Stratex International One2One Forum - 14th June 2012 - Proactive ...

Stratex International One2One Forum - 14th June 2012 - Proactive ...

Stratex International One2One Forum - 14th June 2012 - Proactive ...


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<strong>Proactive</strong> Investor<br />

14 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Successful Exploration &<br />

Discovery Company Underpinned<br />

by Future Gold Production

Disclaimer<br />

These presentation slides (the “Slides”) do not comprise an admission document, listing particulars or a prospectus relating to <strong>Stratex</strong> <strong>International</strong> plc (“the Company”) or any subsidiary<br />

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<strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />


Overview<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

AIM-quoted Exploration and Development company focussed on gold and base<br />

metals in East Africa and West Africa, underpinned by a strong exploration portfolio<br />

and two mine development projects in Turkey<br />

Discovered to date:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2.26 Moz Au<br />

7 Moz Ag<br />

186 kt Cu<br />

Major JV and equity partners include: AngloGold Ashanti, Antofagasta, Centamin,<br />

Centerra, Teck, Thani Ashanti<br />

JV investment to date of US$13.7 M (with a further min of US$16.2 M [+/- US$20 M]<br />

subject to earn-in)<br />

<br />

Positive cash flow possible by mid/late-2013<br />

<br />



Risk Management Strategy<br />

<br />

Clear focus on discovering and exploiting mineral wealth<br />

<br />

<br />

Multiple plays increase odds of success<br />

Continuous monitoring and reviewing of investment strategies<br />

<br />

JV partners ensure risk is shared and/or eliminated<br />

<br />

Value created with minimal cash exposure<br />

<br />

<br />

Growing reputation enables negotiation of increasingly better partnerships and potential<br />

rewards<br />

Production agreements with local companies realise value from smaller projects<br />

<br />

Cash-flow<br />


Creating Value<br />

Cost-effective exploration<br />

Asset<br />

Total <strong>Stratex</strong><br />

spend (£)<br />

Total partner<br />

spend (£)<br />

Total Au (oz)<br />

<strong>Stratex</strong> retained<br />

Au (oz)<br />

Öksüt 509,424 2,063,273 1,047,872 523,936 (50%)<br />

314,361 (30%)<br />

Muratdere 631,628 - 204,300* 204,300 (100%)<br />

61,290 (30%)<br />

Altıntepe 850,854 333,333 593,100** 593,100 (100%)<br />

266,895 (45%)<br />

<strong>Stratex</strong> cost per<br />

retained oz (£)<br />

0.97<br />

1.62<br />

3.09<br />

10.31<br />

1.43<br />

3.19<br />

TOTAL 1 st earn-in 1,321,336 1.50<br />

2 nd earn-in 642,546 3.10<br />

* Resource at Muratdere includes 186 kt Cu, 3.9 Moz Ag and 6,390 t Mo (not included)<br />

** Resource at Altıntepe includes 3.18 Moz Ag (not included)<br />


Our Interests<br />

+ Two exploration<br />

projects<br />

+ Six exploration and<br />

two development<br />

projects<br />

+ Eight exploration<br />

projects<br />

Rift<br />

Resources<br />

+ 49.5% passive<br />

holding in new<br />

industrial minerals<br />

company<br />


East Africa Operations<br />

Shehagne<br />

Blackrock<br />

- Afar Project,<br />

incl Megenta & Pandora<br />

<br />

Under-explored with major gold and<br />

base metal potential<br />

Mining-friendly regime in Ethiopia –<br />

Corporate tax 30%; royalties 5-8%; tax<br />

free importation; transparent code<br />

exploration thro’ to mining;<br />

government 5% free-carried interest<br />

<br />

<br />

Growing mining interest – BHP Billiton,<br />

Centamin, Nyota Minerals, Allana<br />

Potash, MidRoc, Tigray Resources,<br />

Ethiopian Potash Corp<br />

<strong>Stratex</strong> first-mover advantage in<br />

discovering new gold province in Afar<br />

Depression of Ethiopia<br />


East African Assets<br />

Ethiopia & Djibouti<br />


SHIELD<br />

Prospective for gold<br />

and base metal<br />

deposits<br />

AFAR<br />



Bonanza gold<br />

grades on surface<br />

0 250 km<br />

0 250 km<br />

After Corti, 2009<br />


30 km<br />

Blackrock<br />

<br />

100%-owned licence - 299 sq km over four extensive areas of low -sulphidation mineralisation<br />

<br />

>30 km veining identified in the 4 Zones<br />

Five substantial vein systems outcropping at Black Water Zone – Stanley, Nesbitt, Oasis, Theodore and Baker<br />

Black Water Zone – aerial photograph<br />

E<br />

BAKER<br />


?<br />

?<br />

OASIS<br />

38.3 g/t Au<br />

60.4 g/t Au<br />


34.6 g/t Au<br />

Potential blind extensions under wadi gravels<br />

250 m<br />



Blackrock<br />

Nesbitt structure<br />

Oasis structure<br />

Theodore structure<br />

1 2 3 4 5<br />

Individual veins over 50 m.<br />


<br />

<br />

<br />

Outcropping mineralisation<br />

High level similar to Megenta<br />

Critical boiling zone textures<br />

Silica-replaced bladed calcite<br />


Black Water Drilling to Date<br />

<br />

4,745 m drilling completed. Best results to date<br />

include:<br />

Baker<br />

250 m<br />

Hole Length (m) Au (g/t)<br />

BW-DD-001 0.70 0.48<br />

BW-DD-002 2.41 0.29<br />

BW-DD-003 4.65 0.51<br />

including 1.45 0.67<br />

BW-DD-009 0.95 0.81<br />

BW-DD-16<br />

Oasis<br />

34.8 g/t Au<br />

Nesbitt<br />

18.7 g/t Au<br />

<br />

<br />

Veins thicken significantly to the north, e.g. 5.35 m<br />

vein in BW-DD-8 at 99.75 m depth – awaiting results<br />

‘Blind’ quartz vein zone identified at 84 m under<br />

gravels in BW-DD-16 – over 2,000 m of blind veins<br />

interpreted for Black Water alone<br />

6.1m @ 1.0 g/t Au<br />

7.8 & 5.0 g/t Au<br />

60.1 g/t Au<br />

<br />

<br />

Additional drilling tested high grade outcrops on<br />

Baker, Oasis, Nesbitt, and Stanley<br />

Bulk of results awaited<br />

Stanley<br />

1.2m @ 5.7 g/t Au<br />

38.3 g/t Au<br />


Low-Sulphidation Systems - Hitting the Shoots<br />

Extorre’s Cerro Moro Project - Zoe Discovery: projected long section<br />

>900 m strike with no<br />

significant values<br />



MISSED<br />

Thani Ashanti JV<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Extensive land position in Afar district, incl. licences covering<br />

Megenta and Pandora<br />

Thani Ashanti earning-in to initial 51% through US$3 M exploration<br />

funding over 2 years – potential US$44 million total expenditure<br />

At Megenta, 3,000 m drill programme has confirmed 3 km gold<br />

system:<br />

<br />

<br />

MG-DD-12 - 3.25 m @ 4.49 g/t Au incl. 0.70 m @ 19.5 g/t<br />

MG-DD-10 - 43.20m @ 0.67 g/t Au incl. 2.9 m @ 3.56 g/t Au<br />

<br />

<br />

Thani Ashanti due to undertake airborne magnetic survey over<br />

Tendaho (incl. Megenta)<br />

At Pandora, early channel sampling over main 1,500 m vein has<br />

identified wide gold-mineralised zones with multiple higher-grade<br />

intervals<br />

Both projects to be drilled during <strong>2012</strong><br />


Pandora, Djibouti<br />

Channel sampling returned multiple >10 g/t<br />

values & wide gold-mineralised zones >10 m:<br />

20.35 g/t Au over 1.90 m (P-CH-17)<br />

11.91 g/t Au over 2.60 m (P-CH-22)<br />

15.42 g/t Au over 1.65 m incl. 27.10 g/t Au<br />

over 0.50 m (P-CH-4)<br />

13.90 m @ 5.75 g/t Au (PS-CH-4)<br />

23.28 m @ 1.52 g/t Au (P-CH-29)<br />

13.50 m @ 2.14 g/t Au (PS-CH-3)<br />

18.31 m @ 1.43 g/t Au (P-CH-30)<br />

<br />

View SE along main 1,500 m Pandora vein<br />


Deseado Massif Comparison<br />

<br />

Cerro Vanguardia<br />

>6.0 M oz Au<br />

Source: Mariana Resources<br />

<br />

Cerro Negro*<br />

3.1 M oz Au<br />

Expanded to 5.1 M oz Au<br />

Distance Megenta to Blackrock<br />

<br />

Manatial Espejo<br />

1.2 M oz Au equiv.<br />

<br />

Mina Martha<br />

22 M oz Ag equiv.<br />

<br />

San Jose<br />

1.99 M oz Au equiv.<br />

<br />

Las Calandrias<br />

<br />

<br />

Cerro Moro<br />

2.4 M oz Au equiv.<br />

(131,000 m drilled+)<br />

Cap Oeste<br />

<br />

Geological Setting:<br />

Rifting – same as Afar<br />

Bimodal rhyolites & basalts - Afar<br />

Rhyolite domes – defined in Afar<br />

** Goldcorp acquired Cerro Negro for C$3.6 Billion = c.$1,000/oz **<br />


West Africa<br />

200 km<br />

West Africa Licences<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Dalafin licence covers 636 sq km in prospective Birimian Kédougou-Kenieba gold belt<br />

Four early-stage exploration licences over 1,985 sq km in Mauritania<br />

Nine deposits >1 million oz Au discovered to date in Kédougou-Kenieba gold belt<br />


Dalafin – Exploration Underway<br />

Trench - Saroudia<br />

Trench - Baytilaye<br />


Turkish Operations<br />

6 early and mid-stage exploration<br />

prospects – drilling programmes<br />

anticipated at 4 projects in <strong>2012</strong><br />

2 resource development projects with<br />

first gold pour anticipated 2013<br />

Muratdere<br />

Inlice<br />

Altıntepe<br />

Ӧksüt<br />

Altunhisar<br />

Hasançelebi<br />

New copper exploration initiative with<br />

Antofagasta Minerals<br />


Öksüt +1Moz Gold Discovery<br />

<br />

High-sulphidation gold discovery in central<br />

Turkey, currently being funded by a Canadian<br />

major JV partner Centerra B.V:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

50% vested interest for US$3 M<br />

Opted to earn additional 20% for a further<br />

US$3 M<br />

<strong>Stratex</strong> interest of 50% free carried for<br />

next US$3 M expenditure over next 2<br />

years<br />

758,144 oz Au<br />

<br />

Total resource 1,047,872 oz gold<br />

289,729 oz Au<br />

Scope for further resource upgrade - <strong>2012</strong><br />

drilling programme now underway<br />

* rock-chip sampling result prior to drilling<br />


Öksüt – Ortaçam North<br />

<br />

<br />

Best intersection to date: ODD-55: 268.00 m @ 2.34 g/t Au<br />

Open to north and east – drilling underway<br />


Muratdere<br />

Muratdere porphyry copper-gold-molybdenum project - 250 km west of Ankara<br />

186,000 t Cu + 204,296 oz Au + 3.9 Moz Ag + 6,390 t Mo + 17.6 t Re identified<br />

0.36 % Cu, 0.12 g/t Au, 0.0125 % Mo – yields saleable copper concentrate<br />

Turkish investor DD for $1.7 M for 51%; + $0.5M + drilling & complete feasibility for 70%<br />

Currently awaiting result of due-diligence and decision to proceed<br />


Additional Turkish Assets<br />

Hasançelebi gold project, 500 km SE of Ankara –<br />

Teck funding exploration to US$2 M for 51% interest<br />

Further exploration anticipated <strong>2012</strong><br />

Altunhisar gold project, 260 km SE of Ankara –<br />

Centerra funding exploration to US$1.5 M for 51% interest<br />

Drilling anticipated <strong>2012</strong><br />

Antofagasta strategic alliance to explore for copper deposits –<br />

Antofagasta funding initial US$1 million for 16 month target-generation<br />

and exploration programme<br />

Target prioritisation and possible licence acquisitions in <strong>2012</strong><br />


Turkish Development Assets<br />

NTF – HEP dam construction<br />

Inlice Project<br />

500 m<br />

Ana West<br />

Ana East<br />

<strong>Stratex</strong> 45% interest, JV with NTF 55%<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

JORC Reserve: 59.6 Koz Au: Resource 69 Koz Au (oxide) plus<br />

164 Koz Au (sulphide)<br />

Production targeted 2013 – provisionally 15,000-20,000 oz pa<br />

EIS approved; previous feasibility study to be reviewed to finalise<br />

conceptual design & improve economics<br />


Turkish Development Assets<br />

Altıntepe<br />

Extension Ridge<br />

Kayatepe Zone<br />

Camlik East<br />

500 m<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Bahar Mining completing feasibility for 55% and carrying all pre–production costs<br />

In-house JORC Resource: 491 Koz Au (oxide + transition), 101 Koz Au (sulphide), 2.37 Moz<br />

Ag (oxide), 813 Koz Ag (sulphide)<br />

Infill drilling completed; positive public meeting with stakeholders<br />

Production provisionally targeted for 2013 – 30,000 oz per annum - subject to feasibility<br />


Valuation Drivers <strong>2012</strong><br />

Turkey<br />

Öksüt - on-going drilling to increase resource base, funded by Centerra (US$3 M to earn 70%)<br />

<br />

<br />

Altıntepe – accelerated development (partner on site and funding to production)<br />

Inlice – EIS completed; financing & development - production anticipated mid/late-2013 (45% STI)<br />

Muratdere - post-due-diligence, partner to pay US$1.7 M (51 %) & complete feasibility (70 %)<br />

Ethiopia<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Initial drill programme planned Q4 on Pandora<br />

On-going drilling to identify bonanza zones at Blackrock<br />

Second-phase drill programme at Megenta to test system at depth – Thani Ashanti funding<br />

West Africa<br />

Airborne geophysical survey and drilling planned at Dalafin during <strong>2012</strong><br />

<br />

Reconnaissance exploration for discovery in Mauritania<br />


Conclusion<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Focused exploration and development business<br />

Experienced management team<br />

Clear strategy to minimise risk and extract maximum potential<br />

rewards<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Multiple plays<br />

Major JV partners<br />

Local production agreements<br />

First-mover advantage in Afar (Ethiopia/Djibouti)<br />

<br />

Tangible success<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Two gold-development projects in Turkey<br />

Significant +1M oz Öksüt gold discovery in Turkey<br />

New gold district discovery in Afar – incl. Blackrock<br />

Acquisition of West African portfolio<br />


Corporate Data<br />

Share Data AIM-Listed (STI)<br />

13 th <strong>June</strong> <strong>2012</strong><br />

Shares in issue<br />

Fully diluted shares<br />

Share price<br />

466.76 M<br />

489.87 M<br />

6.12 p<br />

52 High 10.63 p<br />

52 Low 5.56 p<br />

Market cap.<br />

Cash Position<br />

£28.59 M<br />

£7.00 M<br />

(at end-May <strong>2012</strong>)<br />

Key Shareholders<br />


BLACKROCK INC. 11.01 %<br />


FOREST NOMINEES 5.54 %<br />

GRAHAM N J 4.87 %<br />


DIRECTORS 4.72 %<br />

ANTOFAGASTA 2.22 %<br />

THANI ASHANTI 2.20 %<br />

Nomad – Grant Thornton<br />

Broker – Northland Capital<br />

Co-broker – Fox-Davies Capital<br />


Management<br />

Christopher Hall<br />

Non- Executive<br />

Chairman<br />

Christopher Hall has over 39 years of wide ranging experience in the mining sector. He is currently the in-house mining<br />

adviser to Grant Thornton LLP, principally assisting the Capital Markets team with clients listed on London Stock Exchange<br />

and the AIM market. Christopher joined <strong>Stratex</strong> in February 2008 as Non-Executive Director.<br />

Bob Foster<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

Thirty-seven years of experience as a professional economic geologist in exploration, mining, and applied academic posts<br />

and has particular expertise in the genesis and exploration of gold deposits, having worked in Europe, Central Asia, North<br />

and South America and throughout Africa.<br />

Perry Ashwood<br />

Chief Financial Officer<br />

Perry qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1971, training with Spain Brothers & Co. and KPMG. During his 40-year<br />

professional career he has worked in senior management with British Oxygen Ltd, Rank Xerox Ltd, and Intermec<br />

<strong>International</strong> Inc. before becoming an independent consultant in 2000.<br />

David J. Hall<br />

Executive Director<br />

(East Africa)<br />

David has 30 years of experience in the exploration sector and has worked on and assessed exploration projects and<br />

mines in over 50 countries including Turkey, where he worked for four and half years. He also worked as Consultant<br />

Geologist for Minorco South America, where he subsequently became Exploration Manager for AngloGold in 1999.<br />

John Cole-Baker<br />

Executive Director<br />

(West Africa)<br />

Bahri Yildiz<br />

General Manager, Turkey<br />

With over 40 years of experience, John has been involved in infrastructure and mining development projects, at various<br />

levels up to Project Director, as well as restructuring projects in Africa, Europe, the Former Soviet Union, the Middle East,<br />

and the Indian sub-continent. Since the 1990’s he has also been Director of a number of consultancy companies and is<br />

currently an advisor to UNCTAD.<br />

A Turkish national with a career spanning 30 years dedicated to mineral exploration and mining geology throughout Turkey.<br />

Bahri commenced his career in1980 with the government's General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration. More<br />

recently he was Exploration Manager Turkey for Dardanel Madencilik, the Turkish subsidiary of major Canadian mining<br />

company Inco Ltd before joining <strong>Stratex</strong> in 2005.<br />

Franco Maranzana<br />

General Manager,<br />

Djibouti<br />

A professional economic geologist for over 50 years, Franco has worked in over 100 countries for governments,<br />

international organizations, multinationals and as a consultant, mainly in mineral exploration, country potential assessment,<br />

negotiations and also on natural risks and themes of international cooperation.<br />


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