2012 PROCEEDINGS - Public Relations Society of America

2012 PROCEEDINGS - Public Relations Society of America

2012 PROCEEDINGS - Public Relations Society of America


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38(2), 162-179.<br />

Rust, R., Ambler, T., Carpenter, G., Kumar, V., & Srivastava, R. (2004). Measuring marketing<br />

productivity: Current knowledge and future directions. Journal <strong>of</strong> Marketing, 68, 76-89.<br />

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Signitzer, B., & Coombs, T. (1992). <strong>Public</strong> relations and public diplomacy: Conceptual<br />

covergences. <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Review, 18(2), 137-147.<br />

Sriramesh, K., & Vercic, D. (2003). A theoretical framework for global public relations research<br />

and practice. In K. Sriramesh & D. Vercic (Eds.), The global public relations handbook:<br />

Theory, research, and practice (pp. 1-22). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.<br />

Taylor, M., & Kent, M. (2006). <strong>Public</strong> relations theory and practice in nation building. In C.<br />

Botan & V. Hazleton (Eds.), <strong>Public</strong> relations theory II (pp. 341-359). Mahwah, NJ:<br />

Lawrence Erlbaum.<br />

US Census Bureau. (<strong>2012</strong>). US trade in goods by country. Retrieved from<br />

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1942 to 2011. Washington, DC: National Security Division.<br />

Wang, J. (2006). Managing national reputation and international relations in the global era:<br />

<strong>Public</strong> diplomacy revisited. <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Review, 32, 91-96.<br />

Wang, J., & Chang, T. (2004). Strategic public diplomacy and local press: How a high-pr<strong>of</strong>ile<br />

―head-<strong>of</strong>-state‖ visit was covered in <strong>America</strong>‘s heartland. <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Relations</strong> Review, 30,<br />

11-24.<br />

Young, A., & Aitken, L. (2007). Pr<strong>of</strong>itable marketing communications: A guide to marketing<br />

return on investment. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page.<br />

Table1<br />

<strong>Public</strong> relations expenditure in the US and GDP per capita <strong>of</strong> selected client countries<br />

PR expenditure GDP per capita (2011)<br />

Samples<br />

Rank Mean (US thousand dollars) Rank ppp (US dollar)<br />

Japan 1 81,053 18 42,830.87<br />

Liberia 7 8,818 208 246.92<br />

Belgium 53 698 17 43,077.66<br />

Philippines 49 803 145 2,140.12<br />


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