The Diabetologist #10

طبيب السكري - العدد 10 طبيب السكري - العدد 10

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erger State–Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) during pregnancy, women with gestational diabetes expressed no higher anxiety scores than glucose-tolerant women.14 In a study measuring bipolar subjective mood states, the mood profile in such women was significantly associated with their level of glycemic control.15 Thus the degree of metabolic control appears of psychological importance in women with gestational diabetes. Continuous reassurance regarding metabolic control in women with gestational diabetes may enhance their confidence and ability to cope with their temporary disease state.16 The experience of pregnancy for a woman with diabetes is strongly influenced by the increasing demands of the diabetes treatment regimen, concerns about the health of her baby, and the impact of the pregnancy on her own health. For women who are in poor metabolic control, the requirements of more intensive self-care and medical management can give way to worries and increased stress levels. Women striving for ‘perfect’ diabetes control may find it extremely difficult to accept any elevated blood glucose level and become highly frustrated by the day-to-day glucose variability that is likely to occur in insulin-dependent diabetes regardless of pregnancy. Lowering of glycosylated hemoglobin can help to decrease stress levels and improve self-esteem. Failure to improve glycemic control can easily lead to feelings of guilt and an increase of psychological distress and eventually diabetes ‘burn-out’.17 Strict glycemic control increases the risk of (severe) hypoglycemia. It was found that in about two-thirds of diabetic pregnancies that were regulated by intensive insulin therapy, at least one episode of severe hypoglycemia occurred during the first 20 weeks.18 In a recent cohortstudy, a mean of 2.6 episodes of hypoglycemia was reported during the first trimester. A lower HbA1c level and a higher total daily insulin dose were predictive for severe hypoglycemia.19 Severe hypoglycemia can cause high levels of anxiety, confronting the mother-to-be with a serious dilemma. On the one hand she strives for optimal glycemic control to reduce the risk of birth defects; on the other hand she wants to minimize the risk of hypoglycemia because of the possible harm that it may cause to herself and the fetus. To date, the adverse effects of (periods of) maternal hypoglycemia to the fetus’s health are not well established. Impaired hypoglycemia awareness and related worries about severe hypoglycemia can lead the pregnant woman to accept higher levels of blood glucose, thereby compromising glycemic control.20 This may be particularly true for women for whom work and/or family commitments make it extremely difficult to have low blood glucose levels. Obstetrical care in the first and early second trimesters is largely concentrated on detecting birth defects. In the late second and third trimester, the obstetrical focus is on assessing fetal growth and development, and maternal health. The revelation of fetal anomalies, abnormal fetal growth and/ or development in women with poor metabolic control may cause feelings of guilt and distress, resulting in further glucose dysregulation. Clinical studies suggest a higher occurrence of premature labor and preterm delivery in diabetic pregnancies.21,22 The imminent birth of a preterm infant and a (long) period of hospital stay preceding this event may induce anxiety and feelings of separation in women concerned. This emotional stress can have a negative impact on their metabolic control and vice versa. 3.4 Delivery Delivery is a stressful event to all women and their partners. In general, women are in fear of the possible pain that delivery may cause. Women may be anxious whether they will be able to cope with this pain if analgesia is not available soon or is not effective enough. In women with diabetes, stress levels may be increased in view of the possible complications of delivery related to macrosomia. Shoulder dystocia due to macrosomia is a major clinical problem which may cause irreversible physical damage to the newborn and secondary surgical complications to the mother. Feelings of anger, doubt and anxiety may persist for many years thereafter. In this respect, it is important to discuss prenatally the procedures and possible complications of either vaginal or caesarean delivery. 3.5 La ctation Little is known about the psychological implications of breastfeeding in women with diabetes other than in nondiabetic women. Diabetic women may find it stimulating that breastfeeding appears to be an independent protective factor against type 1 diabetes in their children.23 3.6 Childhood Little is known about how diabetic pregnancy, both in type 1 and gestational diabetes, affects the development of the maternal-infant relationship. There is some research to suggest that children from diabetic mothers are at increased risk for a variety of behavioral disturbances, partly related to the children’s obesity.24 In an Israeli study, one-year-old infants of women with diabetes mellitus had lower scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development and revealed fewer positive and more negative behaviors than infants of mothers in the non-diabetic group. Infant outcomes in the maternal diabetic group were associated with maternal metabolism.25 3.7 Practice Implications Prepregnancy counseling has so far shown to have a limited effect in changing contraceptive behavior in women with issue 10 < APRIL 2012 03

to seek medical care after they have discovered they are pregnant. In the Maine study, in which health care providers in a state-wide network were trained in preconception care and attempts were made to contact diabetic women before pregnancy, only one-third of the diabetic pregnancies occurred in women who had received preconception counselling.7 Lower income, unemployment, less education and unmarried status are known factors to have a major impact on whether or not women seek preconception care.8 Large individual differences may be observed in how diabetic women and their partners cope with the need for ‘preconception watchfulness’ and pregnancy planning. While some women or couples may be ‘unrealistically’ optimistic regarding the health risks involved, others may react overanxiously, and develop a phobia of hyperglycemia, leading to excessive blood glucose monitoring and very frequent consultations of the diabetes health care team. Unplanned pregnancy may cause emotional stress and Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of preeclampsia, spontaneous abortions, foe- In a recent study, it was found that women who felt their fears of criticism. tal malformations, stillbirths, macrosomia and related neonatal morbidity. In the last decades, it has become clear an unplanned pregnancy than women who had been doctor discouraged pregnancy were more likely to have that poor glycemic control is an important determinant of reassured they could have a healthy baby.9 This finding these problems.1,2 Achieving and maintaining optimum underscores the importance of the doctor-patient relationship.10 glucose regulation is considered of high relevance in minimizing the risk of these complications. Social support appears to play a significant role as well. Unfortunately, diabetic women with good glycemic control In the same study, women with unplanned pregnancies before and during pregnancy generally should not expect reported to be less satisfied with their partner relationship a normal rate of perinatal complications. In a prospective than those who planned their pregnancies. Most of the cohort study of 323 Dutch women with type 1 diabetes women with unplanned pregnancies felt that their partners and overall good glycemic control (HbA1c less than 7%), were not well informed about the possible risks or were it was noticed that the rates of congenital malformations, not able to understand the amount of effort required to macrosomia and perinatal death were still increased 3.5- achieve a good diabetes control.9 to 4.5-fold as compared with national data.3 Next and related to medical problems, important psychological issues may arise and need to be addressed as part For a woman with diabetes the ‘developmental tasks’ 3.3 Pregnancy of a multidisciplinary team approach. related to pregnancy are essentially the same as for any This chapter will highlight some of the psychological issues involved in diabetes care throughout different stages for separation and adopting a realistic relationship with the woman, i.e. developing attachment to the fetus, preparing of pregnancy, from planning conception to delivery and newborn. 11,12 beyond. It is thought, however, that women with diabetes have a different mood profile compared with non-diabetic women. 3.2 Prepregnancy In a study of pregnant women with preexisting diabetes In general, maternal and perinatal complication rates are mellitus and non-diabetic controls, maternal characteristics and test results on the Profile of Mood States-Bipolar lower in diabetic women with lower HbA1c levels.1–3 In this respect, it is considered important to counsel diabetic form were reported. Women with diabetes displayed a women who are planning to become pregnant about the greater anxiety and hostility in comparison with nondiabetic women with no association to their level of glycemic reduction in complications that may be achieved by (further) improvement of glycemic control.4–6 Fertile women control. Their psychological profile was not associated with diabetes should be strongly encouraged to use effective contraception until optimal glycemic control has been tes classification.13 with the severity of the disease as reflected by the diabe- established. By contrast, in a prospective longitudinal study using Research suggests that most women with diabetes tend Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) forms and the Spiel- 02 issue 10 < APRIL 2012

to seek medical care after they have discovered they are<br />

pregnant. In the Maine study, in which health care providers<br />

in a state-wide network were trained in preconception<br />

care and attempts were made to contact diabetic women<br />

before pregnancy, only one-third of the diabetic pregnancies<br />

occurred in women who had received preconception<br />

counselling.7<br />

Lower income, unemployment, less education and unmarried<br />

status are known factors to have a major impact on<br />

whether or not women seek preconception care.8<br />

Large individual differences may be observed in how diabetic<br />

women and their partners cope with the need for ‘preconception<br />

watchfulness’ and pregnancy planning. While<br />

some women or couples may be ‘unrealistically’ optimistic<br />

regarding the health risks involved, others may react overanxiously,<br />

and develop a phobia of hyperglycemia, leading<br />

to excessive blood glucose monitoring and very frequent<br />

consultations of the diabetes health care team.<br />

Unplanned pregnancy may cause emotional stress and<br />

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is associated with an increased<br />

risk of preeclampsia, spontaneous abortions, foe-<br />

In a recent study, it was found that women who felt their<br />

fears of criticism.<br />

tal malformations, stillbirths, macrosomia and related neonatal<br />

morbidity. In the last decades, it has become clear an unplanned pregnancy than women who had been<br />

doctor discouraged pregnancy were more likely to have<br />

that poor glycemic control is an important determinant of reassured they could have a healthy baby.9 This finding<br />

these problems.1,2 Achieving and maintaining optimum underscores the importance of the doctor-patient relationship.10<br />

glucose regulation is considered of high relevance in minimizing<br />

the risk of these complications.<br />

Social support appears to play a significant role as well.<br />

Unfortunately, diabetic women with good glycemic control In the same study, women with unplanned pregnancies<br />

before and during pregnancy generally should not expect reported to be less satisfied with their partner relationship<br />

a normal rate of perinatal complications. In a prospective than those who planned their pregnancies. Most of the<br />

cohort study of 323 Dutch women with type 1 diabetes women with unplanned pregnancies felt that their partners<br />

and overall good glycemic control (HbA1c less than 7%), were not well informed about the possible risks or were<br />

it was noticed that the rates of congenital malformations, not able to understand the amount of effort required to<br />

macrosomia and perinatal death were still increased 3.5- achieve a good diabetes control.9<br />

to 4.5-fold as compared with national data.3<br />

Next and related to medical problems, important psychological<br />

issues may arise and need to be addressed as part For a woman with diabetes the ‘developmental tasks’<br />

3.3 Pregnancy<br />

of a multidisciplinary team approach.<br />

related to pregnancy are essentially the same as for any<br />

This chapter will highlight some of the psychological issues<br />

involved in diabetes care throughout different stages for separation and adopting a realistic relationship with the<br />

woman, i.e. developing attachment to the fetus, preparing<br />

of pregnancy, from planning conception to delivery and newborn. 11,12<br />

beyond.<br />

It is thought, however, that women with diabetes have a<br />

different mood profile compared with non-diabetic women.<br />

3.2 Prepregnancy<br />

In a study of pregnant women with preexisting diabetes<br />

In general, maternal and perinatal complication rates are mellitus and non-diabetic controls, maternal characteristics<br />

and test results on the Profile of Mood States-Bipolar<br />

lower in diabetic women with lower HbA1c levels.1–3 In<br />

this respect, it is considered important to counsel diabetic form were reported. Women with diabetes displayed a<br />

women who are planning to become pregnant about the greater anxiety and hostility in comparison with nondiabetic<br />

women with no association to their level of glycemic<br />

reduction in complications that may be achieved by (further)<br />

improvement of glycemic control.4–6 Fertile women control. <strong>The</strong>ir psychological profile was not associated<br />

with diabetes should be strongly encouraged to use effective<br />

contraception until optimal glycemic control has been tes classification.13<br />

with the severity of the disease as reflected by the diabe-<br />

established.<br />

By contrast, in a prospective longitudinal study using<br />

Research suggests that most women with diabetes tend Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) forms and the Spiel-<br />

02 issue 10 < APRIL 2012

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