours to be considered a full day.<br />

Technically, until and unless a part-time hourly or per diem employee works at<br />

least 500 hours, 80 days, or an equivalent combination, the employee is prohibited<br />

from PSERS membership. Throughout the school year, however, as long as the<br />

employee is otherwise eligible, PSERS views part-time hourly and part-time per<br />

diem employees as “potentially eligible” members. This is true unless the<br />

employee requests to waive PSERS membership, in which case the employer<br />

should refer to Determining if a Part-Time Employee may Waive Membership in<br />

PSERS in page 21. <strong>Employer</strong>s are required to enroll and report all part-time<br />

employees. Withholding contributions for these part-time hourly and per-diem<br />

employees, however, is optional until and unless the employee meets the<br />

minimum service requirement (500 hours, 80 days, or an equivalent combination)<br />

and becomes a member of PSERS.<br />

Throughout the school year, PSERS will monitor the service reported for these<br />

employees and determine if and when the service requirements have been<br />

met. Once the employee qualifies for PSERS membership, PSERS will notify<br />

each employer on the Change in Member Class / Rate or Obtaining Qualification<br />

(CROQ) report. (See Chapter 19 How PSERS Responds to Work Reports and<br />

Payments for more information about the CROQ report). At that point<br />

employers are required to withhold contributions.<br />


If the employee qualifies for membership and the employer did not withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of employment, PSERS will automatically send<br />

a Statement of Amount Due to both the employee and the employer. The cost<br />

of this purchase will be the member contributions and the employer<br />

contributions due, respectively, plus 2 percent statutory interest for the fiscal<br />

year the money was due PSERS.<br />

If contributions are withheld from the first day of employment, but the<br />

employee does not qualify for membership during that fiscal (school) year,<br />

PSERS will credit the employer contributions to your account automatically<br />

after the fiscal year reporting cycle is complete for all reporting units. The<br />

employee will receive a refund directly from PSERS for the member<br />

contributions withheld and reported during this non-qualifying fiscal year.<br />

Prohibited (Ineligible) Membership –Membership in PSERS is prohibited for the<br />

employees categorized below:<br />

• Any officer or employee of the Department of Education, State-owned<br />

educational institutions, community colleges, area vocational-technical schools,<br />

technical institutes, or the Pennsylvania State University and who is a member<br />

of the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) or of an alternate<br />

retirement plan approved by the employer (e.g. TIAA CREF, etc.)<br />

Any annuitant who returns to school service under the emergency situation that<br />

causes an impairment of services to the public, shortage of subject certified teachers<br />

or other personnel, or in an extracurricular position under separate written contact.<br />

Refer to the PSERS publication Return to Service Guidelines and Clarifications (PSRS-<br />

9682) for more information.<br />

• A Student who is hired to render service that is part of the student’s<br />

curriculum, if<br />

The position is part of a financial aid package.<br />

The student receives a tuition waiver for the employment<br />

The service is part of the student’s curriculum<br />

The student receives academic credit for the employment<br />

The employment is only available to students, and no one from the<br />

outside workforce could fill the position in the absence of student<br />

applicants for the position(s)<br />

The position is that of a Graduate Assistant or a Resident Assistant<br />

• A person performing services as an independent contractor. If the employer is<br />

unable to determine membership eligibility, then the employer must submit a<br />

Questionnaire to Determine PSERS Eligibility (PSRS-349) form so that PSERS<br />

may make the determination.<br />

• A person compensated on a fee basis<br />


• School Crossing Guards, as per an amendment made in 2000 to the<br />

(Pennsylvania) Township and Borough Codes, which expressly excludes school<br />

crossing guards as school employees and prohibits them from membership in<br />

PSERS.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s should not enroll, report, or withhold contributions for employees who are<br />

prohibited from PSERS membership.<br />

Membership Status’<br />

PSERS’ membership status is critical in determining whether otherwise eligible parttime<br />

hourly and part-time per diem employees must meet the minimum service<br />

requirement of 80 days, 500 hours or an equivalent combination of hours and days<br />

for the service to be considered “qualifying” and the employee to be considered<br />

eligible for membership.<br />

There are four primary PSERS’ membership statuses: Active, Inactive, Vestee, and<br />

Annuitant. An employee in any of these statuses is considered a PSERS member.<br />

Specific definitions for each member status are as follows:<br />

Active member - A school employee who has met the eligibility (qualification)<br />

requirements for membership and for whom pickup contributions are being made to<br />

PSERS or for whom such contributions otherwise required for current school service<br />

are not being made due to limitations under section 401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the<br />

Internal Revenue Code of 1986.<br />

Inactive member - A member for whom no pickup contributions are being made,<br />

except in the case of an active member for whom such contributions otherwise<br />

required for current school service are not being made due to the limitations under<br />

section 401(a)(17) or 415(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public Law 99-<br />

514, 26 U.S.C. § 401(a)(17) or 415(b)), who has accumulated deductions standing to<br />

his credit in the fund and for whom contributions have been made within the last two<br />

school years or a multiple service member who is active in the State Employees'<br />

Retirement System.<br />

Vestee - A Class T-C or Class T-D member with five or more eligibility points who has<br />

terminated school service on or after July 1, 2001, has left his accumulated<br />

deductions in the fund and is deferring filing of an application for receipt of an<br />

annuity. For Class T-E and Class T-F members, a member with ten or more eligibility<br />

points who has terminated school service, has left his accumulated deductions in the<br />

fund and is deferring filing of an application for receipt of an annuity.<br />

Annuitant - Any member on or after the effective date of retirement until his<br />

annuity 1 is terminated.<br />


Part-time Hourly and Part-time Per Diem Minimum Service<br />

Requirements for Qualification<br />

With the passage of Act 2010 – 120, once an employee qualifies for membership in<br />

PSERS, each day worked is considered “qualified” until there is a break in<br />

membership. What that means is that once qualified, part-time hourly and parttime<br />

per-diem members are no longer required to meet the minimum service<br />

requirement of 80 days, 500 hours or an equivalent combination of hours and days<br />

each year, as long as PSERS’ membership is maintained. This also means that<br />

Inactive members, Vestees, and non-disability Annuitants who return to active service<br />

qualify from the first day of paid service upon their return as well. If the employee is<br />

a PSERS member and they are employed by you, the service is considered qualified<br />

and contributions should be withheld from the first day of paid service. If PSERS<br />

membership has been broken, you must re-evaluate the employee based on the<br />

criteria listed above, under Membership Eligibility.<br />

What Constitutes a Break in Membership?<br />

PSERS Membership is broken (terminated) when:<br />

• A member terminates and refunds his contributions and interest<br />

• A non-vested member is not reported as being employed by a public school<br />

employer for a period of two full fiscal years from June 30 of the last fiscal year<br />

of the member’s last day of paid service, irrelevant of refunding his<br />

contributions and interest.<br />

• A non-vested disability annuitant whose annuity is terminated.<br />

Determining an Employees’ PSERS Membership Status<br />

Once you have approved the member’s Contract Record, PSERS will display the<br />

member’s “Current Class” and “Current Rate”. The “Current Class” field will inform<br />

you of the employees’s PSERS Membership Class. This will be important if and<br />

when the new “Shared Risk” component of Act 2010-120 goes into effext. The<br />

“Current Rate” will communicate the percentage to be deducted from the member’s<br />

paycheck for retirement contributions. This information is explained in greated<br />

detail in Chapter 4 – Member Contract Records and Chapter 5 – Reporting An<br />

Introduction. As stated earlier in this chapter, PSERS has developed a new report,<br />

Change in Member Class/ Rate or Optainig Qualification (CROQ), to inform you<br />

when a part-time hourly or per-diem employee qualifies for PSERS membership.<br />

Once an employee qualifies for membership, it is your reponsibility to withhold<br />

retirement contributions.<br />


Enrolling, Reporting, and Withholding Member Contributions<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s enroll employees by submitting a Member Demographic record and a<br />

Contract record to PSERS. Details on submitting a Member Demographic record can<br />

be found in Chapter 3: Member Demographic Information and details on submitting a<br />

Contract Record can be found in Chapter 4: Member Contract Records. <strong>Employer</strong>s<br />

report employees (including contributions withheld) through Work Reports and in<br />

some circumstances Work History Adjustments. Details on reporting can be found in<br />

Chapters 5 through 10.<br />

We have provided a “Quick <strong>Reference</strong> Table for Enrolling and Reporting Employees”<br />

below for your convenience.<br />

Quick <strong>Reference</strong> Table for Enrolling and Reporting<br />

Employees<br />

Type of Employment Description Action Required<br />

Full-time employee Works 5 hours or more a day/5<br />

days a week or its equivalent (25<br />

or more hours a week).<br />

Enroll, report, and withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service.<br />

Part-time salaried<br />

employee<br />

Full-time employee<br />

with another<br />

Pennsylvania public<br />

school employer, parttime<br />

with you<br />

Full-time employee<br />

with the<br />

Commonwealth of<br />

Pennsylvania (state<br />

employee), part-time<br />

with you<br />

Full-time employee<br />

with the<br />

Commonwealth of<br />

Pennsylvania (state<br />

employee), part-time<br />

with you<br />

Part-time hourly<br />

Is contracted to work less than 5<br />

hours a day/5 days a week, or its<br />

equivalent (less than 25 hours a<br />

week).<br />

Works full-time with another<br />

Pennsylvania public school<br />

employer, but only works part-time<br />

with you.<br />

Employee elected Multiple Service<br />

status and is working full-time for<br />

the State and part-time for you.<br />

Employee did not elect Multiple<br />

Service status and is working fulltime<br />

for the State and part-time<br />

for you.<br />

Works less than 5 hours a day and<br />

is paid on an hourly basis.<br />

Enroll, report, and withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service.<br />

Enroll, report, and withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service.<br />

Enroll, report, and optionally withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service, unless the employee<br />

already maintains PSERS<br />

membership in which case<br />

contributions should be withheld from<br />

the first day of paid service. If and<br />

when membership status is acquired,<br />

contributions must be withheld.<br />

See Action Required for part-time<br />

employment.<br />

Unless a waiver is being requested,<br />

enroll, report, and optionally withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service, unless the employee<br />

already maintains PSERS<br />

membership in which case<br />


Part-time per diem<br />

Part-time with several<br />

school employers<br />

PSERS Annuitant<br />

Employment under<br />

provisions of Act<br />

2004-63<br />

Disability Retirement<br />

not covered<br />

PSERS Annuitant<br />

(Non-emergency –<br />

return to service)<br />

Works less than 5 days a week and<br />

paid on a day-to-day basis with a<br />

minimum 5 hours a day.<br />

Refers to part-time hourly and<br />

part-time per diem.<br />

An annuitant returning under Act<br />

2004-63 for a public school in<br />

emergency, shortage of personnel,<br />

or extracurricular employment<br />

under full-time and part-time.<br />

An annuitant who becomes an<br />

active member. Annuitant’s<br />

monthly benefit stops.<br />

contributions should be withheld from<br />

the first day of paid service. If and<br />

when membership status is acquired,<br />

contributions must be withheld.<br />

Unless a waiver is being requested,<br />

enroll, report, and optionally withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service, unless the employee<br />

already maintains PSERS<br />

membership in which case<br />

contributions should be withheld from<br />

the first day of paid service. If and<br />

when membership status is acquired,<br />

contributions must be withheld.<br />

Unless a waiver is being requested,<br />

enroll, report, and optionally withhold<br />

contributions from the first day of<br />

paid service, unless the employee<br />

already maintains PSERS<br />

membership in which case<br />

contributions should be withheld from<br />

the first day of paid service. If and<br />

when membership status is acquired,<br />

contributions must be withheld.<br />

Do not enroll, report, or withhold<br />

contributions.<br />

Complete a PSERS Retirees Returning<br />

to Service (PSRS-1299) form.<br />

Tax Collector,<br />

Solicitor, Doctor,<br />

Dentist, Consultant,<br />

Psychologist<br />

Certain positions may not meet the<br />

true employer-employee<br />

relationship for member eligibility.<br />

See Membership Eligibility<br />

Questionnaire on page 20.<br />


Membership Eligibility Questionnaire<br />

If you require further PSERS’ assistance in determining whether PSERS membership<br />

for an employee is mandatory, optional, or prohibited, please complete the<br />

Questionnaire to Determine PSERS Membership Eligibility (PSRS-349) form.<br />

To prevent enrollment of ineligible employees, you must complete a Questionnaire to<br />

Determine PSERS Eligibility (PSRS-349) for employees hired in classifications the<br />

same as or similar to those listed below:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Consultant<br />

Dentist<br />

Doctor<br />

Psychologist<br />

Solicitor<br />

Tax Collector<br />

Questionnarie to Determine PSERS Membership Eligibility (PSRS-349)<br />


PSERS will review the questionnaire and let you know if you must enroll this<br />

employee. As a time-saver, this questionnaire does not need to be submitted for<br />

employees who are clearly ineligible for membership.<br />

Determining if a Part-Time Employee may Waive Membership in<br />

PSERS<br />

Any part-time employee (salaried, hourly, or per diem) who has sole ownership of one<br />

of the following types of Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) as defined by section<br />

408 in the Internal Revenue Code may waive membership in PSERS<br />

• Traditional IRA<br />

• Roth IRA<br />

• Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)<br />

• Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small <strong>Employer</strong>s (Simple)<br />

IRA<br />

It is the responsibility of the employer to report this request within 30 days of the<br />

employees’ first day of employment.<br />

To help you determine whether the employee is eligible to request a waiver in PSERS<br />

membership, answer the following questions:<br />

Ineligible to Waive Membership:<br />

• Is the employee employed full time?<br />

• Is this employee an annuitant who is returning to non-emergency or<br />

extracurricular service?<br />

• Is the employee full time with another employer?<br />

• Is the employee employed by you in multiple part-time positions that<br />

equate to a full-time position (A full-time employee is defined as an<br />

employee who works 5 hours or more a day, 5 days a week or its<br />

equivalent (25 or more hours a week)?<br />

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, the employee is ineligible<br />

to waive membership.<br />

Eligible to Waive Membership:<br />

• Is the employee employed part-time salaried, hourly, or per diem?<br />

• Does the employee have sole ownership of one of the following types of<br />

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) as defined by section 408 in the<br />

Internal Revenue Code (Note: Age of the employee does not matter)?<br />

Traditional IRA<br />

Roth IRA<br />

Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)<br />


Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees of Small <strong>Employer</strong>s<br />

(Simple) IRA<br />

• Did the employee show you proof of sole ownership of the qualified<br />

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA)?<br />

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, the employee is eligible to<br />

waive membership.<br />

Informing PSERS of an Employees’ Request to Waiver<br />

Membership in PSERS<br />

• Submit a Member Contract Record with a Work Status equal to “ACTIVW” (See<br />

Member Contract Records – Changing Information for an Employee on page 56) for<br />

the part-time employee within 30 days of starting employment.<br />

Note: It is not necessary for the part-time employee to complete and submit a<br />

waiver at the start of each school year. PSERS will contact the employee each<br />

year to confirm the waived status and will assume it remains in place unless the<br />

employee responds otherwise.<br />

PSERS and the Employees’ Action upon Receipt of the ACTIVW<br />

Contract Record<br />

• PSERS will send a PSERS membership waiver information packet directly to the<br />

employee and the steps required to complete the waiver process.<br />

• The Employee will contact the PSERS Regional Office for benefit explanations and<br />

acquire the PSERS Membership Waiver (PSRS-51) form.<br />


PSERS Membership Waiver (PSRS-51)<br />

• A part-time employee must submit the PSERS Membership Waiver (PSRS-51) form by<br />

the close of the fiscal (school) year (June 30) in which they begin work in that parttime<br />

position Note: When the employee waives membership in PSERS, the<br />

employee cannot purchase any qualifying service rendered during the school years<br />

that were waived.<br />

• PSERS will notify you and the employee whether the membership waiver request is<br />

approved or denied.<br />


PSERS Annual Waiver Evaluation<br />

In May of each fiscal year, PSERS will determine if the employee is eligible to<br />

continue waiving membership in the subsequent school year.<br />

<br />

If the member is not eligible to waive PSERS membership, you and the<br />

employee will be notified that the employee must be enrolled<br />

<br />

If the member is eligible to continue waiving PSERS membership, the<br />

employee will be notified that the membership waiver may continue<br />

Events that Terminate a Membership Waiver<br />

If the employee takes a position in which they elect to join PSERS or are required<br />

to join PSERS, and they have a currently waived position, then:<br />

<br />

The existing waiver status remains in effect for the waived position until the<br />

end of the current FY if the waived position is with a different employer.<br />

<br />

The existing waiver status for all waived positions is voided retroactively to the<br />

later of the first day of the FY or the first day of employment if the waived<br />

position is with the same employer.<br />

If the employee qualifies for membership in PSERS, the waiver can be terminated in<br />

one of the following ways:<br />

<br />

the employee can withdraw the membership waiver and elect to join PSERS<br />

<br />

the employee is no longer eligible to waive membership and must join PSERS<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>’s Action if Membership Waiver is Denied or<br />

Terminated<br />

If the membership waiver is denied or terminated, you must end date the<br />

“ACTIVW” contract record. Contact PSERS for the exact date to be used in the end<br />

date field of the “ACTIVW” contract record. Once the end date of the “ACTIVW”<br />

contract record is determined, submit a new “ACTIVE” contract record with the start<br />

date equal to the first day of work within the fiscal year the employee joins PSERS.<br />


Chapter<br />

3<br />

Member Demographic<br />

Information<br />

What is Member Demographic Information?<br />

Member Demographic Information about an employee includes their:<br />

• Name<br />

• Social Security Number (You must see a copy of the social security card.)<br />

• Date of Birth (You must see proof of birth date.)<br />

• Gender<br />

• Address<br />

• Phone Numbers<br />

• E-Mail Address<br />

You must provide Demographic Information for each eligible and potentially eligible<br />

employee when you first hire the employee. Refer to Chapter 2 for guidance on which<br />

employees fall into this category.<br />

If an employee is coming to you from another employer, or otherwise exists in the<br />

system, you must still submit Member Demographic Information. If a duplicate<br />

Member Demographic Information Record is received for an employee, PSERS will use<br />

the duplicate to update the information on file.<br />

If you are not sure whether an employee already has a record, you can check this<br />

easily online. See Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic Information on page<br />

27.<br />


How is Member Demographic Information Sent to PSERS?<br />

All Member Demographic Information is sent to PSERS through the online system.<br />

Member Demographic Information can be submitted for individual employees, by<br />

entering them into the online system one at a time, or for a batch of employees all at<br />

once, by uploading a file that was exported by your payroll/HR software system.<br />

Either way, you begin by accessing the system:<br />

1. Access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system. If you are not familiar<br />

with how to do this, see Accessing the Online System on page 1.<br />

2. From the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window, click “Member Demographic Info” in the lefthand<br />

menu. A sub-menu appears, as shown next:<br />

Member Demographic Info Sub-Menu<br />

For further details on the Member Demographic Info Sub-Menu refer to the chapter<br />

titled Sub Menus on page 141.<br />


Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic Information<br />

Use the process described in this section to create or change employees under any of<br />

the following conditions:<br />

• You have never created a record for this employee in PSERS.<br />

or…<br />

• You already have a record for this employee in PSERS before, but the employee<br />

has returned to service and information needs updating.<br />

Example: An employee worked full-time for you from 1985 – 1999. During this<br />

time, the employee was a member of PSERS and made retirement contributions.<br />

At the end of the 1998 – 1999 school year, the individual left your employment.<br />

This individual has now returned to employment with you.<br />

First, access the Member Demographic Info sub-menu, as described in How is<br />

Member Demographic Information Sent to PSERS? on page 26.<br />

From the “Member Demographic Info” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click<br />

“Create Demographic Info” to add a new employee. You will be prompted to enter<br />

the SSN (social security number) for the employee you are adding:<br />

The SSN (social security number) is used to identify the employee’s account at<br />

PSERS. It is vital that this number be entered correctly. You MUST REQUEST to see<br />

a copy of the employee’s social security card, though it is no longer necessary to send<br />

a copy of this card to PSERS. Once the social security number has been entered, click<br />

“Submit.”<br />

• If you attempt to add an employee who already has a record, you will see the<br />

message, “Error – Member already exists.” In this case, use the “View/Edit<br />

Demographic Info” option on the left-hand menu to edit this employee’s<br />

information.<br />

• If the social security number was reported incorrectly, submit the Demographic<br />

Information Change Request (PSRS-1870) with both the old and new numbers. See<br />

Demographic Information Change Request on page 28. A copy of the employee’s<br />

social security card must accompany the form.<br />

• If you submit the Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870),<br />

continue to submit monthly Work Report Records for the employee using the<br />

old social security number until you have been notified by PSERS that the<br />

correction has been made.<br />


Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870)<br />

The Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870) is available on the<br />

PSERS website.<br />

Only use this form to change social security, date of birth, or when a person’s gender<br />

has changed. Do not use this form to change any other information. A picture of this<br />

form is shown next:<br />

Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870)<br />


Member Demographic Information Window<br />

The Member Demographic Information Window allows you to enter or edit Member<br />

Demographic Information about an individual employee. This Window looks like:<br />

Enter the employee’s information into the fields on this window. Most of these fields<br />

are self-explanatory, but a few details are provided below:<br />

First Name: This field has a maximum entry of 35 letters and/or characters. If an<br />

employee has a double first name, such as Mary Jane or Bobbi-Jo, enter both first<br />

names in this field. You may enter the hyphen in a hyphenated name.<br />

Middle Name: This field can be left blank or can be filled in with just an initial if<br />

desired. If the employee has multiple middle names, these can be entered with a<br />

space or other character between them. Up to 35 letters and/or characters can be<br />

entered.<br />

Last Name: This field has a maximum entry of 33 letters and/or characters. If an<br />

employee has a hyphenated last name, enter the first 33 letters of this name, with<br />

the hyphen included if desired.<br />

Under some circumstances, PSERS requests proof of a name change from an<br />

employee. In this case, PSERS will send the letter to the employee, who will fill it<br />

out and submit it directly to PSERS with the required proof.<br />

Gender: Use this field if the wrong gender was incorrectly used when entering the<br />

original Demographic Information. Use PSRS-1870 when a person’s gender has<br />


changed. See Demographic Information Change Request on page 28. Proof may be<br />

required to determine that is in fact, the same person.<br />

Birth Date: Enter the date of birth in the format MM, DD, YYYY (2-digit month in the<br />

first part of the field, 2-digit day in the second part, and 4-digit year in the third part).<br />

Example: for July 14, 1950.<br />

Note: The employer’s representative must verify the employee’s date of birth by<br />

examining one of the following documents:<br />

• Birth Certificate<br />

• Baptismal Record<br />

• Passport<br />

• Elementary or Secondary School Record<br />

• Life Insurance Policy Listing Date of Birth<br />

• PA Driver's License<br />

• Naturalization Record<br />

• Alien Registration Record<br />

As with the social security number, you cannot change a date of birth. If the birth<br />

date needs to be changed after an employee’s record is already created, you must<br />

submit a Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870) to PSERS. See<br />

Demographic Information Change Request on page 28. You should include a letter of<br />

explanation and a copy of one of the documents listed above.<br />

Note: When submitting a Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870)<br />

printed from the PSERS website, be sure to either staple the two pages together, or<br />

insert the member’s name and social security number on the top of the second<br />

page.<br />

Residence Address Fields: Enter the employee’s residential address. Complete as<br />

necessary with the apartment number, suite number, floor or any critical<br />

information for accurate mail delivery in addition to the normal street name, post<br />

office box or route number. Enter the zip code plus its additional four-digits, if<br />

available. The U.S. Post Office has a website where you can look up the complete zip<br />

code. Go to www.usps.com and click on “Find a Zip Code”.<br />

“Street,” “Apt/Suite #,” and “Care of” each appear as a line of the address<br />

whenever PSERS sends information to this member. When entering this<br />

information, you must type the word “Street,” Apt/Suite #,” and “Care of” in the<br />

field. For example: Care of John Smith or Suite 123.<br />

When the Member Demographic Information is submitted, the system will check the<br />

address to ensure it meets U.S. Post Office standards; if any problems are found,<br />

suggested changes will be displayed. The following is a sample address:<br />


Phone Number Fields: Enter all phone numbers with the area code in the first part<br />

of the field, the local “exchange” in the second part of the field, and the 4-digit<br />

number in the third part of the field. Example: for 717-555-2222.<br />

Saving the Member Demographic Information Record<br />

When you are done entering information, click “Save.” You will be returned to the<br />

Member Demographic Information Window, with the message, “Msg – Member info<br />

created successfully” near the top of the screen.<br />

At this point, the record has been saved to the member’s account with PSERS. You<br />

may make additional changes and save those, or you may click “Cancel” to exit from<br />

this screen. Clicking “Cancel” will cause you to lose any changes you made since the<br />

last “Save.”<br />

Changing an Employee’s Member Demographic Information<br />

To change an employee’s Member Demographic Information a record must already<br />

exist in PSERS, first access the Member Demographic Info sub-menu, as described in<br />

How is Member Demographic Information Sent to PSERS on page 26.<br />

From the “Member Demographic Info” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click<br />

“View/Edit Demographic Info” to view and/or change an employee’s current<br />

Member Demographic Information. You will be prompted to enter the SSN (social<br />

security number) for the employee you are updating.<br />

The SSN (social security number) is used to identify the employee’s account at<br />

PSERS. Always verify that the social security number matches the employee whose<br />


information you are changing. Once the social security number has been entered,<br />

click “Submit.”<br />

• If you attempt to view or change information for an employee who does not have<br />

a record, you will see the message, “Error – Member does not exist.” In this case,<br />

use the “Create Demographic Info” option on the left-hand menu to enter this<br />

employee’s information.<br />

The Member Demographic Information Window appears. See the Member<br />

Demographic Information Work Area – File Window heading later in this section.<br />

• You can change information in any field except SSN (Social Security Number)<br />

and Birth Date. If the social security number or birth date needs to be changed<br />

after an employee already has a record, you must submit a Demographic<br />

Information Change Request (PSRS-1870) to PSERS.<br />

Warning: Do not attempt to change an employee’s social security number by<br />

creating a new Member Demographic Information Record with the new number.<br />

This will create a new employee record with this number, while leaving the old<br />

employee record intact.<br />

Essentially, the online system will think these two social security numbers<br />

represent two different employees who happen to have the same name. All of<br />

the employee’s current information (contributions, service time, Member<br />

Contract Records, etc.) will remain with the old social security number.<br />

As a result, you will encounter errors when running monthly Work Reports and<br />

the employee’s benefits calculations will be incorrect. In order to correct this<br />

situation, you must submit a Member Demographic Information Change Request<br />

(PSRS-1870) to PSERS with proof of the employee’s correct social security<br />

number, along with a letter explaining the situation.<br />

PSERS will merge the two member records and will set the social security<br />

number to the correct value. After this, you may need to resubmit or correct<br />

the employee’s Work Report Records.<br />


Member Demographic Information – Submit by<br />

Uploading a File<br />

You can submit Member Demographic Information for multiple employees at once, by<br />

uploading a file to the online system. In most cases, the file will be exported by your<br />

payroll/HR software system. This file must be in a specific format, defined under<br />

Format for Member Demographic Information Files on page 33.<br />

This method can be used to add new employees as well as to change information for<br />

existing employees. The process is the same for both. You may use this procedure to<br />

submit as few or as many Member Demographic Information Records as you want,<br />

but if you only need to submit a small number of records, you may find it easier to<br />

enter them directly online – see Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic<br />

Information on page 27.<br />

Submit Member Demographic Information to PSERS whenever you hire a new<br />

employee and whenever information changes for a current employee. All additions /<br />

changes within a month can be submitted in a file, as long as this is done before you<br />

submit your Member Contract Records and your next monthly Work Report.<br />

For information on how to submit Member Demographic Information by uploading a<br />

file see Submitting Records by Uploading Files on page 144. After Member<br />

Demographic Information has been submitted for an employee, you can make<br />

changes when needed by editing the Member Demographic Information Record with<br />

the correct information. All fields except SSN (social security number) and Birth Date<br />

can be changed. If the social security number or birth date needs to be changed, the<br />

employer must submit a Demographic Information Change Request (PSRS-1870) to<br />

PSERS. See Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic Information on page 27.<br />

Format for Member Demographic Information Files<br />

For information on how to correctly format a Member Demographic File see the<br />

chapter titled Standard File Format on page 145. The fo llowing pages will<br />

illustrate in detail the layout for Member Demographic Information Files.<br />


Header of the Member Demographic Information File<br />

The Member Demographic Information file must include a single-line header as the<br />

first line in the file. The header line identifies the employer, the type of records in the<br />

file, the number of records in the file, and the date and time the file was created.<br />

This information must be in the following format:<br />

Header<br />

Record<br />

Type<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditiona<br />

l<br />

Byte<br />

s Start Format & Values Sample Comments<br />

R 1 1 A lpha (D=Demographic)<br />

D<br />

Describes<br />

the<br />

incoming<br />

file type.<br />

R 6 2 Numeri c 002345 <strong>Employer</strong> ID<br />

assigned to<br />

you by<br />

PSERS.<br />

R 6 8 Numeri c 002680 Total<br />

number of<br />

detail<br />

records in<br />

this file.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong><br />

Code<br />

Detail<br />

Record<br />

Count<br />

File<br />

Creation<br />

Date<br />

and<br />

Time<br />

R 12 14 Date as<br />


Filler R 338 26 NULL Filler. Space<br />

filled to match fixed<br />

length of detail<br />

record.<br />

102520061400 Date and<br />

time in<br />

military<br />

format.<br />

338 spaces<br />

All fields are required. “Start” indicates what column that field begins in on the<br />

header line. “Bytes” indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All<br />

fields are a fixed-length.<br />

Example: The following sample header uses the information as shown in the above<br />

table:<br />

D002345002680102520061400<br />

In this example, a Member Demographic Information File from <strong>Employer</strong> 002345 is<br />

being submitted with 2,680 records in it. The file was created on October 25, 2006 at<br />

14:00 (2:00 p.m.).<br />


Record Lines in the Member Demographic Information File<br />

Each Member Demographic Information Record must consist of a single line of<br />

information, in the following format:<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start Format & Values Sample Comments<br />

SSN R 9 1 Numeric 149250245 Social Security<br />

Number<br />

Last R 33 10 Alpha SMITH Required<br />

Name<br />

First R 35 43 Alpha AARON Required<br />

Name<br />

Middle<br />

Name<br />

O 35 78 Alpha JOHN Optional<br />

Suffix O 3 113 Alpha as JR, SR, I,<br />

II, III, IV, V<br />

Gender R 1 116 Alpha/M = Male or<br />

F = Female<br />

JR<br />

M<br />

Must be a valid<br />

value listed. No<br />

punctuation.<br />

Must be a valid<br />

value listed. No<br />

punctuation.<br />

Birth Date R 8 117 Date as<br />

07231958<br />


Care Of /<br />

Address1<br />

O 35 125 Alphanumeric Care Of John<br />

Smith<br />

Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

Apt/Suite<br />

/Floor /<br />

O 35 160 Alphanumeric Apt A Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

Address2<br />

Street /<br />

Address3<br />

O 35 195 Alphanumeric 123 MAIN ST Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

City R 21 230 Alphanumeric HARRISBURG Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

State R 2 251 Alphanumeric PA Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

Zip Code<br />

with<br />

Zip+4<br />

R 9 253 Alphanumeric; 5-<br />

digit zip code<br />

followed by 4-digit<br />

“zip plus 4 code” if<br />

known or 0000 if<br />

unknown<br />

171080125 Compliant with<br />

Postal Regulations.<br />

No dashes.<br />

Country O 2 262 Alpha US If blank, PSERS will<br />

default to US.<br />

Day<br />

Phone<br />

O 10 264 Numeric 7177878540 Area Code &<br />

Telephone Number.<br />

No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

Day<br />

Phone<br />

Extension<br />

Evening<br />

Phone<br />

Evening<br />

Extension<br />

Other<br />

Phone<br />

O 5 274 Numeric 00245 No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

O 10 279 Numeric 7175558540 Area Code &<br />

Telephone Number.<br />

No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

O 5 289 Numeric 00032 No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

O 10 294 Numeric 7175558540 Area Code &<br />

Telephone Number.<br />


Number<br />

No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

Fax O 10 304 Numeric 7175558540 Area Code &<br />

Telephone Number.<br />

No parentheses or<br />

dashes.<br />

Email O 50 314 Alphanumeric A@US.COM Member’s email<br />

address<br />

For more information on any field, see Entering an Employee’s Member Demographic<br />

Information on page 27. “Start” indicates what column that field begins in on the header line.<br />

“Bytes” indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All fields are a fixed-length.<br />

Uploading a Member Demographic Information File<br />

You must first access the Member Demographic Info sub-menu, as described on<br />

page 141.<br />

For further information on how to upload a Member Demographic Information File see<br />

Uploading a File on page 147.<br />

Member Demographic Info Work Area – File Window<br />

After uploading a file, go to the Member Demographic Info Work Area, either by<br />

clicking “Work Area” in the File Upload window or by clicking “Work Area” in the<br />

Member Demographic Info sub-menu. The File window of the Work Area appears:<br />

For information on how to navigate in the Member Demographic Information File<br />

Window see Chapter 15 Work Area Window located on page 149.<br />

Member Demographic Info Work Area – Record Detail<br />

Window<br />

The Record Detail window in the Member Demographic Info Work Area is used to add<br />

to, delete, or edit the individual employee records that are included in an uploaded<br />

file.<br />


Access<br />

To access the Record Detail window, go to the File window (see Member Demographic<br />

Info Work Area – File Window on page 36) and click “Detail” next to the desired file.<br />

Note: The file must be validated before the Record Detail window can be accessed for<br />

that file.<br />

The Record Detail window looks similar to the following example:<br />

For more information on how to navigate the Member Demographic Information<br />

Record Detail Window refer to the chapter titled Work Area—Record Detail Window on<br />

page 152.<br />

Saving Your Changes<br />

After adding, deleting, or editing any records in the Record Detail window always save<br />

your work. To save, click “Save” twice. The first “Save” will save the information to a<br />

temporary file and the second “Save” will save the information permanently.<br />

If you log out or go to another part of the system without clicking “Save” twice, you<br />

will lose ALL changes you made since the last save. In this case, any records you<br />

added will be lost, any records you deleted will be restored, and any records you<br />

edited will be returned to their previous information.<br />

Submitting the Records to PSERS<br />

For information on how to submit Member Demographic Files to PSERS see<br />

Submitting Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />


Member Contract Records<br />

What are Member Contract Records?<br />

Member Contract Records provide a way to define the position(s) each employee<br />

works, in a way that helps automate the pension process. You must provide at least<br />

one Member Contract Record for each eligible and potentially eligible employee when<br />

you first hire the employee. Refer to Chapter 2 for guidance on which employees fall<br />

into this category.<br />

Remember, before you can add a Member Contract Record, you must first enter<br />

the employee’s Member Demographic Information. See the How is Member<br />

Demographic Information Sent to PSERS? sections starting on page 26. You must<br />

create a Member Contract Record before you can add your employee to your Work<br />

Report Record.<br />

A Member Contract Record contains the following information:<br />

• <strong>Employer</strong>’s Name and <strong>Employer</strong> Code<br />

• Employee’s Job Title<br />

• Employment Type (part-time or full-time)<br />

• Wage Type (hourly, per diem, or salaried)<br />

Chapter<br />

4<br />

• Work Status (actively working, on some form of leave, terminated, deceased, a<br />

waiver has been requested, etc.)<br />

• Start Date of the work status described in this Member Contract Record<br />

• End Date of the work status described in this Member Contract Record<br />

• Number of months normally worked for this position in a school year<br />

• Number of days or hours normally worked for this position in a school year<br />

• Voting Status (certified or non-certified position)<br />

• Items relating to a terminated or deceased employee (Balance of Contract and<br />

Outstanding Service Credit status)<br />


In general, a Member Contract Record should be created for EACH job an employee<br />

works. If an employee works for multiple employers, a Member Contract Record<br />

needs to be submitted by each employer. If an employee works multiple positions for<br />

a single employer, this may or may not require multiple Member Contract Records.<br />

To determine this, see the next section Employee Working Multiple Jobs for One<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>.<br />

Employee Working Multiple Jobs for One <strong>Employer</strong><br />

It is not unusual for an employee to work more than one job for a single employer.<br />

For example, a teacher may coach a sports team or help at lunchtime. In this case,<br />

depending on the types of jobs worked, it may or may not be necessary to submit<br />

multiple Member Contract Records for the employee.<br />

Employee Works a Full-Time Position Plus Other Positions<br />

Only one Member Contract Record is needed. Enter a Member Contract Record for<br />

the full-time position. If more than one full-time position is worked, enter a Member<br />

Contract Record for the salaried position, if there is one. If more than one position is<br />

salaried, or if there is no salaried position, select the position that you feel best<br />

categorizes the employee’s work. The other positions do not require their own<br />

Member Contract Records.<br />

• Only one Member Contract Record is required for all part-time HOURLY<br />

positions the employee works.<br />

• Only one Member Contract Record is required for all part-time PER DIEM<br />

positions the employee works.<br />

Example: A full-time teacher chaperones a school activity, takes tickets for an event,<br />

and oversees a yearbook club. Enter a single Member Contract Record for the fulltime<br />

teaching position. Report the additional work on the employee’s monthly Work<br />

Report as follows: Record the additional wages in the “Supplemental Wages” field.<br />

Record the extra contributions in the “Contributions” field. Record the extra service in<br />

the “Hours” or “Days” field.<br />

Employee Works Multiple Part-Time Positions but NO Full-Time<br />

Position<br />

Each part-time SALARIED position requires its own Member Contract Record. All<br />

other part-time positions require only one contract record per wage type (e.g. per<br />

diem or hourly).<br />

Example #1: An employee works a part-time per diem job as a substitute teacher.<br />

She also works a part-time hourly job in the cafeteria and another part-time hourly<br />

job teaching a high school science class. You would need to create two Member<br />

Contract Records for this employee: one for her per diem position and one for the two<br />

hourly positions.<br />


Example #2: An employee works a part-time per diem job as a substitute teacher.<br />

He also works a part-time salaried job teaching a high school English class and<br />

another part-time salaried job coaching a football team. You would need to create<br />

three Member Contract Records for this employee: one for his per diem position, one<br />

for his salaried teaching position, and one for his salaried coaching position.<br />

In general, there is no harm in creating a Member Contract Record even if it is not<br />

required. If you find it easier to create a Member Contract Record for every position<br />

an employee works, this is fine.<br />

Note: You will not necessarily submit a separate monthly Work Report Record for<br />

each Member Contract Record you create. If multiple Member Contract Records for<br />

an employee have the same Wage Type (hourly, per diem, or salaried), earnings for<br />

these Member Contract Records will be reported on the same Work Report Record in<br />

your monthly Work Reports.<br />

Example: A member has two part-time hourly positions. The wages from both<br />

positions are reported on one line in the work report. The wage type for this member<br />

is hourly.<br />

How are Member Contract Records Transmitted to<br />

PSERS?<br />

All Member Contract Records are transmitted to PSERS through the online system.<br />

Member Contract Records can be submitted for individual employees by entering<br />

them into the online system one at a time. Member Contract Records can also be<br />

submitted for a batch of employees all at once by uploading a file that was exported<br />

by your payroll/HR software system. Either way, you begin by accessing the system:<br />

1. Access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system. If you are not familiar<br />

with how to do this, see Accessing the Online System on page 1.<br />

2. From the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window, click “Member Contract Info” in the lefthand<br />

menu. A sub-menu appears, as shown next:<br />


Member Contract Info Sub-Menu<br />

For further details on the Member Contract Info Sub-Menu refer to the chapter titled<br />

Sub—Menus on page 141.<br />

Member Contract Records – Creating Individually<br />

You can enter Member Contract Records for your new employees’ one at a time, by<br />

completing an online form. Use this procedure if you only need to enter a small<br />

number of employees. Otherwise, you may find it easier to submit a file with multiple<br />

Member Contract Records at once – see Member Contract Records - Create by<br />

Uploading a File on page 51.<br />

First, access the Member Contract Info Sub-Menu, as described on page 41.<br />

From the “Member Contract Info” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click<br />

“Create Member Contract.” You will be prompted to enter the SSN (social security<br />

number) for the employee you are adding. Enter the social security number and click<br />

“Submit.”<br />

• If there is no Member Demographic Information on file for the social security<br />

number you entered, you will see the message, “Error – Member does not<br />

exist.” In this case, see the How is Member Demographic Information Sent to<br />

PSERS? on page 26 to enter Member Demographic Information for the<br />

employee before continuing.<br />

If the employee has Member Demographic Information on file, the Member Contract<br />

Information window appears.<br />


Member Contract Information Window<br />

The fields at the top of this screen are displayed for reference but cannot be edited.<br />

In the other fields on this screen, enter information about the job this employee works<br />

for you.<br />

If the employee works more than one job for you, it may or may not be necessary to<br />

enter multiple Member Contract Records for this employee. To determine this, see<br />

Employee Working Multiple Jobs for One <strong>Employer</strong> on page 39.<br />

The fields on this screen are:<br />

• Job Title: A Job Title must be entered for every Member Contract Record. This is<br />

a required field. This field has a maximum entry of 50 letters and/or characters.<br />

Independent contractors are not eligible for PSERS membership. If you are not<br />

sure whether a Job Title is an employee or an independent contractor, see<br />

Membership Eligibility Questionnaire on page 20.<br />

• Employment Type: Select “Full Time” or “Part Time” from the drop-down<br />

menu. Full-time employment is defined as 5 hours or more a day, 5 days a<br />

week or its equivalent (25 or more hours a week). Employment Type must be<br />

entered for every Member Contract Record. This is a required field.<br />

• Wage Type: Select “Hourly,” “Per Diem or “Salaried from the drop-down<br />

menu based on how this position is paid.<br />

• Work Status: Use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate work status<br />

for this Member Contract Record, such as “ACTIVE - Actively Working.”<br />

Work Status is reported in all monthly Work Reports, and the status that is<br />

reported must match a Member Contract Record for that employee.<br />

The various Work Status options are described in Work Status Descriptions on<br />

page 45.<br />

• Work Status Start Date – MM/DD/YYYY: Enter the date the Work Status<br />

described in this Member Contract Record begins. For an actively working parttime<br />

hourly or per diem employee, enter the first day of actual employment, not<br />

the first day contributions were withheld from the employee’s salary and reported<br />

to PSERS. If the Member Contract Record is for an employee who went on leave,<br />

died, or terminated all employment with you, set the Work Status appropriately<br />

and enter the date the leave began, or the date of death, or date of termination<br />

as the Start Date.<br />

Example: A teacher is hired to begin work August 16, 2006. Enter the Work<br />

Status as “ACTIVE - Actively Working” and enter the Start Date as 08/16/2006.<br />


Example: When an employee resigns, his last day of paid work will be the<br />

start date of his termination contract. If the employees last paid day of<br />

service was on June 15, 2006 and the resignation is received on August 1,<br />

2006, the Work Status Start Date is 06/15/2006 unless the employee is<br />

granted a leave after June 15, 2006.<br />

• Work Status End Date – MM/DD/YYYY: Enter the date the Work Status<br />

described in this Member Contract Record will end or has ended.<br />

For an employee who is expected to work multiple years, the End Date should be<br />

left blank. In this case, the Member Contract Record will renew automatically each<br />

school year, remaining in effect until you enter an End Date later (such as when<br />

the employee ends work in this position or goes on leave).<br />

Example: A teacher is hired. The teacher is expected to continue working for<br />

multiple school years, so no End Date is entered. In January, the teacher takes a<br />

job as Principal, which requires leaving the teaching position. On the existing<br />

teacher Member Contract Record, the End Date should be updated to be the last<br />

day the employee works as a teacher. A new Member Contract Record must be<br />

created for the Principal position.<br />

Note: In some cases, the End Date is modified automatically by PSERS. If an<br />

employee goes on a non-contributing leave, dies, or terminates all employment<br />

with you, you do not need to set the End Date on the employee’s existing Member<br />

Contract Records. Instead, create a single new Member Contract Record for that<br />

employee with the new Work Status (the type of leave, “DECESD - Deceased,” or<br />

“TRMNTN – Termination”) and with the Work Status Start Date set to the date<br />

the leave began or the date of death or the date of termination. In response to<br />

this new Member Contract Record, PSERS will change the End Date on all of the<br />

employee’s other Member Contract Records appropriately. When the employee<br />

returns from leave, create a new Member Contract Record for each position the<br />

employee resumes.<br />

• Expected Months: Enter the number of months that a full-time employee<br />

would normally be expected to work in this position each fiscal (school) year.<br />

This field must be set if Work Status is set to “ACTIVE - Actively Working” or<br />

“ACTIVW - Waiver Request” AND Employment Type is set to “Full Time”;<br />

otherwise, this field is optional. If left blank, this field will default to 10 for<br />

part-time salaried employees.<br />

Example: If a full-time teacher is hired to work a 10-month school year, whether<br />

or not they are paid over the summer, enter “10” months.<br />

Note: The employee’s actual service time will be determined from Work Reports,<br />

not from the value entered into this field. This field is used only for certain types<br />

of benefit calculations.<br />

• Expected Units: Enter the number of days or hours that a full-time employee<br />

would normally be expected to work in this position each fiscal (school) year.<br />


This field must be set if Work Status is set to “ACTIVE - Actively Working” or<br />

“ACTIVW - Waiver Request” AND Employment Type is set to “Full Time”;<br />

otherwise, this field is optional. If left blank, this field will default to 180 for<br />

part-time per diem employees and 1100 for part-time hourly employees.<br />

Full time hourly employees that work 9 or 10 months must have the<br />

correct hours posted in the Expected Units field in order to receive<br />

credit for the correct service.<br />

Example: A full time hourly secretary works for 9 months at 25 hours per<br />

week. The Expected Units for this employee is 900 (9 months times 100<br />

hours). The employee will receive credit for a full year of service if the<br />

employer reports 900 hours in the Monthly Work Reports. This only applies to<br />

full time hourly employees who work 9 to 10 months.<br />

If an employee is hired partway through the school year, enter the Expected Units<br />

that would apply if the position lasted an entire school year. The employee’s<br />

service time will be determined from Work Reports, not from Expected Units.<br />

Example: If a full-time teacher is hired for a 9 or 10 month school year, the<br />

expected number of units would be 180 – 195 days. It is assumed there are 18-<br />

22 workdays per month. Entering a value outside this range will generate an<br />

exception message. To determine expected units for a part-time, salaried<br />

position, such as a coach, see Reporting – Service Time on page 106.<br />

Note: The employee’s actual service time will be determined from Work Reports,<br />

not from the value entered into this field. This field is used only for certain types<br />

of benefit calculations.<br />

• Voting Status: Use the drop-down menu to select “Certified” if this Member<br />

Contract Record describes a position that requires certification through the<br />

Pennsylvania Department of Education or other licensing agency, such as a<br />

teacher position. Otherwise, select “Non-Certified.” This classification is used<br />

to determine in which election the employee will vote to fill a seat on the<br />

PSERS Board. This field must be set if Work Status is set to “ACTIVE - Actively<br />

Working” or “ACTIVW - Waiver Request”; otherwise, it is optional.<br />

• BOC Flag: This field is to be completed as a result of a termination or death of<br />

an employee. You must select either “Yes” or “No” from the drop-down menu.<br />

Select “Yes” if additional salary is to be reported in the month following<br />

termination or death of the employee; otherwise, select “No”.<br />

• Outstanding Service Credit Flag: Use the drop-down menu to select “Yes” if<br />

the employee has outstanding service time to be reported after termination or<br />

death. Only set this field to “Yes” if the employee has been terminated or has<br />

died and has additional service time to be reported later.<br />

• BOC/SVC End Date – MM/YYYY: If either the BOC Flag or the Outstanding<br />

Service Credit Flag is set to “Yes,” enter the month in which the last portion of<br />


the outstanding service or Balance of Contract will be paid. After the Work<br />

Report for that month has been submitted, PSERS will assume that all<br />

information has been reported, and Final Benefit Calculation will take place.<br />

The BOC/SVC End Date cannot be more than six months from the Work Status<br />

Start Date. Example: If an employee dies on June 3 rd , the BOC/SVC End Date<br />

must be November or earlier.<br />

Saving the Member Contract Record<br />

When you are done entering information, click “Save.” You will be returned to the<br />

Member Contract Information Window, with the message, “Msg – Member contract<br />

created successfully” near the top of the screen.<br />

At this point, the record has been saved. You may not make additional changes to<br />

the contract except to enter a contract end date and changes to the voting status.<br />

You may click “Cancel” to exit from this screen.<br />

Work Status Descriptions<br />

For employees on leave, select the Work Status that matches the reason for the<br />

leave, as well as whether or not the employee is contributing to their retirement<br />

account while on leave. Work Statuses that describe leaves of absence are divided<br />

into two categories: The final letter of the Work Status code for any type of leave is<br />

either “C” for contributing or “N” for non-contributing, based on whether or not the<br />

employee is making retirement contributions while on leave. Some of the noncontributing<br />

leaves are eligible for Purchase of Service, while others are not, as<br />

indicated for each.<br />

For information on how different Work Statuses affect Work Reports, see Reporting –<br />

Leaves of Absence on page 100.<br />


• ACTIVE - Actively Working: This is the most common status. It is used<br />

when an employee is actively working, whether or not the employee is making<br />

contributions.<br />

• ACTIVW - Waiver Request: Select this Work Status if a part-time employee<br />

has requested a waiver from PSERS membership. PSERS will send a packet of<br />

information to the employee automatically, explaining how waivers work and<br />

providing a Membership Waiver (PSRS-51) form.<br />

• ACTMLC - Activated Military Leave (Contributing): You must use this<br />

Work Status for active employees who make retirement contributions while on<br />

leave to fulfill an obligation in the Armed Forces of the United States in time of<br />

war or armed conflict. This leave also applies to a reserve member of the<br />

armed forces pursuant to an order on or after July 1, 1990, to enter active<br />

military service for an order other than to enter into active duty to meet<br />

periodic training requirements.<br />

An employee serving the regular 15 days of active duty for Reserves should be<br />

reported as if in regular employment (with Work Status set to “ACTIVE - Actively<br />

Working”).<br />

“ACTMLC - Activated Military Contributing Leave” should not be used to report<br />

an employee who volunteers to join the Military Service or National Guard. In<br />

that case, the Work Status should be “LEAVEN – Any Other Leave Not Listed<br />

(Non-Contributing)” or “TRMNTN – Termination” as appropriate.<br />

• SSLSSC - Special Sick Leave, School Sponsored (Contributing): This<br />

leave is granted to an employee who is ill and wishes to receive credit towards<br />

retirement. Granting of special sick leave is optional and must be approved by<br />

your (the employer’s) board of directors. The leave may not exceed one year.<br />

To qualify for the leave, the employer must pay for disability insurance<br />

sufficient to provide the employee with at least one-half regular salary. Both<br />

you and the employee must be willing to contribute based on the employee's<br />

full contract salary.<br />

• SSLWCC - Special Sick Leave, Worker’s Compensation (Contributing):<br />

This leave is granted to an employee who has been injured on the job and<br />

wishes to receive credit towards retirement. Granting of special sick leave is<br />

optional and must be approved by your (the employer’s) board of directors.<br />

The leave may not exceed one year. To qualify for the leave, the employee<br />

must receive at least one-half regular salary through Worker’s Compensation.<br />

Both you and the employee must be willing to contribute based on the<br />

employee's full contract salary.<br />

• SABTLC - Sabbatical Leave (Contributing): Select if the employee is on a<br />

paid sabbatical. The employee must receive at least one-half regular salary<br />

during the period of the sabbatical leave. Both you and the employee must<br />

make retirement contributions on the full salary that would have been earned<br />


had the employee been working. The difference between the salary actually<br />

paid and regular full salary must be reported in the “Unpaid Retirement<br />

Covered Compensation” field on Work Reports. For more information, see<br />

Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100.<br />

• STUDYC - Professional Study Leave (Contributing): This Work Status is<br />

used for an employee who has been granted a leave for professional study and<br />

growth and who wishes to make retirement contributions while on leave.<br />

When your board of directors approves a Professional Study Leave, the board<br />

minutes should contain a note that the leave is for professional study and growth.<br />

• EXCHGC - Exchange Teacher Leave (Contributing): This leave is granted<br />

to a school employee who exchanges teaching positions with a teacher from<br />

another country and wishes to make retirement contributions while on leave.<br />

The foreign exchange teacher should not be added as a PSERS member and<br />

should not be reported through monthly Work Reports.<br />

• UNIONC - Collective Bargaining Unit Leave (Contributing): Select if the<br />

employee has been granted a leave for collective bargaining unit and wishes to<br />

make retirement contributions while on leave. Report the full contracted salary<br />

and service the employee would have worked for your school.<br />

Work Status for Non-Contributing Leaves that can be<br />

Purchased<br />

• ACTMLN - Activated Military Leave (Non-Contributing): This Work Status<br />

is used for an employee who is on activated military leave and has decided to<br />

discontinue making retirement contributions to PSERS during the leave. The<br />

service time from this leave may be purchased later if the employee chooses.<br />

This full salary should be reported under “Wages No Contributions” (WNC) in<br />

the Monthly Work Reports. You should also report full service.<br />

Military leaves are different from other leaves in that you, the employer, must<br />

continue to contribute the employer’s share of retirement contributions whether or<br />

not the employee chooses to contribute. You CANNOT receive a credit for these<br />

contributions, even if the employee does not elect to purchase credit for this<br />

service later or does not return from the leave.<br />

When the employee returns to school employment, the employee must provide a<br />

copy of the discharge documentation to you, the employer. A copy of this<br />

documentation must be submitted to PSERS.<br />

• SSLSSN - Special Sick Leave, School Sponsored (Non-Contributing):<br />

This leave is granted to an employee who is ill and who does not wish to make<br />

retirement contributions while on leave. The employee may choose to<br />

purchase the service time from this leave at a later date. Granting of special<br />

sick leave is optional and must be approved by your (the employer’s) board of<br />

directors. The leave may not exceed one year.<br />


The full contracted salary should be reported under “Wages No Contributions”<br />

(WNC) in the Monthly Work Reports.<br />

To qualify for the leave, the employer must pay for disability insurance sufficient to<br />

provide the employee with at least one-half regular salary.<br />

• SSLWCN - Special Sick Leave, Worker’s Compensation (Non-<br />

Contributing): This leave is granted to an employee who has been injured on<br />

the job and who does not wish to make retirement contributions while on<br />

leave. The employee may choose to purchase the service time from this leave<br />

at a later date. Granting of special sick leave is optional and must be approved<br />

by your board of directors. The leave may not exceed one year.<br />

This salary should be reported under “Wages No Contributions” (WNC) in the<br />

Monthly Work Reports.<br />

To qualify for the leave, the employee must receive at least one-half regular salary<br />

through Worker’s Compensation.<br />

• STUDYN - Professional Study Leave (Non-Contributing): This Work<br />

Status is used for an employee who has been granted a leave for professional<br />

study and who does NOT wish to make retirement contributions while on leave.<br />

The employee may choose to purchase the service time from this leave at a<br />

later date.<br />

This salary should be reported under “Wages No Contributions” (WNC) in the<br />

Monthly Work Reports.<br />

When your board of directors approves a Professional Study Leave, the board<br />

minutes should contain a note that the leave is for professional study and growth.<br />

• EXCHGN - Exchange Teacher Leave (Non-Contributing): This Work<br />

Status is used for an employee who exchanges teaching positions with a<br />

teacher from another country and who does NOT wish to make retirement<br />

contributions while on leave. The employee may choose to purchase the<br />

service time from this leave at a later date.<br />

This salary should be reported under “Wages No Contributions” (WNC) in the<br />

Monthly Work Reports.<br />

Work Status for Non-Contributing Leaves that cannot be Purchased<br />

• WKCMPN - Worker’s Compensation Non-Contributing Leave: This leave<br />

is granted to an employee who has been injured while on the job, is receiving<br />

Worker’s Compensation, is not making retirement contributions while on leave,<br />

and is NOT eligible to purchase service time from this leave. This leave may<br />

last up to two years.<br />


The employee may NOT purchase service time from this leave. Use this Work<br />

Status if you, the employer, have not approved a special sick leave as a<br />

contributable or purchasable leave.<br />

Do not report any earnings or service to PSERS while an employee is on this type<br />

of leave.<br />

• LEAVEN – Any Other Leave Not Listed (Non-Contributing): Use this<br />

status when the employee is on leave, is not making retirement contributions,<br />

and the leave does not match any of the non-contributing leaves listed. This<br />

leave may last up to 24 months.<br />

The employee may NOT purchase service time from this leave. Use this Work<br />

Status if you, the employer, have not approved a leave as a contributable or<br />

purchasable leave.<br />

Do not report any earnings or service to PSERS while an employee is on this type<br />

of leave.<br />

TRMNTN - Termination: Select if the employee has ended ALL work for you,<br />

the employer. Any other Member Contract Records this employee has with you<br />

will be ended automatically. If the employee has only ended one position but is<br />

still working for you in another position, do not set the Work Status to<br />

“TRMNTN - Termination.” Instead, set the Work Status End Date to indicate<br />

this position has ended. If necessary, enter another Member Contract Record<br />

to describe the continued employment.<br />

• DECESD – Deceased: Select if the employee died while in active, waved or<br />

leave status. Entering this status on any Member Contract Record<br />

automatically ends ALL Member Contract Records for this employee. Because<br />

it is important to begin benefits processing quickly after an employee’s death,<br />

Work Status should be changed within one day of when you learn about the<br />

death. Do not wait until the next batch of Member Contract Records is being<br />

submitted unless a file will be uploaded that day anyway.<br />

Note: Jury Duty is considered to be active employment rather than a leave.<br />

Report employees on Jury Duty as if they were working normally, with a Work<br />

Status of “ACTIVE – Actively Working.” If you have a policy of paying employees<br />

on Jury Duty the difference between their regular, full salary and the amount they<br />

are paid for Jury Duty, see Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100).<br />

Note: To be eligible to purchase a non-contributing leave, the employee must<br />

meet the eligibility criteria.<br />


Work Status Quick <strong>Reference</strong> Table<br />

Work Status<br />

ACTIVE - Actively Working<br />

ACTIVW - Waiver Request<br />

ACTMLC - Activated Military<br />

Contributing Leave<br />

SSLSSC - Special Sick Leave, School<br />

Sponsored (Contributing)<br />

SSLWCC - Special Sick Leave,<br />

Worker’s Compensation<br />

(Contributing)<br />

SABTLC - Sabbatical Leave<br />

(Contributing)<br />

STUDYC - Professional Study Leave<br />

(Contributing)<br />

EXCHGC - Exchange Teacher<br />

Contributing Leave<br />

UNIONC - Collective Bargaining Unit<br />

Leave (Contributing)<br />

ACTMLN - Activated Military Leave<br />

(Non-Contributing)<br />

SSLSSN - Special Sick Leave, School<br />

Sponsored (Non-Contributing)<br />

SSLWCN - Special Sick Leave,<br />

Worker's Compensation (Non-<br />

Contributing)<br />

STUDYN - Professional Study Leave<br />

(Non-Contributing)<br />

EXCHGN - Exchange Teacher Leave<br />

(Non-Contributing)<br />

Description<br />

The employee is actively working, whether contributing or not.<br />

A Waiver Request has been made by an actively working<br />

employee, whether contributing or not.<br />

The employee is contributing while on activated military leave.<br />

The employee is contributing while on a special sick leave. The<br />

board of directors must approve this leave. The employer<br />

must pay for disability insurance sufficient to provide the<br />

employee with at least 1/2 regular salary.<br />

The employee is contributing while on a special sick leave.<br />

This leave must be approved by your board of directors, and<br />

the employee must be receiving at least 1/2 regular salary<br />

through Worker’s Compensation.<br />

The employee is contributing while on sabbatical. The<br />

employee must receive at least 1/2 regular salary during this<br />

leave.<br />

The employee is contributing while on a leave for professional<br />

study.<br />

The employee is contributing while working in a foreign<br />

teacher exchange program.<br />

The employee is contributing while on a leave for collective<br />

bargaining.<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on activated military<br />

leave. The employee may choose to purchase the service<br />

time from this leave at a later date.<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on a special sick leave.<br />

The board of directors must approve this leave. The employer<br />

must pay for disability insurance sufficient to provide the<br />

employee with at least 1/2 regular salary. The employee may<br />

choose to purchase the service time from this leave at a later<br />

date.<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on a special sick<br />

leave. The board of directors must approve this leave and<br />

the employee must be receiving at least 1/2 regular salary<br />

through Worker’s Compensation. The employee may choose<br />

to purchase the service time from this leave at a later date.<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on a leave for<br />

professional study. The employee may choose to purchase<br />

the service time from this leave at a later date.<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while working in a foreign<br />

teacher exchange program. The employee may choose to<br />

purchase the service time from this leave at a later date.<br />


Work Status<br />

WKCMPN - Worker's Compensation<br />

Leave (Non-Contributing)<br />

Description<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on leave and receiving<br />

partial salary from Worker’s Compensation. The employee<br />

CANNOT purchase the service time from this leave.<br />

LEAVEN - Any Other Leave Not<br />

Listed (Non-Contributing)<br />

TRMNTN - Termination<br />

DECESD - Deceased<br />

The employee is NOT contributing while on a leave that does<br />

not match any of the other leaves listed. The employee<br />

CANNOT purchase the service time from this leave.<br />

The employee has ended ALL employment with you. If only<br />

some positions have ended, instead set the Work Status End<br />

Date on the appropriate Member Contract Records.<br />

The employee has died.<br />

Member Contract Records – Create by Uploading a File<br />

You can submit multiple Member Contract Records at once, by uploading a file to the<br />

online system. You may use this procedure to submit as few or as many Member<br />

Contract Records as you want, but if you only need to submit a small number of<br />

Member Contract Records, you may find it easier to enter them directly online – see<br />

Member Contract Records – Creating Individually on page 41.<br />

Submit Member Contract Records to PSERS whenever you hire a new employee and<br />

whenever an employee’s work status and/or positions change.<br />

Before a Member Contract Record can be submitted for an employee, Member<br />

Demographic Information must be on file with PSERS for that employee. See the<br />

How is Member Demographic Information Sent to PSERS? sections starting on page<br />

26 for more information.<br />

For information on how to submit Member Contract Records by uploading a file see<br />

Submitting Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />


Format for Member Contract Information Files<br />

For information on how to correctly format a member Contract Record see the<br />

chapter title Standard File Format on page 145. The following pages will illustrate in<br />

detail the layout for Member Contract Information Files.<br />

Header of the Member Contract Information File<br />

The Member Contract Information file must include a single-line header as the first<br />

line in the file. The header line identifies the employer, the type of records in the file,<br />

the number of records in the file, and the date and time the file was created. This<br />

information must be in the following format:<br />

Header<br />

Record<br />

Type<br />

<strong>Employer</strong><br />

Code<br />

Detail<br />

Record<br />

Count<br />

File<br />

Creation<br />

Date and<br />

Time<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditional<br />

Byt<br />

es Start Format & Values Sample<br />

Comment<br />

s<br />

R 1 1 Alpha (C=Contract) C Describes<br />

the<br />

incoming<br />

file type.<br />

R 6 2 Numeric 002345 <strong>Employer</strong><br />

ID<br />

assigned to<br />

you by<br />

PSERS.<br />

R 6 8 Numeric 002680 Total<br />

number of<br />

detail<br />

records in<br />

this file.<br />

R 12 14 Date as<br />


Filler R 151 26 NULL Filler. Space<br />

filled to match fixed<br />

length of detail<br />

record.<br />

102520061400 Date and<br />

time in<br />

military<br />

format.<br />

151 spaces<br />

All fields are required. “Start” indicates what column that field begins in on the header line.<br />

“Bytes” indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All fields are a fixed-length.<br />

Example: The following sample header uses the information as shown in the above<br />

table:<br />

C002345002680102520061400<br />


In this example, a Member Contract Information File from <strong>Employer</strong> 002345 is being<br />

submitted with 2,680 records in it. The file was created on October 25, 2006, at<br />

14:00 (2:00 p.m.).<br />

Record Lines in the Member Contract Information File<br />

Each Member Contract Record must consist of a single line of information, in the<br />

following format:<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start Format & Values Sample Comments<br />

SSN R 9 1 Numeric 14925024<br />

5<br />

Social Security<br />

Number<br />

Last Name R 33 10 Alpha SMITH Required<br />

First Name R 35 43 Alpha AARON Required<br />

Date of<br />

Birth<br />

R 8 78 Date as MMDDYYYY 07231958 Required<br />

Job Title C 50 86 Alphanumeric; No<br />

predefined values.<br />

Space-filled if no<br />

value.<br />

Employment<br />

Type<br />

C 2 136 Alpha (PT= Part-time,<br />

FT= Full-time, spacefilled<br />

if no value)<br />

Wage Type C 2 138 Alpha<br />

(SA = Salary, HR =<br />

Hourly,<br />

PD = Per Diem,<br />

space-filled if no<br />

value)<br />

Work R 6 140 Alpha (status from<br />

Status<br />

table on page 45)<br />

Work<br />

Status<br />

Start Date<br />

Work<br />

Status End<br />

Date<br />

Expected<br />

Months<br />

Expected<br />

Units<br />

Voting<br />

Status<br />

Teacher<br />

PT<br />

SA<br />

ACTIVE<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE or<br />

ACTIVW, else<br />

Optional.<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE or<br />

ACTIVW, else<br />

Optional.<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE or<br />

ACTIVW, else<br />

Optional.<br />

Required<br />

R 8 146 Date as MMDDYYYY 10252006 Required. The date<br />

the Work Status<br />

started.<br />

C 8 154 Date as MMDDYYYY 10252006<br />

or<br />

00000000<br />

C 2 162 Numeric ## (01-12,<br />

00=NULL)<br />

C 4 164 Numeric ####,<br />

0000=NULL<br />

C 1 168 Alpha<br />

(Y=Certified,<br />

N=Non-certified,<br />

space=NULL)<br />

The date the Work<br />

Status ended.<br />

10 or 00 Required if<br />

Employment<br />

Type=FT AND Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE;<br />

Optional if<br />

Employment<br />

Type=PT AND Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE.<br />

0180 or<br />

0000<br />

Y<br />

Required if<br />

Employment<br />

Type=FT AND Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE;<br />

Optional if Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE<br />

and Employment<br />

Type = PT.<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status = ACTIVE,<br />

else Optional.<br />


R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start Format & Values Sample Comments<br />

BOC Flag C 1 169 Alpha<br />

(Y=Balance Due,<br />

N=No Balance Due,<br />

space=NULL)<br />

Y<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status =TRMNTN or<br />

DECESD, else<br />

Optional.<br />

Outstandin<br />

g Service<br />

Credit Flag<br />

BOC/Svc<br />

End Date<br />

C 1 170 Alpha (Y= Member<br />

still has service to be<br />

reported, N= Member<br />

does not still have<br />

service to be<br />

reported,<br />

space=NULL)<br />

Y<br />

C 6 171 Date as MMYYYY 102006<br />

or<br />

000000<br />

Required if Work<br />

Status = TRMNTN or<br />

DECESD, Required,<br />

else Optional.<br />

If BOC Flag is set to<br />

“Y” or the<br />

Outstanding Service<br />

Credit Flag is set to<br />

“Y” then Required,<br />

else Optional<br />

For more information on any field, see Member Contract Records – Creating Individually on<br />

page 41. “Start” indicates what column that field begins in on the record line. “Bytes”<br />

indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All fields are a fixed-length.<br />

Uploading a Member Contract Information File<br />

First, access the Member Contract Info sub-menu, as described in How is Member<br />

Demographic Information Sent to PSERS? on page 26.<br />

From the “Member Contract Info” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click “File<br />

Upload.” The following screen appears:<br />

For further information on how to upload a Member Contract Record see Uploading a<br />

File on page 147.<br />


Member Contract Info Work Area – File Window<br />

After uploading a file, go to the Member Contract Info Work Area, either by clicking<br />

“Work Area” in the File Upload window or by clicking “Work Area” in the Member<br />

Contract Info sub-menu. The File window of the Work Area appears:<br />

For information on how to navigate in the Contract Records Info File Window see the<br />

chapter on Work Area Window located on page 149.<br />

Member Contract Info Work Area – Record Detail Window<br />

The Record Detail window in the Member Contract Info Work Area is used to add to,<br />

delete, or edit the individual Member Contract Records that are included in an<br />

uploaded file.<br />

Access<br />

To access the Record Detail window, go to the File window (see Member Contract Info<br />

Work Area – File Window on page 55 and click “Detail” next to the desired file.<br />

Note: The file must be validated before the Record Detail window can be accessed for<br />

that file.<br />

The Record Detail window looks similar to the following example:<br />


For more information on how to navigate the Member Contract Record Info Record<br />

Detail Window refer to the chapter titled Work Area—Record Detail Window on<br />

page 152.<br />

Saving Your Changes<br />

After adding, deleting, or editing any records in the Record Detail window always save<br />

your work. To save, click “Save” twice. The first “Save” will save the information to<br />

a temporary file and the second “Save” will save the information permanently.<br />

If you log out or go to another part of the system without clicking “Save” twice, you<br />

will lose ALL changes you made since the last save. In this case, any records you<br />

added will be lost, any records you deleted will be restored, and any records you<br />

edited will be returned to their previous information.<br />

Submitting the Records to PSERS<br />

For information on how to submit Member Contract Record to PSERS see Submitting<br />

Records by Uploading Files on page 144 .<br />

Member Contract Records –<br />

Changing Information for an Employee<br />

You must create a new Member Contract Record when the employee does one of the<br />

following:<br />

• requests a waiver from PSERS membership<br />

• goes on leave<br />

• returns from a leave<br />

• begins a new job with you<br />

• terminates one or more jobs with you<br />

• dies<br />

• changes positions<br />

Member Contract Records cannot be changed once they are created.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s may only edit the End Date and voting status of a contract.<br />

If an error is found in an old Contract Record, call the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center for<br />

assistance.<br />

What You Do When an Employee…<br />

• goes on leave<br />

• terminates all jobs with you<br />

• dies<br />


• furlough<br />

…submit a single new Member Contract Record with Work Status set to the<br />

appropriate leave, or “TRMNTN - Termination,” or “DECESD - Deceased.” Set the<br />

Work Status Start Date to the date the leave began, or the date of termination or<br />

the date of death. In the case of termination or death, also set the BOC Flag,<br />

Outstanding Service Credit Flag, and BOC/Svc End Date fields to appropriate<br />

values. All of the employee’s other Member Contract Records will be end-dated<br />

automatically.<br />

• returns from a leave<br />

• begins a new job with you<br />

• receives a waiver denial<br />

…submit a new Member Contract Record for each job the employee will be working<br />

for you. If the employee is returning from leave, the Member Contract Record(s)<br />

showing the leave will be end-dated automatically. (Waiver denials require the<br />

employer to manually end-date previous “ACTIVW” record.) If a member furloughs<br />

submit a LEAVEN record.<br />

• requests a waiver from PSERS membership<br />

…submit a single new Member Contract Record with Work Status set to ”ACTIVW -<br />

Waiver Request” and Work Status Start Date set to the date the waiver was<br />

requested. Do not edit the existing Member Contract Record(s) for this employee.<br />

• terminates one job with you but continues working for you in another job<br />

…end-date the Member Contract Record for the position being ended, as described<br />

under End-Dating a Member Contract Record.<br />

…contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center for further assistance. See Contacting<br />

PSERS on page 192.<br />

Changing Member Contract Records Online<br />

You can only EDIT a Member Contract Record if you need to end-date change the<br />

voting status. In all other cases, you will be submitting a new Member Contract<br />

Record, as described in Member Contract Records – Creating Individually on page 41.<br />

Contact the PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center to make changes to an existing Contract<br />

Record.<br />

End-Dating a Member Contract Record<br />

In some cases, you must “end-date” an existing Member Contract Record.<br />

Example: An employee works per diem as a substitute teacher and also works a<br />

part-time, hourly position providing office help. As her office hours increase, she<br />


decides to stop working as a substitute teacher. Edit the Member Contract Record<br />

that describes the per diem substitute teacher position. Set the Work Status End<br />

Date to the final date of work at this position.<br />

From the “Member Contract Info” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click<br />

“View/Edit Member Contract.” You will be prompted to enter the social security<br />

number for the employee. Enter the social security number and click “Submit.”<br />

• If the social security number you entered already has at least one Member<br />

Contract Record set up, you will see a list of these records:<br />

• Click “Detail” next to the Member Contract Record to be viewed or edited. You<br />

will see the Member Contract Information window.<br />

If you file a contract record with a voting status of certified and the member turns<br />

out to be non-certified…<br />

Job Titles Requiring Certification for Voting<br />

Purposes<br />

The job titles that shall be considered “Certified” as defined in the Public School<br />

Code, Section 1101, 24 PS 11-1101 are as follows:<br />

• Teachers<br />

• Substitute teachers<br />

• Vocational instructors<br />

• Supervisors (instructional)<br />

• Principals<br />

• Assistant principals<br />


• Vice-principals<br />

• Directors of Vocational education<br />

• Dental hygienists<br />

• Visiting teachers<br />

• Home and school visitors<br />

• School counselors<br />

• Child nutrition program specialists<br />

• School librarians<br />

• School nurse<br />

Even if a member’s certification has recently expired or they have not formally<br />

attained certification PSERS looks at the position the member holds. If the position<br />

does not require certification then the member’s voting status is “non-certified”.<br />


For more information on this window and the fields on it, see Member Contract<br />

Records – Creating Individually on page 41.<br />

• Edit the Work Status End Date. Enter the last date the Work Status described in<br />

this Member Contract Record was / will be valid. For example, if the employee is<br />

ending work in this position as of March 1, 2006, enter 03 01 2006.<br />

• Click “Save”.<br />

After saving, you will be returned to the above screen, with the message, “Msg –<br />

Member contract created successfully” near the top of the screen. At this point, the<br />

record has been saved. You may make additional changes and save those, or you<br />

may click “Cancel” to exit from this screen. Clicking “Cancel” will cause you to lose<br />

any changes you made since the last “Save.”<br />

Correcting an Error in a Member Contract<br />

If you make an error when you submit a Member Contract Record, follow the<br />

directions under End-Dating a Member Contract Record.<br />

If you do not catch the error until after you have submitted your next monthly Work<br />

Report, you can only change the Work Status End Date field. To change another field,<br />

contact PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center.<br />


Changing Member Contract Records by Submitting a File<br />

This process is the same as submitting new Member Contract Records. See Member<br />

Contract Records - Create by Uploading a File on page 51 for details on this process.<br />

The only field that you can edit on a Member Contract is the End Date field.<br />

End-Dating a Member Contract Record<br />

In some cases, you must “end-date” an existing Member Contract Record, as directed<br />

under What You Do When an Employee….<br />

In order to end-date a Member Contract Record, submit a Member Contract Record<br />

where all information matches the current Member Contract Record, except for the<br />

Work Status End Date. Submit the appropriate date in this field.<br />

Example: An employee works per diem as a substitute teacher and also works a<br />

part-time, hourly position providing office help. As her office hours increase, she<br />

decides to stop working as a substitute teacher. Submit a Member Contract Record<br />

where all information matches the Member Contract Record for the per diem<br />

substitute teacher position, except for the Work Status End Date. In this field, submit<br />

the final date of work as a substitute teacher.<br />

Examples<br />

The following examples detail how to create Member Contract Records when an<br />

employee’s work status changes. For information on how to REPORT the employee<br />

during a time of change, see When An Employee’s Work Status Changes on page 97.<br />

Example #1: A teacher takes on a job as Principal, which involves leaving the<br />

teaching job. End-date the existing teacher Member Contract Record by setting Work<br />

Status End Date to the last date the employee will work as a teacher. Then, create a<br />

new Member Contract Record for the Principal position, with Work Status Start Date<br />

as the following day. (The first day working as a Principal.)<br />

Example #2: An employee works multiple positions for you and goes on leave.<br />

Submit a single new Member Contract Record with Work Status set to the appropriate<br />

type of leave and Work Status Start Date set to the date the leave began. PSERS will<br />

modify all of the employee’s existing Member Contract Records with you automatically<br />

to reflect the leave.<br />

If an employee works multiple positions for you and is only going on leave from one<br />

or some of these positions, contact PSERS to set just the appropriate Member<br />

Contract Records to leave and keep the others open. See Contacting PSERS on page<br />

192.<br />

When an employee returns from leave, submit new Member Contract Records for the<br />

position(s) being resumed. PSERS will automatically end-date all of the leave<br />

Contract Records.<br />


Example #3: An employee dies. Submit a single new Member Contract Record with<br />

Work Status set to “DECESD – Deceased” and Work Status Start Date set to the date<br />

of death. Also set the BOC Flag, Outstanding Service Credit Flag, and BOC/Svc End<br />

Date fields to appropriate values. PSERS will modify all of the employee’s existing<br />

Member Contract Records with you automatically.<br />

Any Member Contract Records the employee has with other employers will not be<br />

affected, since the employee may have different Balance of Contract and Outstanding<br />

Service values with each employer.<br />

Example #4: An employee terminates all employment with you. Submit a single<br />

new Member Contract Record with Work Status set to “TRMNTN – Termination” and<br />

Work Status Start Date set to the date of termination. Also set the BOC Flag,<br />

Outstanding Service Credit Flag, and BOC/Svc End Date fields to appropriate values.<br />

PSERS will modify all of the employee’s existing Member Contract Records with you<br />

automatically.<br />

If the employee is only terminating one or more positions with you and is still working<br />

another position, do not set the Work Status to “TRMNTN - Termination.” Instead,<br />

change the Work Status End Date for the positions that are ending.<br />

Example #5: A part-time employee requests a waiver from PSERS membership.<br />

Submit a single new Member Contract Record with Work Status set to “ACTIVW -<br />

Waiver Request.” Set the Work Status Start Date to the day of employment for the<br />

position being waived.<br />

Only part-time employees can request a waiver from PSERS membership. To make<br />

sure the employee qualifies for the waiver, see Determining if a Part-Time Employee<br />

may Waive Membership in PSERS on page 21. When you set an employee’s Work<br />

Status to indicate a waiver has been requested, PSERS will send a packet of<br />

information to the employee automatically, explaining how waivers work and<br />

providing a Membership Waiver (PSRS-51) form. The employer is no longer required<br />

to provide this form to the employee.<br />


Chapter<br />

5<br />

Reporting – An<br />

Introduction<br />

What You Will Do Monthly, Quarterly, and Annually<br />

Monthly:<br />

• Submit Member Demographic Information and at least one Member<br />

Contract Record for each of your new employees. Refer to Member<br />

Demographic Information on page 25 and Member Contract Records on page 38.<br />

• Transmit a Work Report to PSERS by the 20 th of the month to report the<br />

previous month’s wages, contributions, and service (where applicable). See<br />

How are Work Reports Transmitted to PSERS? on page 117.<br />

You may find it is better to submit Work Reports before the 10 th of the month,<br />

in order to check the total amount of your Member (Employee) Contributions<br />

before you remit these to PSERS. These remittances are due at PSERS by the<br />

10 th of the month.<br />

• After transmitting the Work Report, validate it. This process will detect most<br />

errors that may be in the Work Report. Correct all errors by the 20 th of the<br />

month and approve your report. See How are Work Reports Transmitted to<br />

PSERS? on page 117.<br />

• Remit Member (Employee) Contributions and Member Purchase of<br />

Service Installments to PSERS by the 10 th of the month. These are the<br />

contributions you withheld from employees’ wages during the previous month.<br />

If you are mailing a check, we suggest you mail it by the 5 th of the month to<br />

allow mail-handling time and ensure the check reaches us by the 10 th of the<br />

month. Interest will be charged for late payments. For details, see Payments<br />

– Remitting to PSERS on page 174.<br />


Quarterly, Annual, or As-Needed:<br />

• Pay your employer share of the retirement contributions to PSERS<br />

quarterly. (For due dates, see Payments – Remitting to PSERS on page 174).<br />

Interest will be charged for late payments.<br />

• Submit Work Report Adjustments as needed. Salary or service must be<br />

correct through Work Report Adjustments due to problems you will encounter<br />

when reporting through the normal Work Reports. See Reporting – Work<br />

Report Adjustments on page 116.<br />

• If you are not reporting service time for your salaried employees monthly,<br />

report this service time annually, as part of June’s Work Report, which<br />

must be submitted by July 10 th . Service time for all hourly and per diem<br />

employees must be included in monthly Work Reports as the service occurs.<br />

• If needed, submit form Request for Reporting Unit Credit (PSRS-709) to receive<br />

credit for contributions you paid for an employee on a paid leave who does not<br />

return from the leave or upon returning does not remain in your employ for a<br />

sufficient time (see Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100. In these<br />

situations, see Refund of Contributions / Credit for Salary Reported on page 187.<br />

Do not fill our form Request for Reporting Unit Credit (PSRS-709) to receive a<br />

credit for contributions you paid for non-qualifying part-time employees<br />

during or after July 2004. This process is automated, so you will receive credits<br />

automatically when appropriate.<br />

What Earnings Qualify for Contributions and Contribution<br />

Rates<br />

For retirement purposes, all employee earnings (salary/wages, sick pay, pay during<br />

leave, bonuses, etc.) are either qualified or unqualified. Retirement contributions<br />

must be paid on qualified earnings and must not be paid on unqualified earnings.<br />

Qualified earnings must be reported to PSERS in Monthly Work Reports. Unqualified<br />

earnings need not be reported but may be reported in Monthly Work Reports under<br />

“Non Retirement Covered Compensation” (NRCC). See How are Work Reports<br />

Transmitted to PSERS? on page 117.<br />

Qualified Earnings<br />

The types of payments listed below are considered to be qualified earnings for<br />

retirement purposes if they are paid to a school employee who is eligible for PSERS<br />

membership. (See Membership: Mandatory, Optional, and Prohibited on page 13.)<br />

Retirement contributions must be paid on these earnings.<br />

In the monthly Work Reports, you must report earnings in the field indicated<br />

for each type of payment.<br />


• Regular Salary/Wages – Salary/wages based on the standard pay<br />

schedule for which the employee is rendering service. Report these earnings<br />

in the Base field.<br />

• Overtime – Wages, paid over and above the regular salary, which represent<br />

additional hours worked. Report these earnings in the OT (Overtime) field.<br />

• Extracurricular activities – Wages paid for additional duties performed<br />

after normal working hours should be included in the SUPP (Supplemental)<br />

field. Examples of these earnings are wages paid to coaches, ticket takers,<br />

chaperones for school activities, yearbook overseers, etc.<br />

<br />

If you employ an individual solely for an extracurricular activity and they<br />

have qualified employment, then the earnings would be reported in the<br />

Base field as qualified salary. The member cannot be currently receiving<br />

a PSERS annuity and they cannot have waived membership in PSERS.<br />

• Jury duty – You must withhold and pay retirement contributions on the<br />

regular, full salary of employees who are serving jury duty. If you are paying<br />

the employee the regular, full salary, report this as usual in the Base field. If<br />

you are paying the employee the difference between the regular, full salary<br />

and the amount the employee is paid for serving on jury duty, report the<br />

amount you actually pay in the Base field and report the amount the<br />

employee is paid for the jury duty in the URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered<br />

Compensation) field. Keep the Work Status as “ACTIVE – Actively Working”<br />

for employees on jury duty.<br />

• Difference payments – This type of payment applies if you pay a teacher<br />

who is on leave the difference between the teacher’s regular, full salary and<br />

the salary you pay to the substitute teacher who fills in for this teacher. In<br />

this case, you must pay retirement contributions on the regular, full salary.<br />

Report the amount you actually pay in the Base field and report the amount<br />

that is not paid in the Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation field.<br />

• Incentive payments – Based on a Commonwealth Court decision, incentive<br />

payments are retirement-covered compensation. The following criteria must<br />

be met:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The payment must be tied to work performance.<br />

There is an objective means to calculate the payment.<br />

The employer is contractually obligated to make the payment if the<br />

performance standards are met and are not discretionary or subjective.<br />

The payment is a significant part of the employee’s income.<br />

If the above criteria are met, report the incentive payment in the SUPP<br />

(Supplemental) field and withhold retirement contributions as you would on<br />


other pay to this employee. If the employee is part-time hourly or per diem<br />

and is not yet having contributions withheld, report the incentive payment in<br />

the WNC (Wages No Contribution) field.<br />

Example #1: All classroom reading teachers whose students show an<br />

average increase in reading ability of X% from the scores earned by an<br />

established testing method will earn an additional $1,000 payment at the<br />

close of the school year. The test(s) must be given during the first 4 weeks<br />

of the school year to establish a base reading level for each student and<br />

during the last 4 weeks of the school year to establish the reading level at<br />

the close of the school year.<br />

Example #2: A bus driver will receive an additional X% of their yearly<br />

salary if they have a whole school year with no accidents and no late runs.<br />

Late runs caused by weather conditions will not be counted against the<br />

driver. Adverse weather conditions will be determined using the standard<br />

school policy.<br />

• Paid Leave – Sick, annual, or personal leave paid to an employee who is on<br />

leave and is NOT making retirement contributions while on the leave MUST<br />

be reported. This type of payment is considered to be qualified earnings<br />

when an employee is reported to PSERS as being on a non-contributing<br />

leave, is NOT receiving Worker’s Compensation while on leave, and is then<br />

paid salary for their accumulated sick leave, annual leave, and/or personal<br />

leave. PSERS considers this payment for “used” leave, which qualifies as<br />

retirement-covered compensation. Report this type of pay in the Base field<br />

and record the contributions on it in the Contributions field. Report service<br />

time for this payment in the Days or Hours field.<br />

If you are reporting the employee’s regular, full salary in the WNC (Wages No<br />

Contribution) field during the leave, do NOT do so when you report the<br />

accumulated sick leave, annual leave, and/or personal leave. The WNC<br />

(Wages No Contribution) field should only be used if ALL of the salary in a<br />

Work Report Record is unpaid and is available for Purchase of Service.<br />

Exception: If the employee is receiving Worker’s Compensation during the<br />

leave, do NOT report any accumulated sick leave, annual leave, and/or<br />

personal leave that you pay to the employee. Continue to report the<br />

employee normally.<br />

• Employee dies while in service – Payment to an employee’s beneficiary or<br />

estate for time worked prior to the employee’s death. Record this payment<br />

in the Base field and make contributions on it normally.<br />

Part-Time Hourly and Per Diem Employees<br />

Part-time hourly and per diem employees become eligible for retirement<br />

contributions on their 500 th hour or 80 th day of employment in a school year. This<br />

service time is cumulative among all PSERS employers, so you must begin<br />


withholding contributions when the total employment between you and the other<br />

employer(s) reaches 80 days or 500 hours. PSERS will notify you if you do not<br />

begin withholding contributions at the necessary time.<br />

You have two basic choices for these employees:<br />

1. Withhold and report contributions to PSERS from the first day of<br />

employment. In this case, report the employee’s earnings as described<br />

under Qualified Earnings.<br />

Or…<br />

2. Wait and make contributions when the employee reaches 500 hours or 80<br />

days. In this case, prior to the 80 th day / 500 th hour, report all earnings that<br />

would normally be qualified in the WNC (Wages No Contribution) field. Do<br />

not use the Base, OT (Overtime), SUPP (Supplemental), URCC (Unpaid<br />

Retirement Covered Compensation), or EXSAL (Excess Salary) fields.<br />

You must withhold contributions beginning with the employee’s 80 th day or<br />

500 th hour. At this time, you must also begin paying the employer<br />

contributions. The employee and the employer will be billed for the<br />

contributions on the wages reported in the WNC (Wages No Contributions)<br />

filed.<br />

PSERS helps you determine when a part-time employee qualifies for retirement<br />

contributions:<br />

• If you do not pay employer contributions for an employee who qualifies,<br />

PSERS will send you a letter and bill you for the contributions you should<br />

have made. PSERS will also bill the employee for the employee’s share of<br />

the contributions that should have been made.<br />

• If you make employer contributions for an employee and that employee<br />

never reaches 80 days or 500 hours of employment in that school year,<br />

PSERS will credit the contributions to your account after the end of the school<br />

year.<br />

• If an employee does not reach qualification status in a school year and<br />

member contributions were deducted, PSERS will refund the member after all<br />

employer reporting is competed for that school year. An Application for<br />

Partial Refund (Non-Qualifying Service) is not required.<br />

Maximum Earnings Subject to Contributions<br />

IRS Section 401(a)(17) of the Internal Revenue Code limits the amount of<br />

compensation that is subject to retirement contributions for active employees entering<br />

PSERS membership on or after July 1, 1996.<br />

• For employees who became PSERS’ members before July 1, 1996, there is no<br />

maximum earning level beyond which retirement contributions should not be<br />


made. Contributions must be made on all qualifying earnings for these<br />

employees, regardless of how much they earn in a calendar year.<br />

• For employees who became PSERS’ member on or after July 1, 1996, the<br />

maximum amount of earnings that qualify for retirement contributions may not<br />

exceed the following amounts:<br />

Calendar Year Reportable Compensation Limit<br />

2011 $245,000<br />

2010 $245,000<br />

2009 $245,000<br />

2008 $230,000<br />

If an employee earns more in a calendar year than the limit shown above, all<br />

salary that exceeds this limit should be reported in the EXSAL (Excess Salary) field<br />

on the employee’s Work Report Records for the remainder of that CALENDAR year.<br />

No retirement contributions should be made on this excess salary.<br />

If a determination period consists of fewer than 12 months, the compensation limit<br />

for that year will be multiplied by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number<br />

of months in the determination period and the denominator of which is 12.<br />

Example: For an employee who works for 5 months in 2006, the reportable<br />

compensation limit would be $91,667 ($220,000 x 5/12).<br />

Unqualified Earnings (Non Retirement Covered Compensation)<br />

The Public School Employees' Retirement Board's Regulations, 22 Pa. Code §211.2<br />

states that certain types of payments you make to your employees must not be<br />

included in a retirement calculation.<br />

It is highly recommended that you report unqualified earnings to PSERS to reduce<br />

future questions, but it is not required. If reported, unqualified earnings must be<br />

reported in the NRCC (Non Retirement Covered Compensation) field in your monthly<br />

Work Reports.<br />

Below are the types of payments made to a school employee eligible for PSERS<br />

membership that are unqualified earnings.<br />

• Bonuses: As compared with incentive payments, which ARE qualified<br />

earnings, bonuses are paid as an extra amount outside of the contract between<br />

you and the employee and/or are based on subjective criteria.<br />

Example: An employer makes a payment of $1,000 to an employee in<br />

recognition of exceptional performance in the current school year. The<br />

payment is outside of the employee’s contract. This payment is a bonus<br />

because there was no contractual obligation to make the payment and defining<br />

an “exceptional performance” is subjective.<br />


• Severance Payments: Any payment that is contingent upon an employee<br />

retiring is not eligible for retirement contributions.<br />

Example: An employer agrees to pay $5,000 to any member who retires<br />

during the school year. This payment is not compensation for retirement<br />

because it is contingent upon retirement.<br />

• Additional Unqualified Payments: the following types of payments are not<br />

eligible for retirement contributions:<br />

<br />

Any payment you make to a non-salary reduction Internal Revenue Code<br />

403(b) tax sheltered annuity, or similar payment. Although it may be<br />

considered compensation, it is not part of the stated salary for the job<br />

position.<br />

Example: If the employer agrees to make a contribution to an<br />

employee’s 403(b) plan in lieu of a salary increase, etc., the amount of<br />

the contribution should be reported in the NRCC (Non Retirement Covered<br />

Compensation) field in your monthly Work Reports.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Any payments (remuneration or a profit derived from one’s office) received<br />

by a school employee for school service that is not based on the standard<br />

pay schedule for which they are rendering service.<br />

Payment for unused sick leave if paid in a lump sum.<br />

Payment of salary from sick leave, annual, or personal leave while an<br />

employee is on a non-contributing leave and is receiving a Worker’s<br />

Compensation benefit. This is considered payment for “unused” leave.<br />

Payment to an employee while on a non-contributing leave when the<br />

compensation does not equal at least one-half of the employee's regular<br />

contract salary (see Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100.)<br />

Special payments for health and welfare plans based on the hours<br />

employed.<br />

Payment for unused vacation days or annual leave.<br />

Payment for unused personal days.<br />

Payments for attending school seminars and conventions.<br />

Reimbursements for expenses, including tuition.<br />

Payments or a profit derived from one’s office that may be negotiated in a<br />

collective bargaining agreement for the express purpose of enhancing the<br />

compensation factor for retirement benefits.<br />


Payments made because of settlement or an arbitration or court case<br />

when the settlement involves less than full reinstatement, back pay, and<br />

benefits.<br />

Interest payment included with settlements or arbitration of a court case.<br />

All settlements or salary from arbitration will be reviewed by PSERS on a<br />

case-by-case basis. Send the information in writing to PSERS. Be sure<br />

to state what the settlement represents in detail and what the salary<br />

payment represents. You must provide a copy of the court award or<br />

arbitration.<br />

• Salaries for PSERS retirees hired for employment due to an emergency or<br />

shortage of personnel. An emergency is characterized as an increase in<br />

workload that creates a serious impairment of service to the public or a<br />

shortage of appropriate subject certified teachers or personnel.<br />

Salaries for PSERS retirees hired for an extracurricular activity. This<br />

applies only if hired under both of the following conditions:<br />

• The retiree is hired for an extracurricular position that is conducted<br />

outside of the regular instructional hours and is not part of the<br />

school’s mandated curriculum.<br />

• The retiree is employed under a separate written contract with you;<br />

and the written contract contains both:<br />

A waiver by the retiree of any potential retirement benefits that<br />

could result from the post-retirement employment, and…<br />

A release of both you and PSERS from any liability for benefits<br />

related to the post-retirement employment.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Payments to a student who is working as part of the student’s<br />

curriculum. If the work is NOT part of the curriculum, it is considered to<br />

be QUALIFIED earnings if the student is age 15 or older.<br />

Salary paid to employees serving as PIAA officials (they are considered<br />

independent contractors contracted through PIAA).<br />

Payments to an employee on a leave of absence due to a collective<br />

bargaining issue, in some circumstances. Contact PSERS to determine this.<br />

(This is a case-by-case basis). To contact PSERS, see Contacting PSERS on<br />

page 192.<br />


Payment to an employee in lieu of a benefit the employee is eligible to<br />

receive, or any reimbursement received by the employee. (These<br />

payments do not become part of your standard pay schedule.)<br />

Example: Payments in lieu of your employer-sponsored vision and dental<br />

plan.<br />

Determining Employee Contribution Rates<br />

The contribution rate for each employee depends on several factors. You must<br />

determine the correct rate for each employee when that employee first begins work<br />

for you. It is also possible for an employee’s contribution rate to change under<br />

certain circumstances.<br />

As a double-check, PSERS calculates the contributions automatically for each<br />

employee and compares these contributions against the contribution reported in your<br />

Work Report. If the contributions do not match, PSERS notifies you of the<br />

discrepancy by identifying the information as an exception in the work report and<br />

charges or credits the difference to your account with PSERS. <strong>Employer</strong>s should<br />

always check for exceptions in the work report before approving. Contact<br />

PSERS immediately if you do not agree with the rate PSERS displays in the exception<br />

message. The rate will be reviewed for accuracy.<br />

Membership Class<br />

Employees who become a member of PSERS on or after July 1, 1967, automatically<br />

belong to the standard rate group. These employees are also members of the Dual<br />

Coverage group.<br />

All employees who become a member of PSERS after June 30, 2001, are<br />

automatically in Class T-D membership and have a standard contribution rate of 7.50<br />

percent of salary.<br />

Employees who became members of PSERS prior to July 1, 2001, had a standard<br />

contribution rate of 5.25 percent or 6.25 percent of salary. If the employees elected<br />

the new Class T-D, their contribution rate increased by 1.25 percent of their<br />

previously established contribution rate.<br />

Employees who did not elect the new Class T-D membership remain in Class T-C with<br />

a standard contribution rate of 5.25 percent or 6.25 percent of salary.<br />

If an employee has had a break in service or other qualifying event, consult the chart<br />

on page 73 to see if the employee’s contribution rate has changed.<br />

Membership Classes T-E and T-F<br />

These membership classes are for school employees who become new members of<br />

PSERS on or after July 1, 2011. All new members will automatically become Class T-E<br />

members. New members will have a one-time opportunity to elect Class-F. Failure to<br />

elect Class T-F at the time of original eligibility will make the member ineligible for<br />

Class T-F Forever. Once the election is made either by action or inaction, the election<br />

is permanent.<br />


Membership ClassT-E has a pension multiplier of 2% and a contribution base rate of<br />

7.5% with “shared risk” contribution levels between 7.5%-9.5%. If the employee has<br />

never been a member of PSERS is not actually providing services until after July 1,<br />

2011 then the contract record should have this employee at a 7.5% contribution rate<br />

as a Class T-E member.<br />

Membership Class T-F has a pension multiplier of 2.5% and a contribution base rate<br />

of 10.3% with “shared risk” contribution levels between 10.3%and 12.3%.<br />

Class T-E and T-F members cannot withdraw contributions and interest when retiring.<br />

They have a ten year vesting period. Class T-E and T-F members must work until age<br />

65 with a minimum of 3 years of service or attain a total combination of age and<br />

service that is equal or greater than 93 with a minimum of 35 years of service for<br />

normal retirement. Their pension benefit after their option selection cannot exceed<br />

the member’s final average salary. Employees starting after July 1, 2011 will<br />

contribute based on the “shared risk” rate in effect at date of hire.<br />

Shared Risk<br />

Beginning with the annual actuarial valuation ending June 30, 2014, PSERS will<br />

compare the actual investment rate of return, net of fees, to the actuarial assumed<br />

rate of return for the previous period. Every three years the system will compare the<br />

actual investment rate of return with the assumed rate of return for the prior 10 year<br />

period. Until a full 10 year look-back period is available, the look-back period will not<br />

go further than July 1, 2011 and occur in 3 year increments. The first look-back<br />

period will be from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014. This will be analyzed in<br />

2014, and the PSERS Board would set the corresponding contribution rate in<br />

December 2014 for a change in rate (if applicable) effective date of July 1,<br />

2015.<br />

If the investment rate of return (less investment fees) is equal to or exceeds the<br />

assumed rate of return, the member’s contribution rate will decrease by .5%.<br />

If the earnings during the ten-year period are 1.0% or more below the assumed rate<br />

of return, the member’s contribution rate would increase by .5%.<br />

The rate can never go below the base rate of 7.5% for Class T-E and 10.3% for Class<br />

T-F members, or above 9.5% for Class T-E and 12.3% for Class T-F members. If the<br />

system is fully funded at the time of the comparison, then the member contribution<br />

rate reverts to the base rate for the class. The investment return measurement return<br />

period will begin on July 1, 2011. If the employer rate is below the final contribution,<br />

the shared risk rate will revert back to the base. If the employer rate has not<br />

increased in the prior 3-year period, then the shared risk rate will not increase.<br />


Quick <strong>Reference</strong> – When the Contribution Rate Changes<br />

Certain situations can cause the contribution rate for an employee to change:<br />

Hired… and… Contribution Rates<br />

prior to July 22,<br />

1983<br />

The employee has a 90-day or<br />

longer break in service, or a 2 year<br />

non-contributing leave and<br />

returned after July 1983.<br />

A break in service is defined as a<br />

90-day period during which the<br />

employee is not employed.<br />

If class T-C,<br />

report<br />

at...6.25%<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...7.5%<br />

prior to July 22,<br />

1983<br />

prior to July 22,<br />

1983<br />

prior to July 22,<br />

1983<br />

Summer vacation is not<br />

considered a break in service.<br />

The employee refunds, vests or<br />

takes a normal, early, or<br />

disability retirement and<br />

subsequently returns to service<br />

on or after 7/1/2001.<br />

a part-time member who qualifies<br />

for membership each school year<br />

The employee is purchasing the<br />

period beginning with the<br />

effective date of hire to the<br />

effective date on which<br />

retirement withholding began.<br />

Submit a letter to the Member<br />

Accounting Section certifying the<br />

employee's effective date, that<br />

the employee was employed prior<br />

to the time purchased, and<br />

retirement contributions were<br />

deducted after July 22, 1983.<br />

N/A (Return to<br />

membership<br />

will qualify<br />

under Class T-<br />

D)<br />

If Class T-C,<br />

report<br />

at...5.25%<br />

If Class T-C,<br />

report<br />

at...5.25%<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...7.5%<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...6.5%<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...6.5%<br />

prior to July 22,<br />

1983<br />

An employee who refunds but<br />

returns their checks because they<br />

decided not to refund is allowed to<br />

remain at the rate as long as the<br />

employee has returned to service<br />

within 90 days of leaving service.<br />

The check must be returned to<br />

PSERS within 90 days.<br />

If Class T-C,<br />

report<br />

at...5.25%<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...6.5%<br />


after July 22,<br />

1983, but prior<br />

to July 1, 2001<br />

a part-time employee who fails to<br />

qualify for membership during a<br />

school year<br />

N/A (Return to<br />

membership<br />

will qualify<br />

under Class T-<br />

D)<br />

If Class T-D,<br />

report<br />

at...7.5%<br />

Quick <strong>Reference</strong> – Act 120 Contribution Rate Changes<br />

Certain situations can cause the contribution rate for an employee to change:<br />

Hired… And… Contribution Rates<br />

Qualified on<br />

or after July1,<br />

2011<br />

Qualified on<br />

or after July1,<br />

2011<br />

Qualified on<br />

or after July1,<br />

2011<br />

If the employee has never been a<br />

member of PSERS and is not<br />

acutally providing services until<br />

after July1, 2011<br />

Election to Class T-F<br />

Shared Risk<br />

Automatically placed in Class<br />

T-E, report at 7.5%; will have<br />

option to elect T-F once<br />

qualified<br />

Rate increased from 7.5% to<br />

10.3%<br />

If Class T-E,<br />

7.5% - 9.5%<br />

If Class T-F,<br />

10.3% - 12.3%<br />

Qualified on<br />

or after July1,<br />

2011<br />

Break in service longer than 90<br />

days or a 2 year non contributing<br />

leave and returned after July 1,<br />

2011<br />

If Class T-E,<br />

report at<br />

7.5%<br />

If Class T-F,<br />

report at<br />

10.3%<br />

Qualified on<br />

or after July1,<br />

2011<br />

The employee refunds, vests or<br />

takes a normal, early, or disability<br />

retirement and subsequently<br />

returns to service on or after<br />

7/1/2011.<br />

If Class T-E,<br />

report at<br />

7.5%<br />

If Class T-F,<br />

report at<br />

10.3%<br />

Exceptions<br />

• An employee who transfers to another employer is considered not to have a<br />

break in service if the transfer is made within 90 days of resignation from the<br />

former employment.<br />

• An employee who is furloughed or on a leave of absence is permitted to return<br />

to service within a two-year period and maintain the previous rate of<br />

contribution.<br />

• An employee who does not work because of a strike maintains the previous<br />

rate of contribution.<br />


Part-time employees reported, who qualified in a previous school year, worked a short<br />

period of time in the next school year, went on leave without pay or were furloughed<br />

should remain at the established rate. This is provided they returned to service within<br />

a two-year period even though they may have refunded the money reported in a<br />

school year for which they did not qualify.<br />

Breaks in Service and How it Affects Contribution<br />

Rates<br />

Once a member qualifies for membership all service earned after the initial<br />

qualification will be considered qualified until their membership is broken. Members<br />

who break membership do have to re-qualify to receive retirement credit for service<br />

upon their return. The following examples constitute breaks in membership.<br />

Example: A member terminates and refunds his contributions and interest.<br />

Example: A non-vested member terminates without refunding his contributions and<br />

interest and does not return to service prior to the expiration of inactive member<br />

status (a period of two full fiscal years from June 30 of the last FY of the member’s<br />

last day of paid service).<br />

Example: a non-vested member is not reported as being employed by a public school<br />

employer for a period of two full fiscal years from June 30 of the last FY of the<br />

member’s last day of paid service, irrelevant of refunding his contributions and<br />

interest, unless the member was granted MS and is active with SERS.<br />

Break in Service vs. Break in Membership<br />

A break in membership occurs when a member refunds or the inactive period of two<br />

fiscal years has lapsed and they are not vested.<br />

A break in service is termination no re-employment for a period that exceeds 90 days<br />

or a leave of absence greater than the 2 year inactive period.<br />


Chapter<br />

6<br />

Reporting – Monthly Work<br />

Report<br />

Once you have submitted any demographic and/or contract record changes that have<br />

occurred since you submitted your last work report, you are ready to submit your<br />

monthly work report.<br />

Each month you are required to report all of your employee’s wages to PSERS<br />

(including all Part-time employees) unless the employee has been approved to waive<br />

PSERS membership, is ineligible for PSERS membership, or is a PSERS retiree working<br />

under the provisions of Act 2004-63 (emergency or shortage of school personnel OR<br />

in an extracurricular position under a separate contract).<br />

Work Reports may be submitted by importing them or creating them manually. They<br />

should be submitted via the employer web by the 10 th of each month and then<br />

approved no later than the 20 th of the month for the prior month’s activity. PSERS<br />

strongly recommend that you submit your Work Reports on or before the 10 th of the<br />

month so you can submit timely and accurate payments.<br />

A description of each of the work report fields is described in Work Report Record<br />

Fields on page 86.<br />

How is Work Reports Transmitted to PSERS?<br />

Work Reports may be submitted manually (Method # 1) or by importing a formatted<br />

file (Method # 2). Each method is described in the section below.<br />

First, access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system. If you are not<br />

familiar with how to do this, see Accessing the Online System on page 1.<br />

Upon logging in, the Main Page is displayed. In the left-hand menu, click on “Work<br />

Reporting”. A sub-menu will appear, as shown below:<br />


Work Reporting Sub-Menu<br />

For further details on the Monthly Work Report Info Sub-Menu refer to the chapter<br />

titled Sub Menus on page 141.<br />

Method # 1: <strong>Manual</strong>ly Creating a Work Report Online<br />

Some employers may prefer or need to enter their Work Report Records manually<br />

rather than uploading a file to PSERS. Small employers, who do not have a<br />

payroll/HR software system to create importable files, typically use this option. If you<br />

would like to submit your work reports using an Excel template instead of submitting<br />

each record manually, please contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center Representative.<br />

From the “Work Reporting” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click “Create<br />

Work Report.” You will see the following on your screen:<br />


Enter the calendar Year and Month in which the salary and service you are<br />

reporting was earned. Enter the year in YYYY format, with no spaces, dashes, or<br />

other characters. Select the appropriate Month from the drop-down box.<br />

After entering the Year and Month, click the Create button. You will see the following<br />

screen:<br />

This screen is the Work Area Detail Window. From here you will add or edit your<br />

employees’ Work Report Records. To add an employee to the work report, click the<br />

“Add” button (additional instructions can also be found under Adding and Editing a<br />

Work Report Record on page 84). To delete a record from the work report, select the<br />

record (in the delete column) and then click the “Save” button. To Save the work<br />

report, click the “Save” button. To cancel a record that hasn’t been saved yet, click<br />

the “Cancel” button.<br />

A description of each of the work report fields is described under Work Report Record<br />

Fields on page 86.<br />

NOTE: You should save the report after each record OR once you have one page of<br />

records completed (10 records) or your data will not be saved. Also, if a record is<br />

invalid, it will not be saved (the error must be fixed before moving forward or your<br />

data may need to be re-entered). If you have records that are marked as<br />

“Exceptions” (highlighted in orange), they must be reviewed prior to approval (these<br />

records will be processed but may contain an error). If you have any questions<br />

regarding any Invalid or Exception messages, you can contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service<br />

Center Representative.<br />

Once all of you data entry is complete and verified for accuracy, you can approve your<br />

work report. From the “Work Reporting” sub-menu on the left side of the screen,<br />

click “Work Area”. The following default screen will be displayed. To see the listing<br />

of <strong>Manual</strong> work reports, you must change the radio button to <strong>Manual</strong> Reports.<br />


This screen shows all pending imported work reports. To approve a work report, you<br />

need to select the desired work report and then click the Approve button. A display<br />

message will appear<br />

Method # 2: Uploading a Work Report File (most<br />

common reporting method)<br />

Only one Work Report can be submitted for a particular month, so ensure your<br />

Work Report is complete and correct before you approve it for submission to PSERS.<br />

See Reporting – Ensuring the Monthly Work Report is Complete and Correct on page 94.<br />

If you are using this method to submit your monthly work report, the fields must be<br />

formatted as described below under “Format for Work Report Files”. Further<br />

information can also be found in Chapter 13 – Standard File Format. The first row of<br />

data is called the “header record row”, which contains information regarding the file<br />

(type of file, employer code, month and year of the work report, number of records,<br />

total dollar amount for each wage category, and the date and time). The remaining<br />

rows of data are the “record lines”, which contain the member’s information and data<br />

to be reported for the month (SSN, date of birth, fiscal year, wage type, work status,<br />

days and/or hours, contributions, and wage totals).<br />

From the “Work Reporting” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click “File<br />

Upload.”<br />

To add an employee to the work report, click the “Add” button. To “Delete” a record<br />

from the work report, select the record (in the delete column) and then click the<br />

“Save” button. To Save the work report, click the “Save” button. To cancel a record<br />

that hasn’t been saved yet, click the “Cancel” button. To see an individual record,<br />

click on the Edit, Detail, or SSN.<br />

A description of each of the work report fields is described under the “Work Report<br />

Record Fields” section on page 86.<br />

NOTE: You should save the report after each change OR once you have one page of<br />

changes completed (10 records) or your data may not be saved. If you have records<br />

that are marked as “Invalid” (highlighted in red), they must be fixed prior to approval.<br />

If a record is listed as “Invalid” after the work report is approved, it will not be<br />

transmitted to PSERS and you will need to submit an adjustment to have the data<br />

added to the employee’s account. If you have records that are marked as<br />

“Exceptions” (highlighted in orange), they must be reviewed prior to approval (these<br />

records will be processed but may contain an error). If you have any questions<br />

regarding any of these Invalid or Exception messages, you can contact your <strong>Employer</strong><br />

Service Center Representative.<br />

Once all of your data entry is complete and verified for accuracy, you can approve<br />

your work report. From the “Work Reporting” sub-menu on the left side of the<br />

screen, click “Work Area”.<br />


This screen shows all pending work reports. To approve a work report, you need to<br />

select the desired work report and then click the Approve button.<br />

For information on how to navigate in the Work Report File Window see the chapter<br />

on Work Area Window on page 149.<br />

Format for Work Report Files<br />

For information on how to correctly format a Work Report see the chapter titled<br />

Standard File Format on page 145.<br />

Header of the Work Report File<br />

The Work Report file must include a single-line header as the first row in the file. The<br />

header row identifies the type of file, employer code, month and year of the work<br />

report, number of records in the file, total dollar amount for each wage category, and<br />

the date and time the file was created.<br />

This information must be in the following format:<br />

Note: All fields are required. The “Start” column indicates what column that the field<br />

begins in on the header line. The “Bytes” column indicates how many bytes<br />

(characters) are in the field. All fields are a fixed-length.<br />


Header<br />

Record<br />

Type<br />

<strong>Employer</strong><br />

Code<br />

Reporting<br />

Period<br />

Date<br />

Detail<br />

Record<br />

Count<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C = Condition<br />

Format &<br />

al Bytes Start<br />

R 1 1 Alpha (R=Work<br />

Report)<br />

R 6 2 Numeric 6-digit<br />

number<br />

R 6 8 Date as<br />

MMYYYY<br />

R 6 14 Numeric 6-digit<br />

number<br />

Base Total R 12 20 Numeric as<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

Total<br />

Overtime<br />

Total<br />

Supplemental<br />

Total<br />

Wages No<br />

Contribution<br />

Total<br />

Member<br />

POS<br />

Installment<br />

Total<br />

Excess<br />

Salary<br />

Total<br />

Non-<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

Creation<br />

Date and<br />

Time<br />

R 12 32 Numeric<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

R 12 44 Numeric<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

R 12 56 Numeric<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

R 12 68 Numeric<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

R 12 80 Numeric<br />

#########.<br />

##<br />

R 12 92 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

R 12 104 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

R 12 116 Date as<br />


HHMM<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

R<br />

Describes the<br />

incoming file type;<br />

Member Work Report<br />

information.<br />

003456 <strong>Employer</strong> ID assigned<br />

by PSERS<br />

052006 The month and year<br />

being reported in the<br />

Work Report. Cannot<br />

be duplicated.<br />

002680 Total number of Work<br />

Report Records.<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

102520061300<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Base field in all<br />

Work Report Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Unpaid Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation field in<br />

all Work Report<br />

Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Overtime field in<br />

all Work Report<br />

Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Supplemental field<br />

in all Work Report<br />

Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Wages No<br />

Contribution field in<br />

all Work Report<br />

Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Member POS<br />

Installment field in all<br />

Work Report Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Member Excess<br />

Salary field in all<br />

Work Report Records.<br />

Total dollar amount<br />

of Non-Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation field in<br />

all Work Report<br />

Records.<br />

File creation date and<br />

time in military<br />

format.<br />


Record Lines in the Work Report File<br />

The remaining rows of data are the “record lines”, which contain the member’s<br />

information and data to be reported for the month (SSN, date of birth, fiscal year,<br />

wage type, work status, days and/or hours, contributions, and wage totals).<br />

Each Work Report Record must consist of a single line of information, in the<br />

following format:<br />

Note: All fields are required. The “Start” column indicates what column that the field begins<br />

in. The “Bytes” column indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All fields are a<br />

fixed-length. Do not leave blank spaces except under “Filler”.<br />

Social<br />

Security<br />

Number<br />

Date of<br />

Birth<br />

Fiscal<br />

Year<br />

Ending<br />

Wage<br />

Type<br />

Work<br />

Status<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C = Conditional Bytes<br />

Star<br />

t<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

R 9 1 Numeric 123456789 Required<br />

R 8 10 Date as<br />


04121980 Required<br />

R 4 18 Year as YYYY 2006 The fiscal year in<br />

which the salary and<br />

service were earned.<br />

R 2 22 Alpha<br />

SA<br />

The wage type must<br />

SA = Salary<br />

match the Contract<br />

PD = Per Diem<br />

Record submitted.<br />

HR = Hourly<br />

R 6 24 Alpha; value<br />

from Work<br />

Status Table<br />

Base C 9 30 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compen<br />

sation<br />

Overtime<br />

C 9 39 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

O 9 48 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

ACTIVE<br />

005000.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

005000.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

000100.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

The work status that<br />

was in effect at the<br />

end of the month of<br />

the reporting period.<br />

This field is required<br />

if… Work Status<br />

equals ACTIVE AND<br />

both Supplemental<br />

AND Wages No<br />

Contribution equal<br />

zero. Work Status<br />

equals SABTLC. <br />

Work Status equals<br />




AND Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Contributions equals<br />

zero. <br />

This field is required<br />

if…<br />

Work status equals<br />

SABTLC Work<br />

status equals<br />




AND Base equals zero<br />


R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C = Conditional Bytes<br />

Star<br />

t<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

Supplemental<br />

C 9 57 Numeric as 000100.00 If Work Status equals<br />

######.##<br />

or ACTIVE AND both<br />

Base AND Wages No<br />

000000.00<br />

Contribution equal<br />

zero, then Required.<br />

Contribu C 9 66 Numeric as 000350.00 If Base OR<br />

tions<br />

######.##<br />

or Supplemental OR<br />

Overtime OR Unpaid<br />

000000.00<br />

Retirement Covered<br />

Compensation is not<br />

zero, then<br />

Contributions<br />

Required.<br />

Hours C 4 75 Numeric as<br />

####<br />

0160 or<br />

0000<br />

If Wage Type equals<br />

HR AND<br />

(Contributions are<br />

greater than zero OR<br />

Wages No<br />

Contributions are<br />

greater than zero)<br />

then Required, else<br />

Optional.<br />

Days C 6 79 Numeric as<br />

###.##<br />

Wages<br />

No<br />

Contribu<br />

tions<br />

Member<br />

POS<br />

Installment<br />

Excess<br />

Salary<br />

C 9 85 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

O 9 94 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

C 9 103 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

020.00<br />

or<br />

000.00<br />

000100.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

000100.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

000100.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

If Wage Type equals<br />

PD AND<br />

(Contributions are<br />

greater than zero OR<br />

Wages No<br />

Contribution greater<br />

than zero) then<br />

Required, else<br />

Optional.<br />

This field is required<br />

if…<br />

Work Status equals<br />



OR EXCHGN. <br />

Work Status equals<br />

ACTIVE AND (Wage<br />

Type equals HR OR<br />

PD) AND Base equals<br />

zero AND<br />

Supplemental equals<br />

zero, then Required.<br />

If you are deducting<br />

Purchase of Service<br />

for employee, this<br />

field must represent<br />

the amount withheld.<br />

If Work Status =<br />

ACTIVE and Base<br />

exceeds the 401(a)<br />

(17) limitation, then<br />

Base must not be<br />

greater the 401(a)<br />

(17) limitation and<br />

Excess Salary must ><br />

0.<br />


Non-<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compen<br />

sation<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

Star Format &<br />

C = Conditional Bytes t<br />

O 9 112 Numeric as<br />

######.##<br />

Filler R 7 121 NULL Filler.<br />

Space filled to<br />

match fixed<br />

length of header<br />

record.<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

000100.00<br />

or<br />

000000.00<br />

Optional field for Non-<br />

Retirement Covered<br />

Comp, such as<br />

payment of unused<br />

sick time, bonus pay,<br />

etc.<br />

7 spaces<br />

Not Required<br />

For information on how to navigate in the Work Report File Window see the chapter<br />

on Work Area Window on page 149.<br />

Adding and Editing a Work Report Record<br />

To add a new Work Report Record to the monthly Work Report, click Add on the<br />

Work Report Record Detail window. You will be prompted to enter the SSN (social<br />

security number) for the employee whose work you are entering.<br />

Enter the social security number and click “Submit.”. A blank record will appear in<br />

the work report. Complete the data fields as needed. A description of each of the<br />

work report fields is described under the “Work Report Record Fields” section.<br />

• If there is no Member Demographic Information on file, for the social security<br />

number you entered, you will see the message, “Error – SSN does not exist.”<br />

<br />

Click in each field in and enter the data to be reported for the month.<br />

or…<br />

<br />

Click on Edit to the left of the Work Report Record. This will take you into the<br />

Edit window, described under Using the Edit Window, next. This window<br />


provides more information about any error(s) and exception(s) in the record<br />

as you edit.<br />

Add a Work Report Record for each employee who is to be reported. If an employee<br />

works more than one position for you, combine the positions by Wage Type (hourly,<br />

per diem, and salaried). For example, combine all of an employee’s hourly positions<br />

into a single Work Report Record. If the work report is approved and the records are<br />

not combined by Wage Type, the record(s) will be marked as “Invalid” and not<br />

transmitted to PSERS. Using the Edit Window it allows you to add or edit information<br />

for any individual Work Report Record. To access this window, click on “Edit” to the<br />

left of a Work Report Record in the Work Report Record Detail window.<br />

The Edit window looks like the following:<br />

Note: You must use leading zeros when editing an uploaded file.<br />

Enter information into the appropriate fields. For more information on any field, see<br />

Work Report Record Fields on page 86.<br />

When done entering information, click Save. The record will be validated to ensure<br />

that all information is entered in the correct format and that all necessary fields have<br />

been filled in for this Work Report Record.<br />

• If any errors or exceptions are found during the validation process, you will be<br />

returned to the Edit window, and the errors or exceptions will be displayed near<br />


the top of the window. Errors must be corrected. Exceptions are shown for<br />

your reference, so you can verify that the information is correct. Once the<br />

record is corrected, you must click the “Save” button on the Detail screen and<br />

on the main work report screen. Some sample errors include:<br />

• If the Work Report Record passes the validation check, it will be saved to your<br />

monthly Work Report. You will be returned to the Edit window, with the<br />

message, “Msg – Member work record created successfully” near the top of the<br />

screen. You must click the “Save” button on the Detail screen and on the main<br />

work report screen. You may make additional changes and save those, or you<br />

may click “Cancel” to exit from this screen. Clicking “Cancel” will cause you to<br />

lose any changes you made since the last “Save.” When entering new<br />

information or entering new data, always save the file twice before leaving in<br />

order to ensure that the data will be retained.<br />

Note: Errors are not saved on manual files. Errors are only saved to edit later on<br />

uploaded files.<br />

All errors must be corrected before you can save the Work Report Record and exit<br />

from the Edit window. Exceptions are shown for your information; you may save and<br />

exit with the exception still in place. If you must leave this window without correcting<br />

all errors, click “Cancel” and then edit the record when you have the correct<br />

information.<br />

Work Report Record Fields<br />

Each Work Report Record contains the following fields:<br />

• Social Security Number<br />

• Date of Birth<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): A fiscal year starts July 1 st and ends June 30 th .<br />

Enter the ending year of the fiscal year in which the salary and service was<br />

earned (not paid). Enter the year in YYYY format, with no spaces, dashes, or<br />

other characters.<br />

Example # 1: For the November 2007 work report, the fiscal year is<br />

2007-2008; therefore the Year is entered as 2008.<br />

Example # 2: For the April 2008 work report, the fiscal year is 2007-<br />

2008; therefore the Year is entered as 2008.<br />

Example # 3: For the July 2008 work report, the fiscal year can be<br />

2007/2008 OR 2008/2009. If the wages and service were earned in the<br />

2007/2008 fiscal year, then the Year is entered as 2008. If the wages<br />

and service were earned in the 2008/2009 fiscal year, then the Year is<br />

entered as 2009.<br />


If an employee is getting paid for two different fiscal years on<br />

one monthly work report, two records should be submitted on<br />

the work report (one for each fiscal year).<br />

July, August, and September are the only three months that<br />

PSERS will allow two different fiscal years on a work report.<br />

Contract settlements must be reported in the correct fiscal<br />

year(s). Therefore, if a settlement is for the current fiscal<br />

year, you can include it in your current work report. If the<br />

settlement is for a prior fiscal year(s) and is paid in the<br />

current/different fiscal year, an adjustment must be submitted<br />

for the correct fiscal year(s) that the contract settlement<br />

applies to so that the correct <strong>Employer</strong> Share cost is<br />

calculated.<br />

• Wage Type: Select “Hourly,” “Per Diem,” or “Salary” from the drop-down<br />

menu, based on how this position is paid (the employee must have a Contract<br />

Record that matches this Wage Type).<br />

If an employee is on a leave of absence, select the Wage Type for how the<br />

employee would be paid if not on leave.<br />

• Work Status: Select the appropriate Work Status from the drop-down menu<br />

(the employee must have a Contract Record that matches this Work Status).<br />

Additional information on Work Statuses can be found on page 45.<br />

• BASE: Enter the employee’s base salary earned during the period being<br />

reported. Do not include any earnings above the IRS 401(a) (17) limitations.<br />

Enter the earnings as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits.<br />

Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal<br />

point.<br />

Example: If the employee earned $1,233.00, enter: 1233.00.<br />

This field must be higher than zero if any of the following is true:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Work Status is “ACTIVE - Actively Working” AND the SUP (Supplemental)<br />

AND WNC (Wages No Contribution) fields both equal zero.<br />

or…<br />

Work Status is “SABTLC – Sabbatical Contributing Leave.”<br />

or…<br />

URCC (Unpaid Retirement Contributions) equals zero AND Work Status is<br />

any paid/contributing leave of absence: “ACTMLC - Activated Military<br />

Contributing Leave”; “STUDYC - Professional Study Contributing Leave”;<br />

“EXCHGC - Exchange Teacher Contributing Leave”; “SSLWCC - Special Sick<br />

Leave, Worker’s Compensation (Contributing)”; “SSLSSC - Special Sick<br />


Leave, School Sponsored (Contributing)”; or “UNIONC - Collective<br />

Bargaining Unit Contributing Leave.”<br />

• URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation): Enter any<br />

salary/wages that were not paid due to a contributing leave of absence, but on<br />

which contributions were paid by the employee. Enter the amount as up to 6-<br />

dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or<br />

any punctuation other than the single decimal point.<br />

If you are paying partial salary to the employee during the leave, enter the<br />

amount you actually pay into the BASE field. In the URCC field, enter the<br />

difference between the amount you are actually paying to the employee and<br />

the full, regular salary the employee would have earned if not on leave.<br />

Contributions must be made on the employee’s full, regular salary. For details,<br />

see Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100.<br />

Example: An employee who normally earns $3,500 per month is earning<br />

$2,000 per month while on sabbatical. Enter 2000.00 in the BASE field and<br />

1500.00 in the URCC field. Calculate contributions based on $3,500 and enter<br />

these into the CONTRIB field.<br />

The URCC field must be higher than zero if any of the following is true:<br />

<br />

<br />

Work Status is “SABTLC – Sabbatical Contributing Leave.”<br />

or…<br />

BASE equals zero AND Work Status is any paid/contributing leave of<br />

absence: “ACTMLC - Activated Military Contributing Leave”; “STUDYC -<br />

Professional Study Contributing Leave”; “EXCHGC - Exchange Teacher<br />

Contributing Leave”; “SSLWCC - Special Sick Leave, Worker’s<br />

Compensation (Contributing)”; “SSLSSC - Special Sick Leave, School<br />

Sponsored (Contributing)”; or “UNIONC - Collective Bargaining Unit<br />

Contributing Leave.”<br />

• OT (Overtime): Enter any compensation paid to the employee over and<br />

above the regular salary, for additional hours worked. Do not include any<br />

earnings above the IRS 401(a) (17) limitations. Enter the earnings as up to 6-<br />

dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or<br />

any punctuation other than the single decimal point.<br />

• SUP (Supplemental): Enter any compensation paid to the employee over<br />

and above the regular salary, for additional duties performed. Only enter<br />

earnings into this field if they are eligible for retirement contributions; if not,<br />

use the WNC (Wages No Contributions), EXSAL (Excess Salary), or NRCC (Non<br />

Retirement Covered Compensation) field. Do not include any earnings above<br />

the IRS 401(a) (17) limitations. Enter the earnings as up to 6-dollar digits, a<br />

decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any<br />

punctuation other than the single decimal point.<br />


This field may be used to enter earnings from a part-time hourly or per diem<br />

position that is worked in addition to a salaried position. In this case, enter the<br />

supplemental hours worked in the HRS (Hours) field or the supplemental days<br />

worked in the DAYS field. Include contributions on the Supplemental wages in<br />

the CONTRIB (Contributions) field.<br />

This field must be higher than zero if ALL of the following are true:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Work Status is “ACTIVE - Actively Working”<br />

BASE equals zero,<br />

and…<br />

WNC (Wages No Contribution) equals zero.<br />

• CONTRIB (Contributions): Enter the contributions you withheld from the<br />

employee’s paycheck. Contributions must be calculated on the total amount<br />

entered into the following fields: BASE, SUP (Supplemental), OT (Overtime),<br />

and URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation). To determine the<br />

contribution rate for an employee, see Determining Employee Contribution<br />

Rates on page 71.<br />

Enter the amount as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits.<br />

Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal<br />

point.<br />

The CONTRIB field must be higher than zero if any of the following is true:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

BASE is greater than zero.<br />

or…<br />

SUP (Supplemental) is greater than zero.<br />

or…<br />

OT (Overtime) is greater than zero.<br />

or…<br />

URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation) is greater than zero.<br />

• HRS (Hours): For employees who are paid hourly, enter the number of hours<br />

worked during the period being reported. Only enter hours that count as<br />

Service Time. Enter the hours using four digits (decimals must be rounded to a<br />

whole number).<br />

Examples: Enter 86 for an hourly employee who worked 86.4 hours during<br />

the month. Enter 87 for an hourly employee who worked 86.5 hours during<br />

the month.<br />

Employees on Leave: For an employee who is on a Contributing leave and<br />

who is normally paid hourly when not on leave enter the number of hours the<br />


employee would have worked if not on leave. For an employee who is on a<br />

non-contributing leave, leave HRS blank or enter: 0000.<br />

Exception: Service time must be added for Activated Military Non-<br />

Contributing Leaves.<br />

This field must be higher than zero if Wage Type is Hourly AND either of the<br />

following is true:<br />

CONTRIB (Contributions) is greater than zero<br />

or…<br />

WNC (Wages No Contribution) is greater than zero AND Work Status is<br />

“ACTIVE – Actively Working.”<br />

• DAYS: For employees, who are paid on a per diem or salaried basis, enter the<br />

number of days worked during the period being reported. Only enter days that<br />

count as Service Time. Enter the days as 3-day digits, a decimal point, and<br />

two partial-day digits.<br />

Example: Enter 19.50 for a per diem employee who worked 19 ½ days during<br />

the month.<br />

For Salaried Employees: You must report service time for salaried employees<br />

either monthly or annually in May or June. If you choose to report these days<br />

annually, on the May or June work report you will enter the employee’s entire<br />

service time for the fiscal (school) year in the DAYS field. This must include all<br />

service time earned by the employee from July 1 to June 30.<br />

Employees on Leave: For an employee who is on a Contributing leave and who<br />

is normally paid on a salaried or per diem basis when not on leave enter the<br />

number of days the employee would have worked if not on leave.<br />

Exception: Service time must be added for Activated Military Non-Contributing<br />

Leaves.<br />

This field must be higher than zero if Wage Type is Per Diem (or Wage Type is<br />

Salaried and this is the Work Report for June and days were not reported in May) AND<br />

either of the following is true:<br />

CONTRIB (Contributions) is greater than zero<br />

or…<br />

<br />

WNC (Wages No Contribution) is greater than zero AND Work Status is<br />

“ACTIVE – Actively Working.”<br />

• WNC (Wages No Contribution): This field is used for wages/salary (either<br />

paid or unpaid) upon which contributions are NOT being made. Only enter<br />

wages/salary in this field if they may be available for Purchase of Service at a<br />

later time. There are two situations where this is the case:<br />


If a part-time hourly or per diem employee is not qualified/contributing yet<br />

(because the employee has worked fewer than 500 hours or 80 days each<br />

school year), enter the wages/salary paid to the employee during the<br />

period being reported.<br />

or…<br />

<br />

If an employee is on a non-contributing leave of absence that can be<br />

purchased later (“ACTMLN – Activated Military Non-Contributing Leave,”<br />

“SSLSSN – Special Sick Leave, School Sponsored (Non-Contributing),”<br />

”SSLWCN – Special Sick Leave, Worker’s Compensation (Non-<br />

Contributing),“ “STUDYN – Professional Study Non-Contributing Leave,” or<br />

“EXCHGN – Exchange Teacher Non-Contributing Leave”), enter the<br />

wages/salary the employee would have earned if not on leave.<br />

Do NOT enter anything into the WNC (Wages No Contribution) field for<br />

employees on a non-contributing leave that cannot be purchased later<br />

(“LEAVEN – Any Other Leave Not Listed (Non-Contributing)” or “WKCMPN –<br />

Worker’s Compensation Non-Contributing Leave”).<br />

Enter the amount as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits.<br />

Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal<br />

point.<br />

Note: This field CANNOT be used for Full-time or Part-time salaried employees.<br />

Salaried employees must have retirement deductions withheld beginning the<br />

first day of service unless employee is part-time salaried and PSERS<br />

membership is waived.<br />

The WNC field must be higher than zero if any of the following is true:<br />

<br />

Work Status is one of these non-contributing leaves of absence: “ACTMLN<br />

- Activated Military Non-Contributing Leave”; “EXCHGN - Exchange Teacher<br />

Non-Contributing Leave”; “STUDYN - Professional Study Non-Contributing<br />

Leave”; “SSLSSN - Special Sick Leave, School Sponsored (Non-<br />

Contributing)”; or “SSLWCN - Special Sick Leave, Worker's Compensation<br />

(Non-Contributing)”<br />

or…<br />

Wage Type is Hourly or Per Diem AND BASE equals zero AND SUP<br />

(Supplemental) equals zero AND Work Status is “ACTIVE - Actively Working”..<br />

If you pay any salary to an employee during a non-contributing leave, see<br />

Reporting – Leaves of Absence on page 100.<br />

• POS (Member Purchase of Service Installments): This field is used when<br />

an employee is paying installments to purchase service. The employee must<br />


have received a Statement of Amount Due before initiating any Member POS<br />

Installments.<br />

Enter the amount as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits.<br />

Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal<br />

point.<br />

Note: The member’s Statement of Amount Due shows a guideline of<br />

installment payments and will not reflect the exact amount that is owed. The<br />

approved monthly work report will track the payments for the POS against the<br />

debt (the balance owed)<br />

Enter 000000.00 if the employee is not purchasing service.<br />

• EXSAL (Excess Salary): This field is used when an employee earns more<br />

than the IRS 401(a) (17) limitations, described in What Earnings Qualify for<br />

Contributions and Contributions Rates on page 64. Enter the employee’s<br />

wages/salary up to the IRS 401(a) (17) limit in the BASE field and enter any<br />

amount above this limit in the EXSAL field.<br />

Enter the earnings as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits.<br />

Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal<br />

point.<br />

• NRCC (Non-Retirement Covered Compensation): Enter any salary/wages<br />

that do not qualify for retirement contributions as described in What Earnings<br />

Qualify for Contributions and Contributions Rates on page 64. Enter the<br />

amount as up to 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not<br />

enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the single decimal point.<br />

Example: Non-qualified earnings include payment for unused sick time and<br />

bonus pay that is NOT paid as an incentive for a measurable goal. Enter these<br />

into the NRCC field and do not calculate contributions on this amount.<br />

Saving Your Changes<br />

After adding, deleting, or editing any Work Report Records, always save your work.<br />

Click “Save” in the Work Report Record Detail window BEFORE you log out or go to<br />

another part of the system.<br />

IMPORTANT: If you log out or go to another part of the system without clicking<br />

“Save” first, you will lose ALL changes you made since the last save. In this case, any<br />

records you added will be lost, any records you deleted will be restored, and any<br />

records you edited will be returned to their previous information.<br />


Submitting the Monthly Work Report to PSERS<br />

For information on how to submit a Monthly Work Report to PSERS see Submitting<br />

Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />

Each night, PSERS processes all Work Reports that have been approved for<br />

submission. At that point, the information in the Work Report is applied to your<br />

account with PSERS and to your employees’ accounts with us. After that time, the<br />

Work Report cannot be changed. To correct errors later, see Reporting – Work Report<br />

Adjustments on page 116. The next day you can go to “Approved Reports” to see what<br />

was applied.<br />

If your Work Report still contains errors when it is submitted to PSERS, the erroneous<br />

Work Report Records will be rejected. You must resubmit the information in these<br />

Work Report Records, in the correct format, in your next monthly Work Report or in a<br />

Work Report Adjustment, as appropriate. See Reporting – Work Report Adjustments<br />

on page 116.<br />

If you submit a Work Report Record that is in the right format, PSERS will accept it.<br />

If you later discover that information in this record was incorrect, you must submit a<br />

Work Report Adjustment to correct it. See Reporting – Work Report Adjustments on<br />

page 116.The complete work report and billing information will be available the next<br />

business day (unless the system is down due to maintenance). PSERS strongly<br />

suggests that you double check the work report totals and total records that were<br />

processed (to ensure everything was processed successfully). As indicated above, if<br />

your work report contains errors, the erroneous work report records will be rejected<br />

and then adjustment(s) will need to be submitted, as appropriate. See Reporting –<br />

Work Report Adjustments on page 116.<br />


Chapter<br />

7<br />

This Chapter is currently<br />

under contruction!<br />


Chapter<br />

8<br />

This Chapter is currently<br />

under construction!<br />


Chapter<br />

9<br />

Reporting – Service Time<br />

You must report your employees’ service time to PSERS. Service time includes all of<br />

the following:<br />

• All time spent working for you while the employee is making retirement<br />

contributions.<br />

and…<br />

• All time spent working for you in a part-time hourly or per diem job where the<br />

employee is NOT making retirement contributions, has NOT waived<br />

membership in PSERS, and WILL be eligible to join PSERS upon reaching 500<br />

hours or 80 days of employment.<br />

and…<br />

• Time on an approved leave of absence during which the employee is making<br />

retirement contributions. In this case, the service time is the amount that<br />

would have been earned had the employee been working their regular job(s)<br />

rather than being on leave.<br />

Note: PSERS considers full-time service as 5 hours or more a day for 5 days a week<br />

or its equivalent of 25 or more hours a week.<br />

The Pennsylvania Retirement Code has given PSERS the authority to withhold the<br />

Basic Education Subsidy from any employer that is delinquent in submitting service<br />

time and/or work reports and/or payments.<br />

How to Report Service Time<br />

You must report service time in your monthly Work Reports, as follows:<br />

• For hourly employees who are working or are actively making contributions<br />

while on leave, service time must be reported as it is earned. Report time even<br />

if the employee has not yet qualified for membership. In the Work Report<br />

Record for the month the service was earned, enter the service time in the HRS<br />

(Hours) field.<br />

• For per diem employees who are actively working or are making contributions<br />

while on leave, service time must be reported as it is earned. Report time even<br />


if the employee has not yet qualified for membership. In the Work Report<br />

Record for the month the service was earned, enter the service time in the<br />

DAYS field.<br />

• For salaried employees who are actively working or are making contributions<br />

while on leave, service time can be reported EITHER monthly or annually:<br />

<br />

To report monthly, report service time as it is earned. In the Work<br />

Report Record for the month the service was earned, enter the service<br />

time in the DAYS field.<br />

or…<br />

To report annually, report all service time for the fiscal year (July 1 –<br />

June 30) in the June Work Report Record. Enter the service time in the<br />

DAYS field.<br />

How to Calculate Service Time<br />

Hourly Employees<br />

For hourly employees, service time does not need to be calculated manually.<br />

• In your monthly Work Reports, report all time that is actually worked as it is<br />

paid. Typically, this time is determined from time cards and is what you<br />

enter into your payroll system.<br />

• If an employee goes on a contributing leave, report their usual number of<br />

hours in your monthly Work Reports during the leave.<br />

• Hours must be reported as whole hours. The hours should be rounded to the<br />

nearest whole hour.<br />

Example: If an employee works 110.49 hours in a reporting period, enter<br />

110 hours in the HRS (Hours) field of the Work Report Record. If the<br />

employee works 110.50 hours, enter 111 hours in the Work Report Record.<br />

• Hours worked on extra-curricular activities or overtime MUST be reported.<br />

Service for overtime is NOT calculated at time and a half. One hour should<br />

be reported for each hour worked.<br />

Per Diem Employees<br />

For per diem employees, service time does not need to be calculated manually.<br />


• In your monthly Work Reports, report all time that is actually worked as it is<br />

paid. Typically, this time is determined from time cards and is what you enter<br />

into your payroll system.<br />

• If an employee goes on a contributing leave, report their usual number of days<br />

in your monthly Work Reports during the leave.<br />

• Report service time for per diem employees in days or a portion of a 5-hour day.<br />

Days may be broken down to two decimal places. Do not use fractions (i.e., ½,<br />

¾, etc.).<br />

Example: If an employee works 19 days of 5 hours per day plus one day of 2<br />

½ hours, enter 19.50 in the DAYS field of the Work Report Record.<br />

• Hours worked on extra-curricular activities or overtime MUST be reported. If the<br />

extra work is paid hourly, report the number of hours in the HRS (Hours) field. If<br />

the extra work is paid on a per diem basis, report the number of days or partial<br />

days in the DAYS field (add this time to the regular per diem work). Service for<br />

overtime is NOT calculated at time and a half. One hour should be reported for<br />

each hour worked.<br />

Example: An employee has two Member Contract Records: one for a per diem<br />

position and one for an hourly position. If the employee works 5 hours in a day<br />

for the per diem position and then works another 2 hours in the same day for the<br />

hourly position, report 1 day in the Per Diem Work Report Record and report 2<br />

hours in the Hourly Work Report Record. PSERS will ensure that the employee<br />

does not receive more than a year’s worth of service time in a fiscal year.<br />

Full-Time Salaried Employees<br />

For full-time salaried employees, service time is calculated as follows:<br />

• Typically, the number of days a salaried employee is hired to work is specified in<br />

their contract with you. In this case, report this number of days either monthly or<br />

annually, in the DAYS field of the employee’s monthly Work Report Record(s).<br />

• If the number of days is not specified in your contract with the employee, you<br />

must determine the number of days actually worked by the employee.<br />

• Report service time for salaried employees in days or a portion of a 5-hour day.<br />

Days may be broken down to two decimal places. Do not use fractions (i.e.,<br />

½, ¾, etc.).<br />

Example: If an employee regularly works 19 days of 5-8 hours per day plus<br />

one day of 2 ½ hours (half of a 5-hour day), enter 19.50 in the DAYS field of<br />

the Work Report Record.<br />


• Hours worked on extra-curricular activities or overtime MUST be reported. If<br />

the extra work is paid hourly, report the number of hours in the HRS (Hours)<br />

field. If the extra work is paid on a per diem basis, report the number of days<br />

or partial days in the DAYS field (add this time to the service time reported for<br />

the salaried work, if that is also reported in the Work Report Record). Service for<br />

overtime is NOT calculated at time and a half. One hour should be reported for<br />

each hour worked.<br />

Part-Time Salaried Employees<br />

For part-time salaried employees, service time is calculated as follows:<br />

• Report service time for salaried employees in days or a portion of a 5-hour day.<br />

Days may be broken down to two decimal places. Do not use fractions (i.e.,<br />

½, ¾, etc.).<br />

Example: The service for an employee who regularly works 19 three-hour<br />

days per month should be entered as 11.40 days.<br />

Hours worked divided by 5 = % (3/5= 60%) x days worked (19 x 60% = 11.4)<br />

• Hours worked on extra-curricular activities or overtime MUST be reported. If<br />

the extra work is paid hourly, report the number of hours in the HRS (Hours)<br />

field. If the extra work is paid on a per diem basis, report the number of<br />

days or partial days in the DAYS field (add this time to the service time<br />

reported for the salaried work, if that is also reported in the Work Report<br />

Record). Service for overtime is NOT calculated at time and a half. One<br />

hour should be reported for each hour worked.<br />

• If a part-time salaried employee is required to attend an all-day in-service day,<br />

they are to receive a full day’s credit.<br />

• Typically, the number of days and the number of hours per day that a salaried<br />

employee is hired to work is specified in their contract with you. In this case,<br />

report this number of days or partial days either monthly or annually, in the<br />

DAYS field of the employee’s monthly Work Report Record(s).<br />

• If your contract with the employee does not specify the number of days the<br />

employee will work in the school year, you must determine the number of days<br />

or partial days actually worked by the employee.<br />

Example #1: The service for a part-time salaried employee who works 6<br />

hours per day, 4 days a week during a 36-week school year should be the<br />

actual days worked: 144 days (4 days a week X 36 weeks = 144 days).<br />

Example #2: The service for a part-time salaried employee who works 4<br />

hours per day, 5 days per week for a total of 185 days in a school year<br />

should be reported as 148 days (4/5 of a day X 185 days = 148 days).<br />


• Part-Time Salaried Adjunct Professors- Adjunct professors are generally<br />

considered part-time salaried employees unless specially documented<br />

otherwise (e.g. hourly or per diem) in an employment contract. As part-time<br />

salaried school employees, they must have retirement contributions deducted<br />

and reported from the first day of employment, unless they are eligible to<br />

waive PSERS membership OR they are enrolled in an alternative acceptable<br />

retirement plan offered by the college or university (e.g. TIAA-CREF).<br />

Calculate and report service for these positions using the following<br />

formula:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Consider 30 credit hours per year as the standard for a full-time<br />

position.<br />

Determine the number of credit hours taught by the part-time<br />

adjunct.<br />

Divide the credit hours worked for the part-time position by the<br />

full-time credit hours standard (30) to obtain a percentage of<br />

full-time work.<br />

Multiply the percentage of full-time work by 180 days to<br />

determine the equivalent number of days to be reported as<br />

service credit for the part-time employment.<br />

Example: Adjunct professor is contracted to teach 12 credit hours for<br />

the school year.<br />

12 divided by 30 = .40 or 40%<br />

<br />

.40 X 180 days = 72 days to be reported<br />

• Part-Time Salaried Coaches - For each part-time salaried coaching position, you<br />

may calculate service time in either of two ways:<br />

Method #1: You may use the following formula to calculate the coach’s<br />

service time:<br />

Number of Hours Worked Per Week<br />

25<br />

X Weeks per Season<br />

X Days Worked per Week___<br />

= Number of Days to Report<br />

Example: A football coach conducts practice and attends games 10 weeks<br />

during the fall season. The coach renders 20 hours per week during the<br />

season, at 6 days each week. The calculation and number of days to report<br />

would be: 20 hours 25 X 10 X 6 = 48 days.<br />


Method #2: You can establish an anticipated work schedule to determine the<br />

hours and days the coach will work. Within the schedule, it is assumed that<br />

the coach will fulfill the contract.<br />

Example: On Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and some Saturdays, a coach is<br />

expected to work 2 hours per day. Tuesday and Friday, the coach is expected<br />

to work 4 hours per day and on some Saturdays; the coach is expected to work<br />

8 hours. The coach’s service time is determined as shown in the following<br />

table:<br />


Example Service Calculation for Part-Time Salaried Coach<br />

Week Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat TOTAL<br />

1 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

2 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

3 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

4 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

5 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 8 (3 x 2/5) + (2 x 4/5 day) + 1 =<br />

3.80 days<br />

6 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

7 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

8 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 8 (3 x 2/5) + (2 x 4/5 day) + 1 =<br />

3.80 days<br />

9 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 8 (3 x 2/5) + (2 x 4/5 day) + 1 =<br />

3.80 days<br />

10 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

11 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

12 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 2/5 (4 x 2/5 day) + (2 x 4/5 day) =<br />

3.20 days<br />

13 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 8 (3 x 2/5) + (2 x 4/5 day) + 1 =<br />

3.80 days<br />

14 2/5 4/5 2/5 2/5 4/5 8 (3 x 2/5) + (2 x 4/5 day) + 1 =<br />

3.80 days<br />


47.80 days (.27 of a year of<br />

service)<br />


Employees Working Multiple Positions<br />

Some employees work multiple positions either for you or for multiple school<br />

employers. In this case, service time is calculated as follows:<br />

• If an employee works both an hourly and a salaried or per diem position, report<br />

service time for each position separately in the appropriate HRS (Hours) or<br />

DAYS field. PSERS will combine the service time for this employee and will<br />

ensure that the employee does not receive more than a year of service credit in<br />

a school (fiscal) year.<br />

• If an employee works multiple positions that are paid the same way (hourly,<br />

Per Diem, or salaried), combine these in the same Work Report Record.<br />

Example: If an employee has two positions that are both hourly, report the<br />

service from both positions in one report entry<br />

• Employees will receive a maximum of one year’s worth of service per fiscal<br />

year, even if additional hours are worked beyond a full-time position.<br />

Employees on a Non-Contributing Leave<br />

No service time should be reported during a non-contributing leave of absence. If<br />

the employee wishes to purchase service time from this leave later, PSERS will<br />

determine the amount that can be purchased.<br />

• Exception: If an employee who is on a non-contributing leave is paid for<br />

used sick leave or is compensated from a school-sponsored sick bank,<br />

report the total days or hours paid as service time IF the employee is NOT<br />

receiving Workers’ Compensation. If the employee IS receiving Workers’<br />

Compensation, this type of pay is not eligible for retirement contributions and<br />

must not be reported.<br />

• Exception: Activated Military must have service reported.<br />

Employee Terminates Service During the Year<br />

When an employee terminates one or more positions with you during the school year,<br />

report the employee’s total service time in the last Work Report Record you submit for<br />

the position(s). Usually, this will be the Work Report Record for the last month the<br />

employee works, but it may be later if the employee has a balance of contract<br />

remaining. See Member Contract Records – Changing Information for an Employee<br />

on page 56 and When An Employee’s Work Status Changes on page 97.<br />

Hourly and Per Diem<br />

For hourly and per diem positions, the service time has been reported regularly<br />

anyway, and you must simply report any balance in the last Work Report Record you<br />

submit for this position.<br />


Salaried<br />

• For salaried positions, if you have been reporting service time monthly, report<br />

any balance in the last Work Report Record you submit for this position.<br />

• If you have NOT been reporting service time monthly and would normally have<br />

reported the annual service time in the June Work Report Record, you must<br />

determine the total service time in this position and include it in the last Work<br />

Report Record for this position, whenever that is submitted. In this case, do<br />

not report the service time again in your June Work Report.<br />

Member Contract Record<br />

If the employee has terminated all positions with you, submit a Member Contract<br />

Record to indicate this. Set the BOC Flag and/or the Outstanding Service Credit Flag<br />

to “Yes” if you have salary and/or service to report after the month of termination. In<br />

this case, set the BOC/SVC End Date to the last month in which this salary and/or<br />

service will be reported to PSERS.<br />

Example: An employee terminates all work with you effective March 15. The<br />

employee’s contract with you does not provide for continued payment after<br />

resignation, so March 15, the last day of work, is the last day for which this employee<br />

will be paid. You have not been reporting this employee’s service time in monthly<br />

Work Reports because you report your salaried employees’ service time annually.<br />

You must do the following:<br />

<br />

General Rules<br />

Submit the Termination Member Contract Record with the BOC Flag and<br />

Outstanding Service Credit Flag both set to “No.” Submit the employee’s<br />

final Work Report Record in the March Work Report, with all of the<br />

employee’s service time from the school year included. Remember not<br />

include this employee in any monthly Work Reports after this.<br />

• To ensure that service time is recorded accurately, it is extremely important<br />

to select Full Time or Part Time correctly on each employee’s Member<br />

Contract Record(s).<br />

If an employee works a minimum of 5 hours per day, 5 days a week, or its<br />

equivalent (25 hours per week), that job is considered to be full-time for<br />

retirement purposes, regardless of how you or the employee view the<br />

employment for other purposes.<br />

• The full service that would have been earned during regular employment<br />

should be reported for an employee on a contributing leave.<br />

• An employee on strike is not eligible for service credit during the strike<br />

unless the days or hours lost during the strike period are worked and<br />

compensation is paid. This lost time must be made up no later than June 30<br />

of the school year involved.<br />

• Summer school service should be reported for all eligible employees. If the<br />

employee is retiring, the effective date of retirement must be after the last<br />

day of summer employment.<br />


Verifying Your Reported Service Time is Correct<br />

PSERS will send you a Member Summary Report in the fall after your August work<br />

report has been processed. This report will indicate the employee’s:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Social Security Number<br />

Name<br />

Hours and/or days of service time you reported<br />

Total Salary (not just base)<br />

Contributions and any Wages No Contributions “WNC”<br />

You should review this report before the end of the calendar year to ensure that the<br />

credited service figure for each employee is correct.<br />

How to Correct Reported Service Errors<br />

Upon occasion, you will need to correct service time that was previously reported for<br />

an employee. To do this, see Reporting – Work Report Adjustments on page 116.<br />


Chapter<br />

10<br />

Reporting – Work Report<br />

Adjustments<br />

Use Work Report Adjustments when an error is made or a correction is needed to an<br />

employee’s salary, contributions, service time, or Member Purchase of Service<br />

Installments. Submit the Work Report Adjustment Record as soon as you become<br />

aware of the incorrect information.<br />

Work Report Adjustments are very similar to Work Reports, but you must report the<br />

difference between what you reported erroneously and what you should have<br />

reported.<br />

Example: You submitted a Work Report Record for January that listed an employee’s<br />

salary as $1,000, but the employee really earned $1,700. Correct this by submitting a<br />

Work Report Adjustment Record with the BASE field set to $700, so the net amount in the<br />

employee’s account will be $1,700. Always include the corresponding member<br />

contributions for the salary. Adjustments reflect amounts reported for a school year and<br />

not for a specific month.<br />

In the future, PSERS will send employees a letter notifying them that the employer<br />

has submitted a Work Report Adjustment.<br />

A description of each of the adjustment fields is described in Work Report Adjustment<br />

Record Fields on page 127.<br />

When to Submit a Work Report Adjustment Record<br />

Submit a Work Report Adjustment Record if any of the following occurs:<br />

• A retroactive lump sum adjustment needs to be made for an employee.<br />

• An error was made in a previous report to PSERS, and this error cannot be<br />

corrected through your payroll system.<br />

• An error was made in reporting an employee’s information in a previous fiscal<br />

year.<br />

• An employee’s Member Purchase of Service Installments were reported<br />

incorrectly in a previous report.<br />

• An employee’s service time was reported incorrectly in a previous report.<br />

• Arbitration is settled or court award.<br />

• A Work Report that was invalid at the time of approval.<br />


Interest for Late Contributions<br />

PSERS will charge you interest for the time between the original due date and when<br />

the contributions are received at PSERS if contributions are not made when required.<br />

This interest is charged at an annual rate of 6%, pro-rated for each day the payment<br />

is late. For more information, see Payments – Remitting to PSERS on page 174.<br />

Adjustments to Fiscal Years Prior to 2004-2005<br />

Member Contract Records prior to July 2004 were converted from PSERS’ previous<br />

software system. You must contact PSERS to adjust service reported prior to the<br />

2004-2005 school year for forms: 726 & 1310.<br />

How are Work Report Adjustments Transmitted to<br />

PSERS?<br />

All Work Report Adjustment Records are transmitted to PSERS through the online<br />

system. Whenever you discover an error that needs to be corrected, you can choose<br />

to create Work Report Adjustment Records manually (Method # 1) or by importing a<br />

formatted file (Method # 2). Each method is described in the section below. You may<br />

submit as many records as need in a Work Report Adjustment file. Either way, you<br />

begin by accessing the system:<br />

1. Access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system. If you are not<br />

familiar with how to do this, see Accessing the Online System on page 1.<br />

2. From the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window, click “Adjustments” in the left-hand<br />

menu. A sub-menu appears, as shown next:<br />


Adjustments Sub-Menu<br />

For further details on the Work Report Adjustments Info Sub-Menu refer to the<br />

chapter titled Sub Menus on page 141.<br />

Method # 1: <strong>Manual</strong>ly Creating Work Report<br />

Adjustment(s) Online<br />

If you need to submit a Work Report Adjustment Record for one or only a few<br />

employees, you may prefer to enter these directly online rather than uploading a file<br />

to PSERS. This section describes how to do this. If you have a high volume of<br />

adjustments that need to be submitted, please contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center<br />

Representative.<br />

From the “Adjustments” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click “Create<br />

Adjustments.” You will see the following on your screen:<br />

Enter a description of the Adjustment. The description should best reflect why<br />

the adjustment was created (this description will appear on the monthly <strong>Employer</strong><br />

Statement of Accounts).<br />

Example: If two employees dropped off the October 2007 Work Report. The<br />

description could be:<br />

Oct. 2007 WR - 2 Invalids<br />

After entering your description, click Submit. You will see the following screen:<br />

This screen is the Record Detail Window in the Adjustments Work Area. From here<br />

you will create your Work Report Adjustments. To add an employee to the adjustment<br />

file, click the “Add” button (additional instructions can also be found under “Adding a<br />

Work Report Adjustment Record” page number. To delete a record for the<br />


adjustment file, select the record (in the delete column) and then click the “Save”<br />

button. To save the work report, click the “Save” button. To cancel a record that<br />

hasn’t been saved yet, click the “Cancel” button. If you complete as much<br />

information as you can on the main window and then open the individual record, the<br />

screen will display the information already reported for this fiscal year and wage type<br />

for this employee.<br />

A description of each of the adjustment fields is described under “Work Report<br />

Adjustment Record Fields”.<br />

NOTE: You should save the report after each record OR once you have one page of<br />

records completed (10 records) or your data will not be saved. Also, if a record is<br />

invalid, it will not be saved (the error must be fixed before moving forward or your<br />

data may need to be re-entered). If you have records that are marked as<br />

“Exceptions” (highlighted in orange), they must be reviewed prior to approval (these<br />

records will be processed but may contain an error). If you have any questions<br />

regarding any Invalid or Exception messages, you can contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service<br />

Center Representative.<br />

Once all of your data entry is complete and verified for accuracy, you can approve<br />

your adjustment file. From the “Adjustment” sub-menu on the left side of the screen,<br />

click “Work Area”. To see the listing of <strong>Manual</strong> Adjustment files, you must change the<br />

radio button to <strong>Manual</strong> Adjustments<br />

To approve an adjustment file, you need to select the desired work report and then<br />

click the Approve button.<br />

Method # 2: Uploading a Work Report Adjustment File<br />

If you need to make a number of Work Report Adjustments in a month, you may<br />

prefer to upload these in a file rather than entering each one individually online. If<br />

you are using this method to submit an adjustment file, the fields must be formatted<br />

as described below under “Format for Work Report Adjustment Files” page number.<br />

Further information can also be found under Chapter 13. The first row of data is<br />

called the “header record row”, which contains information regarding the file (type of<br />

file, employer code, number of records, total dollar amounts for each wage category,<br />

and the date and time). The remaining rows of data are the “record lines”, which<br />

contain the member’s information and data to be adjustment (SSN, date of birth,<br />

reason code, wage indicator, contributions withheld indicator, fiscal year, wage type,<br />

work status, days and/or hours, contributions, and wage totals).<br />

From the “Adjustments” sub-menu on the left side of the screen, click “File Upload”.<br />

You will see the following on your<br />

This process is very similar to uploading a file for your monthly Work Report, except<br />

that you can upload Work Report Adjustment files at any time. You are not limited to<br />

one file per month as you are with Work Report files.<br />


For more information on how to submit Work Report Adjustments, see Submitting<br />

Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />

To add an employee to the adjustment file, click the “Add” button (additional<br />

instructions can also be found under “Adding a Work Report Adjustment Record” page<br />

number). To delete a record from the adjustment file, select the record (in the delete<br />

column) and then click the “Save” button. To save the work report, click the “Save”<br />

button. To cancel a record that hasn’t been saved yet, click the “Cancel” button.<br />

This screen will also display the information already reported for this fiscal year and<br />

wage type for this employee.<br />

A description of each of the work report fields is described under the “Work Report<br />

Adjustment Record Fields” section.<br />

NOTE: You should save the report after each change OR once you have one page of<br />

changes completed (10 records) or your data may not be saved. If you have records<br />

that are marked as “Invalid” (highlighted in red), they must be fixed prior to approval.<br />

If a record is listed as “Invalid” after the adjustment file is approved, it will not be<br />

transmitted to PSERS and you will need to resubmit the adjustment(s) to have the<br />

data added to the employee’s account(s). If you have records that are marked as<br />

“Exceptions” (highlighted in orange), they must be reviewed prior to approval (these<br />

records will be processed but may contain an error). If you have any questions<br />

regarding any Invalid or Exception messages, you can contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service<br />

Center Representative.<br />

Once all of your data entry is complete and verified for accuracy, you can approve<br />

your adjustment file. From the “Adjustments” sub-menu on the left side of the<br />

screen, click “Work Area”.<br />

This screen shows all pending imported adjustment files. To approve the adjustment,<br />

you need to select the desired adjustment file and then click the Approve button.<br />

Format for Work Report Adjustment Files<br />

See the chapter titled Standard File Format on page 145 for information on how<br />

to correctly format a Work Report Adjustment. The following pages will<br />

illustrate in detail the layout for Work Report Adjustment Files.<br />

Header of the Work Report Adjustment File<br />

The Work Report Adjustment file must include a single-line header as the first line in<br />

the file. The header row identifies the type of file, employer code number of records<br />

in the file, totals for each wage category, and the date and time the file was created.<br />

This information must be in the following format:<br />


Note: All fields are required. The “Start” column indicates what column that the field begins in<br />

on the header line. The “Bytes” column indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field.<br />

All fields are a fixed-length.<br />

Header<br />

Record<br />

Type<br />

<strong>Employer</strong><br />

Code<br />

Detail<br />

Record<br />

Count<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C = Condition<br />

al Bytes Start<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

A 1 1 Alpha (A = A<br />

Describes the<br />

Adjustments)<br />

incoming file<br />

type;<br />

Adjustments<br />

R 6 2 Numeric 6-digit<br />

number<br />

R 6 8 Numeric 6-digit<br />

number<br />

Base Total R 12 14 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

Total<br />

Overtime<br />

Total<br />

Supplemental<br />

Total<br />

Wages No<br />

Contribution<br />

Total<br />

Member<br />

POS<br />

Installment<br />

Total<br />

R 12 26 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 38 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 50 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 62 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 74 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

003456 <strong>Employer</strong> ID<br />

assigned by<br />

PSERS<br />

002680 Total number of<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of Base<br />

field in all<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

field in all<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Overtime field in<br />

all Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Supplemental<br />

field in all<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Wages No<br />

Contribution field<br />

in all Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Member POS<br />

Installment field<br />

in all Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />


Excess<br />

Salary<br />

Total<br />

Non-Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

Creation<br />

Date and<br />

Time<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Required<br />

O = Optional<br />

C = Condition<br />

al Bytes Start<br />

R 12 86 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 98 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#########.<br />

## or<br />

-<br />

########.#<br />

#<br />

R 12 110 Date as<br />


HHMM<br />

Filler R 18 122 NULL Filler.<br />

Space filled to<br />

match fixed<br />

length of detail<br />

record.<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

# file.<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

666777888.99<br />

or<br />

-66777888.99<br />

or<br />

000000000.00<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of<br />

Member Excess<br />

Salary field in all<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

Total dollar<br />

amount of Non-<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

field in all<br />

Adjustment<br />

Records in this<br />

file.<br />

102520061300 File creation date<br />

and time in<br />

military format.<br />

18 spaces<br />

Not required.<br />

Record Lines in the Work Report Adjustment File<br />

The remaining rows of data are the “record lines”, which contain the member’s<br />

information and data to be adjusted (SSN, date of birth, reason code, wage indicator,<br />

contributions withheld indicator, fiscal year, wage type, work status, days and/or<br />

hours, contributions, and wage totals).<br />

Each Adjustment Record must consist of a single line of information, in the<br />

following format:<br />

Note: All fields are required. The “Start” column indicates what column that the field begins<br />

in. The “Bytes” column indicates how many bytes (characters) are in the field. All fields are a<br />

fixed-length. Do not leave blank spaces except under “Filler”.<br />

Social<br />

Security<br />

Number<br />

Date of<br />

Birth<br />

Reason<br />

Code<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

R 9 1 Numeric 123456789 Required<br />

R 8 10 Date as<br />


R 6 18 Alpha as:<br />

CNTRCT,<br />

LMPSUM,<br />

SVCADJ,<br />

04121980 Required<br />

CNTRCT<br />

The reason for the<br />

adjustment.<br />


Wage<br />

Indicator<br />

Contributions<br />

Withheld<br />

Indicator<br />

Fiscal Year<br />

Ending<br />

Wage<br />

Type<br />

Work<br />

Status<br />

R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start<br />

C 1 24 Alpha (Y =<br />

wages paid<br />

during fiscal<br />

year earned, N<br />

= wages paid<br />

during the<br />

current fiscal<br />

year,<br />

space=NULL)<br />

C 1 25 Alpha (Y =<br />

contributions<br />

were withheld<br />

from the<br />

member’s<br />

wages at time<br />

of payment, N<br />

=<br />

contributions<br />

were not<br />

made,<br />

space=NULL<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

LATRPT,<br />

SALARY,<br />

MEMPOS,<br />

CAWARD, or<br />

UNCRDT<br />

Y<br />

N<br />

If Reason Code = CNTRCT,<br />


SALARY, CAWARD, or<br />

UNCRDT, then Required.<br />

If Reason Code = CNTRCT,<br />


SALARY, CAWARD, or<br />

UNCRDT, then Required.<br />

R 4 26 Year as YYYY 2006 The fiscal year in which<br />

the salary and service<br />

were earned.<br />

R 2 30 Alpha<br />

SA = Salary<br />

PD = Per Diem<br />

HR = Hourly<br />

R 6 32 Alpha; value<br />

from Work<br />

Status Table<br />

Base O 10 38 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

Unpaid<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

O 10 48 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

SA<br />

ACTIVE<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

If Reason Code is<br />

UNCRDT, Wage Type<br />

should reflect the<br />

employee’s current Wage<br />

Type; otherwise, Wage<br />

Type should reflect the<br />

employee’s Wage Type in<br />

effect during the time<br />

period being adjusted.<br />

Must match the work<br />

status as reported on the<br />

Contract Record for which<br />

the adjustment is being<br />

made unless the<br />

adjustment is for<br />

uncredited school service,<br />

where the current work<br />

status (ACTIVE) should be<br />

used.<br />


R/O/C<br />

R = Requir<br />

ed<br />

O = Option<br />

al C =<br />

Conditional Bytes Start<br />

Format &<br />

Values Sample Comments<br />

Overtime O 10 58 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

Supplemental<br />

Contributions<br />

O 10 68 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

C 10 78 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

Hours O 5 88 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

##### or<br />

-####<br />

Days O 7 93 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

####.## or<br />

-###.##<br />

Wages No<br />

Contribution<br />

Excess<br />

Salary<br />

Member<br />

POS<br />

Installment<br />

Non-<br />

Retirement<br />

Covered<br />

Compensation<br />

O 10 100 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

O 10 110 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

C 10 120 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

O 10 130 Numeric<br />

Signed, as<br />

#######.#<br />

# or<br />

-<br />

######.##<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

00160 or<br />

–0160 or<br />

00000<br />

0020.00 or<br />

-000.00 or<br />

0000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

6777888.99<br />

or<br />

-777888.99<br />

or<br />

0000000.00<br />

If Base OR Unpaid<br />

Retirement Covered<br />

Contributions OR<br />

Overtime OR<br />

Supplemental are not<br />

zero, then Required.<br />

If Work Status = ACTIVE<br />

and Base exceeds the<br />

401(a)(17) limitation, then<br />

Base must not be greater<br />

the 401(a)(17) limitation<br />

and Excess Salary must ><br />

0.<br />

Optional field for Non-<br />

Retirement Covered<br />

Comp, i.e. payment of<br />

unused sick time, bonus<br />

pay, etc.<br />

See Submitting Records by Uploading Files on page 144 for further information on<br />

how to upload a Work Report Adjustment File.<br />


See the chapter on Work Area Window, the section on <strong>Manual</strong> Files Created Online<br />

located on page 150 for information on how to navigate in the Work Report<br />

Adjustment File Window.<br />

Refer to the chapter titled Work Area—Record Detail Window on page 152 for more<br />

information on how to navigate the Work Adjustment Records Detail Window<br />

Adding a Work Report Adjustment Record<br />

To add an individual to a Work Report Adjustment Record, click Add on the Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record Detail window. You will be prompted to enter the SSN<br />

(social security number) for the employee whose work you are entering.<br />

Enter the social security number and click “Submit.”<br />

• If there is no Member Demographic Information on file, or if there is no<br />

Member Contract Record on file for the social security number you entered, you<br />

will see the message, “Error – SSN does not exist.”<br />

• If the employee has Member Demographic Information and at least one<br />

Member Contract Record on file, a Work Report Adjustment Record will be<br />

added for this employee. All of the other fields in the Work Report Adjustment<br />

Record will be blank.<br />

At this point, you must enter information into the appropriate fields for this Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record. The fields are described under Using the Edit Window on<br />

the next page. You can add or edit information in either of two ways:<br />

<br />

Click in each field to enter or change the information. Use the scroll bar to<br />

move across and update each field in the row as needed.<br />

or…<br />

<br />

Click on Edit to the left of the employee’s social security number. This will<br />

take you into the Edit window, described under Using the Edit Window. This<br />

window provides more information about any error(s) and exception(s) in the<br />

record as you edit. The errors will be displayed at the top of the page.<br />


Using the Edit Window<br />

The Edit window allows you to add or edit information for any individual Work Report<br />

Adjustment Record. To access this window, click on “Edit” to the left of a Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record in the Work Report Adjustment Record Detail window.<br />

The Edit window looks like the following:<br />

If you already entered a fiscal year into the YEAR field and saved the record after<br />

doing so, the employee’s information for that fiscal year will appear in the left-hand<br />

window, “Existing Fiscal Year Information.” The fields in this window will be blank if<br />

you have not yet entered a fiscal year and saved the record after doing so.<br />

Under “Adjustment Detail,” enter information into the appropriate fields. See Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record Fields on page 127 for more information on any field.<br />

When done entering information, click Submit. The record will be validated to ensure<br />

that all information is entered in the correct format and that all necessary fields have<br />

been filled in for this Work Report Adjustment Record.<br />

• If any errors or exceptions are found during the validation process, you will be<br />

returned to the Edit window, and the errors or exceptions will be displayed near<br />

the top of the window. You must correct the errors. Exceptions are shown for<br />

your reference so you can verify that the information is correct. Some sample<br />

errors include:<br />

• If the Work Report Adjustment Record passes the validation check, it will be<br />

saved to your current Work Report Adjustment. You will be returned to the<br />

Edit window, with the message, “Msg – Member adjustment created<br />


successfully” near the top of the screen. At this point, the record has been<br />

saved as a temporary file. You must click “Save” a second time to<br />

permanently save the entry. You may make additional changes and save<br />

those, or you may click “Cancel” to exit from this screen. Clicking “Cancel” will<br />

cause you to lose any changes you made since the last “Save.”<br />

You must correct all errors before you can save the Work Report Adjustment Record<br />

and exit from the Edit window. Exceptions are shown for your information; you may<br />

save and exit with the exception still in place. If you must leave this window without<br />

correcting all errors, click “Cancel.” In this case, edit the record again later.<br />

Note: When you exit an imported file, any records containing errors will appear in<br />

red. Invalid records in a manual file will be lost when you exit the file.<br />

Work Report Adjustment Record Fields<br />

Work Report Adjustment Records contain the same fields as Work Report Records, but<br />

these fields are used in a slightly different way. There are also three additional fields.<br />

The additional fields and the specific use of the other fields are described here:<br />

• Social Security Number<br />

• Date of Birth<br />

• Reason Code: Use the drop-down menu to select the reason the adjustment<br />

is necessary. The Reason Code names in parenthesis are found in manual<br />

adjustment files and may differ slightly from imported adjustments.<br />

If there are several reasons for making this adjustment, select the most<br />

important reason as indicated in the Reason Codes below.<br />

NOTE: The names in parenthesis are used when making adjustments manually.<br />

SALARY (Payroll Correction): Use this code if you are correcting any<br />

salary/wages that you previously reported to PSERS incorrectly. You may also<br />

correct service time in the same Work Report Adjustment Record.<br />

CNTRCT (Missing Member Contract Record): Use this code if you are<br />

submitting a Work Report Record that was rejected in your monthly Work<br />

Report because the employee did not have a corresponding Member Contract<br />

Record. Submit the correct Member Contract Record first and then submit the<br />

employee’s work information in your next monthly Work Report or in a Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record.<br />

LMPSUM (Lump Sum / Retro Pay Adjustment): Use this code if the<br />

employee receives a non-court awarded adjustment, such as a contract<br />

settlement, that needs to be applied to a prior fiscal year or cannot be reported<br />

in a Work Report Record for some other reason.<br />


SVCADJ (Service Adjustment): Use this code if you are correcting service<br />

time that was previously reported to PSERS for this employee. This may be<br />

used to adjust hours, days, or both.<br />

Note: If this adjustment includes both a change to service time and a change<br />

to salary, use the SALARY code rather than the SVCADJ code.<br />

Reminder: Service corrections for the 2003/2004 school year and prior must be<br />

submitted by using the appropriate adjustment form.<br />

LATRPT (Late Report): Use this code if you are reporting an employee’s<br />

wages/salary and contributions (if any) after you have submitted the monthly<br />

Work Report in which this should have been reported. This code is only used<br />

when reporting information late for an existing employee. If a qualified<br />

employee was never entered as a member or reported to PSERS, use the<br />

UNCRDT code to report this employee’s salary, contributions, and service time.<br />

All other codes supersede the LATRPT code so LATRPT should only be used<br />

when no other Reason Code applies.<br />

POS Correction (Member Purchase of Service Installments Correction):<br />

Use this code if you are correcting Member Purchase of Service Installments<br />

information that you previously reported to PSERS incorrectly or that you did<br />

not report to PSERS when you should have.<br />

UNCRDT (Uncredited School Service): Use this code if, due to an<br />

administrative error, you did not enter an employee as a member at the<br />

appropriate time and if, as a result of this oversight, you did not report the<br />

employee’s salary/wages, contributions (if withheld), and service time to<br />

PSERS, but you did pay the employee at the time.<br />

If you withheld contributions from the original payment to the employee but<br />

did not enter the employee as a member or remit the contributions to PSERS, a<br />

delinquency will be applied to your PSERS account for both your and the<br />

employee portion of the contributions. This will include interest at the rate of<br />

6% per annum, prorated for the number of days the payment was late.<br />

If contributions were NOT withheld from the original payment to the employee,<br />

but the service was eligible for retirement contributions, the employee must<br />

purchase this service time.<br />

CAWARD (Court Award): Use this code if you are reporting arbitration<br />

relating to a rate grievance, improper termination, etc. PSERS must review the<br />

court award/order before releasing any credit or debit to your and/or the<br />

employee account.<br />

If the court award spans fiscal years and/or contribution periods, then you<br />

must submit a Work Report Adjustment Record for each fiscal year with the<br />

corresponding salary and service reported in each.<br />


• Wage Indicator: This indicates whether or not the salary/wages in this Work<br />

Report Adjustment Record were paid during the fiscal year in which they were<br />

earned.<br />

Yes: Select “Yes” if the salary/wages were earned and paid in the adjustment<br />

fiscal year.<br />

No: Select “No” if the salary/wages were earned in a prior fiscal year but were<br />

paid in the current fiscal year (when the mistake was discovered).<br />

This field can only be left blank if Reason Code is set to SVCADJ or MEMPOS.<br />

• Contributions Withheld: This indicates whether or not contributions were<br />

withheld from the salary/wages at the time they were paid to the employee.<br />

Yes: Select “Yes” if contributions were withheld when the salary/wages were<br />

paid whether that was in a past fiscal year or in the current fiscal year.<br />

No: Select “No” if no contributions were withheld from the salary/wages when<br />

they were paid to the employee.<br />

This field can only be left blank if Reason Code is set to SVCADJ or MEMPOS.<br />

• Wage Type: Select “Hourly,” “Per Diem” or “Salary” from the drop-down<br />

menu. Do not leave this field blank.<br />

If the Reason Code is set to UNCRDT, Wage Type should match the employee’s<br />

current Wage Type as set in the employee’s Member Contract Record.<br />

If Reason Code is anything other than UNCRDT, Wage Type should match the<br />

Wage Type that was in effect during the time period being adjusted.<br />

• Work Status: Use the drop-down menu to select the Work Status for the<br />

employee during the time period being adjusted. Do not leave this field blank.<br />

If the Reason Code is set to UNCRDT, Work Status should match the<br />

employee’s current Work Status as set in the employee’s Member Contract<br />

Record. If this Work Status is not ACTIVE, contact PSERS for assistance as<br />

described in Contacting PSERS on page 192.<br />

If Reason Code is anything other than UNCRDT, Work Status should match the<br />

Work Status that was in effect during the time period being adjusted.<br />

See Member Contract Records – Creating Individually on page 41 for more<br />

information on Work Statuses.<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): Enter the ending year of the fiscal year in which<br />

the salary and service were earned (when the work was performed or the leave<br />


of absence took place). Enter the year in YYYY format, with no spaces, dashes,<br />

or other characters. This field cannot be left blank.<br />

Example: For the 2006-2007 fiscal year, enter 2007.<br />

If you reported the initial information with the wrong fiscal year, correct this by<br />

submitting an Adjustment Record that subtracts all reported information from<br />

the year it was erroneously reported in, and then submit a second Adjustment<br />

Record that adds this information to the correct fiscal year.<br />

Due to the increase in the contribution rate effective January 1, 2002, you<br />

must use the June 2002 contribution rate to do any salary adjustment for the<br />

2001-2002 school year.<br />

• BASE: Enter the difference between what you originally reported as the<br />

employee’s base salary and what should have been reported. This amount can<br />

be positive or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar<br />

digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any<br />

punctuation other than the minus sign and a single decimal point. Leave this<br />

field blank or enter 0000000.00 if BASE does not need to be corrected. Leading<br />

zeros are not required for any field in a manual adjustment file.<br />

Example #1: If an employee was reported as earning $1,233.00 less than<br />

she actually earned, enter 1233.00 to add this amount to her earnings for the<br />

fiscal year.<br />

Example #2: If an employee was reported as earning $1,500 more than she<br />

actually earned, enter -1500.00 to subtract these earnings.<br />

The total amount of the BASE, OT, SUP, and URCC fields for the fiscal year,<br />

after adjustments, cannot exceed the IRS 401(a)(17) limitations. See the<br />

EXSAL field.<br />

• URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation): Enter the difference<br />

between what you originally reported as the employee’s URCC and what should<br />

have been reported. This amount can be positive or negative. Enter the<br />

amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2<br />

cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the<br />

minus sign and a single decimal point. Leave this field blank or enter<br />

0000000.00 if URCC does not need to be corrected.<br />

The total amount of the BASE, OT, SUP, and URCC fields for the fiscal year,<br />

after adjustments, cannot exceed the IRS 401(a)(17) limitations. See the<br />

EXSAL field.<br />

• OT (Overtime): Enter the difference between what you originally reported as<br />

the employee’s OT and what should have been reported. This amount can be<br />

positive or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar<br />

digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any<br />


punctuation other than the minus sign and a single decimal point. Leave this<br />

field blank or enter 0000000.00 if OT does not need to be corrected.<br />

The total amount of the BASE, OT, SUP, and URCC fields for the fiscal year,<br />

after adjustments, cannot exceed the IRS 401(a)(17) limitations. See the<br />

EXSAL field.<br />

• SUP (Supplemental): Enter the difference between what you originally<br />

reported as the employee’s SUP and what should have been reported. This<br />

amount can be positive or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if<br />

needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the<br />

dollar sign or any punctuation other than the minus sign and a single decimal<br />

point. Leave this field blank or enter 0000000.00 if SUP does not need to be<br />

corrected.<br />

The total amount of the BASE, OT, SUP, and URCC fields for the fiscal year,<br />

after adjustments, cannot exceed the IRS 401(a)(17) limitations. See the<br />

EXSAL field.<br />

• CONTRIB (Contributions): If you are adjusting an employee’s salary, adjust<br />

the contributions appropriately. You may enter a positive or negative amount.<br />

Enter the amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point,<br />

and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than<br />

the minus sign and a single decimal point. Leave this field blank or enter<br />

0000000.00 if the Contributions do not need to be corrected.<br />

The CONTRIB field must be adjusted if any of the following is true:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

BASE is not zero.<br />

or…<br />

SUP (Supplemental) is not zero.<br />

or…<br />

OT (Overtime) is not zero.<br />

or…<br />

URCC (Unpaid Retirement Covered Compensation) is not zero.<br />

Do not adjust an employee’s contributions unless you are also adjusting salary.<br />

If you withheld contributions from an employee’s paycheck at an incorrect rate,<br />

you do not need to adjust this. PSERS posts the correct amount to the<br />

employee’s account and charges/credits the difference to your account<br />

automatically.<br />

• HRS (Hours): Enter the difference between what you originally reported as<br />

the employee’s hours of service time and what should have been reported.<br />

This amount can be positive or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if<br />

needed) and 4-hour digits. Hours must be rounded up or down. Do not enter<br />


any punctuation other than the minus sign. Leave this field blank or enter<br />

00000 if the hours do not need to be corrected.<br />

Only enter hours that count as Service Time (service that is earned, service<br />

that may qualify later, or service that can be purchased).<br />

• DAYS: Enter the difference between what you originally reported as the<br />

employee’s hours of service time and what should have been reported. This<br />

amount can be positive or negative. Enter the days as a minus sign (if<br />

needed), 3-day digits, a decimal point, and two partial-day digits. Do not enter<br />

any punctuation other than the minus sign. Leave this field blank or enter<br />

0000.00 if the days do not need to be corrected.<br />

Example: Enter 19.50 for a per diem employee who worked 19 ½ days more<br />

during the fiscal year than you originally reported.<br />

Only enter days that count as Service Time (service that is earned, service that<br />

may qualify later, or service that can be purchased).<br />

• WNC (Wages No Contribution): Enter the difference between what you<br />

originally reported as the employee’s WNC and what should have been<br />

reported. This amount can be positive or negative. Enter the amount as a<br />

minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do<br />

not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the minus sign and a<br />

single decimal point. Leave this field blank or enter 0000000.00 if WNC does<br />

not need to be corrected.<br />

• POS (Member Purchase of Service Installments): Enter the difference<br />

between what you originally reported as the employee’s Member POS<br />

Installment and what should have been reported. This amount can be positive<br />

or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar digits, a<br />

decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any<br />

punctuation other than the minus sign and a single decimal point. Leave this<br />

field blank or enter 0000000.00 if POS does not need to be corrected.<br />

The POS field must be adjusted if the Reason Code is set to POS Correction.<br />

• EXSAL (Excess Salary): Enter the difference between what you originally<br />

reported as the employee’s EXSAL and what should have been reported. This<br />

amount can be positive or negative. Enter the amount as a minus sign (if<br />

needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents digits. Do not enter the<br />

dollar sign or any punctuation other than the minus sign and a single decimal<br />

point. Leave this field blank or enter 0000000.00 if EXSAL does not need to be<br />

corrected.<br />

The total amount of the BASE, OT, SUP, and URCC fields for the fiscal year,<br />

after adjustments, cannot exceed the IRS 401(a)(17) limitations, as described<br />

in What Earnings Qualify for Contributions and Contribution Rates on page 64.<br />

If the total of these fields, after adjustments, exceeds the IRS 401(a)(17) limit,<br />

reduce the amount in the BASE field so that the total of these fields is equal to<br />


the IRS 401(a)(17) limit, and enter the remainder of the employee’s earnings<br />

in the EXSAL field.<br />

• NRCC (Non-Retirement Covered Compensation): Enter the difference<br />

between what you originally reported as the employee’s NRCC and what should<br />

have been reported. This amount can be positive or negative. Enter the<br />

amount as a minus sign (if needed), 6-dollar digits, a decimal point, and 2 cents<br />

digits. Do not enter the dollar sign or any punctuation other than the minus sign<br />

and a single decimal point. Leave this field blank or enter 0000000.00 if NRCC<br />

does not need to be corrected.<br />

Saving Your Changes<br />

After adding, deleting, or editing any Work Report Adjustment Records, always save<br />

your work twice. Click “Save” in the Adjustment Record Detail window BEFORE you<br />

log out or go to another part of the system.<br />

If you log out or go to another part of the system without clicking “Save” twice, you<br />

will lose ALL changes you made since the last save. In this case, any records you<br />

added will be lost, any records you deleted will be restored, and any records you<br />

edited will be returned to their previous information.<br />

Submitting the Work Report Adjustment(s) to PSERS<br />

For information on how to submit Work Report Adjustments to PSERS see Submitting<br />

Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />

Each night, PSERS releases all Work Report Adjustments that have been approved for<br />

submission, except for Court Awards, that must be reviewed before being released.<br />

PSERS will automatically apply the information found in the Work Report Adjustment<br />

to your account with PSERS and to your employees’ accounts. After that time, you<br />

cannot change the Work Report Adjustment.<br />

You may view a Work Report Adjustment the day after you approve the file. Use the<br />

Approved Adjustments option to do this.<br />


Work Report Adjustments – Examples<br />

This section provides examples of how you would correct errors made in reporting<br />

work-related information to PSERS.<br />

Reporting Information that was OMITTED<br />

Salary/Contributions Not Reported<br />

There may be times when you did not report the salary and/or contributions for an<br />

employee at the correct time.<br />

Example #1: A full-time, salaried employee earned $3,000 during the first quarter<br />

of the 2005 – 2006 fiscal year. The employee was entered as a PSERS member at<br />

the time, but due to an administrative error, you left this employee off your Monthly<br />

Report. You paid the employee properly, and reported the employee’s service time<br />

for the year correctly at the end of the year. You withheld $225 of retirement<br />

contributions and remitted these to PSERS along with your other withholdings, but<br />

since you did not report the employee, these withholdings were not credited to their<br />

account. When the employee requests a retirement estimate, they bring the missing<br />

quarter to your attention.<br />

Correct this situation by submitting a Work Report Adjustment Record with the<br />

fields set as follows:<br />

• Reason Code: SALARY (Payroll Correction)<br />

• Wage Indicator: Yes<br />

• Contributions Withheld: Yes<br />

• Wage Type: Salary<br />

• Work Status: ACTIVE<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2006 (the ending year of the 2005 – 2006 fiscal<br />

year)<br />

• BASE: 3000.00<br />

• CONTRIB (Contributions): 225.00<br />

• DAYS: 60.00<br />

Since you withheld contributions properly and remitted these to PSERS at the correct<br />

time, no interest charges apply (unless these contributions were refunded to you as<br />

having been paid in error). If this happened, PSERS will apply a delinquency to your<br />

account for both your and the employee portion of the contributions. This includes<br />

interest at the rate of 6% per annum, prorated for the number of days the payment<br />

was late from the original date it was due.<br />

Example #2: Using the same situation as Example #1, if you withheld contributions<br />

from the employee’s paycheck but did NOT remit these contributions to PSERS, the<br />

following applies:<br />


Since you withheld contributions from the original payment to the employee but did<br />

not remit these contributions to PSERS, a delinquency will be applied to your PSERS<br />

account for both your and the employee portion of the contributions. This includes<br />

interest at the rate of 6% per annum, prorated for the number of days the payment<br />

was late after the end of the fiscal year.<br />

From the employee’s perspective, the wages and contributions in both of these<br />

examples would be credited to the correct fiscal year and would earn interest as if<br />

they had been in the account from June 30 of that year.<br />

Example #3: Using the same situation as Example #1, if you did not withhold<br />

contributions from the employee’s paycheck and the salary qualified for contributions,<br />

the following applies:<br />

• Reason Code: UNCRDT (Uncredited School Service)<br />

• Wage Indicator: Yes<br />

• Contributions Withheld: No<br />

• CONTRIB (Contributions):<br />

• WNC (Wages No Contribution): 0003000.00<br />

• DAYS: 60<br />

Note: Days and/or Hours must be submitted when submitting WNC (so we can<br />

calculate the purchase of service billings correctly).<br />

This Work Report Adjustment will cause PSERS to begin a Purchase of Service process<br />

for this employee. PSERS will generate a Statement of Amount Due to the employee<br />

for the retirement contributions that were never withheld but should have been.<br />

PSERS will also generate a Statement of Amount Due to you.<br />

Employees Work Report was Rejected<br />

PSERS will reject your Work Report if you attempt to submit a monthly Work Report<br />

Record for an employee without first submitting Member Demographic Information or<br />

a Member Contract Record.<br />

To correct this, submit Member Demographic Information and at least one<br />

Member Contract Record. Then, you must submit a Work Report Adjustment<br />

Record with the fields set as follows:<br />

• Reason Code: CNTRCT (Missing Member Contract Record)<br />

• Wage Indicator: Yes<br />

• Contributions Withheld: Yes or No as appropriate<br />

All fields need to be reported in the Work Report Adjustment Record.<br />


Adjusting Information that was Reported INCORRECTLY<br />

In some situations, an employee’s salary, contributions, service time, and/or Member<br />

Purchase of Service Installments may have been reported to PSERS incorrectly.<br />

Incorrect Salary/Contributions Previously Reported<br />

Example: A full-time, salaried employee was paid $3,500 in September 2006 but<br />

you accidentally reported $5,300 in your monthly Work Report. You reported the<br />

contributions correctly.<br />

To correct the salary, submit a Work Report Adjustment Record with the fields set<br />

as follows:<br />

• Reason Code: SALARY (Correction to Previously-Reported Salary or<br />

Contributions)<br />

• Wage Indicator: Yes<br />

• Contributions Withheld: Yes<br />

• Wage Type: Salary (note that the Wage Type must match the Wage Type at<br />

the time the work was performed)<br />

• Work Status: ACTIVE<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2007 (2006 – 2007 fiscal year)<br />

• BASE: –1800.00 (3,500 – the 5,300 originally reported)<br />

• CONTRIB (Contributions): –135.00<br />

Incorrect Service Time was Previously Reported<br />

Example: A full-time, salaried employee worked 190 days during the 2005 – 2006<br />

fiscal year, but you accidentally reported 195 days of service time.<br />

To correct this, submit a Work Report Adjustment Record with the fields set as<br />

follows:<br />

• Reason Code: SVCADJ (Service Adjustment)<br />

• Wage Type: Salary (note that the Wage Type must match the Wage Type at<br />

the time the work was performed)<br />

• Work Status: ACTIVE<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2006<br />

• DAYS: –5.00 (190 – the 195 originally reported)<br />

Note: If the Adjustment Record includes both a change to service time and a<br />

change to salary, use the SALARY code rather than the SVCADJ code.<br />


Incorrect Member Purchase of Service Installments<br />

Example: A part-time, hourly employee is paying Member Purchase of Service<br />

Installments of $95 per month. You accidentally report $59 per month to PSERS for<br />

September and October 2006 before the employee calls the mistake to your attention.<br />

To correct this, submit a Work Report Adjustment Record with the fields set as<br />

follows:<br />

• Reason Code: MEMPOS (Member Purchase of Service Installments Correction)<br />

• Wage Type: Hourly<br />

• Work Status: ACTIVE<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2007<br />

• Member POS Installment: 72.00 ($95 – $59, times 2 months)<br />

Note: If the Adjustment Record includes both a change to Member Purchase<br />

of Service Installments and a change to salary, use the SALARY code rather<br />

than the MEMPOS code.<br />

Arbitration and Court Decision Payments<br />

Contract salary awarded to an employee as a result of arbitration or a court<br />

decision is compensation for retirement purposes IF THE EMPLOYEE RECEIVES FULL<br />


• Report the total amount that represents only the employee's reinstated full<br />

contract salary even though the amount of the award may have included<br />

interest or punitive damages. Do not report any other awarded claims such<br />

as interest.<br />

• Interest payments received as part of the award are NOT subject to retirement<br />

deductions. Report these in the Non-Retirement Covered Compensation field<br />

on the employee’s Work Report Adjustment Record.<br />

• You must make retirement contributions on the gross amount of contract<br />

salary awarded, not on the net salary received by the employee. If an award<br />

amount is reduced because of other outside income, you must still pay<br />

contributions on the full award amount.<br />

Example: An employee was awarded $20,000, but this amount was reduced by<br />

other outside income. The employee must pay retirement contributions on the full<br />

$20,000 award.<br />

• Submit a copy of the arbitration or court decision to PSERS to:<br />

PO Box 125<br />

Harris burg, PA 17108-0125<br />


You must show the total amount of the award, the salary breakdown by year,<br />

and the days or hours of service time to be credited.<br />

• If the court award spans fiscal years and/or contribution periods, then you<br />

must submit a Work Report Adjustment Record for each fiscal year and/or<br />

contribution period with the corresponding salary and service reported in each.<br />

• PSERS must review the court award/order before releasing any credit or debit<br />

to your and/or the employee accounts.<br />

• If the Wage Indicator is set to “Y”, the employee and employer contribution<br />

rate will be based on the fiscal year in the adjustment record. If the Wage<br />

Indicator is set to “N”, the employee and employer contribution rate is based<br />

on the current fiscal year rate.<br />

Example: A salaried employee is terminated on December 17, 2009. The employee<br />

feels the termination is wrongful and sues for full back pay, benefits, interest, and<br />

penalties. The case goes to arbitration in August 2010, where it is decided that the<br />

employee will receive back pay and benefits for the remainder of his contract, from<br />

December 18, 2009 through June 10, 2010, as a $21,000 lump sum. Since the<br />

employee has been working at another job since May 15, 2005 and received $3,000<br />

in salary, the employer payment amount is reduced by $3,000, bringing the total you<br />

pay down to $18,000. You and the employee must still pay retirement contributions<br />

on the full $21,000 award, so you will withhold $1,575 from the lump sum payment.<br />

The employee will be earning 49 days of service time (the remainder of the contract<br />

for which he is being paid).<br />

Submit a Work Report Adjustment Record with the fields set as follows:<br />

• Reason Code: CAWARD (Court Award)<br />

• Wage Indicator: No<br />

• Contributions Withheld: Yes<br />

• Wage Type: Salary<br />

• Work Status: TRMNTN<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2010<br />

• BASE: 18000.00<br />

• CONTRIB: 1575.00 (at 7.5%)<br />

• DAYS: 49.00<br />


Non-Arbitration/Court-Awarded Lump Sum Payments<br />

Retroactive Salary Increases Due to Late Contract<br />

Settlement<br />

Lump-sum payments that represent the difference between the old contract salary<br />

and the new contract salary are compensation for retirement benefits.<br />

• If the back salary increase spans fiscal years and/or contribution periods, then<br />

you must submit a Work Report Adjustment Record for each fiscal year and/or<br />

contribution period with the corresponding salary and service reported in each.<br />

• If the Wage Indicator is set to “Y”, the employee and employer contribution<br />

rate will be based on the fiscal year in the adjustment record. If the Wage<br />

Indicator is set to “N”, the employee and employer contribution rate is based<br />

on the current fiscal year rate.<br />

Note: When a contract is settled and payments are made retroactively, you must<br />

withhold and report member contributions in the year earned. If the employee has<br />

retired or received a refund, PSERS will make any necessary adjustments to a<br />

retiree’s benefit or additional payments to a refunded member.<br />

Back Pay Award<br />

Lump-sum payments also include back pay awards that are privately negotiated with<br />

a (former) employee without a court order.<br />

• If the back pay settlement spans fiscal years and/or contribution periods, then<br />

you must submit a Work Report Adjustment Record for each fiscal year and/or<br />

contribution period with the corresponding salary and service reported in each.<br />

• If the Wage Indicator is set to “Y”, the employee and employer contribution<br />

rate will be based on the fiscal year in the adjustment record. If the Wage<br />

Indicator is set to “N”, the employee and employer contribution rate is based<br />

on the current fiscal year rate.<br />

Example: You terminated a salaried coach in April 2006. The coach disputes the<br />

termination, seeking payment and service time for the remainder of his contract,<br />

through June 2006. In August 2006, you agree to these terms. You pay the coach a<br />

lump sum of $4,500, from which $292.50 in retirement contributions are withheld.<br />

The coach will receive 12 days of service time.<br />

Submit a Work Report Adjustment Record with the fields set as follows:<br />

• Reason Code: LMPSUM (Lump Sum / Retro Pay Adjustment)<br />

• Wage Indicator: No<br />

• Contributions Withheld: Yes<br />


• Wage Type: Salary<br />

• Work Status: TRMNTN<br />

• YEAR (Fiscal Year Ending): 2006<br />

• BASE: 4500.00<br />

• CONTRIB: 292.50<br />

• DAYS: 12.00<br />


Chapter<br />

11<br />

Sub-Menus<br />

Member Demographics and Contract Records<br />

There are four options in the sub-menu under Member Demographic Info and Member<br />

Contract Info:<br />

• File Upload lets you submit new records and make changes to existing<br />

records by uploading a file that was exported from your payroll/HR software<br />

system. In this case, you must upload a file in the correct format. See<br />

Submitting Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />

• Work Area is used in connection with the File Upload option. See Uploading<br />

a File on page 147 for more information on this option.<br />


• View/Edit option lets you check whether a record already exists on file<br />

with PSERS. If so, you can view and edit this information online. Some<br />

fields cannot be edited. If you need to change any information that you do<br />

not have access to, contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center for assistance.<br />

• Create option lets you submit a new record by entering this information<br />

directly online, one at a time.<br />

Work Reports and Work Report Adjustments<br />

There are four options in the sub-menu for Work Reports and Work Report<br />

Adjustments:<br />

• File Upload lets you submit Work Reports or Work Report Adjustments by<br />

uploading a file that was exported from your payroll/HR software system.<br />

In this case, you must upload a file in the correct format. See Submitting<br />

Records by Uploading Files on page 144.<br />

• Work Area is where Work Reports and Work Report Adjustments that you<br />

have uploaded or created can be found. This is also where you go to approve<br />

or delete a file. There is a separate Work Area for Import Reports and <strong>Manual</strong><br />

Reports. Import Reports are visible by default. To view <strong>Manual</strong> Reports, click<br />

the radio button at the top of the page. To view Approved files for manual work<br />


eports and adjustments, change the status in the drop down box. No changes<br />

can be made to a file after it has been approved.<br />

• Create Work Report/Adjustments allows the employer to create a<br />

manual Work Report or Adjustment File.<br />

• Approved Reports/Adjustments allows employers to view all approved<br />

reports or adjustments by clicking on “View.” Once the file is open, the<br />

employer will also have a “Print” function button on the top right of the<br />

page. The next business day after the Work Report has been released,<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s can view these Reports, which shows the Act 29 details,<br />

Contribution Rate and Membership Class, Purchase of Service Balance, and<br />

Member Savings and <strong>Employer</strong> Contributions.<br />


Submitting Records by<br />

Uploading Files<br />

There are five steps involved in submitting multiple records at once:<br />

Chapter<br />

12<br />

1. Create a file in the correct format. In most cases, this involves exporting the<br />

file from your payroll/HR software system. Name the file as specified in the<br />

PSERS Filename Convention, described in Uploading a File on page 147. The<br />

file format is detailed under Standard File Format on page 145.<br />

2. Upload the file to PSERS, as described under Uploading a File on page 147.<br />

3. Validate the file to check for any errors or exceptions. PSERS will validate<br />

the file immediately upon submission.<br />

PSERS newest validation is to let you know when to start withholding<br />

contributions from your Part-Time Employees if you are reporting them<br />

under WNC.<br />

4. Fix the records with errors. Go to the section’s Work Area. Any records that<br />

contain errors or exceptions will be flagged for you to examine. Exceptions are<br />

shown for your information. You may submit records with exceptions still in<br />

place but you should contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center to inform PSERS,<br />

especially if it is a Contribution Rate exception. Approve the file once all<br />

exceptions are verified and all errors are corrected.<br />


Chapter<br />

13<br />

Standard File Format<br />

In order to transmit a file to the system, all information in the file must be in the<br />

correct format, as follows:<br />

• Save the file as a plain text (ASCII) file that contains only Member<br />

Demographic Information. You CANNOT mix Member Demographic<br />

Information, Member Contract Records, Work Report Records, and/or Work<br />

Report Adjustment Records into one file.<br />

• The first line in the file is a header line. Refer to the section where the Header<br />

Line is described. For example, The Member Demographic Header Line can be<br />

found under Header of the Member Demographic Information File on page 34.<br />

• Each individual record must appear on its own record line. Refer to the section<br />

where the Record Lines are described. For example, the Member Demographic<br />

Record Line section is found under Record Lines in the Member Demographic<br />

Information File on page 35.<br />

• All record lines must be in the fixed-record (fixed width) format.<br />

• Report the fields in each record line in the order identified.<br />

• All numeric (non-decimal) fields must be right justified, zero-padded left. If the<br />

field is optional and will not be populated with data, zero-fill it.<br />

• Date fields are considered numeric. If a date field is optional and will not be<br />

populated with data, zero-fill it.<br />

• All alpha or alphanumeric fields must be left justified, space-filled to the right.<br />

If the field is optional and will not be populated with data, space-fill it.<br />


• Implied decimals cannot be used, but when an example shows a numeric value<br />

with a decimal point, zero-value fields must include this decimal point in that<br />

place.<br />

• For fields that are numeric signed, the minus sign must appear as the leftmost<br />

position in the field if the value is less than zero; otherwise, the leftmost<br />

position would have a zero in it.<br />

• All header and record lines must be Carriage Return, Line Feed (CRLF<br />

Hexadecimal 0D25) delimited.<br />

• All fields in the file are character-based and fixed-length. Some fields require a<br />

particular character, such as a decimal point, in a specific place. The sample<br />

data shown for each field indicates the layout of that field. All records must<br />

use this layout for both real data and “empty” or “zero value” data.<br />


Chapter<br />

14<br />

Uploading a File<br />

First, access the particular menu item that you need on the left side of the screen;<br />

Member Demographic Info, Member Contract Info, Work Reporting, or Adjustments.<br />

• From the sub-menu under that item, click File Upload.<br />

• Click “Browse” to locate the file created by your payroll software to be<br />

uploaded to PSERS. This file must be in the correct format. Name the file as<br />

specified in the PSERS Filename Convention:<br />

A Member Demographic Information filename must begin with your PSERS<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Code followed by the 2-digit month, and the 4-digit year.<br />

A Contract Information filename must begin with your PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Code<br />

followed by the 2-digit month, and the 4-digit year.<br />

A Work Report filename must begin with your PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Code followed<br />

by the 2-digit month, and the 4-digit year.<br />

An Adjustments filename must begin with your PSERS <strong>Employer</strong> Code<br />

followed by the 2-digit month, and the 4-digit year.<br />

Example: <strong>Employer</strong> 1234 is submitting a Member Demographic Information<br />

file in July2011. The file would be named: mdem001234201107.v3d<br />

• After selecting the file, you must enter a brief description of the file in the<br />

Description field. After the file is transmitted, you will no longer see the file<br />

name. Instead, you will only see the description you entered.<br />

The description should contain the following:<br />

Your <strong>Employer</strong> Code.<br />

File you are working on.<br />

The 4-digit year and the 2-digit month.<br />


Sample Description: <strong>Employer</strong> 1234 is submitting a Member Demographic<br />

Information file in August 2011. The description should be:<br />

9395 Aug 2011<br />

• The individual records will be validated when uploaded. The validation process<br />

checks that the records in the uploaded file are in the correct format and that<br />

all necessary information is included.<br />

• If you want to clear the information you entered into this window, click “Clear.”<br />

This will empty all the fields on the screen so you can start over.<br />

• When you are ready to transmit the file, click “Upload.” This transmits the file<br />

to PSERS. Do not click this button more than once, even if it seems to be<br />

taking a long time. An error message will be displayed immediately if any<br />

errors are found in the file format, or if the file header does not reconcile with<br />

the records in the file. In this case, the file cannot be used in its current form.<br />

Review the error(s) and make the necessary changes to your file in whatever<br />

software program was used to create the file. Then, upload the new file.<br />

Contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center if you continue to have problems<br />

uploading the file. The file will be loaded into the Work Area if it passes the<br />

format and header check. The records will be checked to make sure they are in<br />

a valid format and that all necessary information is included. At this point, a<br />

summary of the results will be displayed, such as:<br />

Records Transmitted: 330 shows number of records that were<br />

transmitted from the file<br />

Records Validated: 330 shows number of records that were<br />

validated<br />

Status: Valid Records: 327 shows number of records that passed<br />

validation check<br />

Invalid Records: 3 shows number of records that failed<br />

validation check<br />

Exception Records: 3 shows number of records<br />

with exceptions<br />

Elapsed Time: 900ms shows amount of time the upload<br />

and validation check took<br />

All records in the uploaded file are placed in the Work Area. They will NOT be<br />

submitted to PSERS automatically. You MUST go to the particular Work Area to<br />

check the records, correct any errors, and approve the file before they will be<br />

submitted to PSERS.<br />


Chapter<br />

15<br />

Work Area Window<br />

Created by File Upload<br />

The Work Area window displays the file that was just uploaded as well as files that<br />

were uploaded in the past. From the Work Area window, you have the following<br />

options:<br />

• Status: Use this drop-down menu to view only files that meet a certain<br />

criterion.<br />

All displays all files you have transmitted to the system. You will see an option<br />

to continue to the next “page” in the file list if there are more files than fit<br />

on the screen.<br />

Validated displays only files that have been through the validation check but<br />

have not yet been approved<br />

• Select: Use this check box to select the file(s) to be affected by the next action<br />

you take, such as “Approve” or “Delete.”<br />

Note: When you are ready to approve a file, change the status in the dropdown<br />

box form “All” to “Validated” so that the only files visible are those that<br />

have not been approved yet. Select the desired file by putting a check mark in<br />

the Select box, then click the Approve button. Use this same procedure to<br />

delete a file if necessary.<br />

• Select one or more files and click “Validate” to validate the records in the<br />

selected file(s). Validation checks that the records in the uploaded file are in<br />

the correct format and that all necessary information is included. You will need<br />

to correct any records that do not pass the validation check before they can be<br />

submitted to PSERS.<br />

• Delete File: Click to delete the selected file(s) entirely. This can only be done<br />

before a file has been approved for submission to PSERS. Use this option if a<br />

file contains an error in the file header or contains too many errors to correct,<br />

and you want to delete it and upload a new file instead.<br />

• Approve: This option appears if Status is set to view “Validated” files. Select<br />

one or more files and click “Approve” to approve ALL records in the selected<br />


file(s) and submit these to PSERS. You should only approve the files after you<br />

have made all the necessary changes and you are ready to submit the records.<br />

Once you approve the file, you cannot delete or change it. If necessary, you<br />

can contact the <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center to delete a file that was approved but<br />

is still in “Pending” status. This must be done the same day that the file is<br />

approved. Once the file status is “Released”, no one can delete it.<br />

If you approve the file but some of the records still contain errors, those<br />

records will NOT be posted to the system. At this point, they cannot be fixed<br />

and submitted to PSERS. Instead, create a Work Report Adjustment File with<br />

the correct information and submit these records to PSERS. Delays in<br />

reporting Member (Employee) Contributions may cause you to be charged<br />

delinquency interest.<br />

For all of these reasons, a file should only be approved if the display indicates<br />

that ALL of the records in the file are valid. The number in the “Valid Rows”<br />

column should match the number in the “Rows Imported” column and in the<br />

“Rows Processed” column. The “Not Processed Rows” and “Invalid Rows”<br />

columns should both show “0.”<br />

If the file contains any invalid records, those will be indicated in the “Invalid<br />

Rows” column. In this case, click “Detail” to view the records and correct the<br />

errors before approving the records.<br />

• Detail: Click to view the individual records in the file. This option allows you to<br />

edit the information for a particular employee, add additional records, or delete<br />

an employee’s record.<br />

Clicking “Detail” will take you to the Record Detail window described in Work<br />

Area – Record Detail Window on page 152.<br />

<strong>Manual</strong> Files Created Online<br />

You must select the “<strong>Manual</strong>” button to view this Work Area. The system will<br />

automatically default to “Import” if you do not choose “<strong>Manual</strong>”. The following<br />

options are available from the File Window screen:<br />

• Status: Use this drop-down menu to view only files that were created online.<br />

The Status choices are:<br />

All displays all files that you created online. You will see an option to continue<br />

to the next “page” in the file list if there are more files than fit on the<br />

screen.<br />

Validated displays only files created online but not yet approved for<br />

submission to PSERS.<br />


Not Validated displays files created online but that have not yet been through<br />

the validation check. Check the file under “Select” to validate these<br />

records. This does not apply to manual reports.<br />

Approved displays files created online and already approved for submission to<br />

PSERS. You can view but can no longer edit these records if PSERS has<br />

released them already.<br />

Approved with Errors displays files created online and submitted to PSERS<br />

with uncorrected errors in some records. This does not apply to manual<br />

reports.<br />

• Select: Use this check box to select the file(s) to be affected by the next<br />

action you take, such as “Approve” or “Delete.”<br />

Note: You cannot select files while Status is set to view “All” files. You must<br />

first change Status to "Validated".<br />

• New Report / New Adjustment: Click if you need to create another file.<br />

• Approve: This option appears if Status is set to view “Validated” files. Select<br />

one or more files and click “Approve” to approve ALL records in the selected<br />

file(s) and submit these to PSERS. This should only be done when the file is<br />

complete and correct, and all records in it are ready to be submitted.<br />

Each night, PSERS releases all files approved for submission, except for Court<br />

Awards that must be reviewed before being released. PSER will automatically<br />

apply the entries to your account with PSERS and to your employees’ accounts.<br />

After that time, you cannot change the file.<br />

You may view a file after PSERS has released it. Use the Approved option to<br />

do this.<br />

If your file still contains invalid information when it is approved for submission<br />

to PSERS, these entries will be rejected.<br />

• Edit: Clicking “Edit” will take you to the Record Detail Window where you can<br />

add, delete, or edit records. See Work Area – Record Detail Window on page<br />

152.<br />


Chapter<br />

16<br />

Work Area – Record Detail<br />

Window<br />

You will see the following changes in this window, the page finder (First, Prior, Next,<br />

Last Page 2 of 5) is now stationary under the first column. Under the Birth Date<br />

column is Total Members that are in the report. Each column within the report from<br />

Base to NRCC will have a total above the scroll bar, these total will update as you<br />

correct the data in the report.<br />

You have the following options from the Record Detail window:<br />

• Status: Use this drop-down menu to view only records that meet a certain<br />

criterion:<br />

All displays all of the records in the selected file. Records with errors or<br />

exceptions will be highlighted in the list.<br />

Non validated displays records that have been added or edited and have not<br />

yet been validated.<br />

Valid displays only records that have been through the validation check and<br />

are found to be in a valid format.<br />


Exceptions Records with non-standard data. They are shown for your<br />

reference so you can verify that the non-standard data is correct. These are<br />

often contribution rate discrepancies.<br />

Invalid displays records that have been through the validation check and are<br />

found to contain errors. You must correct all errors before the record can<br />

be submitted to PSERS.<br />

• Scroll: Use the vertical scroll bar to see additional records. Use the horizontal<br />

scroll bar to view the fields in a particular record without editing that record.<br />

• PRINT: Click for a copy of what is in the detail work area, full report or what is<br />

showing when a search is completed. A print window will open, click “FILE”,<br />

click “Print”, select your printer and print.<br />

• Search: This button is used to find members;<br />

o<br />

o<br />

Name/SSN: Use to find all records for a certain member. Enter their<br />

SSN or Last Name in the field, click the search button and all their record<br />

for that SSN will show in the work area or all the members with that last<br />

name will show in the work area.<br />

Message: Click in the message box to see all the errors and/or warnings,<br />

select one, click the search box and all members with that condition will<br />

show in the work area.<br />

• Delete: Select the “Delete” check box for any records that you should delete<br />

rather than submit to PSERS. After you checked all desired records, click<br />

“Save”. Located under the SSN – Name column.<br />

• Edit: If you need to change the information in a record, you can do so by<br />

clicking in the desired field and changing that field on the spot. If preferred,<br />

you can click “Edit” to the left of the record to edit the information in the Edit<br />

window. This window provides more information about the error(s) and<br />

exception(s) in the record. It also validates the information you add or edit.<br />

Near the top of the window, you will see any errors that need to be corrected<br />

for this record as well as any exceptions that you should verify are correct.<br />

Edit the information in each field to correct any errors. When done editing,<br />

click “Save” to accept the changes you made and exit from this window. Click<br />

“Cancel” to exit from this window without saving any changes.<br />

• Add: Click to add another record to the current batch. You will be prompted<br />

to enter the additional employee’s social security number. A new record with<br />

this social security number will be added to the Record Detail window. The<br />

other fields for this employee will be blank and will need to be filled in by<br />

editing the record. Use the “Add” function when an employee is left out of the<br />

batch by mistake or if an employee’s social security number was incorrect in<br />


the file that was submitted. This field cannot be edited so you would need to<br />

delete the incorrect record and add a correct record.<br />

• Save: Click to save any changes you made to the records. Do this after you<br />

have finished all adding, deleting, and editing of records. If you exit the Record<br />

Detail window (for example, if you log out or go to another part of the system)<br />

without saving, you will lose ALL changes you made since the last save. In this<br />

case, any records you added will be lost, any records you deleted will be<br />

restored, and any records you edited will be returned to their previous<br />

information. It is advisable to save your work periodically during the editing<br />

session if you are editing extensively. Save twice!<br />

• Cancel: Click to cancel ALL changes you made to the records since the last<br />

“Save.” This will delete any records you added and will return any records you<br />

edited to their previous information. It will also restore any records you<br />

deleted.<br />

Go To Page: to return to a certain page in your report enter the page number<br />

in the box and click on the Go To Page button.<br />

You will be ready to submit your records to PSERS after you have…<br />

• Finished adding, deleting, and editing records in the Record Detail window.<br />

and…<br />

• Clicked “Save” to save your changes.<br />

Click “Work Area” in the sub-menu on the left-hand side of the screen to submit<br />

your finalized, saved file. This will return you to the File window.<br />

Change “Status” to display only “Validated” files. Then, click the check box to<br />

select the file and finally click “Approve” to send the file to PSERS.<br />

NOTE: To delete a file - change “Status” to display only “Validated” files. Then, click<br />

the check box to select the file and finally click “Delete File” you will receive a<br />

message “Are you sure you want to delete the selected files?” click OK to delete the<br />

files or Cancel to return to the prior step.<br />


1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

You will see the following message in a pop-up window:<br />

Click OK.<br />

You will receive the following message!<br />

Msg - Selected files have been approved. You can check them by clicking on<br />

Approved or Approved with Errors<br />

The file has now been submitted to PSERS. It will disappear from the Validated<br />

screen since it no longer falls in the category of being validated but not submitted.<br />

After this, change “Status” to display “Approved” or “Approved with Errors” to see<br />

the file.<br />


Purchase of Service –<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Responsibilities<br />

Chapter<br />

18<br />

NOTE: In the event that an in state or out-of-state employer or an out-of-state<br />

retirement system is unable or unwilling to certify a public school Purchase of<br />

Service (POS) application and PSERS deems the evidence provided by the member<br />

to be “reasonable”, PSERS will accept the evidence and process a Statement of<br />

Amount Due (SOAD).<br />

Reasonable evidence may include but is not limited to social security records,<br />

payment stubs, and/or similar proof that the member’s service and salary reflected<br />

on the POS application is complete and accurate and that this service was public<br />

school service.<br />

There are important benefits for the employer and the employee for purchasing<br />

service credit early in an employee’s career.<br />

The employer will:<br />

<br />

Experience less difficulty locating records for former employees.<br />

Should you have difficulty locating former employee information, the<br />

employee’s Social Security records may assist you with the completion of the<br />

PSERS applications. Generally, Social Security records will be of assistance<br />

for service rendered prior to 1979 because they provide a quarterly<br />

breakdown for salary. The employee can request this breakdown of reported<br />

salary information from the Social Security Administration and provide you<br />

with a copy. With this record, you may be able to determine the pay rate<br />

and the number of hours or days the employee actually worked.<br />

The employee will:<br />

<br />

<br />

Pay a lower purchase cost due to a shorter interest accrual period if the<br />

employee elects to pay for the service credit in a lump sum or<br />

installment payments.<br />

“Earn” higher death benefits during employment.<br />


Reach eligibility to apply for a disability retirement benefit sooner.<br />

Qualify for vested status sooner.<br />

Qualify for a retirement benefit sooner.<br />

The employee may qualify for premium assistance.<br />

Eligible Service<br />

The employee who qualifies may purchase the following types of service credit:<br />

Return of Withdrawn Contributions<br />

A Return of Withdrawn Contributions (PSRS-696) application should be completed to<br />

apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An employee who has returned to service as a contributing member may restore<br />

credit for former service. The former service is from a period of PSERS covered<br />

employment where the employee terminated employment and elected to receive<br />

a payment of their contributions and interest in the fund.<br />

Former Uncredited Full-Time Service<br />

A Purchase of Former Uncredited Full-Time Service (PSRS-27) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

Former uncredited full-time service is service rendered in a Pennsylvania public<br />

school system as an employee, for which no contributions were reported to<br />

PSERS.<br />

Former Uncredited Part-Time Service<br />

A Purchase of Former Uncredited Part-Time Service (PSRS-100) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

Former uncredited part-time service is qualifying part-time service for which<br />

no contributions were reported.<br />

A member (employee) must be:<br />

• Active and contributing<br />

• Meet eligibility requirements in the year they apply<br />

During the school year in which the application was received, the employee<br />

must have met 500 hours (hourly) or 80 days (per diem), and the employee<br />

must have appeared on a Work Report Record. If the employee did not appear<br />

on a Work Report Record, an online Work Report Record Adjustment must take<br />

place.<br />


Former Uncredited Non-Qualifying Part-Time Service<br />

A Purchase of Former Uncredited Part-Time Service (PSRS-100) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

Non-qualifying part-time (NQPT) service is part-time hourly or part-time per diem<br />

school employment in which the service is less than 500 hours or 80 days in a<br />

given school year (July 1 - June 30). Effective February 1, 1999, a new policy was<br />

adopted which allowed an employee to purchase credit for part-time school service<br />

where the school service was less than 500 hours or 80 days (non-qualifying).<br />

After the employee meets membership eligibility (a part-time per diem employee works<br />

at least 80 days in a single school year, or a part-time hourly employee works 500<br />

hours in a single school year) and is entered into the system, then any previous periods<br />

of part-time service that did not reach 500 hours or 80 days may be purchased.<br />

People who are in an Inactive, Vestee, and/or Annuitant Status as well as nonmembers<br />

with previous TC/TD service on 7/1/2011 have a one-year window upon<br />

their first return to active membership, (i.e. one year from the date of notification)<br />

after 7/1/2011 to purchase Non-Qualifying Part-Time (NQPT) service.<br />

Class TE/TF members have a one-year window from the date of qualification (i.e.<br />

one year from the date the Welcome Packet was generated) to purchase prior NQPT<br />

service.<br />

If the Member Status is ACTIVE on 7/1/2011 the member has a fixed three-year<br />

window through 6/30/2014 to purchase NQPT. This is true regardless of how many<br />

times the Member terminates/refunds and subsequently returns to service during<br />

the three-year window, provided the member is active and contributing at the time<br />

of the filing of the application.<br />

The current eligibility rules for purchasing NQPT service remain the same. The<br />

member still has to be in an active contributing status at the time of application.<br />

NOTE: Pension reform legislation changed the current law beginning July 1, 2011.<br />

Under this change, the purchase of NQPT will not be available to inactive members<br />

of PSERS. Former members who are inactive with PSERS and are active with SERS,<br />

the ability to purchase NQPT service without being an active contributing<br />

member of PSERS expired on June 30, 2011.<br />

Approved Leave of Absence<br />

A Purchase of Approved Leaves of Absence (PSRS-112) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />


Approved leave of absence is defined as leave granted by the employer and<br />

approved by the school board (approval and reason for leave must appear in the<br />

board minutes) for the following types of leave:<br />

• Sabbatical leave<br />

• Service as an exchange teacher<br />

• Service with a collective bargaining organization<br />

• Leave taken for professional study<br />

• Special sick leave (no more than one year of service may be purchased)<br />

A full-time active contributing member (employee) may purchase service credit for<br />

a leave of absence for professional study, as an exchange teacher or service with a<br />

collective bargaining organization, which has been approved by the employer's<br />

board.<br />

A member (employee) must be:<br />

• Active and contributing.<br />

• Meet eligibility requirements in the year they apply.<br />

NOTE: Family Medical Leave Act absences does not meet the requirements for a<br />

purchasable approved leave of absence.<br />

Maternity Leave of Absence<br />

A Purchase of Maternity Leave of Absence (PSRS-1127) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

The provisions of the legislation that allow for the purchase of a maternity leave<br />

specifically state that the leave had to be as the result of the employee’s<br />

pregnancy. Up to two years of credit per leave may be purchased, provided the<br />

maternity leave started prior to November 1, 1978. Adoptions and child rearing<br />

leaves are not eligible for this type of purchase.<br />

An active contributing member (employee) may purchase credit for a maternity<br />

leave due to pregnancy if the member:<br />

• Resigned or…<br />

• Took a leave of absence and…<br />

• The leave began prior to November 1, 1978.<br />


Service with a County Board of School Directors<br />

Credit for former service with a County Board of School Directors may be<br />

purchased by an active contributing PSERS member (employee) if the employee is<br />

not now nor in the future eligible for an annuity from the county.<br />

There are two types of County Board Service:<br />

1. School service (hired and paid by County Board of School Directors).<br />

a. Full-time service-- The employee will be billed for only the<br />

employee's share. The Intermediate Unit that absorbed the<br />

County Board of School Directors must pay the employer’s share.<br />

b. Part-time service--The employee will be billed for only the<br />

employee's share. The employer's share will not be billed because<br />

all service is before 1975.<br />

2. Non-school Service (hired and paid by County Commissioners). Only<br />

full-time service may be purchased.<br />

Military Service<br />

Intervening Military Service<br />

A Purchase of Intervening or Active Military Service (PSRS-1305) application<br />

should be completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An active contributing member (employee) must have been a school employee<br />

immediately preceding an induction into the armed services or forces and must<br />

have been on a military leave of absence to meet a draft obligation to be eligible to<br />

purchase intervening military service.<br />

The employee must have returned to regular full-time school service within 90<br />

days of release from active military service.<br />

The employee will be billed for employee contributions, based on the salary the<br />

employee would have earned from the employer during the military leave<br />

multiplied by the member's contribution rate, plus interest.<br />

Interest will be charged from the first day of credited service until the application<br />

is received. If the payment is not made in a lump sum within the timeframe<br />

stated on the Statement of Amount Due, additional interest will accrue.<br />

The employer is responsible for the employer's share of retirement contributions.<br />

Non-Intervening Military Service<br />

A Purchase of Non-Intervening Military Service (PSRS-28) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An active contributing member (employee) may purchase non-intervening active<br />


duty military service credit, provided the employee has three years of credited<br />

school service and salary in PSERS after the military service was rendered.<br />

An employee may purchase up to a maximum of five years of active duty<br />

military service.<br />

An employee may not purchase more military service credit than the employee<br />

has credited PSERS school service.<br />

An employee who is receiving a military pension may be able to purchase up to<br />

five years of non-intervening military service if the military pension is not based<br />

solely on active service.<br />

The employee will be required to pay both the employee and employer normal<br />

contributions. If the payment is not made in a lump sum within the timeframe<br />

stated on the Statement of Amount Due, additional interest continues to accrue<br />

until the entire debt is paid.<br />

Activated Military Service<br />

A Purchase of Intervening or Active Military Service (PSRS-1305) application should<br />

be completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An employee on activated duty on or after July 1, 1990, may continue to make<br />

contributions to PSERS or may choose not to make contributions to PSERS during<br />

the leave.<br />

If contributions were not made during the leave:<br />

• The employee will have three years after the return from the leave to apply<br />

to PSERS to purchase credit.<br />

• The employee will be billed for employee contributions, based on the salary<br />

the employee would have earned from the employer during the military<br />

leave multiplied by the employee's contribution rate.<br />

• Interest will not be charged until 5 years from the date of the original billing.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s are required to continue making employer contributions during period of<br />

leave regardless of whether the employee elects to continue contributions.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s CANNOT receive a credit for <strong>Employer</strong> Contributions made for an<br />

employee on an activated military leave (whether contributing or noncontributing).<br />

This is true even if:<br />

• The employee does not return from the leave.<br />

• Upon returning does not remain in your employ for a period of time at<br />


least equal to the length of the leave.<br />

• Does not choose to purchase the service time from the leave.<br />

Exception: If the employee voluntarily extends their military duty beyond the<br />

time of the original military obligation, you may receive a credit for any <strong>Employer</strong><br />

Contributions you paid during the voluntary extension. Contact PSERS for more<br />

information.<br />

Out-of-State School Service<br />

A Purchase of Out-of-State Service (PSRS-278) application should be completed to<br />

apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

Out-of-state service is public school employment rendered in another state and<br />

covered by that state’s public retirement system. An active member (employee)<br />

may apply to purchase credit for out-of-state school service under certain<br />

conditions. The out-of-state service must be refunded before it can be purchased in<br />

PSERS.<br />

United States Government Service<br />

A Purchase of United States Government Service (PSRS-600) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An active contributing member (employee) may purchase credit for service<br />

rendered outside Pennsylvania under certain conditions.<br />

Service as an administrator, teacher or instructor in the field of public school<br />

education for any agency or department of the United States government, whether<br />

or not such area is under the jurisdiction of the United States, may be purchased.<br />

A maximum of 12 years may be purchased. A combination purchase of out-ofstate<br />

and government service may not exceed a total of 12 years.<br />

The government agency for which the service was performed must complete the<br />

remainder of the application. The personnel officer of the agency must sign the<br />

application and attach a copy of the job description.<br />

The service must be in the field of education as an administrator, teacher, or<br />

instructor teaching school-age children.<br />

A department or agency of the United States Government must have paid the<br />

salary received.<br />

The usual types of service include:<br />

U.S. Overseas dependent schools<br />

Peace Corps (teaching)<br />


Department of Interior - Indian Reservation Schools<br />

Overseas American Sponsored Schools assisted by the<br />

U.S. Department of State<br />

Pennsylvania County Nurse Service<br />

A Purchase of Pennsylvania County Nurse Service (PSRS-708) application should be<br />

completed to apply for this type of service purchase.<br />

An active contributing member (employee) may purchase credit for service<br />

rendered as a nurse employed by a county in Pennsylvania.<br />

Purchase of Service Credit Quick <strong>Reference</strong> for <strong>Employer</strong>s<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s’<br />

<strong>Employer</strong>s’<br />

Application<br />

Type of Service<br />

Responsibility for Responsibility for<br />

Required<br />

Forms<br />

Payment<br />

Part-Time Uncredited<br />

Service<br />

Full-Time Uncredited<br />

Service<br />

Non-Qualified<br />

Uncredited Service<br />

Military Service-<br />

Intervening/Activated<br />

Military Service Non-<br />

Intervening<br />

Approved Leave of<br />

Absence<br />

Return of Withdrawn<br />

Contributions<br />

Pennsylvania County<br />

Nurse Service<br />

Maternity Leave of<br />

Absence<br />

Out-of-State Service<br />

PSRS-100 Purchase of<br />

Former Part-Time<br />

Uncredited Service*<br />

PSRS-27 Purchase of<br />

Former Full-Time<br />

Uncredited Service<br />

PSRS-100 Purchase of<br />

Former Part-Time<br />

Uncredited Service<br />

PSRS-1305 Purchase<br />

of Intervening or<br />

Activated Military<br />

Service<br />

PSRS-28 Purchase of<br />

Non-Intervening<br />

Military Service<br />

PSRS-112 Purchase of<br />

Approved Leave of<br />

Absence<br />

PSRS-696 Return of<br />

Withdrawn<br />

Contributions<br />

PSRS-708 Purchase of<br />

Pennsylvania County<br />

Nurse Service<br />

PSRS-1127 Purchase<br />

of Maternity Leave of<br />

Absence<br />

PSRS-278 Purchase of<br />

Out-of-State Service<br />

Part E Employment<br />

Information; Part F<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

Part D Employment<br />

Information; Part E<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

Part E Employment<br />

Information; Part F<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

Part C Employment<br />

Information; Part D<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

None<br />

Part C Employment<br />

Information; Part D<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

None<br />

Part C Employment<br />

Information; Part D<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

None<br />

Out-of-State<br />

employer: Part C<br />

Employment<br />

Information; Part D<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Share of<br />

Contributions plus<br />

interest<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Share of<br />

Contributions plus<br />

interest<br />

None<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Share of<br />

Contributions plus<br />

interest<br />

None (Member pays<br />

both shares)<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Share of<br />

Contributions plus<br />

interest<br />

None (<strong>Employer</strong> share<br />

was paid at time<br />

service was rendered)<br />

None<br />

None (Member pays<br />

both shares)<br />

None (Member pays<br />

both shares)<br />


United States<br />

Government Service<br />

PSRS-600 Purchase of<br />

United States<br />

Government Service<br />

Out-of-State<br />

retirement system:<br />

Part E Retirement<br />

Information; Part F<br />

Retirement System<br />

Certification<br />

Part C Employment<br />

Information; Part D<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Certification<br />

None<br />

* No application is required to be submitted for qualified Part-Time Uncredited Service provided that all earnings and<br />

service were reported on monthly Work Reports with earnings as WNC and service reported as worked, either hours or<br />

days. PSERS will automatically bill both the member and the employer. The current versions of the applications can be<br />

found on the PSERS website.<br />


This Chapter is currently<br />

under construction!<br />

Chapter<br />

19<br />


This Chapter is currently<br />

under construction!<br />

Chapter<br />

19<br />


Chapter<br />

20<br />

This Chapter is under<br />

construction!<br />


Contacting PSERS<br />

Contacting PSERS through the Online System<br />

You can contact PSERS through the online system as follows:<br />

• Access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system.<br />

Chapter<br />

21<br />

• From the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window, click “Contact PSERS” in the left-hand<br />

menu. You will see the following window open<br />

You will see a map of Pennsylvania, scroll down to see the names of the<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Service Contact for your area, click on their email and send them<br />

your question.<br />


Contacting PSERS by Telephone or Fax<br />

The <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center can be reached at:<br />

866-353-1844<br />

or…<br />

Contact your <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center Representative directly.<br />

If you need to fax a form to PSERS, use this fax number:<br />

(717) 783-8760<br />

Contacting PSERS by Mail<br />

You may mail forms and letters to PSERS at this address:<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> Service Center<br />

Public School Employees’ Retirement System<br />

PO Box 125<br />

Harrisburg, PA 17108-0125<br />

Do NOT use this address for payment by check if you are including a payment<br />

coupon. Instead, see page 182 in Methods of Remittance.<br />

Contacting PSERS by Email<br />

You may email your contact at <strong>Employer</strong> Service Center via the email addresses<br />

listed on the Web<br />

Please be sure to include your name, phone number and your school district in your<br />

message.<br />

Obtaining PSERS Forms<br />

Forms within the Online System or from the forms page<br />

The most commonly used forms are available directly in the online system.<br />

1. Access the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window in the online system.<br />

2. From the <strong>Employer</strong> Services window, click “Forms” in the left-hand menu. You<br />

will see the following window open.<br />


From the list of <strong>Employer</strong> forms, you may:<br />

• View the form on your screen<br />

• Print the form needed<br />

• Complete the form, then print<br />

• Click on Member Forms for POS applications or other member forms<br />


Introduction of Act 120<br />

Changes to Pension<br />

Benefit Changes General Information<br />

• The benefit reductions contained in this legislation will only impact<br />

individuals who become new members of PSERS on or after July 1, 2011<br />

• Any existing or former members of PSERS who return to service on or after<br />

July 1, 2011 will retain their old membership status<br />

• The current pension benefit that a PSERS retiree receives is also not<br />

impacted by the legislation<br />

Chapter<br />

22<br />

What is a member?<br />

• Any person that is Active, Inactive, Vestee, or Annuitant.<br />

Membership status for an inactive member is retained for two full<br />

school years from the last qualifying year.<br />

A Vestee or annuitant does not have their membership status<br />

expire.<br />

• Once a member qualifies for membership all service earned after the initial<br />

qualification will be considered qualified<br />

• Previously hourly and per diem members had to qualify each year (500 hours<br />

or 80 days for hourly and per diem employees)<br />

Impacts on All Members<br />

• Members who break membership do have to re-qualify to receive retirement<br />

credit for service upon their return. The following constitutes a break in<br />

membership:<br />

terminate and refund their contributions and interest, or<br />

terminate without refunding their contributions and interest and return<br />

to service after a period of two FY years, or are not reported as being<br />

employed by a public school employer for a period of two FY years or<br />

more, regardless of refunding their contributions and interest.<br />


• So, if a person was a full time employee who has not earned five years of<br />

credited service therefore the member is non-vested, their member status in<br />

FY 09/10 is active. Member goes on unpaid leave September 15, 2009 and<br />

stopped working and was no longer reported by an employer.<br />

FY Ending<br />

Member Status<br />

09/10 Active Member until 9/15/09.<br />

Inac tive as of 9/16/09<br />

10/11 Inactive Member<br />

11/12 Inactive Member<br />

12/13 Non-Member at start of fiscal year<br />

Qualification in a fiscal year is met in one of two ways<br />

• Salaried or FT per diem or FT hourly from the first day of contributing service<br />

• Part time hourly or part time per diem it is rendering the minimum of 500<br />

hours, 80 days or the equivalent combination<br />

• Benefit Plan Changes<br />

• Impacts on All Members<br />

• Determining whether or not a person has qualifying time:<br />

FY Ending<br />

Status<br />

10/11 Qualified (723 hours)<br />

11/12 Qualified (3 hours)<br />

12/13 Qualified (15 hours)<br />

13/14 Qualified (100 hours)<br />

• Any member who works between 11/23/2010 and 06/30/2011 is considered<br />

qualified for FY 2011, regardless of whether or not the member met the<br />

current qualification rules, if the member:<br />

Was vested (meets the 5/10 vesting rules or superannuation rules such<br />

as age 62 and 1 year of service) as of 11/23/2010 or earlier or Qualified<br />

in FY 2009 or 2010<br />

• Benefit Plan Changes<br />

• Impacts on All Members<br />

• Determining whether or not a person has qualifying time for 10/11 fiscal<br />

year:<br />


FY Ending<br />

Status<br />

08/09 Qualified (700 hours)<br />

09/10 Did Not Qualify (200 hours)<br />

10/11 Qualified even if works only one day on or after<br />

11/23/10<br />

• If a Vestee or superannuated member returns to service on or after<br />

November 23, 2010, that service will be qualifying service, regardless of the<br />

nature of the employment (salary, hourly or per diem, or full time or part<br />

time).<br />

• An annuitant can still work in an emergency return to service capacity or a<br />

return in an extracurricular position.<br />

• If a Vestee or superannuated member returns to service on or after November<br />

23, 2010, that service will be qualifying service, regardless of the nature of<br />

the employment (salary, hourly or per diem, or full time or part time).<br />

• An annuitant can still work in an emergency return to service capacity or a<br />

return in an extracurricular position.<br />

Benefit Cuts for New Members After July 1, 2011<br />

• New Membership Classes<br />

• Two new classes (Class T-E and T-F) for school employees who become new<br />

members of PSERS on or after July 1, 2011<br />

• All new members will automatically become Class T-E members. New<br />

members have a one-time opportunity to elect Class T-F<br />

Failure to elect Class T-F at time of original eligibility will make the<br />

member ineligible for Class T-F forever<br />

Once the election is made either by action or inaction, the election is<br />

permanent<br />

• Pension Multipliers and Contribution Rates<br />

• Class T-E<br />

Pension multiplier is 2%<br />

Contribution base rate is 7.5% with “shared risk” contribution levels<br />

between 7.5% and 9.5%<br />

• Class T-F<br />

Pension multiplier is 2.5%<br />

Contribution base rate is 10.3% with “shared risk” contribution levels<br />

between 10.3% and 12.3%<br />


• Class T-E and T-F Members<br />

Cannot withdraw contributions and interest when retiring<br />

Have a ten year vesting period<br />

For normal retirement, employees must:<br />

• Work until age 65 with minimum of 3 years of service,<br />

or…<br />

• Attain a total combination of age and service that is equal to or<br />

greater than 92 with a minimum of 35 years of service<br />

• One year window for new members to apply for NQPT service (at full<br />

actuarial cost)<br />

• Pension benefit cannot exceed the member’s final average salary<br />

• The cost to purchase most types of non-school or nonstate service credit<br />

(other than military service) will be the full actuarial cost<br />

• No projection of service for determining superannuation age<br />

• Employees starting after July 1, 2011 will contribute based on “shared risk”<br />

rate in effect at date of hire<br />

How to Determine Membership Class<br />

• A contract record should be entered with the first day of paid service as the<br />

start date<br />

• It is not the hire date, but the date in which the member begins performing<br />

work and receiving remuneration for it<br />

• If the employee has never been a member of PSERS and is not actually<br />

providing services until after July 1, then the contract record should have this<br />

employee at a 7.5% contribution rate as a Class T-E member<br />

Class T-F Election Process<br />

• New members will have a one-time opportunity to elect Class T-F within 45<br />

days of receiving written notification from PSERS<br />

• T-F election form only has to be returned if member wants to elect Class T-F<br />

• Decision whether to elect or not is final and binding<br />

• Election of Class T-F<br />


If a member elects to become Class T-F, the employer will be notified<br />

the following month and should begin withholding at the Class T-F<br />

rate<br />

If member is terminated prior to PSERS processing the election,<br />

member will be responsible for remitting the payment to PSERS<br />

• <strong>Employer</strong>’s Role In Class T-F Election Process<br />

Collection of owed retirement contributions from the member<br />

• Owed contributions are retroactive to the first day of qualifying<br />

membership in PSERS<br />

Collected through employer so they remain as “pickup or non-taxed”<br />

contributions<br />

Notification to employer will only be based on PSERS’ records<br />

Collection Example: Full time salaried employee, earning $50,000 a<br />

year elects Class T-F. <strong>Employer</strong> has reported two months of earnings<br />

before the election occurs and PSERS is able to notify employer.<br />

<strong>Employer</strong> had collected $625 in retirement contributions from member<br />

due to 7.5% rate. At the higher rate of 10.3%, the member owes an<br />

additional $233.34 for the two reported months.<br />

• PSERS will notify employer how much is owed, not including<br />

subsequent pays the employer has provided to the member<br />

• Class T-F Election for Members with Multiple <strong>Employer</strong>s<br />

The money should come from the employer with the current payroll<br />

stream<br />

If the member has multiple current employers:<br />

• If only one employer is full time and the other(s) is part time, it<br />

will be the employer with the FT position<br />

• If more than one employer is full time, it will be the full time<br />

employer who most recently reported the member. This is<br />

defined as the full time employer that most recently submitted a<br />

work report for the member<br />

• If all employers are part time, it will be the employer with the<br />

• hourly Contract Record<br />

• if none; then the employer with a per diem Contract<br />

Record<br />

• if none, then the employer with a salaried contract record<br />


Shared Risk<br />

• Every 3 years, the System will compare the actual investment rate of return<br />

with the assumed rate of return for the prior 10 year period<br />

• If the investment rate of return (less investment fees) is equal to or exceeds the<br />

assumed rate of return, the member’s contribution rate will decrease by .5%<br />

• If the earnings during the ten-year period are 1.0% or more below the assumed<br />

rate of return, the member’s contribution rate would increase by .5%<br />

If the System is fully funded at the time of the comparison, then the member<br />

contribution rate reverts to the base rate for the Class<br />

The investment return measurement return period will begin on July 1, 2011<br />

The rate could never go below the base rate of 7.5% for T-E and 10.3% for<br />

T-F members, nor above 9.5% for T-E and 12.3% for T-F members<br />

If the employer rate is below the final contribution, the shared risk rate will<br />

revert back to the base<br />

If the employer rate has not increased in the prior 3-year period, then the<br />

shared risk rate will not increase<br />


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